The 1 INCH PER GALLON RULE is BOGUS, Filtration is the Key

The 1 INCH PER GALLON RULE is BOGUS, Filtration is the Key

MASS Aquariums

9 лет назад

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@mackieb6989 - 08.02.2024 22:28

Yes sir plants and filtration is key 👍

@FatherFish - 02.12.2023 18:14

Yep! A 10" oscar in a 10 gallon tank will not survive.

@gazza2933 - 01.12.2023 02:16

Do you agree that oxygenation (air pumps ) helps?
Thank you. 🇺🇸 🇬🇧

@farley2408 - 27.10.2023 01:47

Thanks great video.I have a full stocked 16 that is planted and doing great. Slowly stocking you tank is also key.

@haitch04 - 22.09.2023 12:16

Great old video. The proof is always in the pudding!! I keep overstocked tanks with big filters too. I've also seen hugely overstocked tanks with BIG sump filters that hold almost as much water as the aquarium making a 75 gallon tank hold 120 gallons.
Secret is upkeep. Don't allow sludge to form in the substrate and filters and grow masses of beneficial plants. Your tank needs to look like Mike's .. Pristine. Late to the party but a great video.

@aranelwysp6234 - 31.08.2023 01:32

Hello! I liked your video so much, but i would like to consult my case: i have a pretty small aquarium (5 gallon) and my filter does 100 gallon/hour (in the shop they said it would be perfect if i decide to include more fishes beside the betta i want to have. I also got surprised whith some little snails with my plants (i'll keep them and make sure they don't become too many). My quiestion is: would it be too much to include some other fishes? In case i can, how many and what kind?

@bundlesofjoe - 15.07.2023 18:42

The standard ive always gone with is 5gph per gallon so a turn over rate of 5 times and hour. And that i consixer my bare minimum. For co2 injected tanks i go woth 7gph per gallon and for my turtle tanks i go with a whopping 10gph per gallon.

4 works with lots of plants, but why not go for 5.

@djs83 - 29.06.2023 12:02

What background did you have on this tank?

@Azoria4 - 15.06.2023 03:41

could 10 rummynose and a beta fish live happily in a 18gallon tank with the, as you say, right filtration?

@djs83 - 04.06.2023 21:41

Did you have C02 in this tank. I want something similar to this

@djs83 - 19.05.2023 14:23

Still one of my favourite tanks. Im working on my own now.

@CatFish107 - 06.05.2023 21:08

Bigger tank, more filtration, plants of all kinds, including houseplants with their roots in the water. Hello pothos!

@calculatedmoves2936 - 09.04.2023 19:56

I’ll agree, with 15 fishes in 15 gallons each fish around 3-4 cm. 6 months and everyone is happy inside running with 2 filters and casually changing water to clear waste

@Osme79 - 18.03.2023 00:16

Woo the fish tank looks badass 👏

@carljewell5536 - 06.03.2023 08:19

8 years later and still the best 1in per gallon rule video I've seen.

@paytonDsellers - 13.02.2023 09:20

I had 33 fish in a 10 gallon tank for about 2 years before I moved houses and they were fine, I had great filters and very healthy plants, never had problems.

@foreverafather1st - 02.02.2023 22:16

Drinkin' some beers and doing water changes" my man.

@plantisbae - 29.01.2023 23:03

Can I have a betta and 2 ghost shrimp in a 3.5gal tank ??

@luisen1996 - 26.01.2023 23:08

Great video! I added live plants, a slightly stronger pump and more media to accommodate more fish. I’d like to complement saying territory is also important. Some fish are territorial and need personal space.

@donttalktome4696 - 22.01.2023 20:17

Looks at tank 4 inches per gallon

@iamnamesgrace - 20.01.2023 21:43

ive got a 55 gallon with 5 angels, 8 clown loaches(babies), 10 neon tetras, bristlenose pleco, 4 bettas, 12 new tetras that i cant remember the name of but they are tiny lol i have 2 filters, but rated for 75 gallons and tons of plants. so the water stays clear. plenty of places to hide etc

@turkyigido5896 - 16.01.2023 20:19

I have a 29 gallon tank with a overfiltration (4x). I have 6 juvenile goldfishes (2.5-4 inch) do you think it's good? I have them all 1 year and they're totally fine as for now.

@Hogwartschool1 - 20.12.2022 00:20

I have a 90 gallon tank just started putting plants in the tank to help I have a issue with high nitrate and my filter is a wet dry with a 900gph mag drive pump and a sponge Filter for a 150 gallon tank and I thought adding the sponge filter would help

@5dkamath5 - 06.12.2022 09:23

Thanks a lot for this vid- exactly what I needed- mine is a 2.5g tank with 4 fish- but a powerful overhead lid filter that sucks up almost 90% detritus or poop, kept in middle of hall in my small flat- so mild indirect sunlight or room light & no chance of algae at all- 3 white pebbles on bare bottom of tank with a plastic plant behind the tank so seems simple enough with pothos growing out at the top... People living with restricted space must also get the chance to keep pets...

@dark_matter2377 - 12.11.2022 19:40

Your tank looks more like 40 - 45 gallons at most... You're serious about it being just under double that?...

@seansmith6372 - 05.11.2022 10:08

Consistent water change is the key to over stock tank.

@jp-us9rq - 31.10.2022 01:46

I got a 36 gallon with 5 neon 5 harlequins 1 clown pleco 4 red eye tetras 3 guppies.i have a 55 tidal filter and s fluval c3 almost 4 hundred gallons a hr through both filters I waunt to get a fiew more fish but I don't know if I should chance it lol

@ssdkilla - 26.10.2022 18:40

The correct guideline is 1 inch per 2 gallons and still only a basic guide for beginners not rocket science.

@TheSunIsMyDestroyer - 15.10.2022 07:20

I have a 16 gallon HEAVILY planted tank i've been cycling for weeks, it only has small a sponge filter. How many tetras/rasboras can I overstock this tank assuming the tetras/rasboras I'm getting only range from .8 to 1 inch in size? I'm trying to figure out how many I can get away with.

@jaydra2009 - 08.10.2022 09:40

I have 12 angelfish about 3 inches each 15 guppies 6 swardtails in a 20 gallon with lots of plants and two Marinland 200gph I do 30% water change every 2 weeks and clean the cartridge every two weeks not the same week as when I do my water change fishes are doing fine and I been using the same cartridges for a year now and I don’t clean underneath the substrate

@carrera2320 - 27.09.2022 23:54


@Oldfatbastard57 - 14.09.2022 00:54

I have a 20 gallon with an AquaClear 30 with a foam pre filter some decent plantings with a lot of small fish , 11 Neons , 6 Harlequin Rasboras ,6 Cherry Barbs , 5 Albino Cory’s , 4 Otocinclus cats and 5 Red eye Tetras . I exchange 3 gallons every other week and test the water once a month or so with absolutely no problems.

@JoesFish76 - 03.09.2022 08:52

Drink beer and doing water changes I love that

@mememe84 - 28.08.2022 01:14

I have canister filter rated for 80G on a 24G tank, water is clear and no nitrate spikes problem is the fish poop in the sand is very hard to take out. I got algae and I have planted like 3 peace lilly on top and few small pothos. Not enough because algae showed up. I failed with sand vaccuuming because it either is not powerful enough to syphon it out or if you get close it will syphon the sand out. Any tips?

@samus4799 - 24.08.2022 09:53

I agree. It's about bioload. 50 chili rasboras make less waste than a single fancy goldfish.

@Riley095 - 09.08.2022 15:14

I feel like someone was probably drunk as hell when they made the one gallon per inch rule.

@joshiewhite - 03.08.2022 21:53

I have a 3.5ft 200l.

I have 26 pygmy corydora and my water is pristine. I was hoping to add about 8 neon tetra, 6 endler guppies, and 3 platys. I think that would be understocked considering the size of the fish.

@TheTechFarm - 24.07.2022 02:21

Finally someone who calls out the 1 inch per gallon rule

@KoiAquaponics - 21.07.2022 19:32

I'm a koi keeper and my rule of thumb is similar to aquarium keeping for overstocking.

Turn over 4-5x per hour.
Design 10x the filtration need of the tank size.

So for me, I built a 3700 gallon pond, but I designed enough bio filtration for a 40000 gallon pond. So I overstock without issues.

@BobBob-eb4io - 25.06.2022 19:44

I have a 55 gallon tank and plan to rescape it to have live plants and i plan on putting 1 hillstream loach 1 angel 4 roseline sharks 1pearl gourami 3 boesemani rainbows 10 zebra danios and like 8 corydoras is a waterfall filter that looks like its for a 75 gallon work to keep it filtered aswell as i want to remove the airpump so would it be enough plus the plants to airate the tank sorry for the paragraph

@youtubejosephwm6699 - 30.05.2022 17:11

If I have a 20 gallon tank with a standard cartilage filter is that enough to put as many fish as I want in it

@ripelife8455 - 23.05.2022 05:34

Bro got beer guns n fishes all over his face.

@mikesmith-wk7vy - 22.05.2022 02:21

i went with an aqua-clear 110 for my 55gal tank . that filter can go through 500gph thats about 10 times per hour but i do have more than the 1 to 1 ratio things seem fine though

@youtubejosephwm6699 - 12.05.2022 12:47

What the same you said in this video be true in a 20 gallon tank like mine and what about invertebrates like snails and shrimp and amphibians like African dwarf frogs

@johnjwedrall4290 - 28.04.2022 02:43

I found your channel and subscribed today.

@caroljpenn46 - 23.04.2022 05:06

Hi there, when adding some new fish to cycled aquarium does the ammonia and nitrite goes up?

@snewten8366 - 22.04.2022 17:14

Well i got a 160 gallon tank and filtration spinning it about 11 times per hour through 100 liter bio balls and sponges and all that, they get tons of oxygen. never had problems with my fish in this tank. I am looking for bigger tank also.

@danielcarlton3553 - 18.04.2022 06:20

I have an overstocked 55 gallon tank. I have a Jack Dempsey, a Convict, a pleco, a firemouth, and 15 mbuna cichlids. Now my ammonia and nitrite always stayed at 0 but Nitrates always soared to up near 180. I had to do 2 water changes a week until I added a 2nd canister filter and the biological media finally caught up. Now my nitrates stay between 5 and never getting above 40 ppm and I do 1 water change a week. I have a fluval 307, a tidal 110 hob and a fluval 407.

@jeremytack7256 - 15.04.2022 02:13

125 gallon with two fluval fx6s and I have over 100 tetras various species. 50 percent water changes weekly. Tank is crystal clear!!!

@InternacionalBoxing - 11.04.2022 23:24

I have 21 fish in a 5.5 Gallon quarantine tank doing fine and i have 46 fish in a 12 Gallon Long doing very well too. I run UGF, sponge and Bubblers, change water once a week. Great video.
