Homeschooling: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Homeschooling: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


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Building Construction Worker
Building Construction Worker - 11.10.2023 00:57

It’s so funny to shill for this when there are cities (like Baltimore) where none of the graduates can read or do math.

jbibm81 - 11.10.2023 00:55

Oh, no! Parents are taking their kids out of the 1880s government indoctrination camps!!!!

Michael Williams
Michael Williams - 11.10.2023 00:55

Did Oliver mention that the Rockefeller family instituted the current education model to produce a subservient lower class over critical thinkers/problem solvers?

Shinko - 11.10.2023 00:55

I remember my mom never being satisfied with what I was taught but she also had medical issues that stopped her teaching me herself.

I rarely got any schooling and when signing me back into public school she would make up a report card on the spot because they would ask my grades and she wouldn’t know off hand. So a note book paper of random subjects and letters was enough to get me into whatever grade she wanted me in.

And no one questioned a thing


Building Construction Worker
Building Construction Worker - 11.10.2023 00:55

They are teaching that stuff in school

Ashton Oliphant
Ashton Oliphant - 11.10.2023 00:53

I had chores on my homework list too! (Homeschooled til 8rh grade, begged to go to school, looking back can see obvious signs of neglect)

doug randall
doug randall - 11.10.2023 00:51

My Mother ran and taught in an after school art school. She always said that the home school kids didn't know how to act with other kids. They were fine with the teachers and other adults but they behaved like they were years younger than the other students. These were the religious kids, not the ones whose parents had taken them out of school because of social problems.

Stossburg - 11.10.2023 00:48

We had very briefly considered homeschooling our kids, not for any ideological reason but because we had the knowledge and ability. No thanks. First, teachers don't get paid nearly enough for the trouble! Struggling with our son through COVID quarantine opened our eyes to that. Second, I want my kids to be exposed to as many other adults (and kids) as possible. Not all of these interactions will be positive, but they will be broadening in some way. And if the school pushes anything I consider nonsense, I'll voice my opinion and let my kids make their own conclusions.

Sylvan Pass
Sylvan Pass - 11.10.2023 00:47

This was more even-handed than I expected. Kudos

James Bell
James Bell - 11.10.2023 00:46

Homeschooling looks really wise now.

D. - 11.10.2023 00:46

SEX IS NOT TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS! Omg. We teach a puberty class in 5th grade that covers very basic issues, like acne and needing deodorant. If any parent wants to see the full curriculum of their school, they are always available. Sadly, most will just say "I heard one time that my friend heard it from his friend's kid's school that they teach sex." Complete BS.

R Levy
R Levy - 11.10.2023 00:44

Easy to be a powerful agency when all your people are home all the time

J Rusco
J Rusco - 11.10.2023 00:41

Don't invite me for dinner!

cgirl111 - 11.10.2023 00:40

The next time some fool talks to you about the schools indoctrinating children ask them what is the earliest a child should start learning religion. They feel it's perfectly fine to start teaching a 3 year old their fairytale beliefs and their hate filled fears of "others".

Louwanna Clark
Louwanna Clark - 11.10.2023 00:38

You speak as if American schools are functional and safe. They are not.

Happytown - 11.10.2023 00:35

Homeschooling is practically non existent here in Sweden. Very few children are homeschooled and there has to be a very good and valid reason for pulling children out of schools, such as an illness or disability that makes going to school more or less impossible.

You simply can't do it for ideological reasons or because you disagree with what's being taught. And there are regular checks to make sure parents are following the curriculum. Now we just need to get rid of religious schools, which is currently being discussed in parliament and proposed by several political parties.

bluefox726 - 11.10.2023 00:34

Thought: since homeschool families pay tax that also support the schools, could you give some of that back to them by providing vouchers for mandatory quarterly or semi-annual doctor's appointments? That way doctors can check on the kids, and sign off on their well-being, and that can be submitted to the state as proof that the kids are not being abused or neglected. But it doesn't invade the home and subject people to the horror stories of CPS taking kids away for no good reason.

PosiVibe !!
PosiVibe !! - 11.10.2023 00:34

No other person has a right to tell another how to educate their kids

Mirza Mesic
Mirza Mesic - 11.10.2023 00:33

As always cherry picking only the worst. And yes kids are forced to learn about anal sex and similar things at 7yo

Dean Pruit
Dean Pruit - 11.10.2023 00:31

I really think the whole black parents not wanting a "white washed" education for this kids is fuckin stupid. Okay I won't debate their concerns at all, thing is the damned kids still need an education whitewashed or not.

comyuse - 11.10.2023 00:25

"parental rights" is just shorthand for "children are property, not people"

Jo-Ann Garrigan
Jo-Ann Garrigan - 11.10.2023 00:23

Test. Protect. Ensure they are learning and safe.

Ayelet Arzouan
Ayelet Arzouan - 11.10.2023 00:23

Half a sentence about the war in Israel at the beginning of the episode. Hey remember that whole monologue you made in 2021 about war crimes? You know, the one where you ignored the war crimes committed by Palestinian terrorists because not "enough" israelis had been murdered? Well, on the day this episode was aired your people had surely already found out about the atrocities committed here against 1200 murdered israelis (including beheaded babies, raped women, and countless other unimaginably horrific crimes) and over 200 kidnapped civilians. Couldn't be bothered to add in a little correction? An apology? Nothing? Shame on you and your staff.

Dean Pruit
Dean Pruit - 11.10.2023 00:21

I mean even if someone didn't have some stupid ideological crap in their homeschool curriculumn......Who the fuck is qualified to teach their kids even say 5 different subjects of radically different disciplines?

Ligeia - 11.10.2023 00:20

I was homeschooled in a crazy conservative evangelical environment. I was taught that evolution was fake, my only worth as a future woman is to submit to god and my future husband (really great lesson to learn as a 10-year-old girl....), and that the World is evil and sinful and only true believers will be raptured.
I left that nightmare place when I was 12 and never looked back. Homeschooling absolutely needs to be regulated more closely. Even outside of extremists, abusive parents like taking advantage of homeschooling because it allows them total control of the children they are abusing.

Charles Stoddard
Charles Stoddard - 11.10.2023 00:15

Hard to imagine I ever enjoyed John Oliver when I was younger. What an awful show this has become.

bartathalon1 - 11.10.2023 00:14

John attacks homeschool meanwhile public schools are utterly failing academically and a day rarely goes by without another story of a teacher raping a student. 🤡

Lady Tamizan
Lady Tamizan - 11.10.2023 00:13

Unless you're allowing the parents to treat their children like property, teach them whatever you want, and make sure that they are Christian and not gay or trans, these same people will always cry 'victim'. Like, it's never going to cease to blow my mind how they vehemently fight ANYTHING that actually protects children, the only thing they want is for them to be born, and nothing more. Actual dictators have learned over millennia how to effectively wield religion as the most powerful weapon on Earth.

Megan Oliphant
Megan Oliphant - 11.10.2023 00:12

“I need the government to make sure my kids are safe and educated”.

Aragorn Meulendijks
Aragorn Meulendijks - 11.10.2023 00:10

Aks? What does Aks mean??? Does she mean Ask?? What is up with this… English m*** do you speak it?!

JWM Casavant
JWM Casavant - 11.10.2023 00:07

Something is squeaking on his desk when he flails around and it's very distracting, but that might be just me.

Paul Kuntz
Paul Kuntz - 11.10.2023 00:07

Of, course let every child be prepared for everyone to treat them in life just like their mother 😅

Louwanna Clark
Louwanna Clark - 11.10.2023 00:05

What I discovered was there are many great online education programs that actually cater closer to the personal educational needs of the student

gcaj85 - 11.10.2023 00:04

This is a quality example of how unbiased reporting in journalism was baked into its emergence; when you talk about the so-called evils possible in homeschooling, you're required as parts of integrity in journalism, to admit the abuses teachers make against students, which is a devastatingly large number, and staggering numbers of those are statutory rapes, pedophilic predatory actions, grooming, and the like. Teachers are not the answer to bad parents. If public education was better, people wouldn't need to homeschool.

quineloe - 11.10.2023 00:00

man your country is broken.

What about the right to freedom of religion for the child? Oh I Forgot, children don't have rights in that broken country.

grow or forage
grow or forage - 10.10.2023 23:57

this is straight up misinformation. Homeschoolers in Oregon have to show their work or take standardized tests at specific intervals and meet certain standards. what kind of BS reporting is this. "Under Oregon Law (ORS 330.035), all students who are homeschooled are required to test at the end of grades 3, 5, 8, and 10, with two exceptions:
Students participating in interscholastic activities are required to test annually
Students with disabilities, and an IEP or a PDP that indicates methods other than testing should be used to indicate satisfactory progress
The cost of testing is the responsibility of the family."

rmoulton rmoulton
rmoulton rmoulton - 10.10.2023 23:56

The cognative dissonance of the far right to talk about the importance of law and order while simultaneously trying to rid the possibility of having to follow any rules in common sense scenarios like gun control and, in this case, child welfare will never not blow my mind. I can't stand people that just completly ignore the welfare of others just because they aren't someone who falls into the "group" they care about. It's so selfish to do this because that lobby, specifically, exists to keep Christian indoctrination alive. Which, in and of itself, is unbelivably ironice because the Bible is pretty clear about caring for your neighbor.

gcaj85 - 10.10.2023 23:53

Honestly, the jokes aren't landing, because his writers are just too young or too biased to make things funny.

foolsjoker - 10.10.2023 23:51

Fail. The reality, there is a big fight at SOME schools regarding gender and sex. Do like 1 minute of research and you will see. Damn, I get not fear mongering every parent to the realities of the modern world, but don't lie about it.

zeveroare R
zeveroare R - 10.10.2023 23:48

Funny how the extremist right wingers keep painting liberals as groomers and child abusers and clearly... It's just projection, always.

Fiyaah - 10.10.2023 23:42

Can we get a dedicated episode on how lobbyists can get lawmakers to bend to any subject regardless of how batshit crazy the thing they're advocating for is? Like how the hell do you get a politician to sign away child protection rights that have existed for good reason for decades if not centuries? They should just say "no, that's crazy" and move on with more important things. And of course there are exceptions on an individual level, but somehow lobbyists convince the majority...

Frazer Kirkman
Frazer Kirkman - 10.10.2023 23:40

Is John a vegan? Why would he say not to cut sheep near olives?

zeveroare R
zeveroare R - 10.10.2023 23:39

Mike really is in that closet.

WenSon84 - 10.10.2023 23:37

"its a parents right to homeschool" ??? WTF ?! thats the wrong way to view it. this makes it sound as if children are parents property and they can do whatever they want with it. the right view would be that each child has a right for education. the state should protect children and that right and make school mandatory.

John Dailey
John Dailey - 10.10.2023 23:33

I Googled "sheep eye dissection"...

... He was right. 😒

Judy Kinsman
Judy Kinsman - 10.10.2023 23:33

This is t about homeschooling, it’s about creating a Christian theocracy. A Christian version of the Taliban.

Trey Babino
Trey Babino - 10.10.2023 23:31

Largely conservative movement to homeschool kids starting to gain traction? Time for a John Oliver piece belittling it and making a caricature of the people who want to raise their kids the way they see fit.

zeveroare R
zeveroare R - 10.10.2023 23:31

"to aks questions"
That's why they call you dumb though.
