Let's Play Notes Of Obsession | Full Game Walkthrough | 60fps Gameplay

Let's Play Notes Of Obsession | Full Game Walkthrough | 60fps Gameplay


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@shayoko6 - 28.12.2022 19:43

my best guess is the monster was your child.
not only is is a focus room wise
but you use their music box as a major mechanic
and after the creature is dead. you look at the picture above it.
and the child also seems to be missing eyes like the monster is.

@sancat6182 - 05.07.2022 22:47

another Swedish game woo

@julzbogart8758 - 28.12.2020 09:06


@jackgarrison8497 - 06.01.2020 07:03

I don't know if She was really seeing A Monster or She was just completely Crazy

@jackgarrison8497 - 06.01.2020 07:01

Nice Glitch going through The Door

@jackgarrison8497 - 06.01.2020 07:01

So apparently that Thing is supposed to be Her Son after He Died I guess

@tlchimes - 24.04.2019 06:47

2019 calling. I missed everyone else playing so I'm glad you did.

@sogsniper8504 - 01.04.2019 21:14

Swedish game...

@tammievawter9477 - 24.10.2018 17:12

yowza...logical jump scares that aren't presaged by huge warning...like that.

@lydiagorton4293 - 29.08.2018 17:12

That game was awesome.

@blurquoise5301 - 29.05.2018 14:56

Anyway though, very nice video! Well done :)

@blurquoise5301 - 29.05.2018 14:52

I thought this game was absolutely amazing (if too damn short - I finished the game wanting MORE OF IT. Hell, I'm even considering making my own expansion mod to this game. It certainlky deserves SOMETHING, right? ^_^

By the way, the monster isn't really all that hard to avoid - he's only drawn to the sound of the music box if you have it out. So even if it's still chiming, as long as you lower it, he won't hear it. He WILL be drawn to the sound of your footsteps though, unless you're crouch-walking.

And the only times he spawns is when you activate particular symbols (the ones in the kitchen and the upstairs closet). The only one that seems to be a rather unpredictable is when he spawns in the living room next to the TV. I've played through the game several times in which he hasn't spawned there at all. But when he does, about half the time it's been when I've gotten all the symbols and am going for the knife. But other times he spawns there when if I decide to get the two symbols in the living room AFTER the upstairs ones. I think that's to ensure that he doesn't spawn there when you're upstairs - because then he wouldn't be any threat since he can't actually traverse the stairs... at least, I don't THINK he can... I've tried to get him to chase me up the stairs to no avail, and whenever I try to get him to chase me DOWN the stairs he always catches up to me before I reach them. Either way, whether or not he spawns in the living room seems to be determined by either the order you decide to get all the symbols in, or, if you've gotten them all already and are going for the knife, possibly what door you enter the living room from (like, if you enter from the dining room, he's more likely to spawn there because that door is further from the knife. Or maybe there's a timing factor to it... I'm not sure.

Oh yeah, if you get the symbol in the kitchen and make it to the bedroom before he sees you, he'll actually stop at the sink and lift himself up higher on his arms to see down the hall - if you're in the bedroom when he does that, he'll see you and come kill ya, even if you're behind the door (I don't think he sees that as an actual object - I've never succeeded in hiding behind it lol)

I REALLY hope this team - be they students or indie or whatever - decides to keep making stuff! They definitely have a special talent for horror, I think, although I'm incredibly curious to see what they'd do with a few other genres. Hell, maybe even cross some genres over! That's always fun, right? (on that note, btw, if you haven't yet played "Observer", GET IT AND PLAY IT ASAP!! It's horror crossed with cyberpunk.

Anyway, one thing that REALLY surprised me about this game was that, the very first time I fired it up, I noticed my Oculus DK2 suddenly light up, along with the game appearing vertically SPLIT (a la VR) on my screen. Imagine my utter DELIGHT to discover - quite by accident - that this game apparently runs AUTOMATICALLY in the Oculus Rift (well, the DK2, at least... with the most up-to-date drivers for that particular model). No setup required, it seems! :D

@MayaKawaguchi - 29.09.2017 13:07

You got a cursed music box and it made it seem like your child was the monster. Sooo she did intact murder her son because she thought it was trying to attack her but in reality the child was just wanting to hug her

@racheldiabo6521 - 14.08.2017 18:45

An amazing job students! Was enjoyable indeed!! Jumped more than I have in awhile.

@sullenhigh - 21.06.2017 14:16

just beat it. the potrait actually gets splattered with blood and it covers the kids face. it doesn't transform or anything just hard to see.

@MissHinatasama - 18.03.2017 22:15

its been a while that I am scanning your walkthrough indie horror games completion and I am enjoying it so far
and what I have in my mind for this game .. is the thing that she killed at the end is her son
why ?~
its because I thought that
- she was walking a lot in her son's room
- the shadow behind the curtain was turning from a child to that thing "the monster or something"
- and at the end, the blood stains from killing the monster is on her son's face on the picture
- and maybe just maybe .. that the one who closed her eyes is the son as well from seeing it a small humans hand

pardon my English sorry

@RupiaS - 18.11.2016 19:22

grasias a ti, ahora ahmed a muerto :)

@morris89swe - 01.11.2016 22:58

yup Swedish.

@boosweets9242 - 05.10.2016 01:31

Intense. Very Intense since that thing is trying to catch you XD

@metalsteamwolf - 14.07.2016 20:43

i think the elephent toy turned when you are in the room with it on the bean bag chair, cause it was facing the door you enter through 0_0

@jmm1233 - 03.07.2016 19:42

shame a bout that lame jumpscare , not very suspenseful
the creature is a shadow from Amnesia

@EthanRom - 17.06.2016 20:30

damn, idk why but that was legit shivers.

@chrisdavis1722 - 12.06.2016 20:03

This is insanely polished for a free indie student project game. . . . . . .Just needs length and story and it gets top marks across the board.

@Inuyasha662 - 11.06.2016 21:12

Said this before but you should definitely revisit black rose now that it had been finished and polished, i m sure you would love it!!!

@kissofshadows21 - 11.06.2016 19:06

The way the child's room was packed up in one of the scenes implies that the child passed away. Maybe the monster was a representation of her grief or madness driven by guilt?

@andrewmiller6086 - 11.06.2016 08:43

I thought at the end the monster would have morphed into the child, and it would have been you killing your child. Madness ensues.

@Scixxy - 11.06.2016 08:23

I like how the games sets you up to think it's just a creepy puzzle game, then (spoiler) ...a monster comes crawling across the floor at you!

@soulconnoisseur1 - 11.06.2016 05:30

Man, the quality on this really is great.

@7passionstar - 11.06.2016 04:34

THANK YOU CJU for playing this! I'd actually watched someone else play it but as always, I'd much rather watch you play. You're the best! :-)

@turntoyou - 11.06.2016 03:41

Loving your uploads, as always. You have so much talent. Thanks for the intelligent and interesting content you provide!

@JestersGhost - 11.06.2016 03:29

The "Indkøbsliste" was indeed in Swedish, as you probably realize by the nationality of the studio. And I don't think I've been this startled in ages.

@ToonMasta44 - 11.06.2016 03:28

The modeling was REALLY nice, a lot of attention to detail and the ganeplay was super tense. I think it needed like one more tiny nudge in n terms of story to help resolve things - even if it was an open to interpretation kind of thing, there was just very little information. But for a student project this is really phenomenal, I think!

@zeratulcraft - 11.06.2016 02:34

And then, it was your child all along!
Oh it didn't do that, amazing.

@doomthedemonhedgehog - 11.06.2016 02:28

cool game

@Foxxyownz - 11.06.2016 02:07

Did you re-upload this or am I going crazy? - Wish I could see this with my shitty laptop lol, it has problems with 60fps
