Ethan Klein and the Rise of Liberal Islamophobia - north star radio | Denims Reacts

Ethan Klein and the Rise of Liberal Islamophobia - north star radio | Denims Reacts

Denims Daily

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@Zenny1220 - 15.12.2024 00:53

I’ve noticed the same people telling us to shut up about Israel are wagging their fingers at people for supporting Luigi. Political violence is fine when against some but not others…

@urnyan1015 - 15.12.2024 00:58

The video was good; he knew how to deliver the message in their way, using a style they could understand

@swatsaw6 - 15.12.2024 01:06


@northstarradio - 15.12.2024 01:07

Thanks for watching ❤

@EthnocideEthan - 15.12.2024 02:00

Do you condemn K pop??

@MrGsking12 - 15.12.2024 02:28

Didn’t Ethan climb and make a statement saying so what if I’m rich I should be allowed to protest against something I believe is wrong. So if he finds it ironic that kids going to Berkeley are protesting in Israel does that make him a hypocrite?😂😂😂

@georginamcmahon6422 - 15.12.2024 03:20

Jesus would be ashamed of what has been done in his name

@lolkthnxbai - 15.12.2024 04:01

When Ethan started making literal white replacement talking points worried about Jews being outnumbered by Palestinians. 🤢

@GeteMachine - 15.12.2024 04:20

Weird how you never about what happened prior to 9/11 or that the people who did it, were Saudi Arabian. Whom the US and Israel do business with.

@GeteMachine - 15.12.2024 04:27

Or to find out most of those pro-Zionist mobs at campus along with Dana Bash were lying about being blocked from entering the universities while there was no reporting in the mainstream of the things the Israeli mobs did. Like bring a backpack of mice, or bananas to an allergy zone, purposely or the stink bombs. Nope. They were all just innocents Jewish meek little students, who were rounded up like Nazi Germany.

@darthtzeentch2823 - 15.12.2024 04:43

Just facts

@AbrahamJimenezBK2O1 - 15.12.2024 04:43

Can someone show me when did Ethan say he supported Israel invasion of Palestine, it feels like everyone hating on him for criticizing Hasan.

@UochRS - 15.12.2024 05:05

imagine thinking "who is america" (2022?) came out before fucking borat lmao

@Ockerlord - 15.12.2024 05:47

Oh, I definitely think Islam is terrible.
And it is worse than Christianity at this point in history.
But I would rank evangelicals in the US at around the same Awfulness.
And Muslims in the US are far less insane than them in general.

It is important what we focus on. In the US Christianity is a strong political force for evil. So if you are in that context and you spend your energy criticizing Islam, you are ineffectual at best and more likely actually harmful.

@penabler - 15.12.2024 05:50

I didn’t realize Ethan had Tourette’s. I think I speculated he was on drugs from what I now realize was probably a facial tick, and I kind of feel like an asshole.

@pertsonvelts1699 - 15.12.2024 05:52

Amazing. You actually are saying that Hitler as top anti-semitist (instead of muslims) at this day and age is a valid argument. Weak. (And btw, tits don't count as a serious argument either). Good luck!

@_marlene - 15.12.2024 06:24


@arawyy - 15.12.2024 06:30

Damn it! My china cabinet is full of empty pickle jars 🫠

@dweblinveltz5035 - 15.12.2024 06:41

The rejection of a one-state solution is a perfect circle. "You should treat these people like humans and give them rights." "We can't treat them like humans or give them rights because there is a likelihood that I will experience a terrorist act." "You were experiencing terrorist acts because you do not treat these people like humans or give them rights."

@glenmarijnissen7144 - 15.12.2024 07:21

I am from the Netherlands and want to respond to the story that anti-Semitism in Europe supposedly comes from Muslims. Small nuance. No personal attack but the Nazis came from Europe that is true but not every European was or is a Nazi. But of course there is anti-Semitism. From a small political extreme right wing club. As far as I know they are not suddenly very popular now. Because that is what you would think when it comes to anti-Semitism. Because we are a neighboring country of Germany the second world war still has its aftermath in the culture. Jews in the Netherlands were put on the train to concentration camps. The Israel lobby misuses that. They like to use the word anti-Semitism for criticism of Israel. So where people with an Arab background criticize the state of Israel and the Israel lobbyists constantly sow confusion between Jews and Zionists. Long story story short the whole story is bullshit. I do not have an Arab background or am a Muslim and I also criticize Israel. But there is a hard lobby going on in politics. To frame it like that. Arab/muslims are evil jew haters.That is where this sound comes from. It's the old trick "Zionist/Jew- Switcheroo"

@NihilSustinet - 15.12.2024 07:35

a 10 second buffer dump has literally been on every live radio or television broadcast for 50+ years

@SuperSpasticNinja - 15.12.2024 08:13

LOT of White rural Protestant in Europe championing the AS cause, where I'm from they outrank the Muslims by far,

@sarahtonin256 - 15.12.2024 08:17

Super interesting video but please don’t eat during a video I can’t watch when someone is smacking and eating 💀

@HorrorcoreArtists - 15.12.2024 09:13

Denims and the rise of Idiocracy.

@DjangoDrango - 15.12.2024 09:20

the Onlyfans thing is so off-putting for me with Denims, its a clear sign of moral corruption. I hope she repents ans distance herself from that ...its disgusting.

@TRANSRIGHTSCRAB - 15.12.2024 09:41

You should debate Lonerbox

@katelynjoymoore - 15.12.2024 10:03

i have ADHD and am a VERY fast talker, and Vods not used to watching mods of twitch streamers besides Hasan so it’s like very jarring how slowly she speaks and my brain is struggling so now i’m watching on 1.5x speed 😂😂😂

@dungeonsanddragonsbutformo9835 - 15.12.2024 10:13

I always thought Sasha baron cohen's "racism" was a means of exposing Islamophobia

Even the KFC thing seems like a means of exposing those who think stuff like that

@exodore2000 - 15.12.2024 10:36

I all ways thought they were goofing on Joe Rogan when they said Frogan had no idea it was someone else till now.

@amitsunoko7270 - 15.12.2024 10:37

There are a lot of bad faith actors out there pretending Islam is more dangerous than Judaism or Christianity.

@dungeonsanddragonsbutformo9835 - 15.12.2024 10:56

I can name WAY more genocides done by Christians than genocides done by Muslims.... including Christian genocides of Muslims...

@iPhilledBanks - 15.12.2024 17:11

As a Non Muslim who lives in Lebanon ive never once been asked to convert. In the US a ton of people tried to convert me. Muslims are pretty chill an get a horrible rap in the world.

@unclescipio3136 - 15.12.2024 19:15

In Harris's defense, he does rip the Bible a new one, too.

@JiyaRizvi - 15.12.2024 21:32

islam never teaches to enslave others and treat others poorly

@akillen77 - 16.12.2024 10:27

Im glad we still give mentally challenged people a way to earn a living in this country

@mr.4-979 - 16.12.2024 15:49

Demins’ is a beautiful woman, her views are not.

@FennecFool - 17.12.2024 19:08

My question is how do I get a 9pm dessert delivery friend?😂

@Smokeisprogress - 18.12.2024 07:55

Tatas eats and watches yt, cleavage is back.👍🙏
