Catholics, you have been robbed of the Mass!

Catholics, you have been robbed of the Mass!

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@mikiroony - 03.12.2011 23:31

Funny thing is Martin Sheen would LOVE the Latin Mass. I'm sure of it :)

@GodFamilyCountryCorp - 10.01.2012 21:02

The Latin Mass will be prayed forever. Martin Sheen is a hypocrite - he promotes homosexual marriage and supports a pro abortion president.

@seanynut1994 - 10.02.2012 00:14

is this based on a true story , during the post conciliar days ?

@qvoprimum - 16.04.2012 04:23

Sorry, but in the movie he was playing the devil's advocate, his right roll.

@lyn1136 - 16.04.2012 05:34

Yes, it happened just that way, less dramatic, but exactly. The priest was suddenly a traitor to his ordination. Friends all over the country told the same. The structure of the hierarchy which proved against heretics, now would be the same episcopal structure which would throw out the Catholics. And so they did. Catholics took the altar stones & said Mass in bowling alleys. the VFW, the S&L Then came 3 bishops out of retirement & ordained priests again. Vatican is outside the Catholic Faith.

@seanynut1994 - 08.05.2012 22:48

What order are these monks meant to be from

@whiskerchild - 25.05.2012 07:44

I saw this movie decades ago. Loved it then. Loved it now. I hope Ireland gets her faith back.

@shronemor - 03.06.2012 14:58

We Catholics of Ireland would welome you. I love the English Mass but also hanker for a Latin Mass, V2 was never meant to remove the beauty of the Latin Mass but to complement it. The refusal to allow the Latin Mass is an evil that even now must be faught. Remember Gideon with Gods command defeated the Midianites with 300. Modernist who love the "New" Mass are not the enemy of Traditionalist, our common enemy are those who wish to remove Latin. They are a cancer that must be cut away. God Bless

@seanynut1994 - 19.06.2012 23:30

God Bless you to - I'm of Irish stock and so Ireland is from where my Catholicism originates and it is important for me that she should stand firmly and morally. God willing this hurdle will be overcome and Ireland will be faithful once more.

@ostaassociation - 05.08.2012 16:59

it is because the vatican ii masons camouflaging as catholic cardinals, bishoos and priests are also the ones causing the decline and ultimately the disappearance of the holy vocation to the priesthood. first, the deceptive pretender paul vi altered the rituals of the sacrament of ordination, thereby resulting to the invalidity of vatican ii orders. nevertheless, the line of succession of valid priests shall never cease with our great traditionalist churchmen

@TheTradWarrior - 21.08.2012 15:13

I remember watching this video in about the mid-1980s before I became RC. So much of the arguments of the monks' community in most of the film had a deep resonance for me. I thought how sad it was that the abbot capitulated in the end: it was as though this film was an apologia for the modernist element in the Church. Then again, it was made in 1973 !

@TheTradWarrior - 21.08.2012 15:19

ps. Look at video at 13:30 - doesn't that look like Archbishop Vincent Nicholls of Westminster ?!

@yvettepalladino - 22.08.2012 05:46

I think that there is a young generation discovering the Latin mass. Very refreshing to see young faces, young mothers, and big families. I left Novus Ordor several years ago because I was disgusted with the lack of reverence to Our Lord. Now, it pains me to have to defend my decision to become a Latin rite Catholic with staunch supporters of Novus Ordor.

@guardiasvizzera1 - 05.09.2012 19:24

No...I't's true?

@richardshannon6249 - 25.10.2012 19:01

Modern priests rolled over for lucifer and allowed paul 6 to change the words Jesus used to make the Holy Sacrements. How could they have been such cowards? And, not tell the people what they were doing, when they were doing it? Shame.

@Yankeesfanforlife5 - 23.12.2012 01:16

The Traditional Latin Mass is they only Mass, Novus Ordo sadly enough is valid, but it makes me sick. Christ and Our Lady brough me back home to Mass off alltime, I will never go back to Novus Ordo.

@Yankeesfanforlife5 - 23.12.2012 01:18

I agree. I attend my last Novus Ordo 1 week ago, and will never go back to Novus Ordo. Traditional Latin Mass is they only true Mass anyone that support Novus Ordo those not know the truth.

@SAYYOURROSARY - 28.12.2012 04:17

Hey Martin Sheen is a member in good standing in the New Order Sect of Modernism . Just like the schismatic Eastern so called "0rth0dox" as per Fater Ratzinger ! The Jews need not convert and Luterans are "justified" Other members in the New 0rder sect . Babs Boxer , Fienstine , Teddy Kennedy , Furraro , Cumo ... all members in good standing ! ( Not in my church just yours .) You think about that .

@RobinPoe - 02.02.2013 09:51

I can't figure out how to "like" this video twice.

@victrolajake - 04.02.2013 01:57

hahaha, I always thought it was a man signing "Mass Rock in the Glen" thank you for providing the name of the singer to me, which until now was always a mystery. Great video, hopefully all things will be restored though Mary in the Church.

@WrongTimeline - 07.03.2013 03:06

@2:44-"and hear the very self-same mass"

@Reporterfreebies - 11.03.2013 22:48

latin mass is not the only mass of catholic church... you also have greek catholic divine liturgy,,, the problem with traditionalist is that they think latin is the only language of the liturgy of the church....

@janeyoung209 - 13.04.2013 04:29

Watch Irish 'Catholics" by Church militant TV.

@digitalsketchguy - 18.04.2013 17:08

If more catholics demand the latin mass, then lets stand united and start a new reformation back to the tridentine mass. Stay silent and nothing will change!

@ChristopherBrashears - 18.04.2013 18:40

The Church NEVER, EVER, taught that the Eucharist stopped being a miracle. They never taught that it was only a symbol and nothing more. I'm sure this movie has many other horrendous and blatant errors. Stay on guard, even if a movie is pretty good.

@TheReneex - 06.05.2013 03:53

I hate the background song! It's very distracting!

@lyn1136 - 07.08.2013 04:34

Sheen did not know his Faith & without doctrine others are in the same boat crossing the Pyx with Charon, (poetic words for going to Hell).

@Anes711 - 08.08.2013 08:31

Hey what's happen to this film?

@Anes711 - 08.08.2013 08:36

Good to on you Jason...May God bless you for that comment.

@Anes711 - 08.08.2013 08:42

Where can I get a copy of this video please?

@jasonburdette6208 - 22.08.2013 05:35

The Latin Mass is Mass of all time. Novus Ordo is from Hell. Yours IN Christ Through Blessed Virgin Mary

@DustyAndPistolPete - 08.09.2013 21:24

'Facing the congregation' translated as 'turning your back on God'.

@jorgevelderrain8300 - 10.11.2013 21:17

Where is the movie? I wanna see this movie but its nowhere online... can someone recommend me where I can see it,...

@lincolncity9 - 05.01.2014 02:31

I was away from home last weekend and found a beautiful Catholic Church and found out the time of the Sunday mass. When I saw 3 women getting out their guitars I thought ' oh no'. As soon as the priest had finished Mass the church turned into a social club with loud chatter and laughter. Thank The Lord in my parish our priest insists on silence. Please one day the beauty of the traditional Latin Mass will return and people will discover the true faith.

@IgnacioAgramonte - 03.04.2014 07:18


@ixtoc999 - 18.05.2014 04:19

Thank God for archbishop Lefebvre, he was alone against a huge tide of demons. And the Mass still lives!!!

@sallybrown8038 - 09.07.2014 16:47

OHH yes, something fishy is going on.....Your church has been infiltrated for the purpose of uniting all the churches. They can't draw in the protestants with the latin mass or the catechism or mary so they have evangelized and started using the bible more more.....They have created an illusion. Eventually the churches will all be united, not by man or through man, but by Jesus Christ himself........I am a protestant and i know what we obtained from the reformers....they heard the call to leave the church as they felt it wasn't meeting their spiritual needs, and other reasons too numerous to mention..There is so much deception now in this new church, in their attempt to draw in the masses they appear to be failing their own church members and now many Catholics are not having their spiritual needs met and their eyes are being opened......evil is afoot, Please ohh please i pray that the eyes of the Catholic people will continue to be opened!!!!! the church you once knew and loved no longer exist ..its been taken over entirely by a new "entity". God help us all  

@muisire - 19.09.2014 20:46

I am Irish, born in 1938. I have live in Cardiff since 1960. On Sundays you can hear Mass in English, in Welsh and in Polish but not in Latin, not since the First Sunday of Advent in 1969 when I first attended the 'Novus Ordo' in English. It was a dreadful shock to me and to almost everyone there, including the hapless priest who had no real choice in the matter. On the previous Sunday, there had been the usual Solemn High Mass in Latin. That was the last Sunday on which, as far as I can recall, such a Mass was sung in Cardiff or anywhere else in Wales. In February 2013, however, another Solemn High Mass in Latin was sung in Cardiff's Saint David's Cathedral. I do not know why it happened but it has never happened again, alas!

@robertlauter25 - 20.10.2014 22:41

novus ordo mass is shameless apostasy 

@chobogamer - 23.11.2014 20:21

whattaya know there's a movie whom explain things in such clear terms who woulda thought :D

@bcharville - 13.12.2014 19:37

While I love the Latin Mass, it is simply not true that the Mass always in Latin.
In the earliest days of the Church, it was in Greek, etc. There is also a vibrant Arabic Catholic liturgy.

@MultiHermit123 - 05.03.2016 10:35

The Beautifull And The Ever Ancient And True Mass Of The Ages The Holy Mass Of The Saints And Martyres Through The Ages.May The Light And True mass Of The Centuries And Its true Graces That Flow Therein Be Once Again Uniting All Men In Its Holy TraditionsAnd Orthdoxy. So That The Body Soul Blood And Divinity Of Our Holy Saviour And The Awesome Mass Be Ours Once More. Lord Hear Our Prayer.God Bless John Ambrose Carmelite Hermit.

@MultiHermit123 - 05.03.2016 10:47

Please Pray That Once More The True Mass Of The Ages Be Once Again Celebrated In Our Parish Churches God Bless Br. John.

@Savonarola721 - 13.03.2016 17:57

It made me cry bitterly for indeed we have lost the greatest thing on earth, may God be provident with us and restore Christendom in our lifetime.

@angelolopes8432 - 18.03.2016 15:15

Well said my friend the Old Mass should be brought back as fast as possible.

@Author_Helen - 31.07.2016 21:41

bring back the old Latin mass and the beautiful hymns they had over 50 years ago. pipe organs only in church no modern music should be allowed during mass or in a church

@Etihwkcirtap - 13.09.2016 18:03

old latin mass is superior to the nobis order, still ,i like the traditional Byzantine litergy the best. one can see a connection between the Byzantine and trinity mass.
