What's Up With Wikileaf? (from Cannacon w/ Scojo The Herb Advisor)

What's Up With Wikileaf? (from Cannacon w/ Scojo The Herb Advisor)

The Herb Advisor

6 лет назад

26 Просмотров

For more from Scojo: http://www.theherbadvisor.com

Check out Wikileaf: http://www.wikileaf.com

Greetings and Salutations, My Babies! Once again it’s your boy; your friend; The Dork of Cannabis aka Scojo The Herb Advisor coming at you with more On-The-Floor interviews from Cannacon Seattle 2018!

Today we are dipping into the leaf. The WIKILEAF to be exact. I’ve been a user of Wikileaf for quite some time now and so was quite excited to find out they are based in Seattle where Cannacon was being held! I could give you more details about them in my own absurd way, but let’s just let the real expert do the talking.

Ladies and Gentleman, let me introduce you to Chanel White from Wikileaf! (Transcription below)

Scojo: Well, greetings and salutations everybody. Scojo, the Herb Advisor here. I'm a Leo, I like long walks on the beach and I like Ben & Jerry's. Really like Ben & Jerry's, unknown fact. Anyway, I got Chanel here from Wikileaf, which, I mean if you haven't heard, come on, you've got to have heard of these guys but you can give us the run down how it's going.

Chanel White: Yeah, we're on online price comparison. We specialize in kind of that lifestyle of cannabis. And just a lot of education for consumers, just kind of that overall, overarching, where you need to find cannabis, the price you need to find cannabis, your information about cannabis, really anything to keep the consumer informed in their purchase.

Scojo: And it's all like an online product?

Chanel White: Yeah, so we're online, wikileaf.com. We're also on the app store and Google Play, just the app is Wikileaf.

Scojo: And shockingly to me, you guys are based out of Seattle?

Chanel White: Yeah, we're based right here, just down the street on Capitol Hill.

Scojo: If, I forgot to mention, but we are at CanaCon 2018 in Seattle, so the Emerald City, the Emerald Leaf. So let's talk a little bit about, we're just starting 2018 out, what are we looking forward to in the next year?

Chanel White: Gosh. We are looking at redesigning our website a little bit, just being a little, adding some of that consumer friendly aspects, really optimizing it for the consumer, we're just excited to kind of move forward with the industry and keep everyone as educated as possible, providing them the best possible experience. And so we're always looking to improve in that aspect, just being consumer friendly, easy to use.

Scojo: Nothing wrong with that. Did I ask you about the social media? You guys on social media?

Chanel White: Yeah, we have an Instagram, a Twitter, I believe we're on Tumblr. We're all over the place, basically you know, just Wikileaf. All across the board.

Scojo: Do you get Twitter, because I don't understand Twitter?

Chanel White: Someone in my company gets Twitter, I do not.

Scojo: Makes no sense to me, my brain just doesn't connect it.

Chanel White: 140 characters is not enough for the things that come out of my mouth.

Scojo: Apparently works for Trump, doesn't work for me.

Chanel White: I mean, does it work for him?

Scojo: Yeah, that's a debatable question.

Chanel White: That's a debatable question.

Scojo: Speaking of which, the final question is, at some point I'm going to go into my little edit bay and cut up something for Mr. Jeff Sessions.

Chanel White: Okay, okay.

Scojo: Do we have a message for Jeff Sessions?

Chanel White: Good people smoke marijuana.

Scojo: I think we just created another hashtag. I like that, that's very cool. Well, I am Scojo here, reminder, that's Chanel from Wikileaf. Got that right? We are at Seattle CanaCon 2018, power to the flower everybody.


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