The Powerful Secrets of Nazi Science and Technology

The Powerful Secrets of Nazi Science and Technology

The Diary Of Julius Caesar

1 год назад

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In the dark days of World War II, as the storm clouds of conflict gathered over Europe, one military force rose to prominence with unprecedented speed and power: The Third Reich's military juggernaut. Led by Adolf Hitler and propelled by their advanced technology and modern weapons of warfare, the Wehrmacht seemed unstoppable, carving a path of devastation and conquest across the continent. But what was the secret behind their terrifying strength, and how did they manage to change the face of warfare forever?

From the menacing panzer tanks that dominated the battlefield to the devastating V-2 rockets that rained destruction from the skies, the Third Reich's technological prowess played a crucial role in shaping the course of the conflict. These cutting-edge weapons and tactics enabled the Nazi war machine to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. As the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once declared, "Give us the tools, and we will finish the job."

Join us as we delve into the inner workings of the Nazi war machine, uncovering the secrets behind their formidable power and the technological innovations that propelled them to the forefront of global conflict. Welcome to the diary of Julius Caesar.

Revolutionizing Warfare. The Technological Edge of the German Army in World War II.

During World War II, the German military demonstrated an exceptional capacity for innovation and technological development. As they sought to gain an advantage over their adversaries, the German military designed and implemented some of the most advanced weaponry and technology of the time. This period of rapid innovation laid the foundation for many of the modern technologies we see in warfare today.

The Messerschmitt Me 262, often referred to as the "Swallow," was a marvel of aeronautical engineering for its time. As the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft, it was developed under the watchful eye of Dr. Willy Messerschmitt, a renowned German aircraft designer. The Me 262 made its first successful test flight on July 18, 1942, piloted by Fritz Wendel. The aircraft's innovative design, combined with its revolutionary jet engines, allowed it to reach speeds of over 540 mph, making it significantly faster than any Allied aircraft of the era.

Despite its potential to change the course of the war, the Me 262 faced numerous challenges, including political interference and delays in production. It wasn't until August 1944 that the first Me 262 was delivered to the Luftwaffe. By then, Allied bombing campaigns had already taken a toll on German infrastructure and production capabilities. Nevertheless, the Me 262 showcased the German military's aptitude for technological advancement, and it became a symbol of their relentless pursuit of innovation.

Another groundbreaking technology developed by the Germans during the war was the V-2 rocket, officially named the Aggregat 4. This long-range, liquid-fueled missile was the world's first operational ballistic missile, capable of reaching targets more than 200 miles away. Designed by Wernher von Braun and his team at the Peenemünde Army Research Center, the V-2 rocket was a direct response to Hitler's desire for a "vengeance weapon" to retaliate against Allied bombing campaigns.

00:00 A Brief History of Third Reich Technology
1:19 Revolutionizing Warfare
7:04 The Iron Titans
12:41 The Birth and Execution of the Blitzkrieg Strategy in WW2
16:25 The Waffen-SS and Their Role in the German War Effort
21:07 The U-boat Campaign and the Battle for the Atlantic
24:30 The Luftwaffe's Tactical Innovations and Aerial Supremacy
28:03 The Unsung Heroes of German Logistics and the Opel Blitz
31:34 Cryptic Battles and the Secrets of the Enigma Machine
35:05 The Leaders and the Iron Discipline of the German Army
39:03 The Fallen Titan


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Pimp Daddy Disco
Pimp Daddy Disco - 03.10.2023 03:05

Hitler lost.
America gave the Nazis jobs in top government positions

Heilig sind die Wälder
Heilig sind die Wälder - 02.10.2023 10:24

"panzer tank" ? panzer MEANS Tank (Amoured)

ExPat- Riot
ExPat- Riot - 01.10.2023 21:35

What a Mongol head that Manstein has.
Yiddish people are the Mongols.
They robbed all the gold in return for paper.
They got the gold, and you get paper with inc.

Dan F
Dan F - 01.10.2023 16:00

german typical overengineering means that at least 70% of the wonder tanks were out of fuel or broken down at any given time. so not so great after all. they were formidable the 30% of the time they actually were running and in the fight.

Dan F
Dan F - 01.10.2023 15:58

england had the home chain radar network long before nazis.and the improvements meant german u boats could be spotted at night with only their periscope sticking up. so ...wrong on all counts. sorry.

Dan F
Dan F - 01.10.2023 15:57

no no no no no. vor radio coordiantes isnt even close to gps. german anti tank guns had no movable turrets so unless you were at close range the gun was useless unless you drove right in front of them. the me 262 was shot down by the hundreds and had few pilots who could fly them. the v2 was rough on london but only made londoners want to fight to the last man. in the end less fancy tech produced in the thousands or millions is what won.

AmazinKay - 01.10.2023 08:08

Imagine if the Nazi had US industrial capacity in ww2. They may have become unstoppable. Considering 90% of their army was unmechanized and still using horses for most movements its crazy v

Drew Gibbons
Drew Gibbons - 30.09.2023 12:23

Wow, a puff piece for the criminal advance of germany during the 1930's and 40's. Pretty shameful.

JCMC57 - 30.09.2023 04:22

Panzer tanks and you show a TIGER a ME 262 say ME not ME. Computers do not know how to pronounce correctly.

JCMC57 - 30.09.2023 04:18

Hey nice but what is with the Russian T34s there not German.

Malcolm Deboo
Malcolm Deboo - 29.09.2023 04:15

The Europe would of been a better place now if Germany won

TeaParty1776 - 28.09.2023 19:07

Nazi UFOS,better than Trumps inane bombast.

Yannick Ille
Yannick Ille - 28.09.2023 17:43

A UFO landed in 1934 in oberammergau and they got access to new technology

Marc - 28.09.2023 04:00

Im very happy Germany did not have this technology in 1938 instead in 1944-45 it was too late not enough good pilots left.

Some Guy
Some Guy - 27.09.2023 16:54

u forgot to mention even once the impact that Methamphetamine rations for the Nazis had on their crazy Blitzkrieg strategy

Tyfon 44
Tyfon 44 - 27.09.2023 16:16

slide show

Kelly - 27.09.2023 15:02

I say it was a people sick of bs willing to fight

Polis Agora
Polis Agora - 27.09.2023 06:51

The father of the blitz was Heinz Gulderian. In his 1930s book "Achtung Panzer" he outlined just what he was going to do to the French. When they took off his leash he did just that. Hitler took the credit for it but from then on he was the only one who could argue with Hitler and live.

John Halek
John Halek - 27.09.2023 03:22

They had the best weapons but without gas they ain’t shit .

enforcer - 26.09.2023 13:54

It's obvious that the Nazis were helped with regards to technology. Those who can't see this worry me, as they're probably the same people who have been brainwashed into thinking global warming is caused by humanity. Not to get into the causes of global warming too much, i e, The sun has been getting hotter for the last 150 years. (numerous scientists agree with this) I'll move on from that fact and concentrate on Nazi technology. The Germans were no more technically advanced than their western counterparts, after all, it was the UK that created the Industrial Revolution and changed the world. Most of the tech used by the Nazi's was an offspring of the UK's industrial revolution. Railways as an instance. The Germans just copied British technology and rarely did they actually invent anything new. Once the war started the Germans then drew even more on tech from other countries along with the people of different races that resided in Germany at the time. Desperation led to a lot of so-called advanced German technology. But wait, even though the Germans were desperate to create more and more advanced tech' and despite their inhumanity to man, they are still human. Therefore their leaps in technology couldn't be all their own doing, and they must have had help from another source. A source that was obviously higher up on the evolutionary scale than humans. Who could that be? In a nutshell it had to be an extraterrestrial species. why would they want the Germans to win? (If that was their reason for helping them) Whatever the ET's reasons behind such help, I'm convinced it was given. Common sense points to this. I also suspect that the ET race involved would tread carefully and ensure they didn't give the Germans technology that was too far advanced, this could backfire for numerous reasons. The fact that humans got to the moon because of advanced tech used by the Germans could even be the reasons behind ET's involvement. Method in madness? Maybe ET realised that the Germans could never win but still assisted them in order to let the allies think it was the Germans desperation that led them to create such technology? ET could have reasons even beyond our understanding, but whatever their reasons, I'm convinced that an ET species "helped" the Germans.

max fit
max fit - 26.09.2023 12:35

Then or now German engineering is the most fabulous ...

Masood Khalid
Masood Khalid - 26.09.2023 03:02

Can you find an airliner in an ocean? You cant, same is/was the fate of Nazi secrets and yours area 21

David Post
David Post - 25.09.2023 22:31

"we have blood to spare". -Russia and America. During WW1 and 2

David Post
David Post - 25.09.2023 21:16

"give us the tools and we will finish the job". LMAO. They were just lucky AF America was their to cash their checks.

Kim Christiansen
Kim Christiansen - 25.09.2023 00:29

Complete waste of time....I hoped we would see the UFO they made & Die Glocke...

Valéria Boman
Valéria Boman - 24.09.2023 22:43

Missä vika🤯jauhaa Hitler rumilusta eestaas😡

Neon Sashimi Dream
Neon Sashimi Dream - 24.09.2023 18:56

I think the photos are good enough on their own. The weird artificial parallax effect and the drunken movements of the artificial camera were giving me vertigo and nausea and I was frustrated to feel forced to stop watching a video I was becoming intensely interested in. This effect also seems to trivialize these images, although I know that is the opposite of the intent.

Bj Martin
Bj Martin - 24.09.2023 18:49

Propaganda again when it comes to the Allie’s . When to America the soldiers that are shown are black . Sorry when it comes to the men who were in gaged in the combat fighting the black soldier did not fight in frontline combat to a significant degree that white soldiers did . It does not do the men who did secondary duty . Frontline troops would not of lasted long without of lasted long with out the support these men were tasked with . They did a great job maybe better that any other group . So why I ask take away from the jobs these men did . There were many black frontline soldiers but it was small compared to other soldiers . I am not trying to take anything away from what they did or were capable of doing I’m just saying this is how things were at that time . We’re any group or individual stand out it should be noted but it does a disservice to groups to try and rewrite history . To imply is to speak to the uneducated masses . Speak the truth and don’t imply a falsehood . I don’t understand why these things are implied one job is not better than the other . A man driving a truck gets killed from a fighter planes guns another is killed from the same plane at the front of the line . Both men are killed . What’s the difference is one death more important than the other . The man at the front was one but acted as a group an the man in the truck supplied the that group . But the big picture shows they were all working together as one group . This is just something that comes up after some well meaning people I’m sure try and apply 2023 to the America in the war years .

Mango mesh
Mango mesh - 24.09.2023 15:38

Are you sure we are the good guys?

bert - 24.09.2023 12:59

And why after Europe invaded Briton did the then English attack there home land?

kenny silvers
kenny silvers - 24.09.2023 05:47

You mean NASA?

Silent DogFart
Silent DogFart - 24.09.2023 04:58

Stop doing that thing where you move the perspective on the still shots. Makes it unwatchable

William Riding
William Riding - 24.09.2023 02:44

And before Nagasaki and Hiroshima rumours of a shadow like the Japanese shadow on a rock that talks back , true nuclear mayhem, mutation or just plain breaking the laws of nature on earth , even cartoons can come to life forget the Pac-Man movie Japan is still dealing with the recovery. Amen god bless .

William Riding
William Riding - 24.09.2023 02:41

Rumours of flying clouds with passengers aboard?

JarateMaster3008 - 23.09.2023 14:09

I never knew Caesar knew about the Nazis

Raf The Jaf
Raf The Jaf - 23.09.2023 10:09

The real secret weapon of the Nazis was huge amounts of money from industrialists and wealthy families in The United Sates. Where do people think they were able to pay for that vast military killing machine?

Segundo B. Salioni
Segundo B. Salioni - 23.09.2023 08:11

So that’s where those UFO’s are coming from.

Miraxus - 23.09.2023 06:02

War does seem to push progress 🤔 but it also could we force/push progress without war? Money doesn't seem to be enough of an incentive (not compared to war)

John Hanson
John Hanson - 23.09.2023 05:50

They were backed by the Gnostic Oligarchic Cultists / Occultists. As is the current New World Order of the WEF-UN/US.

Paul Kelly
Paul Kelly - 22.09.2023 16:28

Took 80% of the world to stop them ,but am just glad we stopped them

Troy Ott
Troy Ott - 22.09.2023 03:38

Dunkirk, Moscow, Stalingrad, Baku all could have been great victories for Germany had Hitler not divided his forces at the pivotal times an allowed his great Generals to actually run the war.

φ - 21.09.2023 07:38

👎 Moving photos back and forth is a cheap and failed attempt to create an illusion of liveliness and only makes one dizzy 🤢❗

Clutch Cargo
Clutch Cargo - 20.09.2023 23:17

Just like trump would do. Ruin America

Question - 20.09.2023 22:44

So, where did Hitler get his resources from? Germany was in poverty after the first world war. Who put up the money?

ZodiacProd - 20.09.2023 16:57

white ingenuity jawol

michael crispin
michael crispin - 20.09.2023 15:00

Great video for right wing fascists to worship their evil heroes. The video goes on and on like some sort of fanboy gushing about their one true love with an occasional morally bankrupt snippet of "except for the terrible things they did" which make all the fascist cultists stand up and cheer. I do not admire any technology advancements which were developed specifically to be used as first strike weapons for the sole purpose of mass murder and the oppression of people by an evil authoritarian society. This video is tasteless.

yhjo521 - 20.09.2023 13:22

Amazing intro picture is it real?

Kevin Chamberlain
Kevin Chamberlain - 20.09.2023 08:18

The "Mee" as opposed to M.E. = I'm gone.
