Sacred Landscapes in Rock Art - European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2023 Belfast, Ireland

Sacred Landscapes in Rock Art - European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2023 Belfast, Ireland


54 года назад

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Did we create art or were artistic visualizations first found within our reach? Consider these Ice Age artifacts and their pictorial sources as presented at the European Association of Archaeologists 2023 Annual Meeting.

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Abstract: Global anthropologic surveys of hunter-gatherers as well as classical literature from ancient peoples widely record the teachings of their cultural stories through structurally common narratives of journeys in their sacred landscapes. These narratives, typically of a hero on his or her journey, often include elements designating time of day and seasons with those sacred landscapes. This time-factoring is sometimes described by the sun, moon and stars, as well as illustrative changes in flora and fauna. Interacting characters frequently involve anthropomorphic deities, humans, animals, and mixtures of the three. The relatively uniform structures of journey narratives worldwide appear integral to the human experience and presumably emerged before rock art.

This study examined indigenous Basque and ancient Phoenician, Greek and Roman myths in the context of historically recorded mountain faces, rocky areas, bodies of water, and other features of the natural environment that are often still revered in the region. Digital images of Iberian cave images were then visually compared with those landscapes for possible matches.

The findings of this study suggest that Upper Paleolithic artists on the Iberian Peninsula found pareidolia in their natural environment and projected those visualizations into their rock art. Real and supernatural characters, geographical features and motifs, some that may still be recognized in Iberian mythology and Mediterranean region classical literature were surfaced. This study also suggests that structural characteristics of the journey narrative with their descriptive sacred landscapes may be studied with rock art in other regions to better understand geographical uniqueness and perspectives of the original artists.

#EAA2023 #EAABelfast #Archaeology #landscapearchaeology #animism #culturalastronomy #Lakota #Gibraltar #EuropeanAssociationofArchaeologists #rockart #archaeoastronomy #archeoastronomy #EAA2024


#Lakota #Native_American #Black_Hills #Astronomy #Cultural_Astronomy #archaeoastronomy #archeoastronomy #archaeology #archeology #landscape_archaeology #anthropology #pareidolia #art #art_history #constellations #constellation #Greek_astronomy #gibraltar #Gibraltar_History #preshistory #prehistoria #Monte_El_Castillo #El_Castillo_Cave #Gallery_of_Discs #oldest_known_myth #oldest_astronomy #history_of_science #sacred_landscapes #European_archaeology #Iberian_archaeology
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