Who made this stupid video narrated by a man
Ответитьwomen r from Venus and men r from Venus?
Ответитьuhh.....sad to be a female....
Ответить3 minutes vs 2 hours lecture=same
Ответить2020 it help me learn tq
Ответитьhaving to learn about this at school while being a transgender person (female to male) makes it more awkward than it already is :/
ОтветитьMenstration (puberty) starts at the age of 9, to 10 you might say how did i know cause i started at the age of 9
ОтветитьBest video on the topic that I've seen so far, love the quick intro explaining how this differentiates men from women.
ОтветитьWhy do I need to learn about the menstrual cycle? DO I look like a SIMP?
ОтветитьLet me tell you all that a human with dirty mind is impure...don't say women are impure in those days, say that she's suffering from the purest cycle which is maintaining our species...
ОтветитьI've been dealing with a period since I was 9 years old, I'm now 44and I am ready for it to go and never return.
ОтветитьWho else is watching this while on their.. P
ОтветитьI’m here cause of my teacher
ОтветитьHere Bec my teacher
ОтветитьI started my period at 7 years old and I’m 53 now currently on my period😘
ОтветитьThis is ridiculous and not correct. Telling people that women go through discomforts like its something we should experience isn't right. These are signs from the body there is a hormonal imbalance. Also calling a period 'The curse' is utterly ridiculous. This is a gift, produces life and should be enjoyed. So many women suffer because of misinformation like this! It is not normal to suffer and hate your menstrual cycle. We need more positive education not misinformation.
ОтветитьHey who’s here from school
Ответитьthe curse my guy are you giving birth to satan
Ответитьwhen do i get mine
Ответить3 to 7 days huh? It's 11 days for me 😔
Ответить3 to 7 days huh? It's 11 days for me 😔
Ответитьwhen u gotta dislike this video so it isn’t recommended to you
ОтветитьMay mga Pinoy dito?
Ответить...actually I’m from mercury
ОтветитьMight be worth re editing this to remove the bit where you refer to a women's natural bodily functions as a 'curse'.
ОтветитьAnd why is a man explaining this-
ОтветитьAwesome explained bro ❤️
Ответитьthe most pointless part of a female human body made to torture females.
ОтветитьThe menstrual cycle = TORTURE😭💔 I hate this! I’m just in a lot of pain I took medicine and it doesn’t work anymore it just does not help with the cramps or the bloating so I’ll just curve in a ball and sob 😭
ОтветитьGirls don’t have balls?
ОтветитьThank you 2 period Time
ОтветитьLooking for a video to show my young daughter...nope
ОтветитьMan why do you speak so fast? Breath in between and explain the video in calm manner.
Not like a phyco who has to do the groceries before a video. Another dom dude on the net. Go fish or bike somewhere
What now 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI got this when I was 9-
ОтветитьNot a 28 day menstraul cycle
Ответитьexplained it better than my teacher in just 3 minutes 😭
ОтветитьI liked the video it helped me in my modules Thank you!
ОтветитьMan, u again helped me for my exam.
ОтветитьWatching this with my bro on a TV idk why
Maybe could help us
I got mine when 1 was 10😢