Truth revealed about ham radio

Truth revealed about ham radio


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@seven7ns - 22.04.2024 22:53

Yes, I know a few......strange amateurs....they have had contact through their transmitter, they send each other a card by post saying they have had contact. Yes, being so close to that transmitter affects your brain. And then stick those cards in a scrapbook or hang them on the wall... like a kind of diploma. Their transmitter shack is off-limits to their wives. So it is never cleaned unless the amateur has to renovate due to expansion. The cards then go back somewhere on the trophy wall. They also receive a lot of visits from angry neighbors who, after a long time, have discovered that the antenna park on the roof could be the cause of their fluorescent tubes in the kitchen turning on without them having used the switch or that their TV suddenly has streaks shown. My father was also a licensed person, his neighbor had a repairman come because her organ was making such strange that play was very annoying, but daddy could of course have had a chat before he turned on the 150 watts. And when it comes to transmission power, they always want more. It can go so far that when the transmitter is switched on, the lights in the entire street become dim. I could go on for a while, but comments that are too long will not be read....

@lizzyfan1986 - 08.04.2024 23:59

Contesters are essentially the reason radio tech has improved..... we are similar to the road and track guys that push new model of cars to the limit to see how it handles and what upgrades/improvements are contester you meet, thank him for your Flex

@markdeweese9288 - 03.04.2024 17:51

For me I am glad code is not required, I am not knocking code, I wish could do cw,
but I think it's good it's not required so ham radio can still survive and as long
As their is respect for all

@L1V2P9 - 14.03.2024 22:36

The truth is that Hams are the worst ambassadors for their hobby. I used to enjoy listening to SW broadcasts during the heyday of the 60s and 70s. I enjoyed the political interchange and the challenge of hearing domestic broadcasts from obscure nations with weak signals. One day there was a ham flea market in my area and I attended to see if there was any equipment available to enhance my reception. While looking at some antenna tuners, some lumbering oaf asked me what kind of transmitter I used. I told him I was a shortwave listener. He then in a condescending tone asked "When are you going to move up and get your ham ticket?" I didn't reply out of politeness, but I thought to myself "When are you going to wake up to the political and culture aspects of the world instead of engaging in idle chat with your good buddies?"

@ml.2770 - 12.03.2024 18:44

h i h i

@VoeViking - 09.03.2024 22:38

This is the real ham problem, complaining and complaining some more. Just do what you like and move along.

@scottgoodrich5825 - 05.03.2024 15:39

What a bitter man.

@marvinhanson6942 - 05.03.2024 14:48


@exterC0ffx - 02.03.2024 11:37

What a dufus I'd be happy to see you leave the ham world and then he can just carry on his mere miniscule way, hey!

@anonymousperson8487 - 01.03.2024 15:52

Licensed Karen yakers, am I getting out?

@MrToymod - 24.02.2024 11:28

“Hi Hi”.

@martyham10 - 23.02.2024 04:31

The phrase "Hi Hi" comes from the way old CW days and stood for " Humor Intended"...

@jamesgeorge1709 - 22.02.2024 05:41

Just another assshole.

@Godhumbledme - 21.02.2024 15:49

Good video Burt. only one thing I could add, traffic nets actually still serve a purpose, practice, practice, practice for the next emergency. Other than that totally agree. DFQ is a joke. thanks for the video

@paulhause9040 - 17.02.2024 12:22

You mentioned Field Day.....WHAT A JOKE ! Field Day used to be about emergency preparedness, and how to operate under emergency conditions. It has turned into a weekend-long outdoor DX contest merely to see how many points one can score. Another peeve of mine is hearing "How am I making it into the repeater ?" Well, schmuck, if I can hear you, then you're "makin' it" into the damn repeater ! I absolutely agree on the "for ID" remark....what the hell else is reciting one's call sign for ????? I've heard a few say "for FCC repellent", which is completely nuts.

@hoser2901 - 13.02.2024 07:21

The original sad ham

@sleeve8651 - 12.02.2024 03:29

So my good man, what is your point ?
Or are you just bitter with life in general ?
You sound like you should be a door greeter at Walmart !
I think you would look good in Blue !
As you pointed out, most Hams don't have any Balls !
I was shocked to discover, according to you, that there were so many Women in Amateur Radio ?

@user-rb1eu5br1v - 11.02.2024 16:08

If this idiot hates Ham Radio operators, why doesnt he just get out of the hobby.Calling people names everyone is fat, come on. What a jerk off. Guys like him we dont need . What a bore this guy must be at a party.

@harmonyln7 - 08.02.2024 17:14

I like morse code. Sadly most of ham radio land seems to be rather male dominated. Where are all the women?

@larryjanson4011 - 07.02.2024 06:47

at least she had you to teach her.
people like me have to struggle on my own.
some of the questions for the general are very hard for me.
i am now retired. but spent my life driving a truck. not working around anything or any body in the electronic fields. and i have never been good at math . i can put that trailer over there with out thinking. i rebuilt my first race car motor at age 14.
have always been good with my hands. but not electronics.

@johnrieger2461 - 03.02.2024 20:28

👍 Sums it up but I love the Hobby 👍

@terrypokorny3858 - 02.02.2024 12:01

I do not know how many years you have been a ham but i disagre whit you on some of what you say. First if all hams that parcipate in some comtests give them the pratcial experances for operating inder emergency condition, where tye bands are mot at premiam conditiion. The ope thingvthat gripes me is operators operating gigantic station for cintest and splatter half way across tge band now tgat is a poor poerator. Myself i operate old radios sone from the tube era, and fix my own radios not this is ham radio the art of building or fixing the radios you use, knowing how to fix and ooerate a true ham trandciver that yoi have to tune up to operate. Nit tge new aplinces that you pay over 1 to 2 thousands for.

@flipster7285 - 01.02.2024 23:24

And 10 years later there are major programs to try and get youngsters interested in Ham radio and a lot of older operator bemoaning the fact that the hobby is dying out.... watching this video its no wonder why that is happening.....

@user-pz8nd5hx6l - 01.02.2024 22:07

I wonder who PISSED in his corn flakes that morning?

@AB1Vampire - 29.01.2024 22:25

Such a cheap shot yet it was so important for you to post. It's about learning sometimes old equipment sometimes modern. You were a bully as a kid I bet. You were disappointed by Ham Radio somehow and now you're out to rain on other's enjoyment. Pathetic rant is all. Nobody hiding from you. Most people naturally avoid tiresome ingrates.

@mickytwoknives - 25.01.2024 19:30

15 years and them subs just keep on flying in .... do you know what a sour puss is ......dont like it leave

@asdf52708 - 18.01.2024 05:24

every time I start getting interested in radio again, something about it turns me off. I have better things to do than spend money and time on talking to cranky old farts over the air. it's a shame, it seems like it could be fun and useful but sounds like it's boring and a waste of time.

@anthonywallace1679 - 06.01.2024 17:55

Need that amp.73.

@kabuti2839 - 06.12.2023 06:09

Always a "red flag" to me when people become too serious in regards to religion, hobbies, themselves etc.

@OleJoe - 28.10.2023 03:28

There are "lids" in ham radio. There is no denying it, but most are pretty nice. It's a great hobby for people with disabilities. It keeps their brain active and for some, it's a great source of compassionship and their outlet to the outside world.

The code made hams really special. I remember when I passed my Extra Class back in the 1980s. I was so proud I passed the 20wpm test at the FCC office no less.

As far as saying stuff like "HI HI", every hobby has its jargon. A kind of "inside" "in the know" terms.

Ever listen to a bunch of military guys talking? Their language is littered with terms like "MOS" and DD-214, etc.

@Xantophia - 27.10.2023 14:46

Amateur radio should be about the hobby, the love of science, relaxation and the "ham spirit", to meet others from distant lands. My most precious contacts were made with people with whom I had a long and fun conversation. The whole thing should not be competitive, because competition bring ego, brings "big guns". Why couldn't the competitions be held in a specific frequency interval in every band? they wouldn't take up the entire band, so "we" non contesters could enjoy our weekends... So, dear sir, i enjoyed your video. Best regards from YO6PNQ, op. Pityu.

@wheels2fun526 - 16.10.2023 17:22

So true.. Just as bad as dxers.

@donl1846 - 02.10.2023 19:06

Folks, let's face facts here for a moment. How many "hams" do you know that have had their radio "Mars" modified just to operate between 27.415-27.915?, the answer to that is many. Just do some swl'ing and listen to the conversations and notice the difference between the regulated frequencies for CB and about 27.405. Also they also enjoy going below 26.965 as well, just check it out. Also, here in the USA the “dumbing down” of getting a license is one problem. Just memorize the answers and you don’t need to know the theory about what you are memorizing is creating operators that are very clueless as to how to operate. Next is the useless “contesting” that here in the USA the ARRL is firmly behind. In their eyes it’s all about giving useless signal reports (always 5/9), no real conversations between hams and keeping their pockets full by their self-promotions. The list can go on and on but you get the idea.

@MIKROWAVE1 - 03.09.2023 15:13

And food truck in the cornhole! This is why we use those hambeviations!

@profgyland2 - 28.07.2023 04:37

HAM Radio is the greatest bore I ever came across. It is expensive, outdated, and a waste of time. No wonder that participant are going away from such a boring nonsense. I regret that I made my license and still pay for the license to be active. It is just outdated and as boring as the old people thinking to run the show being mostly rude or unfriendly. It is a rather expensive hobby and not worth the money.

@electman8341 - 26.06.2023 22:00

Yeah , its too bad everyone doesn't do exactly what you want and how you see it should be done on the amature bands .
The nerve of people doing what they enjoy .

@jamesmerkel1411 - 25.05.2023 09:26

Well, you have some points there, however I would make the following comments. I had a Ham license when I was in high school -- first the Novice class and then the General class. That was back in the ...cough, cough... late 1950's. The code requirement for Novice was 5 WPM and the General was 13 WPM. And you are right the code requirement was the harder part of the license test. I had to take the General code test twice to pass. So if you just need to pass a technical test today, it is easier.

On other things:
Yes I agree -- concentrating on contests like Worked All States, etc wasn't of interest to a lot of people. As a matter of fact I knew Hams that were hardly ever on the air. Their interest was in building stuff and only went on the air to test it out. By the way it was easier to build transmitters rather than receivers. You needed test equipment to line up a receiver -- not so with a transmitter. Test equipment was expensive.

Regarding antennas -- don't know where you live, but where I am (So Cal), you can't have an outdoor antenna of any kind.

Regarding whether you even need ham radio today, because we have phones and the internet. Well we had phones back in the 1950's also! So you could have made that argument then also. But the point is in an emergency, phones and internet could all be down. Hence field day and ham radio.

Regarding hams being over weight -- I don't know if you've noticed, but a big percentage of the US population is over weight. Not just hams.

@nathanwhitbeck2359 - 22.05.2023 19:50

Lmao CQ white people hahaha

@nativetexan9776 - 07.05.2023 05:14

Contesters are simply Paper chasers, trying to get that certificate and QSL card for their wall. They claim it is for emergency testing to see how far their signal will reach. which can change on a daily basis. All it is is a game to chase that paper.

@jamesorenthal-bm4sp - 06.05.2023 01:17

just love your hat

@w8kdzradio113 - 01.05.2023 13:49

why are hams fat and out of shape, I work a very physical job, weigh less than you do, and contesters are the lowest form, come on man, that's the problem with this hobby, people like you that discourage growth of the hobby

@stockwot - 25.04.2023 23:00

I total agree. If code and schematics were put back in the exams we would have more intelligent hams and not these no brainers.

@KD0MOO - 13.04.2023 14:56


@getgle - 30.03.2023 06:34


@Andrew-yx7sf - 21.03.2023 21:29


@paulcarlsen4088 - 11.02.2023 10:17

100% 😂😂😂 I’m crying 😂😂😂

@neiltan1939 - 30.01.2023 22:37

Hilarious! I hope there's a "Truth revealed about ham radio 2"

@tangoseal1 - 22.01.2023 09:12

Well 9 or 10 years later I will comment again. I have been a HAM now for years I suppose 2014 when I got my ticket. Everything that Burt states in this video is absolutely 1000000000% Accurate. I am not even joking. I have acquired the same exact pet peeves and have taken long hiatuses from the hobby due to just being maximally annoyed.
