VEGANS vs MEAT EATERS - Who Will Live Longer? Food / Diet Comparison

VEGANS vs MEAT EATERS - Who Will Live Longer? Food / Diet Comparison

The Infographics Show

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Tahsin Nawar Reti
Tahsin Nawar Reti - 12.09.2023 13:05

I will never become a Vegan

Krys - 10.09.2023 15:55

nope will never become a vegan as im on the c-food diet, i see food and i eat it 🤣 frankly my favourite meat is kangaroo because its high in protein, low in fat and has a natural smokey flavour (yes i am Australian, no i don't think its cruel to eat a national animal)

Alastair - 10.09.2023 02:19

As long as they don’t try to force their diet onto me it’s not my business. I’m open to talking about it and discussing opinions though. I just want there to be respect for each other’s differences and the ability to calmly and respectfully discuss it without any conflict starting.

Div - 07.09.2023 16:58

I am a vegetarian that doesnt eat meat but loves milk ans honey and i love animals alot. It is sad to see them die but i cannot do anything.

AnonDegenerate - 07.09.2023 07:24

Hi, I’m from the future. It’s just a cult now. Sorry.

Christopher Copley
Christopher Copley - 29.08.2023 01:50

I'd never be a vegan i enjoy my food too much i don't drink or do drugs my food is my pleasure

Jaeden Zion Chia
Jaeden Zion Chia - 21.08.2023 14:56

wait but my great grandmother is a vegen and she still can eat eggs

Aaditya Sah
Aaditya Sah - 20.08.2023 17:37

Flak seeds are rich in omega 3 and mushrooms are rich in b12

Joyce Wells
Joyce Wells - 19.08.2023 07:10

If we all ate only vegetables our planet would die. We are doing this already by adopting monocultivation ie large fields growing only one plant. Example, soy, almonds. This impacts on the pollinators and also farmers till the soil which destroys it. Perhaps vegans should think of this!

A-aron M-mron
A-aron M-mron - 13.08.2023 05:44

Hey as a vegan for a little over a year now my biggest concern is whether I can complete my proteins and if it's something I need to worry about. I eat pretty healthy except for the occasional plant based meats or processed carbs like supermarket tortillas and such.

EZJ - 13.08.2023 00:26

There are some nutrients that the body needs that is only found in meat. When eating meat, it is important to also eat vegetables that contain phytosterols. This helps to fight off bad cholesterol. Also fruit which contains important antioxidants. So really, a whole diet is important, and also moderation in eating. Nutrient rich food should be valued.

Dawid Stawowski
Dawid Stawowski - 12.08.2023 22:56

I am glad to see that top comments are civil.

Inertia of Mind
Inertia of Mind - 11.08.2023 00:23


Frowning_Bricky - 07.08.2023 02:12

Im a pescetarian so i do eat fish but not other meats

Eric Sperling
Eric Sperling - 03.08.2023 17:33

I eat herbivore meat (cows, chickens, turkeys, sheep, goats). Plants are my food's food. Why would I eat them?

Eric Sperling
Eric Sperling - 03.08.2023 17:30

Plants consume greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Why would I eat them?

John Doe
John Doe - 25.07.2023 01:43

My favorite vegan fact is that the vast majority of them (84%) end up quitting the diet. A third of them quit within a few months and at least half have quit before the first year on the diet. Many of those that quit cite poor health as the reason for quitting.

Juan C.
Juan C. - 20.07.2023 03:05

The longer you live, the more taxes you pay. Let that sink in.

Rosemary Prud'homme
Rosemary Prud'homme - 18.07.2023 16:34

I would consider being vegetarian, but not vegan

Tonga nio
Tonga nio - 13.07.2023 20:18

The ADA are dishonest. They promote foods on their website that contain the most amount of carcinogens such as beef, poultry, and eggs. The suggest the very foods and diet plans that promote diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and cancer. The reason I say this, is because the most interesting thing about the ADA or the ASC or even Susan G. Komen is NOT the information about the disease itself. But the diets and foods they suggest… that literally FEED the very diseases they are trying to “prevent” or “stop”. It’s very self contradicting.

Sullivan the Hoatzin
Sullivan the Hoatzin - 13.07.2023 08:12

I might go vegan but then I’d be giving up on my dads egg sandwiches, I could never, also bacon.

A man that thinks
A man that thinks - 12.07.2023 12:04

Yeah vegan a long suboptimal or even terrible existence.

Dave Wheatley
Dave Wheatley - 07.07.2023 17:32

Okinawans are not primarily vegan; they eat a fish, pork, etc., but boil off the pork fat. They eat a lot of veg, but they’re not ‘primarily vegan’.

Mila Marques
Mila Marques - 06.07.2023 17:32

Now I still don't know who lives longer

Yami Sukehiro
Yami Sukehiro - 04.07.2023 20:32

Why does vegan people tells meat eaters to eat like them? Me as a vegetarian, I think just let the meat eaters eat what they want because they will switch someday anyways. Diabetes, Hypertension, cancer and arthritis will convert them. Just give it some time.

Chaitanya Roi
Chaitanya Roi - 29.06.2023 23:44

🕉️Vegetarians is peaceful humans and god also liked that people's

Jose Luis
Jose Luis - 29.06.2023 09:30

It’s hard to become Vegan not for most people. I myself don’t eat pork and haven’t ate chicken in months so I’m positive I can definitely become a pescatarian. That’s as far as I go tho. The key to a healthy life is balance.

Bhavesh Jugnauth
Bhavesh Jugnauth - 29.06.2023 05:52

I don't know why people still think vitamin b12 and omega fatty acids cannot be found in plant sources. That's false.
Foods like moringa, spinach, mushroom, potatoes and broccoli have high rates of vitamin b12, and omega-3 can be found in oils and greens.
Plants do contain all the required nutrients and more than enough of them. Raw vegans rely only on plant based to get their nutrients and not supplements yet they do exceed their needs. Vegan bodybuilders like Patrick Babumian for instance is the strongest man in Germany and got very strong all by eating plants. Let's stop this belief that vegans cannot get all the nutrients from plants, animals are rich in nutrients particularly because of what is in their diet, plants, unedible crops yet still from plants.

Robert Wendigo
Robert Wendigo - 14.06.2023 17:15

Vegans don't NEED to supplement- if they know what to eat.

1ofHissheep - 09.06.2023 23:35

I do notice a lot of mocking of the vegans lifestyle here and must admit, I've been one of them. It seems so unnatural to only eat plants! But after tasting my sister's chili, burritos, cookies and more, it's not so strange anymore! And after watching the documentary "What the Health", our entire 7 person family went vegan almost LITERALLY overnight and love it (it's important to note that all the adults were DEAD SET AGAINST going vegan)!! Now we can even enjoy "cheese" WITHOUT the addictive cravings!! We eat normal size meals and are quickly satisfied. We don't feel like we're missing ANYTHING and I've lost 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks!

Keep in mind with the B12: where do the animals get their B12? Plants!! So there ARE options. We just need to be educated 😊

Amy Beth Loescher
Amy Beth Loescher - 07.06.2023 06:28

Keto but going to carnivore. With keto, i still have sugar cravings. Edit worried about the price though, and i guess ill be going to the butchers. Good luck everyone.

Mel anie
Mel anie - 03.06.2023 15:55

im not brgan i grow up to non vegans but i guess this is not about compietion on whos healthier. it's just a thought that people cant stand a thought of eating a flesh something that died. they died so you can eat 😭 it's hard broken. i want to vegan but it's hard. i realiz3 how poor those animals.
what if it's human meat and there's human eater become normalized

NYYUUUKAAAH - 31.05.2023 16:38

I’m a vegetarian. Never buy leather jackets,any animal products except eggs and dairy. I eat honey

Computer Crowd
Computer Crowd - 28.05.2023 20:17

Veganism is incredibly resource-intensive.

Computer Crowd
Computer Crowd - 28.05.2023 20:14

Most of the protein in plants is not bio-available to us which is why leat-eating women (as mentionned in the video) have more muscle mass than vegan women despite consumin the same amount of protein

Navarro Delay
Navarro Delay - 28.05.2023 12:33

The problem is vegans look like an extra from the walking dead

Eddie Taliaferro
Eddie Taliaferro - 21.05.2023 17:14

I don’t see any vegans being hateful toward “meat eaters in these comments”. I do see a lot of meat eaters being hateful. It’s weird. I’m Vegetarian and I’m not anywhere near as passionate about other peoples diets

the0man0is0me - 17.05.2023 21:50

Most studies that supports vegans are done to a small control group and are funded by vegan business

Appo - 10.05.2023 18:30

This video is objectivelt incorrect and outright dangerous.

Gaming with Sage / Sage Gaming
Gaming with Sage / Sage Gaming - 08.05.2023 04:24

oh, so thats why that vegan teacher is so skinny

James the Vegan
James the Vegan - 06.05.2023 21:44

Animals raised for human consumption is sometimes fed candy and cement. Look it up. Meat is not healthy. At best, you may be healthy in spite of eating meat. The more people eat, the worse the health outcomes will be. Why not just animal products altogether. Better health and less suffering. Win/win.

abida islam
abida islam - 05.05.2023 21:47

Bit of a first word problem....
In the rest of the world, you eat what you can afford and get...

Mr White
Mr White - 29.04.2023 17:47

I guess if you want to live longer in this world especially the way it's been going lately, but if you want to live longer you also need the money to live longer

DanishnSonic - 27.04.2023 15:16

The only time I follow a vegan diet is at least a week before a karate match. But its worse than vegans, I can't even eat plant based oils bahahahhahah. Its the most boring diet but its so that I can compete at my best. Gotta avoid adenosine. Then after the match all keto for a day.

Cursed cat
Cursed cat - 22.04.2023 17:48

“I don’t think you understand, I’m a meat eater because I want a shorter lifespan”

Jay Cash
Jay Cash - 19.04.2023 02:25

Im eating meat as im watching this
