Dark And Darker SUED For Stealing Game Assets

Dark And Darker SUED For Stealing Game Assets

Asmongold TV

1 год назад

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Kaboose - 15.10.2023 15:13

funny how wrong u were LMAO darker and darker didnt steal anything

sodlock - 11.09.2023 08:59

I don't know why everyone thinks it's just possible to make a game like this by purchasing asset from market, less than 10 months. It's stolen.

I heard Ironmace stole the exact code and ideas from Nexon not the asset. That's illegal.
If Ironmace didn't stole it, then it means they made this game from scratch in less than 10 months. That's impossible.
If they can just make a game like this less than 10 months then it would be better for them to develop another game.

Mat Schrepf
Mat Schrepf - 24.08.2023 23:57

I mean p3 has basically zero gameplay footage or anything lol

xXVintersorgXx - 04.07.2023 04:34

Emulators and open battle net and lineage 2 private servers etc. If leaked source code was found they were shutdown. Stealing code is provable.

Reaper - 30.06.2023 16:39

A lot of the assets you can visually see are bought. It's a small wonder they're the same when they're the exact same assets bought from the same artist. People seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that you can get these off-the-shelf assets for any game.

Georgi Ivanov
Georgi Ivanov - 16.06.2023 16:46

The aestethic is similar. The only thing thats identic in that image you do a comparisson is the game notification. Even that mosquito is a siluet and all other parts are not even simillar. If they have stolen assets is easy for them change it and nothing happened. As long that they didn't get any public contribution is nothing problematic. What i don't know is if the project was cancelled or just in stand-by, because if not, nexon wins this. And i'll be sad because i don't wanna play nexon games.

김도현 - 24.05.2023 07:13

You have to know the reason why dnd dev fired by nexon is they pursuade another dev to get out nexon and develope p3 from another company and they also said they got investmebt from another company for it. So nexon fired them because of it even labor union can't defend dnd dev because their guilt is so obvious.
Also it is reason why p3 has cancled. Main director(dnd dev) of p3 have fired and another dev followed him so half of dev leave p3 so project can't be made

you olive
you olive - 10.05.2023 11:48

Nexon has never done this to a game that came out of Korea after its heyday
In Korea, it is very difficult for a company to fire someone, and when it did, the union did nothing
Because the union knew they were at fault
Nexon's labor union is part of the strongest union in Korea
That union is strong enough to put a lot of pressure on Hyundai Motor
No matter how big Nexon is, Nexon can't bribed a union that even Hyundai Motor can't

Martin Gadoury
Martin Gadoury - 10.05.2023 03:17

lol y loosse all money take agrement if not y are lolololololol

Duriel - 09.05.2023 23:42

We just want good games man ...

Mike Hawk
Mike Hawk - 09.05.2023 05:58

To be fair tho. I could show my dad a picture of dark and darker and a picture of maplestory and he would say its the same game.

FeelingShred - 29.04.2023 05:52

id Software employees programmed and coded Wolfenstein and Doom games while they were still hired on some other software company they worked as day jobs before going their own way... Prince and other artists had to change names and go anonymous to be able to release music without the record label knowing and grabbing a piece of the pie... the story goes on and on and on...

Talan Prisco
Talan Prisco - 22.04.2023 19:50

there is no proof of dark and darker stealing from nexon

Cold Wet n Starving
Cold Wet n Starving - 21.04.2023 01:35

Funny how ironmace posted a list where they compared every single asset in the game to P3.
Nexon claimed that 2333 assets in dark and darker were directly taken from P3.
Every single one of these assets proved to be standard Unreal engine 5 public assets...

Just cus 2 games have assets like Brickwall.asset or Wizardhat.asset dosent mean much, delusional to expect asset names to differ between games of the same genre in the first place

Paradigm Shift
Paradigm Shift - 20.04.2023 18:34

Bill Gates literally got rich stealing code. The problem is that code is, in a way, similar to musical chords. Nobody OWNS a specific chord. Where it becomes theft of intellectual property is when you copy and paste whole chord progressions/rhythms. You can be heavily influenced by something and NOT be copying it.

I see this as similar. If they straight-up copied code/textures/models/rigs, or whatever, then yes, they are in the wrong. I guess it will boil down to whether or not they actually used assets or just learned a lot from working for them. I think they may have overstepped, though.

michaelgoesfast - 19.04.2023 15:57

I don't even care who realeases it I NEED THIS GAME

Yes I am
Yes I am - 19.04.2023 06:48

About asmongolds point on intellectual dishonesty, you can still be objective and bias at the same time. While yes, Nexon has a strong case with good points, I'm still rooting for them to lose because they are a dogshit gacha company that would have made a much worse game out of this idea.

Naderjuice - 18.04.2023 19:00

about butcher in d4 looking just like brutus in poe, and poe copied everything from d2? and last epoch?

progste - 18.04.2023 11:38

Imagine if a company was developing an RTS for a famous tabletop game company where orcs fight humans and when the project fails they decided to make their own RTS game where orcs fight humans...

JFKDidntLoS - 17.04.2023 14:50

Jesus ducking christ I did not want to hear asmon argue with dumb fucks

DunningofKruger - 16.04.2023 08:22

The actual problem here is the Stolen Code,

It doesn't matter that Dark and Darker looks like P3, it doesn't matter that the assets are similar. What actually matters is if Ironmace stole code from Nexon. There's nothing wrong with working on a game, having it cancelled then quitting to make the game. What's actually wrong is stealing code from the company you worked on.

Although, it seems like this only matters because now the game is successful and Nexon wants their cut. Even so, IronMace shouldn't have stolen the code and just started from the beginning, but they wanted to save the extra work of building their game from scratch again.

Archrite - 16.04.2023 00:39

Over the past few weeks, I have seen various controversies related to Nexon.
A lot of people sided with one side by side. I even saw the controversy intensifying and personal attacks on each other.

However, as a Korean gamer who has hated Nexon and boycotted their games for more than 20 years, everyone misunderstand about this issue.

Iron Mace's corporate management method is an old Nexon style. Steal ideas from other companies, put out plausible trailers, and exploit users with heavy BM when they gather. And in the event of a controversy, instead of clarifying the controversy, the company's employees are infiltrated among users as spys to promote confusion. While the company is silent, users forget what they argued for. The argue that it was an argument to give feedback about the game, to make a better game, and to enjoy it together. All that remains is bad feelings between users.

Yes, this is Nexon's management way. It is Nexon's method that has lasted more than 20 years since it launched the country of wind service in 1996. In the end, the only thing that has developed in Nexon's games over the past 27 years was graphics.

This tells us that the essence of Iron Mace is not a group of indie game developers full of ideas, but just Nexon employees who changed the company's name. They are former Nexon employees. Think like Nexon, act like Nexon, and speak like Nexon. Only one difference is, they camouflage themselves as they are not Nexon as blaim Nexon. This is so disgusting.

Many people mistake the issue as a fight between Mega Corporation and indie game developers. But technically, the incident is a fight between Nexon and Nexon. Regardless of which side wins, it will end in the direction of damage to the user. As it has been for the past 27 years.

Well, It seems old Nexon style still works. And that's why I still hate Nexon.
I hate them. I hate them both of them.

TheMaskedObserver - 13.04.2023 20:00

It's not distorted by perceptions of the companies. It is the fact people want to play the game. I don't give a shit about companies if I am honest. I just want to play the game whether that is nexon, Ironmace, or fucking mcdonalds. I just want to play the game

Rathalos Rio
Rathalos Rio - 12.04.2023 23:12

If Iron Mace can make such a cool game within 10 months with only 20 ppl, why don't they just make their own game that is not something similar to what they have made - and they intentionally ruined it - in Nexon?

Warsmith Marnius
Warsmith Marnius - 12.04.2023 03:56

Someone is going to pick up the dark and darker idea and run with it. They have too

Torgrim Hanssen
Torgrim Hanssen - 10.04.2023 14:10

It's US patent law that is used.
Consider how Pirate bay was taken to court in Sweden on the behest of the US on behalf of the US music industry.
They where unlawfully judged guilty on the basis of "hosting" torrent links, as far as I understand Swedish law.
But Swedish law does not matter much when the diplomatic relationship is on the line.

It is highly likely that it was a smokescreen as what Pirate bay dealt with was primarily leaked document distribution (torrents) that probably involved Wikileaks etc. etc.

James of Kansas
James of Kansas - 10.04.2023 03:23

bro hates cognitive dissonance :)

Grey Tide
Grey Tide - 09.04.2023 22:45

Forcing yes or no questions on people is a shitty and limiting way to make someone express an opinion, especially when it leaves you as the only one to frame/contextualize a point.

I don't disagree with a single point you made the entire video except the one about answering yes or no questions with anything other then yes or no smells. You know what smells worse? Badgering a whitness into answering a shitty question in a stupid way.

luciany - 08.04.2023 16:51

I mean... I see it like this... because someone invented a robot that goes up and down no can invent anything that goes up and down because the code is the same... of course some things will be reused but I agree it shouldn't be everything.

Saucey Gee
Saucey Gee - 07.04.2023 03:04

they’ll be fine

Imasin - 07.04.2023 00:43

The problem with this case, isn't the assets that are being harped on so much. Nexon made the claim that the code and assets were stolen, assets aside because anyone can get those. Not everyone can get the code, if Ironmace is able to show and distinguish that the code is fundamentally different than P3 then they can easily win since the claims are unfounded and wrong. But if the code is identical or the same then Nexon wins the case. The assets don't matter, the coding does. Dark and Darker needs to have fundamentally different coding or code that is non-identical to the P3 original code. The problem with that as well is Nexon, that code is then published for the case Nexon will steal it with zero repercussions because of how South Korea works with big tech/gaming companies. Nexon unfortunately wins no matter what.

박성수 - 07.04.2023 00:22

Why did IRONMACE write a statement in English on overseas communities or personal broadcasts, not the Korean community, when it happened among Korean companies? IRONMACE did not release any statement against Korean users on the grounds that it would focus on developing games. This is seen only as a brazen act to deceive overseas users who are more difficult to confirm the facts than in Korea. IRONMACE emphasizes that they are a small game company and NEXON is a large company, and continues to inform overseas communities of the situation they are experiencing now. Koreans also have a lot of negative feelings about NEXON, and they never allow small and medium-sized companies to suffer from the tyranny of large companies. However, you should also think about why Koreans criticize IRONMACE for this incident.

kyle shares
kyle shares - 06.04.2023 18:25

They didnt steal shit they remade it its all the same people that remade it

LC Infantry
LC Infantry - 04.04.2023 16:20

Yeah I want “darkness rises” back lol

Michael Superbacker
Michael Superbacker - 03.04.2023 08:08

“Dead and Deader” good one 😂

Cancerino - 02.04.2023 22:25

The fact they used leaked code/assets, even if they didn't leak it themselves, it's problem enough. But yeah, they definitively leaked the code to hide their tracks. The IP stealing is just the icing on the cake.
I'm so sad, I was looking forward to this game.

The Ticass Show
The Ticass Show - 01.04.2023 09:52

I mean yes Dark and Darker is good, but 100% they stole it lmao

William Rossey
William Rossey - 01.04.2023 07:01

korea can raid on a whim ive spent plenty of time in Soul and seen it happen many times.

K331 - 01.04.2023 06:13

The saddest part of this drama is that when Nexon say something everyone instantly assumes they are lying which to be fair is somewhat understandable to a certain degree.
When Ironmace say something everyone blindly believes it and assume it as the indefinite truth spoken by Jesus.

Ironmace supporters say Nexon doesn't have any proof but Ironmace does. Not even considering the possibility that they could be leaving out certain details to drive the narrative in their favor?
Have not one of these fanboys ever consider that Nexon simply might have chosen not to make important info public because they just don't have to?
This is a serious legal issue not a ad campaign trying to win votes.

Mario Auditore
Mario Auditore - 01.04.2023 05:29

The only game i liked in the last 4~5 years can possibly be gone forever 😢

Sai - 01.04.2023 03:24

L take

Jonathan Reifman
Jonathan Reifman - 01.04.2023 01:40

Strongly disagree -- you could throw a screenshot of skyrim up against P3 and it'd look the same. If they stole assets that's one thing, but just because it looks the same is not grounds for legal action

Oliver Edward Shields
Oliver Edward Shields - 01.04.2023 00:52

Still waiting for Asmon to correct the record on this. Much more information has come out the past few days; way more information than he reviewed in this video.

FM M - 31.03.2023 23:58

Do you know the story of leaving a bad company and giving people a better future?
That company is Iron Mace.😆

the trial result has not yet been released.
let's not rush to conclusions

Pinio - 31.03.2023 21:56

Asmon gained waight recently. His face is more oval. Good for him. Maybe he eats some normal food.

Tiice - 31.03.2023 17:16

The issue about this is everything that both P3 and DND used pretty much all unreal assets. So its really nobodys claim

Karel Baďura
Karel Baďura - 31.03.2023 16:15

