Why We Should Stop Using JavaScript According to Douglas Crockford (Inventor of JSON)

Why We Should Stop Using JavaScript According to Douglas Crockford (Inventor of JSON)


1 год назад

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Darius Sturge
Darius Sturge - 15.11.2023 20:34

Don't worry AI will build it

Artos - 06.11.2023 09:17

More and more people move into software development just for money... Management values ppl who want to party same way or even less than geeks who wood kill for clean code. No wonder this BS happens. I found an escape in electronics and C++ coding, because these areas are less attractive for crazy-party-and-money-hunting-idiots at least for now I can survive there.

James Foo
James Foo - 31.10.2023 03:53

Someone tell this man about Svelt!! 😅

Olsi - 23.10.2023 20:34

Omg! He has been my hero, but it seems he has gone soft.

Vítězslav Ackermann Ferko
Vítězslav Ackermann Ferko - 04.10.2023 17:23

Lmao, it is still much better language than anybody knows 😆 (well, TypeScript it is)

oliveirades - 30.09.2023 17:57

I couldn't agree more!

Cristian TZM
Cristian TZM - 30.09.2023 15:34

I was hoping that somewhere in the video he would propose some candidates to be replaced by. It's not easy to me to find the perfect one.

Without a solid proposal it sounds more like a general complaining like "things in the world should be better".

Leo John
Leo John - 28.09.2023 18:13

I think I will keep using it.

sony boy
sony boy - 28.09.2023 16:39

i'm hoping a plot twist like 'using typescript instead!'

BetterLife exe
BetterLife exe - 28.09.2023 00:30

RUST. You're welcome.

Padre Putativo : Suscriptor
Padre Putativo : Suscriptor - 26.09.2023 13:34


Kailas - 26.09.2023 10:32

I hate JS.

test test
test test - 26.09.2023 08:36

The work of the devil

qnprogrammer - 26.09.2023 07:50

There are just too many modules available for Javascript. It'll take a new language probably a decade have the same amount of modules if it even gets adopted. By then, AI would already have created its own binary-level language, and we don't even need to understand it.

Sdiri mohamed salah
Sdiri mohamed salah - 26.09.2023 00:18

The same applies if JavaScript were a person, and their father said, 'My child is not ready for marriage yet, and they will never be able to support a family without further education.' However, a few years later, JavaScript's situation became increasingly complex, but someone came along and asked, 'Will you marry me?

Some people still support JavaScript blindly …
JavaScript is good scripting language to animate html elements and reduce latency feeling until the next Kb comes to your computer

Zachary O'Hare
Zachary O'Hare - 25.09.2023 22:18

As a growing SAAS developer, he's so right. . . Also federal/GOs drive a huge chunk of service and software revenue, and they don't care about long term capability growing, or sacrificing something up front to have the better tool. The larger the org, the slower and worse the adaptability, and simultaneously the larger their ability to affect the ecosystem. Look at the history of AngularJS and React... I'm running into this same problem everywhere now. The best solution available isn't the one that people want or work for if they already have their market. It used to be this created room for smaller companies to become disruptive but the focus shifting so far into cloud computing has really solidified the circular stack of languages. The needs for security and browser uniformity have resulted in hardware designed to ... well... run a browser well. It makes sense, it isn't wrong but it's super annoying when you want to develop the right tool, or start clean. I have the same problem with a lot of automotive hardware and many tools. The scalability of manufacturing these days is so good- we should have MORE people working on hardware up solutions for our tasks and industries. Sure would be a lot more efficient. Most recent example: Fuel pumps for cars, old school run constant 12v to a brushed motor pump. Newer pumps are running brushless pumps PWM controlled, and there's some crossover where brushed pumps are run with PWM still. Wayyyy more efficient. You know what a bunch of gear heads in the aftermarket still keep doing half the time when you need more fuel? Well duh! MORE PUMPS. BIGGER PUMPS. (ANOTHER LAYER OF LIBRARIES AND DEPENDENCIES) They work well, they come on when you need them. A monkey can set them up. Etc. But it's expensive, takes way more power, a ton of mechanical overhead if you will, not to mention physical and fiat resources so that a pump can come on sometimes when you need it.... and the main pump is still just ON heating up fuel and wasting energy. But they will shove it all into a little billet hat so it looks pretty and by god we car nuts buy right into it. In reality- what new OEMs are doing with their "new fangled complicated nonsense" is actually uncomplicating, reducing excess wiring, etc. a very small, inexpensive PWM driver for the pump, fused to 12v constant, with signal from the rail.

Mario S
Mario S - 23.09.2023 13:18

I would like to know his opinion about rust

Alkapivo - 21.09.2023 22:10

The same can be said about C++ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

cah deso saba kota
cah deso saba kota - 21.09.2023 12:31

Easy to say, hard to do and adopt

Axel Sheen
Axel Sheen - 20.09.2023 19:18

we are already using a different language and it's TypeScript - a next link in JS evolution

Andrew Haynes
Andrew Haynes - 20.09.2023 16:41

Can't we just use "The Good Parts"?

Ameera Channel
Ameera Channel - 20.09.2023 13:32

i hope someone would make javascript to c or c++ transcoder so i can creat games in other language without the need to learn it.

Minecraft - 19.09.2023 13:52

Sorry, I'm still sticking with this crap, because I've built memories with this crap, I know I can build new memories but still, the new memories won't be as good and the loss of JS will give me pain, I started with JS, I will learn new stuff, but I will stick to JS and improve upon it. The one reason why we can't change the language into a completely good language is it will break millions of websites and functionality that are written by it right? Even though we can try to make a perfectly good language, we still can't make it flawless. Design can be bad at points, time will change, we will be in need of new designs, we will adapt it till the end, and when we think new innovations will need completely different designs, we will make new technology for it. We can't just change the entire Internet. I always wished we had a perfect OS, like I don't find Windows, Mac or Linux good. I know you might argue with me with that, but Windows doesn't support Unix commands and is not that customizable, it also isn't consistent with their design (although they are improving with Windows 11, but still not perfect). Mac has nice interface and also supports Unix commands, but still not perfect, some softwares simply don't run on Mac, we don't have any standard. Next for Linux, they are lots of distros. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, though it kind of pisses me off that we need VMs to get full support of all these OS's, which isn't memory efficient. Why can't we have standard, why can't we have one browser standard and all browsers support the same CSS. It's just humans and the decisions they made, the memories they made and the design flaws that came along with it. We have to stick with this crap.

Light Ng
Light Ng - 18.09.2023 16:35

Stop doing this and that but what are alternatives? At least it works at the moment. But one should look forward to WebAssembly, however, not because of it can clean up JS world, it's an escape hatch.

Matt - 16.09.2023 09:19

I mean, yes, we could get a clean OS, but that means discarding compatibility and that is not realistic

Morten Hekkvang
Morten Hekkvang - 13.09.2023 11:56

We should definately have a truly strictly typed language for browsers etc. Aaand, no, Typescript is not it..

KevinOfSteel - 12.09.2023 17:39

Is this about that semicolon again?

Luca Venir
Luca Venir - 11.09.2023 23:15

Dart is there to take place for your client application needs. I hope influential people will start to notice that.

Anthony Ile
Anthony Ile - 10.09.2023 16:02

This man is golden, selfless, humble enough to tell you to look beyong them. I have always had the dream to be mentored by people like this. Sir, your words are golden and perfect for the next generation to learn from.

trojan horse
trojan horse - 09.09.2023 22:11

Do you know, I've been a developer barely ten years. And during that time there were many developers I admired. All of them ambitious developers , clever men, brilliant developers . Not one has lasted the course. They've either been too old, too ill or too weak. A confederacy of honored quitters.

sujay shetty
sujay shetty - 09.09.2023 20:09

whats the next thing? I cant build one. But i can learn one

Brian G
Brian G - 09.09.2023 09:24

Notice he doesn't suggest what that next new thing should be.

Brian G
Brian G - 09.09.2023 09:23

Five years until retirement. I'm not learning a new language. 😂

harambe tidepod
harambe tidepod - 08.09.2023 21:08

Evolve Better.

Rishikesh Negi
Rishikesh Negi - 08.09.2023 19:39

But JavaScript gets a new version every year or so with better features. If it's able to adapt and keep up with the changing needs of the developers, then there's really no need for a new language. There are so many useful JS frameworks, and new ones come out every now and then.

Marco André Schmidt
Marco André Schmidt - 08.09.2023 18:14

JavaScript rules the world when it comes to front end, in the other hand the back end languages have such a hard time to establish than selfs.

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf - 08.09.2023 02:17

JavaScript rules the way F all haters

Eduardo Herrera Forero
Eduardo Herrera Forero - 06.09.2023 18:58

greetings, Fortran is still used in the world, you can see it for example in the banks, during the pandemic people who know how to code in Fortran earned a lot of money.

manu martin
manu martin - 06.09.2023 08:42

this dude is so old that he doesn't care about other developers and now wants to change the language that is the sweat and bread of millions of developers

1chbinamin - 06.09.2023 00:11

What Douglas is trying to say: use PHP

Carlos Felipe Araújo
Carlos Felipe Araújo - 05.09.2023 22:41

React Native pays my bills so No hahaha Dart failed (twice? web and mobile?)

Hugh Signoriello
Hugh Signoriello - 04.09.2023 16:02

Switch to Typescript and thank me later :)

Gabriel de Fombelle
Gabriel de Fombelle - 04.09.2023 11:29

Does JavaScript is definitely better using Type Script ?

Yu Sun
Yu Sun - 04.09.2023 10:01

I've been struggling with mastering JavaScript for years and it took me so much time to get to know each and every dirty details.

Oamiox Mocliox
Oamiox Mocliox - 04.09.2023 00:14


Gerben - 04.09.2023 00:13

So, what to do? Collectively start using WASM instead?

ElementTicTacToe - 02.09.2023 08:15

spoken like a true code bro. You can tell this guy is an academic at best with no industry experience. Ah yes lets just change the programming language we're using overnight and rework our entire underlying architecture, just a quick sprint or two to migrate over right guys?

5 Star Reviews
5 Star Reviews - 02.09.2023 01:59

speak quietly and have a bald pate. And long wispy side tufts. This is the secret.

pemrograman-cepat - 30.08.2023 21:39

Don't take it too seriously, he is just bored of what he does everyday :D
