A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders

A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders


1 год назад

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@georginadownie1538 - 24.09.2023 22:39

Liverpool care pathway was brought in by a so called charity that trains world leaders in NLP called Common purpose

@georginadownie1538 - 24.09.2023 21:28

Agenda 21/30.. Liverpool care pathway was banned..hospitals are funded for meeting targets of people put on DNR notices..Doctors were banned by human rights courts from putting DNR notices on entire wards but continue to do so

@Myboxerkisses - 20.05.2023 04:43

This was used to ease the pain of cramp on my stepdad last week and within seconds he was gasping choking eyes rolling hallucinations and within 12 hours he’d passed. He was 82 and admitted with severe water retention 3 weeks ago. He caught C diff went into heart and kidney failure whilst in hospital and died so cruelly after a dose of this and I’m absolutely traumatised nobody prepared us before they injected him 😢😢😢

@shonawilliams26 - 13.05.2023 02:52

they tried this week to do this to my mum thankfully i had watched this ages ago. i threatened to sue. but they have actually killed her in a different way. she went in fine with a urine infection, starved her of water n food, don't know for how long though but she was fkn desperate for a drink and then she had a stroke and has only a few days left.

@kutatm - 02.05.2023 21:09

This documentary was very well done. This happened here in US with patients put on ventilators and given the toxic drug Remdesivir. It's simply disgusting what the medical community has gotten away with driven by their greed. Thanks for sharing the video.

@spex357 - 27.01.2023 16:42

For something to exist there must be an instance of it in the real world, isolated on its own so we can see it. A picture on a computer screen is not a real thing, neither is a peer reviewed paper. Current global FOI requests show nobody has a copy of Sars-cov2 or even Influenza anywhere. The chap in the suit the BBC called "our man in China" said "we must get the media to create a hype", so they did.
A chap called Bill gave them millions of pounds to help them as he's in the same club as our man in China. A hype isn't a bug but it can have an effect on some, but they needed deaths for their graphs and in numbers big enough to cause a spike, so they could push the fear hourly from their Lecterns, or this whole one world WEF agenda would have collapsed.
They did this indeed, they constructed and planned it all. It's been a military grade Psyops by a very powerfull group, and they haven't finished yet.
