Why can't you go faster than light?

Why can't you go faster than light?


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A Nony Mouse
A Nony Mouse - 07.10.2023 12:17

Because they’ve just put up a 20mph speed limit sign outside my house.

zakir hussain
zakir hussain - 06.10.2023 16:59

Only quantum particles of which Space itself is made of can travel at light speed. Elementary particles have to change to quantum particles to travel at light speed like electron-positron annihilation which changes elementary particles to photon since photon is made of quantum particles.

SteveFromMinecraft - 05.10.2023 03:27

I know I'm late but now I want to know why light is the official max speed of space, I think that yes, there is a max speed in space, but we don't necessarily know that it is the speed of light, it could be 10x the speed of light, 100x times the speed of light, there is no boundary setting it as the top speed.

GIAMPIERLUIGI - 04.10.2023 04:03

This is a circular definition: we can’t go faster than the speed of light because we move at the speed of light. My question still stands as I acknowledge the mathematics and the great minds behind it, but can’t really comprehend the reason since I’ve always lived in a world where acceleration is always possible, think about cars, every 2-3 years a new super car is invented which goes faster than the previous ones, why is it that at a certain point I just can’t? What if someone invents a propeller that pushes you to the speed of light? And what if someone else puts just a little more power into it? Why can it not accelerate more? A more reasonable example, what if we manage to push a photon faster than its speed?

J J - 03.10.2023 04:06

Ya not very helpful the biggest problem with humanity is its arrogance they think they know and understand everything when in reality they know almost nothing and understand even less then they impose pointless laws on things they can't even comprehend sadly it will take another 52 years before a man truly understands this and changes everything putting humanity one step closer to true freedom. Change the future swallow your false pride and arrogance.

Henrik Yngvesson
Henrik Yngvesson - 03.10.2023 00:21

Pavel Cherenkov does not agree! 😜

Tal Lewinger
Tal Lewinger - 30.09.2023 05:27

I like the explanation. But…. Why this random fundamental break system? Prove to me that this brake system wasn’t designed in by “the builders” of “the simulation” we are living in?
Asking for a friend 😉

R W - 29.09.2023 05:28

This analogy is lacking: Perhaps time should be one direction and velocity the other direction? While I get what the creator is trying to say, the video's analogy would seem to suggest that any movement through space (the x-axis) should result in time holding constant. If I move in space at all, according to the analogy, regardless of the speed of the car, I am advancing only along the x-axis. A faster car would only result in a greater advancement of my position relative to the x-axis with time still holding constant. Time seems to be acting almost like a measurement of the "inertia" of space, like we have to achieve a certain maximum velocity to escape the drift of time to advance in the x-axis without being pulled in the y. Another question: aren't we all technically moving at the speed of light since velocity is relative? Assuming I am at rest, am I not moving away at the speed of light relative to every photon traveling away from my present position in space? Am I not moving at the speed of light toward every photon approaching my position?

Daman Cooper
Daman Cooper - 26.09.2023 16:04

Okay why would we assume that space and time arent separate and the speed of light isnt relative? This whole thing is predicated on these 2 truths but why do we have any reason to believe them, particularly the 2nd one? What makes light so special? Everything in the universe is relative, even time itself, but light isnt? Why are we assuming light/the speed of light is the one fundamental constant of the universe?

krysulam - 26.09.2023 15:39

I wanna say thank you so much for saying this in a clear way, I ve seen some videos on this and they couldn't really explain it well to me

Master failure
Master failure - 25.09.2023 04:56

☝️ the universe doesn’t like you getting too far from your companion particles.

Aresti Paraskevopoulos
Aresti Paraskevopoulos - 21.09.2023 17:57

Thanks. If v > c then the Lorentz factor is complex. Does this possibly mean that if we could jump to a velcoity v >c (maybe not through typical acceleration which would never exceed c), we could move out of space time and maybe into something inbetween it. I guess my thought was that this might be similar to the >c jumps in star treck. Based on travel between space-time, we could emerge at other points in space-time with little or no difference in the actual change in time within space time. So a complex time might mean that time exists in more than one dimension, or that there is a complex addition to space-time.

Is it possible that sub-atomic particles might be able to make these jumps? So changing position without observation?

acajoom - 15.09.2023 01:35

So basically the video answers the question "Why can't you go faster than light?" with "because you can't go faster than light". 🙂

Flyon Evilwings
Flyon Evilwings - 14.09.2023 20:11


Master failure
Master failure - 10.09.2023 17:45

I really think the speed of light has everything to do with The volume of space you can move around.

FA5FLIP - 10.09.2023 00:53

This does not clarify anything. Basically your saying "can't go faster than light because everything traveling through space time is at the speed of light". That explains nothing other than being a theory that it's a fundamental characteristic of the universe. That graph would only make sense if the theory was we can't go faster than infinity which makes absolute sense... a limit nothing can ever reach.

Luke Parsons
Luke Parsons - 07.09.2023 15:11

So.. if you move at the speed of light.. you could get from a to b instantly? It’s taking no time?

Eric Lore
Eric Lore - 06.09.2023 21:24

I hope this isn’t going to be annoying but I have a lot of questions. Why do we use a 2d graph to represent space and time? How can we use one axis for space while traveling through space is on three axes?

pelasgeus pelasgeus
pelasgeus pelasgeus - 04.09.2023 23:00

Speed of light is directly related to the sun's current state. If the sun goes to a phase where the emitted energy will be different then the speed of light will be different too.

Gael Kermarrec
Gael Kermarrec - 04.09.2023 11:41

Is it that you can't go faster than light or is it that you can't accelerate to reach the speed of light?

John Slade
John Slade - 04.09.2023 03:10

I think scientists are actually theorizing we can't travel faster than the speed of light. I'm sure one day someone will figure out a way to travel faster than light. I'm pretty sure that some aliens out there who've been around for thousands or millions of years longer than humans have figured out how to travel faster than light. How to alter the mass of objects and/or create a field that protects them from the effects of FTL travel.

Souparna-labs - 26.08.2023 17:04

Has there been any Real experiment where faster than light leading to Time Paradoxes ?


barthvapour - 25.08.2023 22:32

Although you mention that it's not known why everything moves only at one speed through spacetime, it would be quite helpful if you were to explain why the speed everything moves at is the speed of light rather than, say, 60mph. This never seems to get explained, except by people citing equations that already have c in them, which doesn't help.

James Matheson
James Matheson - 20.08.2023 02:23

The speed of light is judged by the gravity of a solar system and its planets
If our sun moved slower or faster the speed of light would change based of how much gravity our solar system makes
If our solar system moved slower then we would perceive the speed of light to be slower and if another solar system moved faster they would perceive the speed of light to be faster and both our guesses of what the speed of light are would be different
Likewise if the speed of our planet is different then another planet borh of our interpretations of the speed of light will be different

Krum St.
Krum St. - 19.08.2023 06:28

Couse it's speed of the energy. No mass, no time , EM radiation jumps over the time's sheet cells. They're the shortest possible frame of time. Only gravitation can touch the EM radiation . Couse it's Energy too, but jailed in matter .Both energies probablly have comon root. Matter is between, it interacts with Energy but in passive way. Energy is a God and matter is his hobby. . Plain and simple :)

vintagelady - 18.08.2023 01:36

And here I thought it was b/c my car isn't turbocharged! You must be a very good scientist, b/c your answer left me w/ more questions! Like, what does it mean to be moving thru space? We're moving on a planet that is moving around a sun that is moving in a galaxy that is moving in a universe that is expanding...well, I lost it here but you know where I'm going. Can anything actually ever NOT move thru space? Can anything actually NOT move thru time? So we really ARE moving at the speed of light all the time? Do we ---does matter---only exist b/c of light? Can you show us how the analogy changes using hyperbolas (they always caused me the most trouble in geometry so I like them best)? Is moving at lightspeed a fundamental property of spacetime , or of matter? Are there other continuums (continua? No hablo el Latin...) besides spacetime? Finally (well, not REALLY but...) how do physicists keep from running in little circles holding their heads & screaming at all this weirdness? B/c that's what I'd be doing if I didn't have a nice glass of wine in my hand! Thanks for keeping it weird!

Tony Oceg
Tony Oceg - 16.08.2023 16:57

Great video but the original question remains unanswered - why is there a speed limit? And why is that limit the speed of light?

SpaceMan - 12.08.2023 17:39

Stupid question: what if gravity has a dual nature? Wave and particle? ~~~@~~~

Eric b
Eric b - 12.08.2023 05:53

How do we know a change is caused by time change or slave change

Eric b
Eric b - 12.08.2023 05:48

In my opinion the velocity of light is relative to the fifth dimension so in fourth dimension and below, it remains constant when relative to anything.

Eric b
Eric b - 12.08.2023 05:43

This is by far the most visualized and easy to interpret explanation of time dilation and why time cannot be exceeded and it explains the deeper reason behind. Most of the explanations I got is just mass increases and cannot be infinite. In my opinion, speed of light is like video game’s pixel loading speed

Alan Wang #36
Alan Wang #36 - 12.08.2023 04:31

I was thinking the same thing the other day and then I thought:
If I was traveling at infinite speed. My line would be vertical on the graph.
Which means I would not be moving at all because my position on the x axil stays constant.
Which is counter intuitive because if my speed is indicated by the slope of the line and a vertical line has no slope.
Which means I have no speed. I am stationary.
However I could not tell if that was the speed of light.
Because if the slope of the line indicates speed.
The slope of the line would be determined by how I decide draw the scales on my graph.
I would know how much I have traveled because we can measure distance.
For the sake of argument, if we rule out relativity at this point which means we think our meters don't change no matter how fast we are moving.
I wouldn't know how time is flowing faster or slower.
I wouldn't know if my watch is working properly.
How could I tell if it was?
How would I know if the vertical line indicates the speed of light?
This bothers me because there is indeed a speed limit in this universe but it could be whatever I wanted it to be?
This didn't make a lot of sense.
If I draw the y axil longer all the lines on the graph with the same slope would indicate higher speed.

frankydman - 12.08.2023 02:26

I remember about 11-12 years ago there was this major story in science about how at CERN they had supposedly discovered neutrinos that move faster than light.

I never got all the details of the story, but from what I recall, it’s turns out a wire was lose somewhere, which caused this reading, and a number of scientists became embarrassed from having supported this finding

(Don’t know if the last part is entirely true though)

Rodney Kawecki
Rodney Kawecki - 09.08.2023 21:15

Cause Einstein said ....

Jock Sam
Jock Sam - 09.08.2023 17:25

Tesla discovered scaler waves which are compression waves in the ether, but faster than light, and Ather don’t exist. It’s funny they do exist one day the dogma will die, and people will know the truth. Have a great day.

Abdullah Saba
Abdullah Saba - 08.08.2023 12:32

বালের একটা ভিডিও বানাইছত

gS - 08.08.2023 07:27


Stefan C
Stefan C - 08.08.2023 05:25

Would this mean that people that exercise LITERALLY have more time???

not a bot
not a bot - 08.08.2023 04:12

Solar sails have existed for years, but massive ones only generate about a pound of force. Even if it generated a trillion pounds of force, it would never reach the speed of light, because that is physically impossible. It's good to keep in mind these guys are comedians, not scientists.

CODzILLA - 06.08.2023 16:34

Why all objects move at speed of light including stationary object it maybe because our solar system, galaxy and universe are moving together making the sum to the speed of light.

tyler - 06.08.2023 06:41

You could, you just need like, an impossible amount of energy to produce the thrust

Raf van de Vreugde
Raf van de Vreugde - 02.08.2023 22:41

A very nice explanation, but now I have another question.
Why is every object moving through spacetime at one and only one speeds? What determines this boundary?

Datamining101 - 02.08.2023 01:23

This is great, and technically correct relative to the title (the best kind of correct), but doesn't really explain why you can't go the speed of light. In fact, it implies that you CAN go the speed of light.

qwertyuiop - 31.07.2023 18:23

You'd have to become light

Parasu Raman
Parasu Raman - 28.07.2023 20:04


Dana Hayden
Dana Hayden - 27.07.2023 00:58

I do not understand any of this.
I do not even understand how to make a comment.

David Porthouse
David Porthouse - 26.07.2023 13:02

Er, we move through spacetime at the imaginary speed of light if you look carefully at the equations. Also known as one second per second.

Ron Hansard
Ron Hansard - 25.07.2023 20:27

Outstanding! This was a very nice, and simple to understand, high level explaination for why we can't move faster than the speed of light. Although you didn't get into some of the more intriguing and exotic characteristics of this question, I appreciate how well you were able to convey this information so fast, efficiently, and understandable to anyone. I'll look forward to viewing your other video presentations.

Ricardo Michaelangelo  pelc-Wesoly
Ricardo Michaelangelo pelc-Wesoly - 25.07.2023 16:21

You can but you just don't know it yet.
