Pediatrician's Top Tips For Newborn Sleep

Pediatrician's Top Tips For Newborn Sleep

The Doctors Bjorkman

3 года назад

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Lydia Kotter
Lydia Kotter - 19.09.2023 14:41

The dad jokes have arrived!!

Acorn Acres Lullaby Sensory Sleep Videos
Acorn Acres Lullaby Sensory Sleep Videos - 05.09.2023 21:11

I'd say sleep was the most challenging part of becoming a parent for the first time :)

Laura Wainwright
Laura Wainwright - 05.09.2023 02:51

We get told in the UK not to swaddle as it can increase SIDS

Clu Flu
Clu Flu - 11.08.2023 10:39

I'm on baby #3 and I still find so much reassurance in this!! Getting a baby to sleep well is hard work! Thank you for your encouragement!

Aben Mongro
Aben Mongro - 11.08.2023 07:18

How long do you breastfeed for until you know baby is full? My baby sleeps off midway.

Jennifer McFadden
Jennifer McFadden - 12.07.2023 01:19

We should do a live stream video chat with you I have questions about my baby

vmaine94 - 06.07.2023 19:26

Just surviving currently 😩😩 and it's only the first week😢

MrBABY1823 - 03.07.2023 22:26

I like your videos really amazing and beautiful content ❤️😍

MrBABY1823 - 03.07.2023 22:25


MrBABY1823 - 03.07.2023 22:24


MrBABY1823 - 03.07.2023 22:24


Kate - 04.06.2023 20:06

Thank you very much

Ruth Field
Ruth Field - 17.05.2023 18:00

Baby will only sleep for more than ten minutes during the day the Solly wrap

Phiology - 25.04.2023 14:15

What grandma...we both work...night shift is terrible. Wish we never had a baby...

Mel T
Mel T - 09.04.2023 02:21

Anyone else super distracted by how they keep looking at each other 😭

Yamile Elizabeth
Yamile Elizabeth - 05.04.2023 02:31

FTM here! My little guy is just 5 weeks and we just stretched his feeding to every 4 hours for night time feeds. He has to be woken up to be feed. Should I be letting him sleep more or should I stick with what I am doing? Want to do what’s best for him

Jessica Peck
Jessica Peck - 04.04.2023 19:25

Ok, so the swaddle helps baby not startle theirself awake, BUT can it prevent my child from pooping herself awake!? 😂😂😂 Love your videos, as always, super informative and helpful! :)

Cody Watts
Cody Watts - 19.03.2023 08:58

Thank you all for your videos, my wife and I and our newborn baby have benefitted from your work. Thank you!

Biglustypanda - 09.03.2023 07:39

My 2 week infant keep fighting the swaddles and end up crying everytime. Any tip?

Kimberly - 20.02.2023 08:49

I'm going through motherhood all over again with my 3 week old son. I have a 17 year old daughter, so I forgot just how exhausting the first few weeks really are 😩

Deb Tait Fidler
Deb Tait Fidler - 13.02.2023 18:57

What do you do if the nap is short but baby doesn't want to feed? Do you still do wake windows without the feeding?

Grant Hughes
Grant Hughes - 08.02.2023 15:46

I’ve been bingeing your vids for the past 7 months… my wife is due in 2 months, you’ve been a huge help. Thank you!!

Amanda Stapley
Amanda Stapley - 29.01.2023 18:53

I'm surprised a pediatrician didn't know about wake windows. My pediatrician seemed horrified when we told her we didn't learn about sleep and overtired babies until later.

Jean MorrisseyGeer
Jean MorrisseyGeer - 24.01.2023 21:58

The magic merlin sleep suit ❤️❤️

Katherine Ramirez
Katherine Ramirez - 13.01.2023 07:18

Mi baby os going to have 3 weeks and he can be awake for. 2-3 hours… he is like fighting with his sleep… I’m concern about this…. He sleep like 10-12 hours per day!

user9570 - 12.01.2023 22:55

Curious to see what advice is available to make infant/baby more comfortable on their back. Ours like napping etc on us or on her tummy (as we keep an eye) but on her back she is restless very quickly.

amy wendel
amy wendel - 11.01.2023 07:28

Your videos are phenomenal! My daughter is a patient of Dr Sarah and finds so much comfort & compassion in her fertility care ❤. We prayer she & our son in law will need this video in the future to get their newborn to sleep. Thank you for your professionalism & real life advice!

KIrk C
KIrk C - 11.01.2023 01:20

My daughter baby does not sleep a lot and a very light sleeper, why is that and what can she do?

KIrk C
KIrk C - 11.01.2023 01:18

My daughter has a new born 3 months old now and shes never well rested because she doesnt know how to sync sleep with her baby

Sharon brefo-boateng
Sharon brefo-boateng - 07.01.2023 17:20

I'm really struggling and I need help
. My baby will only sleep with breast in her mouth.. She can't fall asleep on her own... She's getting to 3 weeks old... How do I go about it

saramations - 03.01.2023 01:53

My tip is to find a routine and stick to it and adapt as baby grows and changes... It's also all about intuition so I don't have any tips in that regard.

Natasha Y
Natasha Y - 22.12.2022 06:12

2nd time mom, my first was a preemie and he NEVER slept. He was incredibly fussy.
Eight years later I am on baby #2 and thought I was far better prepared. Unfortunately turns out I apparently just suck at baby sleep because my girl actually is up also from 2am all the way until 7am and I am exhausted since I have to get out the door by 8am. I read a book by Polly Moore regarding baby sleep in which she also focuses on the 90 min cycles. She is just 4wks old as I am ebf and the cluster feeding has wrecked me. She has reflux though so it is a eat, spew everything, cry and repeat during those night hours. Her pediatrician told me yesterday to pump into a bottle and add a tsp of cereal to keep it down. Hoping that and these tips help us. I get her naked down to her diapers while feeding.. she still falls asleep however lol.

Lydiane Lessard
Lydiane Lessard - 15.12.2022 02:38

Great video, do you recommend self soothing or do you have baby fall asleep no matter what ie: on mom, in a carrier, car ride, etc.

Maria Giovanna Campobasso
Maria Giovanna Campobasso - 14.12.2022 13:00


Manuel Lara
Manuel Lara - 14.12.2022 08:00

Demonstration would have been helpful,

Malika Bourne
Malika Bourne - 12.12.2022 04:09

Old Nurse: great-grandma...I'm loving you two sharing your experience and teaching.

Cheyenne Howell
Cheyenne Howell - 11.12.2022 00:28

How about sleeping when the baby gets older? I heard it can get harder. I love sleeping in, how can I do that with a baby?

Naya Mo
Naya Mo - 09.12.2022 01:26

This is such a great video. Thank you 😊

Brittany Khader
Brittany Khader - 04.12.2022 07:45

Plz help my son stopped sleeping good at night when he turned 6 months old his is 8 months now and some nights his up every 30 minutes to an hour I've tried less naps more naps idk what to do

DressedAsYourNightmare - 27.11.2022 09:50

Just stick it in the crib and let it cry. It’ll be fine.

Rahul Sen
Rahul Sen - 24.11.2022 11:45

mine doesn't sleep at all 🤡

Twila Nkombo
Twila Nkombo - 22.11.2022 17:59

Thankyou for this video it's really helpful

christopher chiodo
christopher chiodo - 17.11.2022 02:39

Love your channel! Just wanted to ask if you feel the Snoo is worth it?

Jess - 15.11.2022 20:35

I've been watching your channel my whole pregnancy. Thank you so much for all of your advice! I'm so glad you made this video because after days of our 2 week old staying up for 4+ hours we've successfully put her down to sleep 6 times now. Learning about the wake window , shhhushing and rocking have helped us tremendously. ❤️

Logitech Social
Logitech Social - 15.11.2022 06:28

Your videos are truly blessings for all newly perents like us 😊

Ryan Didato
Ryan Didato - 12.11.2022 18:28

Our baby (1 week) is a great sleeper but only when he’s sleeping on our chest or in our arms. He fuses and cries when we put him on his back in the bassinet. We swaddle him and set the sleep atmosphere but have been super unsuccessful.

Alexa Wojciechowicz
Alexa Wojciechowicz - 10.11.2022 04:22

Hi! Love your videos. Question - when baby wakes during night and will finish a bottle without being fully awake, do you still suggest fully awakening the baby? Does fully awakening help baby go back to sleep better?

djedra nadjih
djedra nadjih - 05.11.2022 02:15

👖🇺🇸This for You🌎
