Yes. Once again eBay has shafted business sellers. Offer system not working, page hits massively down and we are still charged huge fees!
Ответитьwhy not have the missing drawer at the bottom of the stack, that way when you look at them, the missing one won't be so obvious and you could store some larger items directly on the base/floor if you needed to
ОтветитьPeople are really feeling the pinch, the cost of living has skyrocketed and more so, the disposable income has disappeared and buying "stuff" has fallen into a big black hole. Sorry mate.
ОтветитьI have found endless problems navigating the site for about 10 days now. I am forced to keep trying but buyers get frustrated very easily at the best of times.
ОтветитьWe were in Leith last night, great little Pub in the old harbour.
ОтветитьNick, on the drawer move bottom drawer to the top. Just the bottom for the likes of a reem of papers, heavy and will balance weight. Help with OCD!
ОтветитьOCD With the plastic drawers? Take the plastic top off and take it down one and put the top back on.
ОтветитьI have the worst week on eBay this week in 22 years glad I’m not the only one but thinking it’s time to move on .
Ответить90% of buyers are private sellers
ОтветитьPrivate seller here. I had a few hundred items listed but was getting no views on anything. I don't understand the promoted listings. No sales since last week. Decided to just take everything to the charity shop. It's just not worth having hundreds of items cluttering up my house. Hopefully will make a few quid for the charity.
ОтветитьIs it getting colder in that shed nic?
ОтветитьI buy and sell watches as a hobby, and I have had a good few weeks buying and selling.
ОтветитьEBay are a serious pain. I just gave up. They have no idea about the user experience.
ОтветитьWhy blame ebay for poor sales? If people don't want your stuff then you won't sell it so, ergo, crap week of sales. I had a crap week last week too but that was my own fault
ОтветитьSales are not down... that's a false question.
Whe always Blaming others, it is easier.
Resilience is the key word, adapt, change, innovate...
Nokia was a leader and died. Stop selling than other brands appeared and sell millions.
" If we can't hunt with a dog then we have to hunt with a cat"
All the best to you, cheers
Older consoles tend to sell really well even if it’s faulty I got £45 plus P&P for my SNES with 2 controllers it had a video fault I expect was down to a compactor.
Ответитьlol recycling batteries at supermarkets ! that should off set the 1000 coal powered power plants the chinese opened last week ! you nutter
ОтветитьMy eBay sales have dropped from 4-6+ k a month now down to 2-2.5 k a month now, just about breaking even with the company it's not good.
ОтветитьWhat’s your target revenue per day? Obviously going to depend on what you paid for the items you’re selling but you said £250 or thereabouts for two days of sales was pretty poor so I’m guessing you’re aiming for that per day usually?
ОтветитьA recession is coming, get ready 👍
ОтветитьWe need more dumpster diving videos Nic! 🙌
ОтветитьI am a bookseller on Amazon FBA and eBay. Over the last seven days, Amazon sales have stayed on track, but eBay sales have dropped by 93%. Someone hit the off switch somewhere. It can't be anything eBay has changed because they said these changes would be good for business sellers.
ОтветитьI not longer sell stuff on ebay due to their awful rules and free for all scammer activity. I hardly ever buy stuff on ebay now unless i have no choice. I prefer paying a tiny bit more on amazon and getting better service and better returns handling.
ОтветитьTemu and Ali express is killing ebay and Amazon sales
ОтветитьHi Nick! I remember a few videos back you said you have a disc cleaner, which one do you use? Many thanks
Ответитьmust be the amazon prime days no one on ebay. Very low views on all my listings
ОтветитьCharity shops near me ask £40+ for dirty/broken wii's
ОтветитьIf I were you I’d move the bottom tray to the top of the stack of drawers and the now empty bottom draw you can use to put paperwork or something as it’s will have a base. May also help out with the OCD 🤣
ОтветитьYes. Same here. Sales went off a cliff on Wednesday last and have not recovered. Does anybody know how long it normally takes to get back to normal after eBay makes major site changes?
ОтветитьI think sellers have gotten out of control. Lower your prices, the market goes up and down and if your not flowing with it your not gonna get sales. I’m happy to pay eBay fees they provide a great service for a cheap price. A 30% margin is good enough for me on some items and I make up there difference on other items where the margin is bigger. If all I gotta do of snap some pics and post an item and access a world wide market with eBay handling all the disputes and payments, psh I’ll pay 10-15% plus listing fees all day. Many other retail shops are not getting the margins we are.
ОтветитьHi Nick. Yes ebay has been a crazy ride this week. I think that alot of back office coding changes has affected the visibility of alot of items this week on the back of the free fees listing that been going on. It will settle in time hopefully quicker rather than later. Regarding the campaign. Keep up the great work :)
ОтветитьIve been doing ebay for nearly two years. Last weel i had three days in a row with zero sales.. literally first time that has ever happened..get odd one day no sales once in a blue moon thats it. So i decided to create a vinted account ive got four sales in two days..and multiple views and favourites. Compared to many zero view listings on ebay.
ОтветитьI've just paused to say coconut smell is vile 🤢 I'll carry on watching now 👍🏻
ОтветитьI hope your ebay sales pick up Nic , and anyone else who's sales have slowed... I'm not a reseller anywhere, I just enjoy watching various channels, a couple in America and George Ross & Nic and Andrea 🤞🏻 on your next video it's more healthy on the sales 💞💙
ОтветитьI know this is mostly about ebay but this is about vinted has anyone found dodgy sellers on vinted it's mostly in early hrs when I can't sleep the sellers will always have their items for 5.89 7.97 their prices seem too good to be true postage is
always royal mail I've had a couple of times when they have caught me out I bought a e bridgewater childs teaset for £150 they don't answer messages then it's takes over a week or so to get your money back can anyone explain why they do this I keep reporting the sellers now but vinted give you same answer all the time prob a computer answer when I've sent a message to vinted asking for a reply guess what no reply very annoying
I’m a self employed reseller but don’t just rely on online reselling I also sell on my market stall but different items that I sell on eBay
ОтветитьI’m surprised you haven’t migrated to vinted for most items it’s quite superior to eBay in many ways
ОтветитьYup same prob,,, to do with private seller no fees....and have had constant emails phone calls to promote listings...they can do one as off to Etsy Vinted....hello to China private multi sellers with BS fake locations FFS
ОтветитьI think that the Islamic Muslims have control of eBay and they are smashing everyone out of the ring, certainly myself. I could be wrong. I know nothing for certain except that they have demolished my account and my investment over two years is lost. It is not worth joining eBay to sell stuff as they will just take your trade themselves. You will be left with nothing .
ОтветитьHI are cd sales increasing?
ОтветитьIts poor since month. Spoken with many people and even seller having 1000 of items sold… nearly nothing. People start buying beginning of month and it ends one week after the 1st of month. Why? People having no money left….
ОтветитьVery slow sales also for me here in Oregon. I wish we heard some response form eBay, but that we know will not happen.
ОтветитьFiona Apple - what a voice! Thanks for introducing me to her music & happy selling!❤
ОтветитьShopping on Ditchit is clear and simple—Amazon never felt like this. 😊
ОтветитьIts so you have to use the promoted item function and give ebay a cut.
ОтветитьI have a feedback question.
If I sell an item on eBay, I give feedback first. But buyers fail to give feedback.
If i purchase on eBay, sellers do not offer feedback unless I have first if at all.
What are the rules ?
I did a quick check on the eBay fees charged on my sales ( business account). They seem to be charging two final fees, plus another new charge ( economic fee) fees on postage and vat. My back of a fag packet calculation suggests total fee percentage of over 20%. I recall when fees, inc PayPal, hovered at about 14%. EBay are really squeezing business sellers.
ОтветитьInstantly thought "surely those plastic drawers seperate?" Even if they don't I'd be straight in there with a saw removing the top and posts and glueing the lid back down 😃