WTTW Channel 11 - "MBC" (Station ID, 1990)

WTTW Channel 11 - "MBC" (Station ID, 1990)

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Here's a station ID from WTTW Channel 11 on the occasion of the 35th Anniversary of the station, featuring the Museum of Broadcast Communications and some of it's employees. Fuzzy worked there for about a year back then, when they were located in the River City complex.

I remember the guy on the left in this ID was named Bernie, but I don't remember the other two names. Would anyone else out there know?

This was filmed in front of the master control where they did the mock newscasts that people could appear in and purchase a copy of.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, October 8th 1990.


#local #chicago #tv #museum #fuzzy #memories #fuzzymemories #fuzzymemories.tv #history #broadcast #communications #MBC
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