Binge Eating Recovery – STOP Doing These Things!

Binge Eating Recovery – STOP Doing These Things!

The Binge Eating Therapist

1 год назад

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@cattycakes64 - 01.02.2024 16:14

The tomorrow thinking has been a huge factor in my bonge eating. The idea of good and bad foods too. I feel so fortunate to.have found you Sarah. I'm actually addressing eati g in a much more mindful way. I feel more responsible and responsive and I have only been wstching your vids for a week now. Feeli g hopeful and more empowered.

@chrissyjoy08 - 02.01.2024 06:48

So almost everyone I've heard/ everything I've read they say that eating regular and balanced meals, or eating breakfast especially with lots of protein, or eating regular healthy snacks, etc, will help prevent binges. My problem is that I overeat in the evenings, sometimes afternoons, REGARDLESS of whether or when or how much I ate during the day. So as a person who isn't typically hungry in the mornings (although if breakfast is provided for me I'll usually happily eat it... but it's not a thing I need to have) and i also tend to not be hungry until around 1-3pm, it's hard to make myself eat something until then, cause while I could eat, I'm not necessarily hungry, and also I'll most likely overeat in the evening no matter what, so then my thoughts go well why not just skip the meal(s) and save on calories during the morning and/or noon time?

@Bethelight4thoseinthedark - 28.12.2023 06:50

Everything you said resonated with me I'm so fixated on the outcome I'm overly focused. Funnily enough over the last few days I've been randomly telling myself that i need to not care because in the passed i didn't care and i wasn't gaining heaps of weight or struggling its like only now that i care its now a problem. Gosh I'd love to go back to my old self when i just ate aomething for breakfast because i was hungry and that was it no breakfast ocd or after breakfast guilt followed by planning lunch to make up for breakfast 😢 i also tell myself i need a new hobby to focus on so i can stop focusing of dam food, i use to be a foodie when i didnt care about food i loved it loved to bake an make stuff everyday now i hate food its a prison sentence

@odette3056 - 08.12.2023 19:11

Tomorrow i will eat my Chocolate 😊. Sometimes this helps me not to do it today

@rachaelchampion6195 - 19.10.2023 23:25

Very interesting- I'm a nutritionist but still feel too fraudulent to practice being a nutritionist because I'm a binge eater. Its a shame because I could support people whilst coming from a place of experience - hopefully I will change my mindset one day. I'm looking forward to watching more of your work. I have ADHD and I think that is definitely related to my eating. The tomorrow concept works particularly well for my ADHD brain because I get an instant dopamine kick when I say to myself 'Yay, I'm gonna nail this tomorrow' Silly brain ;)

@manalfakhreddine2977 - 01.09.2023 16:12

1.stop tomorrow thinking
ask what make you think that u will be able to make it tomorrow NOT today?
2. Stop trying to make the right choice
Remeber nothing right nothing wrong
Eat intuitively
3.stop viewing seeing it in linear
processes from A to B

@lindiraman1963 - 16.08.2023 23:50

Thank you.

@jordonmanwaring5239 - 09.08.2023 18:09

What are your thoughts on weighing yourself?

@Kazoku4 - 06.08.2023 07:18

My binge eating is BAD. I was on a good streak, I lost 5lbs, and then out of nowhere: cake, pizza, more pizza, cheese, coke, bread, fried chicken. Now im so close to my highest weight again. HORRIBLE!!! I STUFF my face until I feel sick and I don’t stop, I keep going through the stomach pain. Disgusted with myself.

@jonathansobieski2962 - 31.07.2023 07:20

Most logically, tomorrow will be worse than today. As you get older, your body isn’t as good. All problems get worse on average in the future.

@evadebruijn - 08.07.2023 18:18

Tearing up here.
A therapist who has been there themself is priceless.
Always on the verge of A New Life, that delusional dangling carrot disguised as "hope" and "positive thinking"
One day ....


@bikrchikie - 24.06.2023 03:35

Thanks so much ❤️❤️❤️

@MattP-mb9jp - 12.06.2023 19:26

Is the therapy group still active?

@bryanmatthews8917 - 09.06.2023 17:57


@chenct - 07.06.2023 20:40

Stop trying to stop binge eating by trying to stop binge eating. That's one of the most helpful messages I've encountered.
Thank you so much for your videos, I'm watching them on repeat.

@bethdoesitmatter2967 - 04.06.2023 22:36

Thank you for the content! ❤❤❤

@kkalani97 - 31.05.2023 01:16

Omg this is me

@livs5321 - 20.05.2023 23:37

thank you so much for this video. <3

@squirrelmummy - 27.03.2023 22:13

Yeah I totally think I'll get on with dieting/healthy eating tomorrow... The trouble is that I'll cram as much eating in that day but when tomorrow comes I fail again so I eat as much as I can thinking I'll start tomorrow... And on and on until Iv been majorly overeating for months and gone up a dress size. I am really seeing the logic in giving up the battle. I don't have the panic to get all the food as quick as possible because I'm not planning to diet tomorrow. I can't say I'm eating perfectly but there isn't the all or nothing approach and I'm not eating as much as I would be in the vicious binge cycle.

@brazenbunnies - 26.03.2023 20:27

You can’t trust future you. Has a proven record of unreliability.

@Marnie9261 - 03.03.2023 18:37

thanks mam🐨

@scienceforlife89 - 09.01.2023 04:14

Very good said! It's not just about food... I see in me pattern, that i strugle with other "every day staff" too. If i don't do something that i planed day before, i feel very anxious with bad thoughts, that i can't managed even "little things" in life (ex. go outside for walk, cleaning, see friends...)

@amyhaney3898 - 01.12.2022 17:05

Very good and helpful! I’m going to try this. Thank you, Sarah❤️

@michellemagana402 - 28.09.2022 20:55

This video is so helpful!! Thank you!!

@connorcress7644 - 21.09.2022 23:21

This is the first video I've watched from your or on this topic. I am definitely a tomorrow person! I eat when I am tired, I eat before I leave on some kind of irregular trip or drive if I know I won't be home in a few hours I eat when I'm stressed I eat when I'm bored I eat because I love food I eat because its a habit. I used to wrestle year round and it was always cut tons of weight then binge binge binge then cut and repeat and when wrestling ended for me I am still binging years later. I recently lost 60lb with the help of a trainer and I would say yes I am winning the war but I keep losing the battles that set me back big time. The trainer keeps saying it's simple just don't put things in your mouth and he keeps getting mad and threatening to drop me but I do it subconsciously sometimes too where I realize what I've done and panic trying to throw up or go running in the middle of the night. Sometimes my wife will yell at me and I will still eat mid-yelling and growing up my dad would always scream stop eating at the top of his lungs so much so that it's ingrained in my mind like PTSD of some kind. Yet even with all that I just can't stop eating until pain, I have lost a ton of weight but I am still binging I drink like 6 crystal lights a day and multiple zero-calorie sodas and I eat tons of pickles and other untrackable caloric items. I tried to go to therapy but as an adult, I can't just get "called out of school" for a 1pm appointment and there is never any outside of an 8-4 availability, I even tried to see a hypnotherapist as well. I will binge then get so stressed out immensely and I with pick off my entire beard on one side of my face in deep thought just to snap out of it and realize and have to shave to hide the disaster.

A big mess of a story I know just thought I would share since I don't know anyone else with my problems and never shared them before.

@helenbrooks1054 - 22.07.2022 11:39

Thank you for sharing this, a simple, easy to follow video that says so much. I am definitely guilty of saying to myself "I can't seem to stop myself today, so I'll just give in and do better tomorrow."

@suzywilliss4162 - 20.07.2022 01:54

Another brilliant video - this one was so helpful. Thank you for your constant support and wisdom Sarah ❤️

@sreekrishnam5268 - 19.07.2022 13:48

Thank you so much madam 🙏 i 've been suffering from binge eating since I started my weight loss journey and now I'm in ideal weight only because of doing hard excercise after lot of binging episodes :( now I'm gaining weight but still can't control my binge eating ...don't know what to do but I'm following ur channel since last week and you're doing great these tips are really helpful. God bless you ✨

@andraste6746 - 19.07.2022 11:55

This idea of your future self is so helpful. At work people would take overtime and say they were regretting it when working but future them would be happy when paid. I like the idea of looking after your future self and not putting all that pressure on tomorrow. I do that a lot instead of living just now.

@naheedsiddique6206 - 18.07.2022 19:14

Another great video struggled with all 3 things today xx

@Rebeccajp25 - 18.07.2022 09:04

Thanks for this video, it was very interesting. You mentioned people feeling like not eating in the hot weather, but I’m actually the opposite. The hot weather makes me feel stressed and uncomfortable, and I just feel like eating constantly. I think I should keep an eye on how I’m feeling today and notice what’s going on when I just feel like eating. Any advice please Sarah?

@lorriredmon7531 - 17.07.2022 14:27

I'm loving video.
I feel that being on the verge of something (the I'll do it tomorrow thinking), can be an exciting feeling. Being addicted to excitement/frenzy can be where a person thrives. Also actually moving forward with that 'thing' can be terrifying (even if it's something I've wanted forever). What will that feel like? Will I struggle? Who will I be past this? We all know the old is painful but familiar, and the new isn't familiar, and that's scary. On the other hand, it could be really really fantastic!
Second point you make: Analysis paralysis is a real thing for me. Perfectionistic thinking is like hitting a brick wall. Hearing (once again) that black and white thinking can sneak up everywhere, but taking a breath, stepping back and making the best choice for the moment for me, (not everyone in this community or society) is what the goal is. Making a decision that's away from a set way of eating is where I really have to dig to listen to what my gut is saying. Listen and be honest with myself and make a choice. The honesty applies to the two to five year old me who wants to get away with something in the name of doing the right thing and making the adult, thought out, honest, peaceful choice. It's like re-raising myself from the point in life where I became blocked/stunted. We've all heard of the inner child. I am raising my inner child, with kindness and love.
Third point you mention: To me the meaning of "recovered" means there will no longer be a struggle. In life there are ebbs and tides, why would I think that the food would be different? (fantasy I guess) I am no longer bingeing, not really a struggle, the struggle is the thinking (I can mentally generate that bingeing frenzied feeling on a regular meal) That's where there's the peace or chaos for me. So knowing even "normal" people live lives of ups and downs, of pain and peace, and it's normal is comforting. Getting back to peace is coming faster and knowing that chaos will pass if I don't panic makes a difference. No success is made without setbacks and some failures. That's where we learn. So if I make a food choice that ends up putting me in a spiral, being kind to myself, picking up that little girl, kissing her on the forehead and telling her "that's ok", now we know what doesn't work for us, is a huge thing to have learned about myself.
As always, I learn or am reminded of something I needed to hear. Thank you Sarah.

@nikkiallen6264 - 17.07.2022 10:48

Thank you Sarah, point 3 is very relevant, I've had around 6 weeks in a much more calm state, no binging. Then last 3 days have been back into the chaos. 4 days ago was my dads funeral, so no coincidence there. Learning how to get back to the other state is what is important here. I can now see that rather than this being a set back, it's an important and required part of the process. Thank you

Do you have any control over the ads that show? I try to watch them as I know it helps, but there is often noom and today it was for a binge eating coach, when clicking on link it promises weight loss and that "all my clients lose weight"

@karinekmk9293 - 17.07.2022 03:56

I am a 'tomorrow I'll ....' person, not for things related to work or workouts, but for any difficult thing that requires change. But I didn't see it as an excuse to keep doing the bad habit today. Definitely interesting point of view ! Thank you Sarah!

@koolforkatss9155 - 17.07.2022 00:13

Love this video, exactly what I needs to hear 💕

@Andy-fy2kz - 16.07.2022 22:56

You nailded it Sarah! Loving the 3 tips!! Really helpful! Loving what you said about "Overthinking" and "calm ourselves to try to listen our wisdom".
Wishing mental peace about food to all of us, all the community!! ❤❤❤❤

@jenniferballswitchhouse37 - 16.07.2022 22:20

Oh wow! You hit the nail on the head! I’ve been struggling with these. Time to have a second look at things! 😃
