A Farewell To SLI

A Farewell To SLI


3 года назад

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KX231 - 06.09.2023 12:44

Another important piece of info: with Crossfire, you could run two different models of AMD GPU based on the same architecture, together. While Nvidia SLI required that both GPUs be the same. NVLink no longer has that restriction.

Am Sans
Am Sans - 16.05.2023 11:31


2-SpaZ-4-U - 14.04.2023 01:04

Total Linus but done better

Paxton Cargill
Paxton Cargill - 10.02.2023 05:17

Sli was so sexy, I remember when the biggest flex possible was a 4 way titan x setup

Vince Cooper
Vince Cooper - 29.01.2023 06:38

Excellent !!. This video just answered a lot of my ???. Thank you !

Stefen Smith
Stefen Smith - 06.10.2022 04:57

We need multi gpu support now more than ever. It was NEVER about buying two brand new cards and then complaining about it not being double the performance... that narrative got skewed over the years. For most of us it was about getting the best card you could at the time and then when you could upgrade you could choose a brand new single card or buy another one of the same model you have for a lot cheaper than new and have faster performance. We always only expected 35% more witth the second card. Compare that with the usual 20-25% uplift from the previous gen at that time and you had a real choice as a budget gamer.

Sven Gustaffson
Sven Gustaffson - 04.09.2022 19:14


Krash Kharma
Krash Kharma - 26.08.2022 22:14

lol Canadians will never know the horror of Golden Corral and Ponderosa.

JSaint413 - 08.08.2022 18:55

What microphone do you use for your videos?

iamkitkatbar - 31.07.2022 14:47

My only SLI setup was a 2x780ti back in 2013 running Battlefield 4

asymsolutions - 25.03.2022 07:54

Am I the only one here to actually remember SLI being great, across the board? As in when I was in college the ability to use a used 400 or 500 series in my tower to improve my performance was a game changer for my low budget student life? Or the fact that with the 900 series I could do a pair of 980ti's at near 75% performance increase over a single card?

Now it seems like the choice is between upgrade and fight over the newest card or "be a peasant".

The arguments against SLI seem to be just excuses for companies like AMD and Nvidea to force buyers into newer cards, much like the those stupid mining only cards that can't be re-used for gaming.

SLI allowed gamers stuck on a budget to get an upgrade for pennies on the dollar via used hardware, allowing them to hold off until the next gen to save and jump into the next big build for them.

Now the budget alternative is to get a single 2060? So if you were lucky enough to afford a 2060 at the time you can't compete with 3070+ guys by dropping in a second used card for a few hundred and buying a 40series later on? So if you can't afford the latest and greatest you are stuck with what you have without any real means to enjoy an upgrade for longer? Meanwhile those used cards mostly get sent to the trash or fade away in an attic now.

SLI made older GPU's into the PC equivalent of what the 90's JDM cars like the EG-EK civic, S13-S14, FC RX7 NA-NB Miata etc were. A used, but low cost alternative to the rich folk go fast standard, that if you had the ability, could make you great gains.

Now with the death of SLI and crossfire, that is gone.

This should have been a more sober farewell, rather than an "okay, well I guess it was fun?" kind of deal.

Beeso - 18.11.2021 04:46

I dunno... Considering a new GPU can be over 3000 dollars, those of us that haven't been able to afford these would play the newer games if we could double up our old GPU's with a second hand one to bridge the performance gap. Like you said, that's up to the game makers now to build their software to support that.

StreamSonic - 17.09.2021 17:32

Ah, that explained why GPU are getting fatter and fatter at each release.

mhrohan - 09.02.2021 16:05

Now many 3D artist uses multi-GPU for their work, like the guy who bought 4 RTX 3090

SLInerd - 20.01.2021 21:26

What? I'm still here.

Mitsurugi2424 - 04.01.2021 16:42

What's up with your eyes, bro?

Hell Fire Grunt
Hell Fire Grunt - 04.01.2021 07:13

Golden Corral is a place where you wonder why you haven't eaten there in years, then after you eat there, you remember why you won't eat there for several more years.

Isee Trees
Isee Trees - 29.12.2020 14:07

if i had the money id still be using sli . or some form of it .

Aroqga - 27.12.2020 13:46

3DFX The guy who said it
Nvidia The guy who said it louder

Kurt Leathers
Kurt Leathers - 26.12.2020 13:58

"a farewell to SLI"
99.9% of viewers never even said "hello"

Andex - 26.12.2020 07:26

Wow, 1024 by 768 we will never need more than that.
Mark my words.

Josh Heidenreich
Josh Heidenreich - 26.12.2020 03:29

I'd love to see multi-gpu without SLI but instead some sort of (Vulkan?) more clever use of cards, now that everything is fully programmable.

Like physics on the other card, or background mip-map rendering, or other wacky non-graphics but certainly gpu-optimizable work.

SPARTN - 25.12.2020 23:22

Its so stupid that they stopped suporting sli and crosfire.... Let me spend my money ffs!

Charles Panigeo
Charles Panigeo - 25.12.2020 01:11

Ooh love the sponsor! Trade Coffee is a great subscription

Bikers and Bags
Bikers and Bags - 24.12.2020 10:44

Put your glasses on, you look creepy.

Glock - 24.12.2020 03:31

What about mining and scientific calculations, those still use quite often more than one card? SLI is not dead I'm afraid

The Gorn
The Gorn - 21.12.2020 18:50

Linus looks kinda weird here

Nelson Pun
Nelson Pun - 19.12.2020 12:56

still dont understand the amount or red on sking in LTT videos. riley looks like hes wearing lipstick and eyeshadow, or has been crying on cocaine all night.

CS Ghost Animation
CS Ghost Animation - 17.12.2020 15:44

Whenever I build computers for people, I usually have to fight my friends because they argue for more expensive motherboards, and I keep telling them that multi-card setups are a dumb idea. My friends continue to insist on 850W PSUs and the most expensive ROG motherboards and end up spending more on the motherboard than the CPU, because the motherboard has excellent multi-GPU support. Only one of my friends has done SLI for more than a year. I straight up can't deal with it. I just watched someone get a $200 CPU and a $320 motherboard on a $1400 setup. Am I crazy? Are their builds imbalanced? A $1400 setup can definitely fit a Ryzen 7, it shouldn't have been a Ryzen 5.

Dorion - 14.12.2020 21:27

Why do riley look like he cried before he started

Naud van Dalen
Naud van Dalen - 14.12.2020 20:52

What's worse than 2 fast GPUs in SLI with diminishing returns? 2 slow GPUs in SLI with diminishing returns. My laptop is only about as fast as a PS4 and that's if SLI works. Otherwise it can barely run games at all. Even Minecraft runs pretty badly. If you need SLI, use 2 fast video cards. Otherwise just use 1 fast GPU instead of 2 slower GPUs.

Carl - 14.12.2020 06:36

Holy shit. I completely forgot about 3dfx. Time flies, man. Time flies.

John Peter
John Peter - 13.12.2020 22:05

The voodoo chips - my first 300$ card

Stephen Hargreaves
Stephen Hargreaves - 12.12.2020 18:49

Why do I feel like I'm watching a 70s porn movie about computers?

Vash Starwind
Vash Starwind - 09.12.2020 20:08

I really wish that Vram was more like Regular Ram, and I could just add more graphics cards for more Vram lol

upgrayedd - 09.12.2020 19:04

for bf4 on 21:9 1440p the 980sli was goodness send by heaven

Karl C
Karl C - 09.12.2020 07:00

multi gpu during the early 2010s were cool af. I remember dreaming hard to have one of those setups. good times.

GordoWG1 WG1
GordoWG1 WG1 - 07.12.2020 04:32

I can see why the GPU manufacturers aren't keen on this because people could by two lower end cards and have better potential performance than a single high end GPU, for less money BUT I think they're missing a very important point.
High end GPU cards ARE expensive, and most PC enthusiasts won't be able to take full advantage, anyway, as they're less likely to have the high resolution monitor(s) and refresh rates needed.
Those who are financially well resourced will be looking for the best performance, period, and are most likely to have the high resolution monitor(s) and refresh rates to actually max' out a single highest end card, and so would have the money and desire to purchase a second (or third or fourth) high end card to make the best use of their monitor(s).

So, since the GPU manufactures are limited in the top end cards they can build, wouldn't it be a smart move on their part to restrict multi-card (even triple or quad') interfaces and support to their top, or top two, cards? That would potentially add to their sales of the higher profit cards as the cutting edge people would buy extra cards, without compromising the lower end sales - well, maybe by giving another reason for the enthusiast on a budget to stretch a little to buy a card that has multi' support 'just in case'.

ASS (Atomic Samurai's Sword)
ASS (Atomic Samurai's Sword) - 06.12.2020 13:33

crossfire is still better in my opinion. doing crossfire for newer gpus dont need a bridge.

Funken Gruven
Funken Gruven - 03.12.2020 01:08

Yep, the first series to support SLI was 5 series, not 6.

Lawson Brewer
Lawson Brewer - 03.12.2020 00:11

anyone else notice riley's hand tan line

Jonathan Brutt
Jonathan Brutt - 02.12.2020 22:08

Sleeping ok? Your eyes make me a little sad. :/

Josh Jay
Josh Jay - 30.11.2020 20:16

damn I really thought I heard Linus...

CLOUD 50 - 30.11.2020 17:07


RP S - 30.11.2020 16:32

When XFX still produced Nvidia cards
