The AI Hustle - No... ChatGPT Will NOT Make You $300 A Day.

The AI Hustle - No... ChatGPT Will NOT Make You $300 A Day.

How Money Works

1 год назад

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The Man Who Knew Too Much
The Man Who Knew Too Much - 12.09.2023 17:50

What these idiots fail to realize is that sureeee some dumb employer will hire people on freelancer or upwork to do something and you can do it with chatgpt but nooooo those employers are not smart enough to use Chatgpt on their own to do it in the first place instead of spending money to hire freelancers... besides many explicitly say dont use ai.

Bella Bear
Bella Bear - 12.09.2023 03:47

It's so funny because to use A.I to code you actually have to know how to code. A.I makes so many errors that you wouldn't think were errors.

I imagine it producing videos would be even worse, it can't know what is attractive to humans.

hydehilly - 10.09.2023 14:29

Hard to find genuine content like this now a days. Many thanks.

Random But Beautiful
Random But Beautiful - 06.09.2023 14:46

the crazy thing about drop shipping is that the top stores sell millions of dollars worth of something that can be bought on ali at 10% of the price and that the public simply doesn't bother to check. Same with so much of what is on amazon

Wonthangsoop - 02.09.2023 05:34

ffs this is basically NFTs all over again..

dickhead - 31.08.2023 22:46

The ad in the middle of this video was about an AI grifter about getting more calls for business.

Oh the irony.

aquageist - 29.08.2023 20:50

Something something only people who made money on the gold rush sold shovels.

Justin Rich
Justin Rich - 29.08.2023 07:54

Ok so you mention walmart and amazon as competition to drop shipping when many sellers actually use both site to drop ship from

Rebel Scum
Rebel Scum - 28.08.2023 12:35

I appreciate this video. I'm super new to content creation and use some AI tools to learn the process. There is no such thing as easy money, and these "Get rich quick" schemes are an obvious grift.

Emilio Larrazabal
Emilio Larrazabal - 27.08.2023 19:04

...I thought all the videos on this channel were chatgpt 😮

Advatar042 - 22.08.2023 18:34

Finely some one speaking the truth.. Thank you.

Deborah Clark
Deborah Clark - 10.08.2023 15:34

I came here to get an idea of how to trade utilizing A.I trading bot after hearing a guy on a podcast talk about the importance of A.I trading bot and how he made $660,000 in 6 months from $50,000. This video has helped to clarify a few things for me, but I'm still puzzled, I'm a rookie, and I'm open to suggestions.

47 - 10.08.2023 06:02

Chatgpt is a Fancy word for auto complete

Victor Izaguirre
Victor Izaguirre - 08.08.2023 04:32

I mostly use Chatgpt to learn about business and point me to the right people to talk to and learn from, Mostly a guide to the right information im looking for then making sure everything it says is correct and double checking it's answers with people who have actual experience in said topic.

Technobits - 08.08.2023 02:28

I’ve used ai in my company for efficiency

Strong - 07.08.2023 11:23

If anyone can do it, everyone will do it. Having the maximum competition is part of the blueprint for imminent disaster.

FLG2025 - 04.08.2023 19:58

That’s a smart ad for “ brilliant “

Yarrrdy Man
Yarrrdy Man - 04.08.2023 08:15

So I just watched a video created by AI, probably scripted by AI, telling me that these kind of videos are not worth making!? Lol SMH

requiemx - 03.08.2023 22:34

Cope boomers

Event HoriXZ0n MLP:FiM Archive
Event HoriXZ0n MLP:FiM Archive - 03.08.2023 20:09

It's true- the old ways of doing business, like not designing your business model around a profit loss, really are the best way of doing things

Natalia souza
Natalia souza - 03.08.2023 19:46

Finally, my god the AI launch and they were already people selling courses onChat-GPT

Criss Ong
Criss Ong - 03.08.2023 08:12

Your contents are straight up badass... 🔥👏

Aditya - 02.08.2023 19:53

My man wakes up and decides hes gonna spit facts!! Great Video btw!!

Shade Blackwolf
Shade Blackwolf - 02.08.2023 13:42

The gold rush didn't make pioneers wealthy. it made civ and shovel makers wealthy. In a goldrush, the real money can be made by those selling the tools you need to join the goldrush. In the crypto case, it was graphics cards makers for example.

K Lorraine B
K Lorraine B - 02.08.2023 02:47

I think chatgpt and passion can go far, can be there for help and to learn new skills but just relying on that with no passion or hardwork won't really make u rich. I think it can be very helpful in tools and skills and did help me a lot with making money online but without having dedication and love for what ur doing behind it I don't think it'll get super far for u.

Brunno Kamei
Brunno Kamei - 01.08.2023 20:05

For those who still thinl they'll get rich with AI-generated videos, just answer a simple question:
Why would I waste my time watching your average and bland content when I could be watching literally hundreds of other channels, each one with their own charm and personality?

Luis Miguel
Luis Miguel - 31.07.2023 16:12

if theyre trying to Teach you - it doesnt work. Otherwise they wouldnt share it with you.

Neuro - 30.07.2023 16:31

These pitches are the equivalent of online "dating" for men. The median man on any given dating site who engaged with 100 profiles per day gets 1 like and zero matches.

Ryan - 30.07.2023 02:55

No but grifting might....

unkown 34X
unkown 34X - 29.07.2023 16:24

God I hate hustlers... They are only successful because they trick people into giving your money and cheat. And people... Keep falling for it. But there's always new tools that people will use for selfish reasons

Wilson Lee
Wilson Lee - 28.07.2023 13:37

AI / Chat GPT is just a tool.

Borselino Thadchack
Borselino Thadchack - 28.07.2023 11:46

good writing dude, even if you try to speak as fast as possible

begigachad - 27.07.2023 19:28

FED video. They are lying.

Alwin -
Alwin - - 27.07.2023 12:41

It's funny how this video gets interrupted by an advertisement that promises me easy money.

Thomas Monteforte
Thomas Monteforte - 26.07.2023 18:57

If everyone could do it like the gurus say, then we would all be billionaires. wich were not.

AspiringDevil - 26.07.2023 14:17

This video was interrupted by an ad for all 3 of these AI scams plus a scam telling I can use AI to content claim other people's videos lmao 🤣

Solar Spawn
Solar Spawn - 26.07.2023 06:07

Plot twist:

This video is AI generated...

Aaron Oneal
Aaron Oneal - 26.07.2023 00:22

How money works needs to talk about Ecosia they are a search engine that plants trees

Tania Yager
Tania Yager - 25.07.2023 20:14

A great video! I would use Ai only as a tool. I certainly would not look upon it as a road to riches!

Alexandru Cristian
Alexandru Cristian - 25.07.2023 16:01

It has always been the same. "If it sounds or look to good to be true, probably it is not".

Gagan Dahiya
Gagan Dahiya - 25.07.2023 15:08

i was also wondering why my yt home page is filled with so called Ai Automation agency owners

STORAGE 50KB - 25.07.2023 08:22

Imagine script of this video is written by AI

Skarhabek Greyrukh
Skarhabek Greyrukh - 25.07.2023 03:04

LOLLLLL hope this kind of channel is popular in 2015....i have been scammed a lot.

Isaac - 25.07.2023 00:50

You have people using AI to make videos talking about manhwa, very crappy comics.
