Why I left Skillshare and where are my courses now

Why I left Skillshare and where are my courses now

Weronika Zubek

3 года назад

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@rosetzu_nagasawa - 23.10.2023 11:56

can anyone BELIEVE all these "problems"
were created by SKILLSHARE to rob contributors?

They made it sound like there is a problem they are solving
in reality its the "problem" they created.

@WiresNStuffs - 11.09.2023 15:18

I just had all my classes closed too without any email or reason given though screw them the same as you it covers my gas, I'm making thousands a month from other publishers and skillshare are a drop in the pond making about 100 dollars a month its a small loss and a small amount of money to tolerate the disrespect.

@youknowkbbaby - 07.05.2023 10:45

Most of the skillshare courses are terrible.

@LizAmacher - 01.05.2023 15:29

I’ll try Teachable again perhaps. I just spent 8 hours yesterday trying to upload two videos for Skillshare and they were 2.14 GB and wouldn’t upload. I didn’t realize it had to be less than 2 GB but yet had to be a high quality video … that means around 8-9 minutes for each segment which is a pain to divide my 30 minute tutorial, but I did anyway and it still didn’t upload (it also had part 1,2, and 3). I wonder if that’s why it didn’t get accepted. I ended up creating a Patreon account until I figure out which platform to use! Thanks for sharing about experience!

@ryanholden9977 - 31.01.2023 16:57

I feel better about canceling now. Huge ethical dilemma. Screw Skillshare. A bunch of the classes are way too long anyhow!

@SurvivorRevive - 27.01.2023 09:21

As a former corporate employee, I would actually discourage anyone from using Skillshare. The founder, Michael Karnjanaprakorn, is a terrible leader who retaliates against employees who report discrimination at his organizations. After I reported at Skillshare, not only did he rehire the guy to work at Otis (his other company), he also sabotaged my job interviews moving forward. Not only did he break a legal contract in doing so, his nefarious actions also led to a several thousand dollar loss of income for me. He's a grade A scumbag. The CEO, Matt Cooper, is just as bad. I'm not the only one either.

@Luvkushramleela - 17.11.2022 22:42

Fraud Skill share ❌I have purchased skill share course and paid 1923rs Indian rupees through Paytm but after my payment they said they did not recived any payment. Then I asked Paytm company they are saying payment was successfully done. After this I send them screen shots many times but they are not replying of my screen shot and continuously they are ignoring my msgs. I am tired to mail these Assholes. They are not my giving money back and apart from this I am not able access courses. Share this msg to maximum people so other people don’t stuck in this scam.

@WeronikaSalach - 29.10.2022 11:09

Oiii sorry to hear about your experience, that’s strange! 😱

@ManinderDandiwal - 21.09.2022 10:58

Does teachable also pays according to watch time minutes

@SubashSL - 21.09.2022 06:10

Despite watching your video I did go with Skillshare in November 2021, and though I wasn't making much I was happy to be getting students and was planning to start my second course. Also, I did number my videos, 1., 2. and so on but did not receive any strikes. But yesterday a strange thing happened. One of my students who joined in April this year was deleted and along with that about 400 premium minutes (for which you earn royalties) were gone too. When asked Skillshare promptly replied saying "Our Trust & Safety team runs a daily check to remove any disingenuous user accounts from our database, which is why you have seen a change in your Stats". If they ran it daily why did it take from them so long to detect a spurious user who joined way back in April? One other thing I noticed was the changing of names of some users or should I say one user. It kept changing and I was wondering how it could happen. Does Skillshare add users to encourage teachers? And remove users when the course isn't doing well, again to encourage teachers to make more content and courses?

@Muhammad_Epileptic - 09.08.2022 06:15

Skill share is scammy

@LaughingInTiny - 06.08.2022 06:41

Phew, glad I found this before putting myself on there! Thinking I'd rather build a new platform.

@portersblackboard - 06.08.2022 01:18

I know you posted this a while ago but it makes no sense that putting numbers in your videos would warrant a strike. Seems like they could have put human eyes on it to see if it really was a problem, then given you a week or so to fix the problem without giving you a strike. Their strikes are quite insulting the way they do it and often for insignificant things. I hope all is going well on Teachable!

@millemajart - 17.07.2022 12:30

They are not taking very good care of their business partners (there teachers) and i do not understand this agressive approach. I am considering the same. Good for you.

@carleen4you851 - 05.07.2022 11:19

I am watching your video and I am absolutely disgusted of Skillshare’s behaviour! I had my 2nd strike a few days ago, the 1st one was for my very first video when I was learning how to publish a video on Skillshare! They just send you strike for a “yes” for a “no”, for not a big deal… UNREAL! I don’t really consider creating a new class before 6 months, as apparently they close your account after 3 “violations” as they love to call a mistake. I don’t have the impression they are there to help people, but rather to destroy them, destroy creativity, they work against themselves and they don’t realise it! They are completely unprofessional and incompetent, not to mention the majority of “teachers” on the platform who “teach” you how to draw little circles and stupid flowers that a toddler is able to better. I am now looking into Teachable and maybe Udemy, hopefully the staff is smarter on these platforms. The thing is you put so much effort into creating a profile, learn how a platform works, adapt your videos to that platform, which is so time consuming, and they just smash with a stupid “violation” email? Well, good luck to Skillshare for promoting the losers with 1 student for their class!!!

@TheTaff777 - 29.05.2022 16:21

Yep...similar experiences here. Skillshare are insanely petty. I'm there right now as a means to an end but I dont think they'll be a long term option.

@ThandieDowery - 18.05.2022 19:05

I’m sorry that this happened to you. It sounds EXTREMELY frustrating. But at the end of the day, you didn’t follow their guidelines. I think some accountability is needed here. You could have simply called part 2 ‘Title Continued’ or something. Get creative with your lesson titles or flag your concerns with customer care regarding this part of the guidelines beforehand. I under it could have easily been an oversight on your part, but dragging them for your not following the platforms rules isn’t cool. Anyway, wish you luck on your Teachable journey. I will be uploading my courses on a few platforms to mitigate any potential transgressions/bans on my part, as accidents do happen.

@EveWilliamsMusic - 02.05.2022 03:04

Your experience on SkillShare doesn't surprise me at all. I have found them a total nightmare to deal with. They have absolutely no people skills and they are completely discourteous. I also got an email I had 'violated' (very strong word ) their policies. They have me 1 month to edit 8 courses while I was awaiting surgery and moving a house. I got a month's extension, killed my self to meet it then got an email saying they had closed 5 of my classes for missing the deadline, which I had infact met. I eventually got an acknowledgement they had made a mistake but wasn't reimbursed for my loss of earnings while the classes were down.

@joyneasleystudios - 23.04.2022 20:19

Wow! I have many classes where i had to break a section of a class up and label them part 1,part 2, and so on. I may need to go back and rename them.

@KorysArtCafe - 15.03.2022 22:37

Thx for making this. I’m just starting to make courses and trying to figure out the best plan. It’s plain stupid what skillshare is doing. I’m so turned off to using them, as a teacher or a student. Thx again!

@reavanante2160 - 15.02.2022 17:32

This sounds very unethical. Terms of service should be known, not something made up in a few seconds. People can't live like that. I've noticed they are advertising very much via television.

@Unders - 04.02.2022 13:00

Crazy ive just had a similar experience because some students were asking a question. So i added a video into the course. to make it better, So they closed the course. And support have said "Please note that once the class is reviewed by our Moderation team and approved it should not be updated later on"
How insane is that....

@studentlearn7610 - 19.01.2022 12:23

Hi Weronika Zubek,

Thanks for this helpful video, would you be interested in doing a video review for our site when it goes live?

@erikbuchanan4648 - 19.01.2022 05:22

I was curious about what classes they offer but you can't access the webpage without entering your credit card. That was a red flag and after seeing multiple videos of people who've been wronged by skillshare, I'm glad I immediately left their page.

@cantonesezoom2721 - 17.12.2021 05:18

I have similar experience. Skillshare closed my class and deactivated my account without telling me. I will never use them again.

@UYDesigns - 17.11.2021 17:12

I had a similar experience where they just took down my classes with no warning. Not to mention they don't pay enough. I realised could make more money on my own website.

@xxwoman - 25.10.2021 12:51

From a customer perspective, Skillshare has scammed me twice! I will never ever use them again. I hope teachers get off that platform. Good luck to you!

@mylifepart2 - 26.09.2021 13:10

I m actually making a class for skillshare and sorry to hear about your experience...I m aware of the strike policy they have so I will be extra careful in my work... Thx you for sharing your experience...good luck god bless...

@wanderingcreativity - 01.07.2021 08:02

Thanks for sharing wishing you well on your path and less dreary things !

@mandyobrien8452 - 29.06.2021 01:51

I'm so sorry you and other artists have to go through this crap.

@LauraLopesG - 29.06.2021 00:21

Thanks for sharing this information.
