How to Get into VOICE OVER from ZERO

How to Get into VOICE OVER from ZERO


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M W - 08.10.2023 02:56

My job is to stand in front of crowds of people and give seminars, but when it comes to playing a character its a whole different and uncomfortable ballgame. Definitely improv is a skill to have

Myfitfundiary - 20.05.2023 21:19

Thank you for sharing!!!

DJ Blade Sparx
DJ Blade Sparx - 07.05.2023 23:00

Where do you find affordable reliable coaching...the hourly fees are out of my reach

elguapo42 - 26.03.2023 19:06

Good stuff

Grey Acumen
Grey Acumen - 11.02.2023 06:00

I'll raise a point you missed here, which should actually come right after getting that microphone:

Listen to recordings of yourself and every voice you do until it sounds the way you expect it to sound, so that it no longer makes you cringe to listen to, and so that you can know where you need to pitch to compensate for the difference between what you're hearing in your head and what you're hearing externally via your ears.
I'm frankly still stuck on this part, which is why I've put Voice Acting on the backburners as far as careers go. This might be more important if you're trying to mimic existing voices, but the most important thing is being able to match up to old voices that you haven't done for a while.

Insane Conqueror
Insane Conqueror - 07.01.2023 07:13

Thanks for the advice. Just bought a mic and pop filter.

cornel maris
cornel maris - 01.12.2022 23:09

Do you have a video that show "WHAT you need to do and have to do voice over . The technical stuff , what kind of Mic, how to edit , what to edit ? , how to submit , how to record . I am computer wise at a 1990 level . . I need some serious help

E. M. Tanner17
E. M. Tanner17 - 05.11.2022 03:30

Very helpful and honest video. I wish I could get into local theater or improv, but there's just not much of that around me. I tired looking for acting classes, but there are none around either. Frustrating!

Wall Heard
Wall Heard - 24.10.2022 01:47

should I take an audio engineering class?

SNEAKO - 07.10.2022 05:37

I am still an in-training copywriter but I want to be a voice actor. I think knowing most of the aspects of business would help me with pushing myself and my future brand. Is that correct?

NinjaPenguin - 26.08.2022 03:27

Thanks for this video! One question though: what kind of websites can I audition on? Do you have any specific recommendations?

CokeAnMentos - 25.08.2022 01:43

Here I am, bored and wanting to learn voice over bc I want to copy peoples voices lmao

ClintChocolateChip - 22.07.2022 19:24

I really enjoyed the video and found it concise and informative. Thank you, FunnyGuyTimmy!

I am completely new to the world of voice over and have yet to even get started with it by buying a proper mic and set-up, but I have a question. Being comfortable in front of an audience has never been a problem for me, as I very much enjoy acting and performing in theatre. I have a pretty broad vocal range when it comes to speaking, so I was curious: when I AM finally ready to begin auditioning for voice over work, is there anything wrong with/would it be inadvisable to apply to a multitude of varying work since I have a wide range of voices, or would you suggest to stick to one "type" or "style" of VO and then branch out as I gain experience? The thing is, I am interested in doing all kinds of VO work and wanting to delve deep into this! Any advice would be immensely appreciated. Thank you again and have a wonderful day!

Sallie Morrill
Sallie Morrill - 25.06.2022 12:25

Excellent vid. Thank you for taking the time to make this video. Very helpful.

Cat Stickler
Cat Stickler - 25.06.2022 10:49

I'm an introvert, so what helps me when recording is thinking about the one person I'm talking to.

Instead of thinking about hundreds of people listening (which will make me nervous), I think of one person (like an avatar).

This little shift helped me so much and helps me talk more conversational rather than speaking to a crowd.

After all, the listener is only one person, anyway.

Scripts Redd
Scripts Redd - 29.05.2022 22:40

I should audition for male middle age VO jobs. I'm guessing I wouldn't get hired for tampon commercials lol

j - 22.05.2022 23:17

A lot of good advice on how to do the job but no advice on HOW TO get the job. All I see from researching job listings online are websites that don't seem legit and/or ask for monthly payments. I want to know who I can send a demo so I can create a network.

supra - 19.04.2022 23:49

Timmy I am high school student And voice over is my passion and everything but i am having difficulties in two things
1st how to change voicr in different characters
2nd in microphone
i put heavy certains in storeroom and using that as my studio main issue his my small collar mic making buzzing sound and i dont know how to remove it little help bro

Christopher Cooper
Christopher Cooper - 08.03.2022 08:48

Watching every minute of voiceover video I can find. Good advice. This came up in my video feed and thought it's 3 years old, it rings true today. Thanks for bringing us along.

Monique torres
Monique torres - 07.03.2022 06:00

Thank You For Sharing This Video With US ALL.

g0d5m15t4k3 - 13.01.2022 02:55

I'm coming from a weird angle on this: I am very comfortable and confident in front of a live audience. But have little experience with recording. Both setup and technical editing. Hell, even just reading from a script.

I am interested because I want to be the change I wish to see in the world: husky semi-androgynous lady voice.

Thanks for the tips! Hah, and you of course sound great.

CALLOWAY 211 - 26.12.2021 23:12

Your real. And im a noob. Respect. just started saving for the get into voice overs journey.
Question, while im working and saving, is there any practice i can do? Sights are on video games and narration. maybe corporate stuff. Like Michael Jordan. Just want practice...AND to go by your list.

Thin Blue Lane Productions
Thin Blue Lane Productions - 30.11.2021 21:06

Fantastic video. Lots of great information! Thank you for this.

Vash Viper
Vash Viper - 01.10.2021 03:21

I've got a pretty deep voice and would love to get started on trying out some voice overs but where would I go to find a place to audition? Any links to a good site I could check out?

TyTDestruction - 21.09.2021 15:44

I'm trying to be a voice over talent/actor when I'm older, but I can't really do any unique voices without it sounding stupid. My voice is average(male), though I'm still going through the later stages of puberty (hell, I know). Any advice on how to get the voices I want to make? Should I get a personal teacher or should I practice by myself at my home?

19th Beauty
19th Beauty - 03.09.2021 23:31

👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾

Julian’s Reviews & More
Julian’s Reviews & More - 31.08.2021 23:59

Appreciate how sincere you are , because most people don't realize you rarely would be able to make a living till you find your thing . You really open our mind to different jobs or options.

Kate - 09.07.2021 19:33

Why do I keep coming back to this video and watching it once a week? Great job its an amazing video and the advice is top!

CloudzzZ_ - 01.07.2021 21:54

Could you maybe do a video on daily exercises on how to improve your voice for voice acting for beginners , for CGI , anime , cartoons ex..

Rob Marotta
Rob Marotta - 25.06.2021 17:19

Thanks for the honest description of the business. I have done theater and I can speak in front of people, sometimes with altered voices. I have 'no' idea about sound boards or any audio setups. I am semi-retired and so not looking for a full time career but a supplemental income that might be fun. So, I am rethinking the plan - for now.

Marshall Thomas
Marshall Thomas - 06.06.2021 01:28

When you said "Get on stage", i got that down, i'm in a homeshcool group and i'm in a productions class :)

Thatoneguy - 29.05.2021 19:17

Can can I ask where do I get gigs or voiceover work in general where do I go is there a website to audition at plz help I’ve been looking for days

prodigalus - 14.04.2021 03:37

those are Audio Technica headphones. so.

Jeremy Tucker
Jeremy Tucker - 15.03.2021 19:36

If you can do voice over anyone can do voice over. Your voice is about as average as they come.

Thomas - 12.03.2021 23:13

Me watching this video on 2 not 0😎

David Schmiedeberg
David Schmiedeberg - 25.02.2021 08:39

Your advice about getting comfortable speaking in front of an audience makes sense. Never thought of that before. I'm joining Toastmasters.

David Schmiedeberg
David Schmiedeberg - 25.02.2021 08:38

Every day? You mean I have to work seven days a week? Give me a break!+

cece bear
cece bear - 24.02.2021 23:22

What microphone would you recommend for a voice over beginner?

Mark Hevly
Mark Hevly - 29.01.2021 13:03

Nice presentation, voice work is something I've considered over the years Now am taking a closer look, I for one really appreciate your honesty about the required diligence, and what not. It reminded me of my commercial fishing days and how I talked almost everyone out of trying it. That is to say by time I explained what it entails they would rethink it. Anyhow this again Mark.

John Harper
John Harper - 11.01.2021 17:32

Very good advice Funny guy! I am just starting out. I purchased the mic and initial setup equipment and I'm watching at least 2 hours of videos each day. I get my good headphones in a few days and I'll start narrating kids books and editing the audio etc...

LukAlt - 10.01.2021 00:36

Fantastic video, really good information!
I have a question: is it possible to become an English voice actor if you’re not native? I want to start with voice acting but don’t know how to get rid of my accent and speak like a native. Is it even possible?

Danielle Baylor
Danielle Baylor - 23.12.2020 23:44

Haha, yea. I love the idea of voice acting. I do an incredibly evil villain, witch cackle.... But the idea of being on front of people is terrifying which is what attracts me to voice acting... Behind the mic. Unseen lol

[Blank] - 15.11.2020 10:19

Hi! I know that you probably wont see this so really anyone with advice I'll be happy to hear it. I know that this is what I want. Whenever I imagine my dream job its character work. I don't know or care if I'll ever be some popular voice actor but I want to be able to know that someone out there enjoys what I do, even if it's only one person. Animated shows whether they be cartoons or anime have always helped me when I'm at my lowest and I want to be able to do the same for someone else but the problem is I've never been good at following through. I always decide it's too hard or that I'm not good enough so I give up and I don't want to do that here. I want to do this and know that I tried as hard as I could and if it doesn't work out then at least I'll have seen it through to the end y'know? I've never been great at motivating myself so I'm so scared that I'm gonna do it again, just give up completely. I don't know what I can do and honestly I don't think that anyone can help me so honestly I don't even know why I'm writing this. Maybe it's just to get it off my chest? Maybe part of me hopes someones gonna magically have the answer? Maybe I won't even post this. All I know is that I don't know so... yeah. Advice or whatever

Chandra Gore
Chandra Gore - 31.10.2020 20:14

This was awesome info. Thank you!

leo Jackson
leo Jackson - 28.10.2020 19:35

Brother im into this .. can I ask u something.. how much do u earn from this voice over now and then ?

Phrom Prong
Phrom Prong - 21.10.2020 07:28

I've watched a few videos and some have said don't do a demo. They just do the auditions. Some successful VAs have never even made a demo.

Jodecie Rollinson
Jodecie Rollinson - 09.10.2020 21:06

As a new beginner. Can anyone drop down the equipment I need as a beginner

Curatrix Briar
Curatrix Briar - 30.09.2020 04:59

Really glad I found this video, your advice is very helpful. Especially appreciate hearing some guidance for finding coaching and getting demos recorded. I've been interested in voice over for quite some time and got my voice assessed in a class from someone representing a studio business, I was initially skeptical of the feedback since ultimately he intended to sell a really expensive package including coaching, studio recording and demo production. Definitely not within my budget, nor is a home studio at the moment but not everyone that was assessed got positive feedback so I thought maybe theres actually some potential here. As someone starting from ground zero, I've had some difficulty finding out how to get into it without investing a lot financially and had been somewhat lead to believe that was the only way, so someone sharing how to get started from square one is very reassuring, thank you :)
