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Zelaya - 29.10.2023 01:44

I’ve been carving a pumpkin and painting it hello kitty themed ✝️ this music is making the experience 10x better, thank you! 🎀🧸 Very lovely :)

Nicole Mouta
Nicole Mouta - 17.09.2023 02:51

The first music made me get into tears in less than a second. I dont know what this feeling is, its like i always cry over beautiful and wonderful things that have an especific touch that understand me so well... so well... that... i can't even explain with my own words

mel and her mangoes
mel and her mangoes - 21.08.2023 09:40

i found the playlist on spotify and listened to it while walking through the louvre (forgive me if I spelled that wrong i always get it wrong)

milky♡ - 07.07.2023 15:40

My comfort zone

Rappy Amon
Rappy Amon - 29.06.2023 09:52

I used this to read Murder Drones fanfic. Lovable, amazing... N x Uzi, my way of life: Madagascar.

minseo 📹
minseo 📹 - 22.06.2023 19:43

When the playlist fits what you're reading

thatweirdperson - 19.06.2023 06:04

Reading charm-Tracy wolf with this music so good it’s a nice touch when romantic bits come, I love the crave series

Alana 🩷🩷
Alana 🩷🩷 - 16.06.2023 06:22

“When guenivere heard that Aurthor was slain, she stole away to a convent..and no one could ever make her smile again. That’s the end.” “What a beautiful story 🙉🐺” “oh I knew you’d like it! I’d like to ask you for something…🤪☝️” “what’s that?”
“A second chance…would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” “-dinner? Me? With you? That’d be- OHHHH YES 🙉😼🐺🐺🐺👹👹”

steph - 10.06.2023 06:50

finishing the 'when he was wicked' tonight while listening to it, gracias 💗

Saudade - 09.05.2023 05:25

I'm listening to this while on a date with my assignments..its very Very romantic

luna_ _amore
luna_ _amore - 07.05.2023 18:55

I have a story to be told, but lets keep it a secret between us here.

Once upon a time, in a bustling school filled with the sounds of laughter and youthful energy, a boy named Ethan found himself entangled in a whirlwind of unexpected encounters.

It all began one sunny afternoon when Ethan thought he heard his name being called from behind. Intrigued, he turned around, only to meet the bewildered gaze of a girl named Emily. Confusion clouded their faces as they both realized their mistake. It turned out that Emily was calling out to her friend Emma, who happened to be standing right beside Ethan. The similarity in their names had caused this amusing mix-up.

As days turned into weeks, Ethan discovered that Emily's classroom was just a room away from his own. Their proximity sparked a growing curiosity within him, and he sought his friend Michael's guidance, who happened to know Emily quite well. Eager to uncover the mysteries surrounding this girl, Ethan bombarded Michael with questions, hoping to catch a glimpse into her world.

Gradually, Ethan's fondness for Emily evolved into something deeper. He found himself captivated by her infectious laughter, her sparkling eyes, and the way her presence lit up a room. Gathering his courage, he confided in his friends about his feelings for Emily, unaware of the consequences that would follow.

Word spread like wildfire, whispers echoing through the hallways that someone in Ethan's class had fallen for the girl in the neighboring room. Emily, curious and intrigued, yearned to discover the identity of her secret admirer. And so, with the help of Michael, they orchestrated a meeting, a chance for Ethan and Emily to finally connect.

Days turned into nights as their conversations grew longer, filled with laughter, dreams, and shared experiences. Ethan and Emily cherished their friendship, cherishing the bond they had formed. There were surprise visits to each other's homes, creating unforgettable memories that danced like fireflies in their hearts.

However, as the seasons changed, an unexpected chill settled between them. The warmth and fluttering butterflies began to wane, leaving Ethan perplexed and anxious. Emily's replies turned cold, her messages distant. Something was amiss, but pride and fear paralyzed Ethan from reaching out to her.

Days turned into silence, and silence turned into regret. The tale of Ethan and Emily ended without the closure they deserved, their connection severed by unspoken words and unanswered questions. Lost in his thoughts, Ethan pondered what could have been if only he had mustered the courage to break the silence.

Years passed, and life continued its relentless march forward. Ethan carried the weight of that unfinished chapter, forever wondering what could have blossomed from their friendship. He learned the bittersweet truth that sometimes, the risks we don't take haunt us more than the ones we do.

And so, the story of Ethan and Emily remained a delicate enigma, a reminder that the echoes of unspoken feelings can linger in our hearts, whispering tales of what might have been.

kassyanny menedy
kassyanny menedy - 02.05.2023 02:49

I'm reading Escrava isaura (brasilian book) and this playlist is a perfect match🥰

aida dina hamade
aida dina hamade - 29.04.2023 18:54

Reading lolita

Rinal Solanki
Rinal Solanki - 22.04.2023 22:20

Loved to see this.. someone have made this too

Just_sarahxx - 18.04.2023 21:05

The books of Lynn Austin... Omg I love her books so much

Ace King
Ace King - 07.04.2023 05:41

Bro i was listening to this and when the swan popped up i was absolutely flabbergasted. I have been playing this song on my french horn and am playing it for judges in a few days! such a beautiful playlist btw!

Thunder_storm - 04.04.2023 23:14

Ok u love this playlist but I have no romantic books to read so can someone recommend me some good romantic books please
