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@Blackboy-ms7co - 09.07.2023 13:10

is pyke better as a soppourt i was told he is top im confused tbh

@bioches - 27.06.2023 09:59

I piss tf outta my adc cause they never get kills and always roam. But my mid and top and jungle loves me

@oake5869 - 02.06.2023 14:04

bro how low elo is this gameplay

@AlryFireBlade - 18.04.2023 01:09

I just hate Pyke, I don't know why people call him fun xD

@TheBrainflipper - 08.10.2022 11:00

as a pyke onetrick with well over a milliom mastery, i gotta say prowlers claw feels really bad, especially after the recent nerfs to pyke. it was kinda on midlane when you still got gold from your ult, but now i dont think pyke is still a viable mid pick and prowlers on support leaves you exposed most of the time (+ e -> prowlers is pretty inconsistent). i mostly go for a reset focused build with mobis -> umbral -> deaths dance/duskblade -> deaths dance/duskblade -> maw of malmortius

@Darth_Man_X - 18.09.2022 19:47

Is prowler claw good on pyke I play him on aram and I really like him that's what I usually build land my stun easier

@iceyywastaken2689 - 15.09.2022 01:39

"Some of Pyke's combos can get pretty elaborate"
meanwhile Akali having entire essays as her combos

@briansmith3566 - 08.09.2022 18:56

On runes I take the same primary, but for secondary I like taking celerity for even more move speed and gathering storm, so my ult threshhold gets bigger as the game gets long, when pyke falls off hard.

@thetheory6159 - 26.08.2022 23:10

Another thing is that, in the early game, you don't need to engage as pyke. Walking up with your Q charging, running around aimlessly in your W, literally just going from one bush to another -- all those things will make the enemy worry, and work great as intimidation tactics. In situations where you don't think you're ready for a full out engage, it's better to use your abilities to scare off the enemy -- remember that even if you get 0 kills, you're ahead if your ADC has more CS than the enemy's ADC.

@TheCreaTaur - 21.08.2022 07:41

Nothing says good support like killing the enemy adc before they can hurt yours

@YorkshireBoy - 19.08.2022 10:53

How do I make it so when I Q the blue arrow shows like on tbis video

@fdyjt - 15.07.2022 20:15

i hate pyke dude only ks full time thats all

@samtimpano2996 - 10.07.2022 07:18

Swiftness boots >> Mobility boots

@teddy5004 - 08.07.2022 01:24

I dont really like mobility boots to be honest, I prefer the swift ones as it helps massively to land your E. For the runes if you're looking to be more supporty and dont mind sacrificing damage you can go for glacial but honestly I'm too much of a kill hog and perform better with hail of blades.

I've actually recently stopped using Umbril, it definitely makes regenerating health out of combat alot easier but I've noticed Pyke prefers crit builds alot better.. With a good crit build you can do 5.5k damage before the enemy can even react with your Q, auto, E, Auto x3, R to finish them off, and then W to GTFO before the enemy team understands what's going on.

Unfortunately lethality doesnt seem like it's doing too much for me when I do lethality builds, but I've never seen the numbers so it's entirely possible I just suck!

@TheFlochron - 20.05.2022 15:56

Oh damn! I've seen you do E+W a few times in this video. I've never thought about that. Using W to get an easier hit with the E. thats genius thanks

@christianwain7081 - 03.05.2022 11:51

If you're watching this now, just know that this guide is wrong on 2 things: precision secondary is better than inspiration, and build prowlers claw instead of dblade, because you can use it to reposition yourself behind champs while using e.

@andrejhallder1016 - 30.04.2022 17:41

Challenger guide? Like pardon me, but this was a "new to the game player" guide

@malice3331 - 24.04.2022 18:47

an important combo i think you missed which is especially helpful in mid or 1v1s is EQtap Flash, E right infront of the enemy hit Q for the slow and flash over them to guarantee Stun, after thats it might be a simple ult or autos into ult to kill them. This can easily bring a Kassadin or Talon into execute range from half or more

Edit: also the E QCharge Flash Stun QThrow is especially dangerous for you and very much depends on the target, never use this against any champ with quick use CC like Leona. You will E in with QHold and depending on timing you could be stunned stranded without E Q, and potentially flash. Its also very easy to mess up as the self slow on QCharge can screw with timing and cause you to not go as far with flash as you predicted.

@ramondenBoer - 14.04.2022 17:52

Why would you want to cancel your w with recall?

@paulo-wi3gk - 12.04.2022 07:21

what if i want to play pyke top with smite

@darksnow8820 - 10.04.2022 22:42

e q flash is stupid, you can charge up your q druing the stun from e, all you get there is the slow from the q chargeup

@onlymexp250 - 29.03.2022 17:28

it will probably sound strange but i made mastery 7 on pyke only with electrecute i was 37k points i think wich means i hit mastery 7 in short amount of time

@Imyourmoose - 11.03.2022 10:49

Wtf is that sound in the video😅

@thepanzerofthelake1086 - 10.03.2022 02:25

Next: How to get a Pyke skin

@dan0acuesta733 - 09.03.2022 07:29

lol. don’t waste your ult, be greedy with Pyle. All these combos end up being button mashed anyway, they’re really easy to land in the team fights where everyone is bunches up. 😭

@Gershelf - 08.03.2022 19:55

No offense, but a fair chunk of this, is straight up not possible. Especially any sort of combo, that requires Pyke to go in, with W and E. He is way too frail and useless, to stay in melee.

@Klaein - 24.02.2022 14:26

He's obviously playing against players that do not main their characters, because why the fuck would a thresh and his adc give 3 wards for free?

@peterzen7698 - 21.02.2022 18:44

And remember you may be trying to pick up pyke

But pyke has already picked you up

@cnfnbcn3227 - 16.02.2022 15:50

Runes: if you are against hard poke supp and/or have low dmg adc, it's better to go green secondary runes for better lane survivability.
Boots: there are boots of swiftness too. They give slightly less out-of-combat MS, but they allow you to move better during the fight, and cost 100 less. As a bonus they give slow resistance. I generally pick them unless I have to roam top-bot fast.
I heard almost nothing about his W in this video. Most Pykes just waste it while it can zone opponents just by you existing nearby, it allows you to proc relic vs hard poke lanes, it allows you to control vision more reliably, it allows you to be a moving ward essentially.
Also there was nothing said about ganking. Pyke is probably one of the most reliable ganking supports. And I heard nothing in the video on macro lol. So in short: if you have nothing to do on botlane, you can easily gank one of your solo lanes.

@Noelletard - 15.02.2022 22:06

me watching this video after i have played 2 years pyke and i learned most of these from just playing but i got new tips too

@geisst927 - 15.02.2022 17:39

Bro what are these runes xDDDDD Taste of Blood ???????? Who made this guide ???? xD

@villads8953 - 11.02.2022 01:09

As a new Lol player i was very confused through the vid

@siimsandman - 10.02.2022 18:26

hade my first game and won whit S . dam his a fun champ. 7.3.6 19min.

@boriswoudenberg6957 - 04.02.2022 23:57

Just a tip for people watching this after my comment was placed:
Axiom arc is a must have item for pyke that came out about 2-3 months ago.
Its an item that:
1. Gives lethality
2. Gives ability haste
3. Takes time off of your ult cooldown after kills
So basically mid/late game ur gonna be able to almost unlimited ult

@robinnohood5557 - 02.02.2022 09:56

I personally put my own spin on sup Pyke. Cuz I don't play him like an assassin.
I use Glacial Augment, Footwear, Biscuit, Insight. Zombie Ward, Relentless Hunter.
Prowler's Claw, Death's Dance, Maw of Malmortius, Guardian Angel with Mobility Boots.

Early game, you can pretty much force a flash out of the enemy with a good hook. Since they can't really escape the slow from your Q and Glacial Augment on Lv1-3. Plus the damage reduction from it can ensure your AD will be the one surviving in the bot lane teamfight. With the Biscuit for yourself, you can make sure you don't get overwhelmed too.
Zombie Ward and Relentless Hunter also help you make vision and roam.

In the late game, you aren't as threatening as a full-lethality Pyke, but you sure are way more annoying with your slow, dmg reduction and survivability.

@vansserafim - 30.01.2022 14:34

Barely a guide. No info on how to play according to
What champions in the game, how to lane etc.

Just useless info how to look fancy

@SirNoddy1 - 30.01.2022 14:20

As a enchanter/mage support main.. piking up pyke has been a real challenge lol. First game I was engaging like I was nautilus...getting better tho

@gespacho0902 - 23.01.2022 18:09

I have been using those runes from long ago they are REALLY good

@Matthias27182 - 31.12.2021 13:05

I used to play a lot of Pyke but I've never tried using R for the reposition instead of execute. Def gonna pick up him again, thank you for this informative vid!

@lazerwithaz3434 - 23.12.2021 11:10

Me watching this despite maining the champion for a total of three years now:
"Hmm, yes, interesting."

@benchadwick7589 - 05.12.2021 22:30

PLEASE SHOW ON SCREEN WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. stop talking about techniques with irrelevant game play in the background, so lazy

@user-be2nt8bi9j - 01.12.2021 12:31

Pyke tip, play him mid, supporting sucks

@limbosxw4648 - 21.11.2021 10:14

you kinda missed his lvl 2 power spike if he gets a hook and e off on you it's either your sums or a death
