IDIOTS, IMBECILES & AIRHEADS- How 3 Diversity Hires Teamed Up To Create The WORST Comic Ever Made

IDIOTS, IMBECILES & AIRHEADS- How 3 Diversity Hires Teamed Up To Create The WORST Comic Ever Made

Comics MATTER w/Ya Boi Zack

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@adamfox9651 - 03.06.2024 08:47

When did 7-of-9 become a muffdiver? Last I remembered from Voyager, she had a thing going with Chakotay. Man, modern Trek just doesn't interest me at all.

@kissedbypalefirex - 03.06.2024 08:56

i admit i wasn't huge into ST voy, but i saw a couple of eps (never saw an ep of Picard).....thats not 7 of 9, that not how she talks & she started a relationship with the dude with a tattoo on his face.
sorry but Kurtzman trek doesn't count.

@the1magageneral323 - 03.06.2024 10:27

Such narcists, who wants a comic that panders to less than 1% of the population?

@cthulhutoad - 03.06.2024 11:09

"Tall blonde? Looks attractive in a suit?"
"Doesn't ring a bell."
"Massive borg implant on her face?"
"She's at the buffet."

@BatalionHunter - 03.06.2024 11:33

"when she wants someone to cover up one of her own crimes, she does it by work e-mail?" yup zack, thats how vita does it, by work e-mail, as is said write what you know and that's how vita does things they send all their scheming and plotting by work e-mail, as if its completely private.

@didierfavre2356 - 03.06.2024 12:04

You told us a story? Are you serious?

@joshuacalkins - 03.06.2024 12:09

A stupefying glimpse into the mind of a person with tragic levels of modern day vapidity. A narcissistic virtue signaler with a victimhood complex probably shouldn’t be hired to write anything, ever, much less inject Star Trek with her pettiness and delusions of elite entitlement. I bet she loved that Avengers scene where all the ladies separated themselves from the group they were a part of so that they could have a private girl power moment. Modern entertainment sucks, and all the franchises are dead, thanks to people like this.

@lanceyoung9955 - 03.06.2024 14:11

What was the point of bringing up a card tournament, then not having it play any part in the story?

@phaeded0ut - 03.06.2024 14:24

“Trans-Trenders,” will probably stick verses, “Fashion-Transies,” Zack.

On a far happier note, a rather beautiful read, with gorgeous artwork, “Tsugumi Project,” by Ippatu is well worth the money and time.

Relative to “Star Trek,” I was rather happy to see, “Star Fleet Battles,” the tabletop miniatures game make a small resurgence in my neck of the woods at a few brick and mortar game stores.

@GrandTheftWatto - 03.06.2024 14:51

For all the theories about why EVERYTHING now has to have gay in it, I have never heard this question asked: If your stated goal is to socially engineer the normalization of gayness...wouldn't it make A LOT more sense to hide it/disguise it in things people actually consume? If it just says "gay" on the cover, the people who (ostensibly) need the most brainwashing aren't going to touch it. For an evil masterplan, it actually makes no sense.

@GrandTheftWatto - 03.06.2024 14:55

I like the idea of reading Vita's tweets using Mongo's voice from Blazing Saddles.

@ericandrew9214 - 03.06.2024 15:07

Low IQ people lack empathy and the ability to put themselves in other's shoes. Hence, why they always write characters as themselves.

@ko_jira - 03.06.2024 15:15

plot twist, reading something this bad is causing your body to think it's under attack and causing your coughing fits.

@chrisg1598 - 03.06.2024 15:17

To boldly go where no man has gone before.

@orboakin8074 - 03.06.2024 15:37

I legit had no idea it eas even Pride alfabet month😂 I've been so busy with work, final months of college, fixing my first car, helping my family etc. I didn't even see any stores around me or online platforms advertising it. Are we healing?

@inspector2363 - 03.06.2024 15:45

No Vagrant Queen/Trek cross over yet? That'll do gangbusters.

@inspector2363 - 03.06.2024 15:58

Why is 7 going to a class reunion? She was taught by her parents & assimilated as a little girl

@inspector2363 - 03.06.2024 16:14

That's not comic art. that's a crude storyboard for a pretend fanfic episode

@noanswer1864 - 03.06.2024 16:19

Wait, that isn't fan-art that I should feel bad for making fun of? Someone actually paid money for that, and then someone else approved it for a commercial product. Holy crap.

@inspector2363 - 03.06.2024 16:22

Continued in audio drama "No Man's Land" Where else?!🙄

@Xingularity - 03.06.2024 16:34

As a Puerto Rican kid growing up watching Star Trek NG and then OG ST. Not once did I think, “you know what would make these show better?, more Hispanics “ Yet, these shows spoke to me and inspired me because they were great shows.

@imfunnytou - 03.06.2024 17:04

I'm convinced none of these social interactions are even remotely real. Just Vita standing in a corner thinking to herself "they don't know I write for Marvel."

@theViewer221 - 03.06.2024 18:17

I stopped watching Star Trek before Enterprise. However the JJ Abrams movies were ok.

@jasoncoward-aintscared - 03.06.2024 18:43

You think Vita took her Kofi cup to the reunion and walked around shaking it for loose change?

@jasoncoward-aintscared - 03.06.2024 18:54

I've never seen a Star Trek show, but I assumed these vessels are treated like naval ships. If so, they wouldn't say comrade. They would say shipmate.

@EricOSullivan - 03.06.2024 19:03

I'm surprised you didn't point out the flipped panel, the establishing shot of the USS Discovery on the Williams/Minnone "Innovation Interruption". The rest of the narrative text and word balloons are right. The Starfleet badge is on the correct side of the uniform. But that first panel, the NCC number is flipped. It's as if all three editors of this magazine didn't catch the glaring error. And it's not a reference to a Mirror Universe caper either. ;) Thanks!

@HunnySThompson - 03.06.2024 20:56

Where my girlfwend?

@evercreed714 - 03.06.2024 21:41

I could listen to Zack imitating Vita all day. 😂

@fluffers7997 - 03.06.2024 23:55

I'm an artist and a lot of the time I listen to your videos while I'm drawing. Whenever you say "look at the screen" it always gives me a boost of confidence. My sketches are cleaner and nicer than this finished art. Might have been rejected from mainstream Western companies because of my anime spin, but here's proof I'm leagues ahead of their "talent" and their company has no idea what's good. I mean the proof is also that I always have a waitlist for commissions while these guys ebeg for lunch money but still lol

@lynngreen7978 - 04.06.2024 00:33

Addicted to drugs? So not a character in Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek.

@The_Last_Data_Hound - 04.06.2024 01:32

Brain fungus peeking out of Vita’s ear Ssssshhhhhhh!

@Low0rbit - 04.06.2024 03:00

I live with a learning disability. I've actually got a couple of the common Very Online Self Diagnosed Mental Health Issues (and actually treated by a real Dr. too!)
I only know Vita Ayala's comics thru reviews, mostly yours. Together these stories are... revealing.
I'm reasonably high functioning & only needed a bit of assistance in school but ended up spending time around special ed. students. A really common way to get an understanding of what's going on inside those kids minds was with stories; how they understood stories they were shown and how complex are the stories they are capable of telling. This isn't a science of course but it's useful because a lot of the speech in an interview can be just replicated social cues with an ambiguous level of understanding.
With that in mind it becomes hard not to notice that Vita seems to replicate the basic plot formula of a Disney/Nickelodeon sitcom & implements them without any regards for the length of the story or the surrounding context. This type of basic replication was normal for special ed. students with the lowest level of conscientiousness.
So with all that being said, I want to push back just a little. You said near the end that people with learning disabilities are not competent to write. I am a writer with disabilities and I'm pretty damn good at it. In the Unlikely event that you read this far I can prove it with a writing sample (10pgs, sci-fi short film, pardon the shameless self promotion.)

@HomeBologn - 04.06.2024 04:20

In the future, there is no “reply all” button.

@Fanky_Milton - 04.06.2024 14:47

Imbecile is a word I forgot how apt it is with the clown show in comics. Thank you.
You nailed this review.

@JinzoCrash - 04.06.2024 16:41

The chicken-scratch pencils are like a red hot poker covered in tabasco sauce being twisted in my butt, except it's my eyes.

@JinzoCrash - 04.06.2024 16:54

From now on, if I ever see this "Raffi" character again, I'm going to hear your voice,
"Compoota... Wheyh my gofwenng go?".

@ranchoth - 05.06.2024 00:18

This comic makes me nostalgic for licensed Trek novels that came out between 1980 and 1988. You know, the ones that were trying to do sci-fi worldbuilding from not really a whole lot of official source material?

This makes me nostalgic for the charm and integrity of Lt. Piper.

@ZaphodBeeblebrox-sy8ey - 05.06.2024 01:49

This would also be the first time we ever see evidence of a captain being punished for trading Starfleet technology. Hell, Janeway did that all the time.

@DerivativeWorker - 05.06.2024 10:41

I dont like Picard so I am not surprised anything attached to is also badly written.

@Iced333 - 05.06.2024 12:04

Hiring Vita to write is like hiring a person in a wheelchair to play professional soccer. They don't have the faculties required for the job and it's kind of messed up to let them try, knowing they can't succeed, than subsequently broadcast that failure to the public.

@vanee657 - 06.06.2024 02:13

Does the prom/reunion character have 2 left feet? Looks funny

@jessnalulila5709 - 06.06.2024 04:10

Even in a series about adults in their 30-40s somehow these writers made it look like a bunch of teenagers at prom

@Spudcore - 06.06.2024 10:41

No science fiction? But Zack, she included the word "replicated"!

@MamaMOB - 09.06.2024 15:30

I loved the show so much growing up that I had to change absolutely everything about it! I had to take the characters that I claim that I loved and change them to be the exact opposite of what they were originally. Cuz that's what you do with things that you love. You completely changed them to something else! This is literally the world we live in now. People believe that.

@Maybeyoudorho - 10.06.2024 21:50

I can’t imagine going to my high school reunion in our small town, like there was at least 40 or so people in our entire grade. When college started literally everyone I knew went to college or dipped outta state. Probably five people would show up, who knows. Either way I hope they do well in life.
Seeing Star Trek have an old fashion high school reunion setting is so jarring. And the art is painful to look at. Just wow

@oddcrafter1270 - 12.06.2024 00:59

I wish they'd hire my aunt to write a Star Trek comic; she grew up watching the original series, and she's been a devoted Trekkie ever since. She'd blow all these duds out of the water.

@davidlandrum - 13.06.2024 03:29

For the record, 7 of 9 and Sulu are not gay. No matter how much the weirdos reeeeee.

@doofyproductionsofficial - 16.06.2024 19:47

Conflicted on hitting like because you're at 666

@Bill-dozer - 03.06.2024 00:32

These weirdos get their hands on Star Trek so they can write a story about.. a highschool reunion? I'm starting to think these people never recovered from being picked last in gym.
