Why Stella Is A Useless Villain

Why Stella Is A Useless Villain

Pink King

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@The_Monkey_Prince - 09.03.2025 10:51

I genuinely hope for two things for my goat 🐐.

1. Some genuine mother-daughter moments between her and Octavia. Because there is room, potential if you will, to her to have a soft, gentler side towards her only daughter while still maintaining a hateful demeanor towards the owl twink.
2. To be taken seriously. She's technically a "villain" but as PK illustrated, she basically does nothing. What I hope from the rumors I keep hearing about for s3 is that they actually do something with her backstory and how it influences her modern character. Because she's in an arranged marriage, birthed a child she due to political obligations, her brother bosses her around all the time and she is primarily used for her looks. Imagine if she decided to usurp control using her connections? Through her brother, she begins this quest to rise to ultimate power and remove the head of the Goetia family and become the head of it? Like Cersei from GoT. THAT, I'd be front row for.

Side note: go ahead PK, I'd like to see you read aloud mean comments from the wholesome chungus HB reddit

@ЮліяКолач-я2ю - 09.03.2025 10:57

"She's completely useless now"
@Old man

@AcordHachi - 09.03.2025 11:03

In another kids show this would be more tolerable, but here, no. When this show specifically wants to explore grey morals, also seeing kid Stolas, Blitz, Fizz and Moxxie are like normal human children, having Stella being born evil is just an insult and easy way out. It also completely destroys the nature versus nurture dilema and claims that yeah, some people are just born irredemebly evil and there is nothing else to do. She did the exact same with Adam, in a show advertised about redemption, the main antagonist was also born irredemably evil and had to be stabbed to stop. Let these lessons from Viv sink in.

@silvignis2028 - 09.03.2025 11:06

Stella basically only exists to make Stolas look better next to her...and the stans fall for it...

@Yellow_sky6733 - 09.03.2025 11:28

Andrealphus is how I’d describe as the male version of Stella. Now hear me out, who are some of the worst written characters? I bet you probably said female characters like Millie, Loona, Octavia etc and Stella should’ve been the villain that should’ve been her plan but her brother had to do it instead? Why?

@artistanthony1007 - 09.03.2025 11:29

That's how it goes when you give Viv control over writing and the most without having her stop, the team doesnt care about having her ideas challenged and to filter herself.

@furvuscorax3908 - 09.03.2025 11:36

Stella's actress had appeared in Brandon Rogers' videos before helluva boss and played the same evil posh british lady. What will basically become Stella in the future. It worked with short gag video format but you can't do much with the same character if you plan to include them in a show.
Now, on the other hand we also have Beatrice Horseman who also served as an inspiration for Stella. One of the most realistic portrayal of a bitter abusive parent who made one wrong life choice and has to suffer the consequences. She is too caught up in her own misery and ego that she doesn't even see (or care at that point) that she hurts her son's psyche. If we make Stella as round as her that'll make Stolas look more controversial. Imagine if Stella tried to be a good wife despite not loving him and he still cheated and now she wants to hurt him for bringing disgrace to her family. I mean upholding social morals was a pretty important thing for aristocracy in many countries. One wrong step and you get ostracized and mocked. But that would mean accepting that Stolas, too, is a complex character who can make mistakes.
Basically combining a comic relief character from a sketch video and a realistic one was a questionable choice. Because now Stella is neither extemely entertaining nor she is complex.

@kristofgriffin384 - 09.03.2025 11:47

Stella's a wasted character. She has so much untapped potential for great drama and character development, that Viv and crew are either unwilling, or incapable of taking advantage of.

Keep in mind that she was forced into that marriage as well, and had no say in the matter. And yet, they keep portraying her as some sort of psycho-bitch, with no redeeming qualities. That would be fine, except she's not good at that either. Quite frankly, she's boring at best, and irritating at worst. Almost every sentence that comes out of her mouth sounds like something an edgy 13 year old would write, thinking it sounds mature or funny. Compared to other evil mothers, like Mother Gothel, Lusamine, Ragyo Kiruin, Cerce Lannister, or Odalia Blight, she's just lame. Stella's not threatening, or entertaining to watch. The purpose of her entire existence is to just be a half-assed excuse for Stolas' infidelity, and nothing more. We don't know anything regarding her opinions of Octavia, or why she acts like a jerk, other than "she's always been that way".

I would've loved to see her interact with Octavia more. Maybe show us that even though she hates Stolas and the predicament she's in, she loves Octavia, and wanted to stay for her. Perhaps those headphones that Octavia has were gifted to her by Stella for her birthday. Let's say the reason she's so mad at Stolas - to the point she wants him dead - is because she sacrificed just as much for their marriage and their daughter, but he has the nerve to cheat on her. He brought shame to their family, and that was the last straw. Plus, she thinks Stolas turned Octavia against her. This would give her a logical reason why she wanted Stolas dead, but we don't get any of that.

I've heard a lot of people say that I'm just mad because I want Stella to be written how I want her, and I can't accept the version we did got. That's not true, at all. As I said, I wouldn't mind Stella being a complete scumbag, with no redeeming qualities or nuance. In fact, I'll give them some kudos for showing us that wives can be abusive partners, too. The problem is that she sucks at that as well.

Also, what's wrong with wanting Stella to be better written? Especially since she has so much potential to be a great and memorable character. She could showcase the other side of an arranged marriage, and how it effects the other member involved.

@kyleecook6671 - 09.03.2025 12:04

Maybe she was never nice, maybe she was never warm. Maybe she never had a reason to be, because she resented that her life was planned out without her input.

She never loved Stolas. It was very much a marriage of duty to them both. But Stolas doesn't lose anything if he doesn't put in the work. He's still secure. Stella had EVERYTHING to lose. Her status, her usefulness, her comfort. If she didn't birth a royal baby- she falls to disgrace.

So Stolas checks out, he's not there. It is up to Stella to manage making a baby, because he doesn't care. Stella has one use, and she is not going to let Stolas endanger her by taking that one use away. She gets pregnant, she goes through gestation, she lays the egg. If she had post pardum depression, we all know stolas was too checked out to notice.

She doesn't know how to be a mother, and maybe she wasn't always there enough, or nurturing enough, but she's not completely unfeeling to her daughter. Stella, in her way, tries. And then it's still Stolas who's the favorite parent, Stolas who can still do no wrong. Maybe that makes Stella seethe with jealousy.

Stella was never warm. But she did her job as quickly as possible so that she spared both herself and Stolas from drawing it out.

And then he publicly humiliated her. She did everything right, and this is what she gets for it. She's done protecting Stolas. She's done humoring the threat his apathy poses to her. So she takes matters into her own hands.

I kept waiting for Stella to be ANYTHING close to this. But every opportunity proves otherwise. She's just a boring, one note, bimbo...riveting writing.

@sonicthegalaxy - 09.03.2025 13:02

@pinkking2500 can you also make a video about verosika mayday? Legit the only reason people loved apology tour was because of verosika mayday.

@KittyScythe - 09.03.2025 13:18

Stella could have been fabulous. Such wasted potential.

@JACKSJERK - 09.03.2025 14:54

Today i have watch a tiktok video say that people cant handle when a main character is mean or do wrong things, And I think is because people dont want have critical thinking and see themself as a bad person or in the wrong because they put themself to much in a character.

I think thats why Viv want to Stolas to be this Uwu soft boy because she out too much of herself in her character (thats why they all have day issues) and her inability to see herself as a bad person twisted her show into this cartonish world view that tge main characters are not wrong and everyone around they are worst or hipocrite.

(Oh and she only have villanized Blitz because she want us to feel bad about Stolas)

@dorkyidiot661 - 09.03.2025 14:55

Honestly, i avoid watching this show altogether because of all the negative traction surrounding Vivzie's two shows, Helluva Boss AND Hazbin Hotel (how she managed to butcher both, is literally beyond me tbh) but i think what could've been done for Stella's character is that she tried to make the arranged marriage work, but only became as worn down and vicious as she was because of Stolas not even pulling his weight. Deep down, she's always understood that the two of them never wanted to be married, but it was something clearly out of their control. Stella gave up after catching Stolas with Blitz, but he's cheated on her several times, suggesting that her core of spite came from a place of being taken advantage of. Maybe somewhere she actually did catch feelings for him in return, Stolas knew that but she "didn't have everything he wanted" and continued to cheat anyways. Idk if this even makes sense, but I'm trying here

@Sidstar101 - 09.03.2025 15:16

no one hates vivziepops female characters more than she does

@pwpqwq7648 - 09.03.2025 15:17

Vivzie just really loves her twink birds for some reason. So much so that she even completely eradicated Stella from the plotline of her own divorce, and placed her brother in her place to take care of things, who is yet another twinky bird. She is just very idiotic with her writing

@ExponsiatoDonego - 09.03.2025 15:18

Every single villain that Viv writes is the same. Start off as looking kinda threatening and compelling, then reduced to an utter joke not long afterwards. I really, really, REALLY hope that Sera doesn’t get reduced into another idiotic, mustache twirling villain who is just completely inept. She’s the only villain left that actually has more than a bit of nuance left to her name.
Seriously, is it that much of a difficult task to write a villain that STAYS competent AND compelling at once? I don’t care if they’re used for funny moments (I mean, look at the Joker and Bill Cipher, for example), I just want them to not be reduced to another inept punching bag. We’re not asking for the next Griffith, just someone with a bit of nuance and competence.

@corpsdice2910 - 09.03.2025 15:26

Stella became my favorite ever since she first appeared. I was so mad that they turned her into a one dimensional villain and not a morally gray character💀

@TheBryceTankthrust - 09.03.2025 16:44

It just another example of the show trying to excuse Stolas's terrible behavior.

@PlanetZoidstar - 09.03.2025 16:46

Andrealphus stole Stella's role. That's why she is useless.

She's meant to be the main villain but she has zero presence.

Whenever Viv has the chance to have Stella take an active role in the plot she benches her instead.

@dumbdoggisdogg - 09.03.2025 17:05

It never made sense to me that it was revealed that Stolas and Stella never loved each other, when they share a bed. In the Loo Loo Land flashback, we see them sleeping in the same bed. Why would Stolas be sleeping in the same bed with this woman if he was always a homosexual? Why would Stella especially sleep in the same bed as Stolas if she always hated him from the very beginning?

And they apparently slept together up to the cheating since when we see Stella yelling at Stolas, she specifically says "our bed" to where Stolas slept with Blitzø. It's as if that has been forgotten completely in season 2. And if we get flashbacks in season 3 that shows Stolas and Stella sleeping in seperate rooms, I will call that a definite retcon and no half-ass excuse will sway me to believe otherwise.

@lvdw3531 - 09.03.2025 17:13

I was so hyped up when Stella hugged Octavia after the trial, only for her to act stupid "Oh that's HILARIOUS, he thinks he's gonna talk to his daughter" infront of Octavia. Like if she hadn't been in the room okay, but they just threw away the opportunity for Stella to manipulate her...

@TotallyaHasBeen - 09.03.2025 17:14

She is planned to have an episode in season 3. But we know it jut going to be about Stolas and her brother and just hammer it in that she was always evil. It sad, Viv said Stella is based on Beatrice from Bojack. Because, Beatrice is well written and there is more to her then just being a bad mom.

@cronus555 - 09.03.2025 17:40

When a loolooland ep came out i generally thought they kinda a normal couple this she was first debut she was kinda calm and tired when both her and stolas sleeping together like i though she hated stolas and i really thought she was normal and calm character and her argue and yelling at stolas i thought she was betray until the couple of ep where she becoming more and more cruel and bland and left out by the entire series

@FizzieDoBepatpat - 09.03.2025 18:08

In my opinion. Vivziepop can't write women. Millie? She's got no substance. Charlie? She's a knock off Disney Princess. Vaggie? No substance either. I've seen all of hellvua and Hazbin and none of the women are well written.

@theheroofreviews6630 - 09.03.2025 18:31

You wanna know how One word
And I don't even know if I spelled his name right

@rainbowtoyfunrandomess1982 - 09.03.2025 18:55

Ha! Stella deserves to be hated on! I defended characters like Striker and Octavia from your videos, but this time I'm not defending Stella because she definitely turned into a bigger monster than before. I know we are waiting for her backstory in Season 3, but that doesn't excuse her actions at all and we want to see her get what she deserves.😡

@Zal-TheBug - 09.03.2025 19:05

I'd say cover the mean comments, and clarify ones that seem actually constructive or perhaps misunderstood. It's good to give your opinion and clarify without clapping-back. Just makes more fire, and usually starts the downfall of one's values. Just my opinion tho, good vid as always.

@Sonic2024freedomera - 09.03.2025 19:26

felicidades Stella, you are now crowned with the tittle of "potential woman"because of the meme of JJK about Megumi being a potential man

@OcioCamaraMx - 09.03.2025 20:04

Stella had all on her favor to make her hatred for Stolas to be reasonable and understandable: She was also forced into the marriage, her husband is gay and it shows, she still had to "do all the job" to get a child, she had to tolerate a tastless and boring marriage for her daughter's sake, she had to keep a straight face to society and make them believe everything was ok, and all her efforts were trashed because her husband cheated and publicly humilliate her, with everyone seen her as such a bad and boring wife her husband cheated on her with a low class imp because it was more exciting than being around her; but Stolas needs to be portrayed as the victim here, so she turned into a dumb, useless psycho to make the owl look good in comparation.

@lumiauroras6741 - 09.03.2025 21:09

I've said this before
It would've been interesting to see Stella as a sort of representation of "the system": She could've seen it as her duty to be with Stolas and to have an heir together and tried ENFORCE it on Stolas. That would've been so interesting, like I could see her take the arranged marriage as a great honor.
To see her keep Stolas metaphoricaly chained to her more and more as the series goes on, becoming super controlling and oppressive.
Because it would make sense for the Goetia to see such marriages as normal, since all of them do it presumably. Except Andrealphus who is a special snowflake I guess (I love his design but my man has nothing besides being a drama queen)

@zabirdy181 - 09.03.2025 21:17

LovesArt123 redesigned her into a Swan and added subtle character cues by giving her black jewelry while Stolas has golden and Octavia has muted gold signifying their place in the hierarchy, with Stolas being higher, octavia following bc she's his heir and lastly Stella, noble born but possesses no titles or powers, also a creative way they could have made the excessive swearing of the show actually funny is by, for example, having Stella go:


Also, Andre and her could have been a deadly duo, Stella moving the strings behind everything and Andre being a figurehead putting things in motion to steal Stolas' title and elevate their lower rank family via manipulating Octavia and grooming her to be the Goetia Stella envisions but nooo god forbid characters have depth vivzie just wants halfassed yaoi

@Demolitiondude - 09.03.2025 21:20

I don't think any of the villains does a nut up or shut up anything just in general.

@AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAthanks - 09.03.2025 21:45

imagine if Stella was depticted in a more realistic tone

I mean imagine being in her shoes, she was forced to marry and forced to have a child with a man who cant even bring himself to love you in any way shape or form and after just dealing with having a family you never ask for he wents and cheats on you.
I would be pissed to!


i want to see a side story of Stella and her being an actual character instead of a foil and a tool for the plot

@okamidragonstudios8551 - 09.03.2025 22:36

Lol I say let the people on Reddit and the hate commenters keep crying and throwing their bitch fits. It's funny how people who worship HH HZ like to say, "Oh PeOplE ArE enTiTled To ThIER OwN OpiNoioNs hehe WE DonT JudGe! ^^" Until it goes against THEIR opinion on the show, especially about a character they simp over then they absolutely lose their minds! LMAO

@abc.6223 - 09.03.2025 23:26

I really don't think Stella needed to be nice at all, all she needs is a single relatable REASON for why she is abusive. Because being abusive is really not that bad a trait when surrounded by a bunch of demons in hell-- I kept waiting for them to have her say " I lashed out at you violently because I never wanted to be with you at all, I was trapped in this relationship, I hate you, I would KILL you if I could, because this relationship also made me miserable too you selfish prick " And that would IMMEDIATELY sell her character for me. I would get her as a person right away. And you know, you can build sympathy on that from even there like " I ALSO sacrificed everything to pretend to be happy for our daughter, but I had the basic self control to not go sleeping around knowing how it would wreck our home " And then sure! She's not perfect, have her be racist towards imps, have her care about her social standing, have her even be manipulative towards octavia ( in a toned down, believable way. I think its fairly common for parents this at each other's throats to try to sway a child to agree with your side ) but also show us-- realistically-- what its like to be a woman in a situation like this where her family clearly only sees her as a breed mule.

They don't take her seriously. They don't care about her needs. There isn't a single person in HER life that earnestly loves her. Sure, maybe because she's violent and aggressive and intimidating-- but WHERE did she learn to be that way? Why does she feel the need to fight and scream? Who taught her that anger is how you get your way in life? And is there any hope that she could unlearn that or will she die tragically, a product of an unfair society that never knew an earnest relationship? These things write themselves !!!!

@GarnetHeartIllustrations - 10.03.2025 00:28

I wish Stella had just been cold/ambivalent towards Stolas prior to the cheating, rather than outright cruel/abusive. They just made her character so flat and one-note.
Then they make her basically pointless bc Andrealphus takes over the evil plot

@SodaFrizz666 - 10.03.2025 01:02

She could've been a genuinely good villain, such as the purpose of her antagonistic role being to highlight the theme I used to think about when I thought of Helluva. Anti-classism, anti-oppression, growing as people, and the complicated issue of being in an abusive marriage... but instead she's just "that bitch". Just like Verosika. Both could've been genuinely complex, even Stolas could remain a villain, but of course not.

The most unfortunate part is Stella exists just so there is something to oppose the Stolitz yaoi we're supposed to be rooting for. She's just the obligatory one-dimensional woman to hate rather than an actual person. Literally, why does Stolas get to be granted this but Stella is just a harpy?... In another world Stella would've been the best character in the series

@firerose4495 - 10.03.2025 01:25

I would like to hear you reading the rude comments, it does sound like fun. Also I just subscribed to your channel.

@samblasco2359 - 10.03.2025 02:04

I find it both hilarious and extremely infuriating Vivienne condiders herself a progressive feminist while writing all her female characters roles dependent from male obes. Femake characters that are just wives, or mothers, or dumb as hell, or a man's ex, or sisters of. The only expectations iis Charlie. But even there, when she had the opportunity to show us her true powers she gets hit by a MAN and saved by her FATHER... Vivienne lives in her yaoi hell of a world and is misogynistic as fuck but if you point it out, youll get a parody of A WOMAN who bitches about the fetish of toxic gay relationship. She really has the emotional intelligence of an eleven years old kid whos been told their favourite character sucks

Sorry for typing mistakes, i have a bug and cant see what im typing

@goddessofchaos7754 - 10.03.2025 03:46

Thank you SO MUCH for making this!! I am sick and tired of being gaslit about this character/story by loyally rabid fans, so imma go on a bit of a rant (long ahh rant incoming so read at own risk, scroll to bottom for TLDR):

Stella was sacrificied for being a logical, morally valid obstacle in Vivzie's "soft boi" OC yaoi ship...

If Stella was already abusive to Stolas during Octavia's childhood to the point of him needing to take happy pillz, why were they even sleeping in the same bed in the opening LOO LOO LAND flashback? By this point, they've already produced an heir and have no logical need to share a bed anymore, even for optics reasons. This leads me to believe that Vivzie definitely retconned or straight up forgot some things, because Octavia even said her parents didn't use to hate each other AND there was that family photo where they all actually seemed happy. If she wanted to convey a cold couple, she could have portrayed them like Clay and Bloberta from the show Moral Orel, who are WAY better rep for a toxic couple who keeps up appearances even around their kids but absolutely despise each other in private. And NO: Stella doesn't seem mean in the flashback either, just an exhausted mother and for all we know, SHE was the one who had to comfort Via last time she was scared. Point is: if things were already so bad by this point in the marriage and Stella has always been "pure evil" rather than a woman scorned after being forced to have a baby with a man who would go on to cheat on her, why are they even staying in the same room after Via is born and Stella somehow NEVER choked him out in his sleep like she did to that puppy in that one photo lmao?

Which brings me to the circus episode... Because Stolas becomes more and more of a villain due to how scummy his actions are plus basically lying/breaking his promise to Via (why else did we get SEEING STARS/LOO LOO LAND PT2?), Vivzie always has to retcon/redirect him towards looking more sympathetic but there was a HUGE one that happened. WHAT RETCON you might ask? Oh just that Stolas and Blitz-O were actually childhood "friends" the entire time and Stella has just "ALWAYS" been a crash-out and literally puppy k!ller evil (I hate that photo SO MUCH lmao) so that makes his cheating hunky dorry A-OK 😃...Which we don't know if the picture was her reaction to the arranged marriage and realizing her only purpose is to "make baby and serve husband", her brother being an absolute creep ("Thank God you're hot.."), or literally anything: doesn't make it okay but she's just made evil for the hell of it and so we can see Stolas cry like the "soft boi" he is. Her lashing out for the cheating was just her finding another way to make Stolas suffer because she thrives off of his misery like the evil b!tch gf from a bad bl manga, not her actually being enraged and stewing in humiliation like it was gearing towards in the beginning of S1. I can guarantee you if STOLAS was the one choking puppies, Vivzie and fans would be like "ooooh he was just SO emotionally devastated bc he's gay and doesnt want to marry a giiiiirrlll 😭😭" bc they act like the owl man can do no wrong EVER; APOLOGY TOUR, anybody?? It's always STELLA'S FAULT somehow that Stolas can't be happy rather than his own HORRIBLE CHOICES.

Let's also not forget that BOTH Stella and Octavia are shown during the humiliation at Ozzie's, BOTH are shown to be hurting from Stolas' choices. Why would Stolas feel guilty about STELLA (they could have just sang about Octavia hurting and it would have been enough...) when they're not supposed to really care about each other via S2 retcon...even though they obviously did care at some point in the marriage if this had to be shown plus the opening Loo Loo Land episode stuff?? As a viewer, I was led to believe that she did care for their daughter at least bc all of her anger and hate was justifiably pointed at Stolas for wrecking the family later on, and I was hoping that we would get an episode or moment of the two bonding over their hurt, leading us to see some development and character depth...but no Stella is SO FLAT that we dont even know how she feels about HER OWN DAUGHTER in all of 2 FREAKING SEASONS!! She doesnt even have to be nice to Via, you could say Stella might even struggle with subtle and not-so-subtle resentment like Beatrice Horseman did (Viv, dont ever make that comparison again lmao) for having her life tied down by a marriage and a resulting child. But no, that would require the writers to be consistent and competent.
Now instead of a scorned wife or struggling mother who was trying to make her marriage work in the beginning and is now going on a rage-fueled rampage, she's been reduced to a painfully cartoony villain with a negative temp IQ who is controlled by her creepy brother and domineering family. Yet another glaring example of a female character's role being axed and used to prop up a man/the men in Viv's writing...

TLDR; Stella had SO MUCH potential that I got major whiplash by the time season 2 came out because (in Stella voice) wtf was that VIVZIE?!!! I am so tired of fans coming up with excuses for Stolas and the overall poor writing quality of this show because ultimately that's where her character potential went: they rewrote and assassinated any depth she could have had by throwing her under the bus to make him look better by comparison. Season 3 can try to improve on that, but I cant help but feel like it's going to drop the ball even harder despite my wanting justice for Stella. Beatrice Horseman and Bloberta Puppington, she is NOT. Those characters at least had depth and development that didn't constantly revolve their identity around a man/men. The fact this has happened to just about all of the HH/HB female characters in some way or another is actually SICK lmao

@dustedjotaro3078 - 10.03.2025 04:20

My goat was sabotaged aughhhhh 😭

@TitanQueen - 10.03.2025 05:06

I forgot she was a villain half the time.

@DrBXXI - 10.03.2025 05:51

Don't worry. She will have a sad backstory and after that she will be completely forgotten again with that backstory going absolutely nowhere.
And she will eventually have a conflict with Octavia. But instead of being a conflict between Stella and Octavia (like Stella treating Octavia how she was treated in the past, which is clearly wrong given how Stella ended) the conflict will be about how mean Stella was with Stolas making the focus of their conflict Stolas and not them.

@JnGArtimation - 10.03.2025 05:56

But Stella hot though. Gets a pass.

But, seriously, this is a product of a "These are my OCs: The Movie The Show".

I wouldn't mind her being an absolute jerk..... .if they actually did something with that.

Stella, "I like TORMENTING you."

Me: Sure would be nice if we actually see bits and pieces of that throughout S1 and 2.

"BUT BUT BUT the pictures in their house shown they loved each other"

Me: Visual Storytelling is an aid. A tool. Not windowdressing.

We get that this is supposed to be an over arching story, but I feel bad for the fans who Stockholm themselves into liking this and the fans who genuinely want this show to get better.

I jokes on Twitter that Vivzie "thinks she's writing Lady Tremaine." But, it looks like she failed to realize that Tremaine, Ursula, Cruella de Vil, Mother Grothel. Hell, even Mad Madame Mim actually DID things to show case their cunning, craft, and ruthlessness.

Personally, I treat Stella as an absolute monster. Weaving her way to turn Octavia against Stella's by telling her "stories" of how Blitzo/Stella's shook her.

I don't like "fixing someone else work" because all they'll do is browse the internet and try to make what we say into the next episode or strawman.

Stella barely works because of the obsession with male/male erotica. I understand if Brandon also want to flex his career in drama, but, this show could be better if every other character can flex their range. Obsessing with drama is too limiting.

Makes me wonder why they changed Moxxie's OG personality. Not because Moxxie would call Blitzo out on his BS. But, because Roger Horvitz would steal the show from Brandon. Not intentionally. More just a "battle of experience". Most comedians have a tendency to move to more dramatic roles.

Both can work. Problem being it's unfocused. S1 should've stuck with world building and building character motivations. S2 at least is fine when starting more story-arcs being the first arc.

For example, introduce Striker and have him target IMP and Stolas over the course of S2. Then at the end of finale, reveal that it was Stella who hired the hit as she's yelling on the phone. That could end S2 and you can go into S3 that leads up to that trial.

@Randomyoutuber-4831 - 10.03.2025 06:50

Didn't you already make a video like this? Are you running out of stuff to complain about that you have to rehash old ideas?

@username-mk4qv - 10.03.2025 06:59

Viv seems terrible at writing intentional villains and at writing women. She seems terrified of nuance, either because she doesn’t have the skills to do it or because such nuance doesn’t mesh well with the vibe of the show, which she seems to be ambivalent about anyway.

Stella has just as much reason if not more so, to be upset about their shared crappy situation. But the writing only cares how the situation impacts Stolas.

Stolas has the privilege of being able to be detached. Stolas has the privilege of not losing his status or home or financial stability in a divorce. Stolas has the privilege of not having to put his body through pregnancy. And he didn’t even have to do his share of the work to conceive his own heir.

But sure, Viv. Tell me how hard it is for this privileged man with all the time, money, power, and resources he needs, to sit at home watching soap operas instead of seeking therapy or making friends or doing anything productive to better his situation.

@Ok_Okinawa - 10.03.2025 07:56

I feel like Stella and Andrealphus could’ve worked if Vivzie made them like Daki and Gyutaro.
That would’ve made them both worthy threats but still kept Andrealphus as the “main” villain of the season
But that would’ve required Vivzie to actually put work into writing interesting characters outside of toxic romance ,’/

@CharletteHaenga - 10.03.2025 09:48

yes, please make a video replying to reddit comments it would be funny af 🤣
