#JDAM_overview #united_states_air_force #most_powerful_munition #Precision-guided_weapon #Smart_bomb_technology #air-to-ground_bomb #JDAM_vs_traditional_bombs #airstrike_vs_artillery #Targeting_with_gps_assisted #Warhead_technology #Air_campaign_strategies #strategic_bombing #Airborne #airpower #Global_defense_technology #future_weapons_systems #department_of_defense #pentagon #f35 #f-16 #f-15ex #payload #how_it_works #engineering #explainer #history #historical #educational #infomrativeКомментарии:
oh and the gps jamming russia is doing now check the bee hives in those areas in the future.
ОтветитьJDAM is good, can it function without gps tho, any backup?
Ответитьscientist garb and glasses LOL
Ответитьcan we turn a p51 with jet engines into a drone curious? or perhaps keep rotors.
ОтветитьJDAM should have alternate ways to hit target all ya need
ОтветитьGamecom? Dafuq is that trash? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ответитьchange the nose cone to house an optical/infra red/radar emitter. A weapon that has every guidance option available should be better then GPS only.
Ответитьm@ke @nti Jammer munition
ОтветитьJust create a GPS version of the HARM to take out the GPS jammers?
ОтветитьCheap smart weapons. What could be better. I think we ought to work pretty hard to keep JDAM's working for us,.
ОтветитьJDAM "(not) Smart Bombs" are worse than you think. Relying on satellites for military activities such as munitions guidance and surveillance purposes is not a good idea. Doing so strongly incentivizes your adversary to develop anti-satellite missiles and then to shoot down your GPS and surveillance satellites at the start of any actual/serious wartime scenario. After such occurs, your military will be severely hampered by reliance on satellites that no longer exist and have been replaced by a big orbiting debris field that precludes launching new ones (without them quickly getting destroyed either by more anti-satellite missiles, and/or, by existing orbital debris collisions in a phenomena known as "Kessler Syndrome").
Relying on satellites is simply a great way to lose at warfare. A somewhat wiser option is to design military hardware that can still accomplish the desired objectives without reliance on any satellites.
Even wiser still, is to somehow build a world where humans can long term sustainably get along with each other and no longer have any need for warfare with each other. Perhaps ironically, actually accomplishing such goal requires that the Earth should have only a single worldwide government. Having multiple nations on the Earth, is a recipe for eventual conflicts resulting in occasional or frequent warfare. The only way to stop this, is to have a one world government, and to solve all long term sustainability issues effecting the collective, while also raising standards of living universally and substantially. Such a society would not have any (good) reason to make war with itself. However, even then, some groups of humans might still want to make war with other groups of humans over differences in religious beliefs. Solving this might require adoption of a one world religion to go along with the one world government.
It is seemingly claimed in the Holy Bible that Jesus plans to set up a "millennial reign" whereby he plans to be king over the entire world, and to "make every knee bow". To the extent that Christianity and the Holy Bible is correct, then it would appear that Jesus wants to implement a one world government along with a one world religion, with himself as "king of kings and lord of lords" over both.
ОтветитьOnce the inertial system had been calibrated by GPS, out of the range of the Russian Jaming Systems, those Russian Jamining Systems, if the Targets would be toast, I would posit. Something else is messing with the system! Bad education or nefarious operators!
ОтветитьEglin AFB USAF SEEK Eagle Office, 46th Test Wing 1997-98
ОтветитьWe are an enourmesly dumb species who is willingly destoying itself. And we the civilians are paying taxes to our government to allow it
ОтветитьTechnology of all kinds tends to evolve beyond what we have "today". I think jdam is here to stay, in some form, until super lethal lasers are on aircraft.
ОтветитьAccording to my made-up credentials, the JDAM ER....
ОтветитьJDAM isn’t a bomb. It’s a munitions guidance package. It’s not just 2,000 pounders. It could be 1,500, 1,000, I believe even 500. I think once you hit 250, that’s the GBU-39 SDB.
But... I guess typically it’s 2Klbs. Any way it goes, If a JDAM is dropping, someone is having a bad day. 🤪😎🇺🇸
They just need to add GPS jamming countermeasures on it.
HEB is the Bomb!
ОтветитьThanks for the credit and including my clip 😉
ОтветитьLOVE ISRAEL FOR EVER 💙 LOVE PM Binyamin Netanyahu ❤Thankful IDF ❤❤❤ You did as you said , LOVE YOU ALL 🤍💙❤LOVE ISRAEL FOR EVER 💙 LOVE PM Binyamin Netanyahu ❤Thankful IDF ❤❤❤ You did as you said , LOVE YOU ALL 🤍💙❤LOVE ISRAEL FOR EVER 💙 LOVE PM Binyamin Netanyahu ❤Thankful IDF ❤❤❤ You did as you said , LOVE YOU ALL 🤍💙❤LOVE ISRAEL FOR EVER 💙 LOVE PM Binyamin Netanyahu ❤Thankful IDF ❤❤❤ You did as you said , LOVE YOU ALL 🤍💙❤
ОтветитьFrom wording of this video should I assume US is targeting civilians on purpose as targeting them by accident is a big no-no now? Since WW1 the Ukrainian war is probably the most humane war fought, Over 90% of casualties are actual soldiers, in Iraq over 90% of casualties were civilians.
ОтветитьTiara Camp
ОтветитьI'm pretty amazed we don't hear more about glide enabled weaponry. Seems like that would be a logical extension of gps guided bombs..
Ответить"If" anyone manges to get through ll of tht they have to deal with the civilians that are heavily armed.😂
ОтветитьDARPA and Sandia Laboratories are working on the GPS 2.0. that proved to be unjammable according to the recent unclassified data. There's a great video about this covered by Wes O'Donnell named "The US Develops the ‘Mother of All Motion Sensors’ to Counter GPS Jamming". I advise everyone to watch this 8 minute video since I'm too stupid to explain it here...
Anyway, as always weapon developers are always catching up and working on the next military technology to counter the one that presents a particular challenge. JDAMs were a revolution, then came the jammers to counter it, now we're developing new technology to counter jamming, and so on.... This is an old tale of a man developing a sword and then making the armor to shield a man from the sword. Then came the gun powder that made the iron armor useless which in turn led to the development of the modern body armor - an armored vest... You catch my drift...
Currently we have a moment in history when the UAVs, particularly the small POV UAVs, are making an incredible impact on the battlefield. Now it seems that these drones will make tanks and IFVs obsolete, but that is a wrong assumption. The industry is working fevershly on a technology to counter drones. There are different ways, some more some less successful, with some being to expensive to be useful (shooting small $20 000 missiles to shot down $2000 drones).. But the industry will develop passive and active systems that will significantly diminish POV drone's impact..
The world of military technology jeeps turning...
Send in a few HARMs first.
ОтветитьWhat about laser guided system
ОтветитьHEB mentioned cappy texan confirmed
ОтветитьWould be cool if the JDAM had some sort of inertial guidance system like the Nighthawk. Thoughts?
ОтветитьThe issue with take the jammer out first is: jammers are getting damn cheap.
ОтветитьTask and Purpose, do you have a chance to add and extend a video about JDAMs Strengths and Weaknesses, especially you forgot to add a topic about Laser Guidance Kit and Inertial Guidance System that can still work even if the GPS Guidance is jammed or unavailable?
ОтветитьInteresting, Russia is also using glide bombs, but I guess these are not GPS steered?
ОтветитьThe new generation of inertial navigation units are pretty damn spanky . Sometimes people like to call them “quantum.” Mostly because it sounds cool. Capable of 1440° acceleration calculations. XYZ linear movement and rotation. The gyroscopes fit together in something like a ping-pong ball, with a few decks of cards for the electronics. Someone told me that some could deal with gravitational changes. The size and gravity bit, I’m not willing to bet my lunch on that. The smaller size and increased precious and accuracy are very likely. Off the shelf systems are breadbox size. For bombs, rockets, &c. that’s kinda big. So smaller is better. The precision bit is by making the light beams go around the triangle several million more times than the kind you can get from Costco. Anyhow, JDAMs loaded with accurate positions before being dropped could then ignore GPS afterwards.
Now there is research into quantum level interference detectors. As far as I know, those have to keep the entire system in near absolute zero temperature. Lower than liquid NO₂. Those systems have a hard time fitting into a basement lab, so not ready for prime time.
Ho ho hooo! Guided by rudolf the red nose reindeer!
ОтветитьIt's a a true JDAMNIT
ОтветитьOnly 2500 dpi😂 my lohitech superlight dies 29000 dipi
ОтветитьGPS signals are jammable on a local scale. Inertial guidance can finish the job on stationary objects.
ОтветитьBased on what was said:
JDAM-ER is way to go...
Can Be Launched From Diffsrent Jets F-15, F-16, and F-35, as well as the B-2 bomber and the Navy’s Super Hornet.
Accuracy & Autonomous Guidane ( supposedly cannot be jammed )
Long Range Potential Protects Plane & Pilot
JDAM-ER is a low-cost, all-weather guidance kit that can be attached to bombs.
It uses a combination of GPS and inertial navigation systems to guide the bomb to its target.
JDAM-ER can be used against fixed and relocatable targets from fighter and bomber aircraft.
JDAM-ER can be used in any weather condition.
JDAM-ER can be used against moving targets because the impact coordinates can be updated in flight.
How it works
The aircraft provides the target coordinates to the JDAM-ER before takeoff.
Once released, the JDAM-ER uses its guidance systems to navigate to the target.
The JDAM-ER can be manually updated by the aircrew if the target moves.
The JDAM-ER can also be automatically updated by onboard aircraft sensors.
There's Place for drones, artillery, smart bombs, missiles
If so accurate why so many civilian deaths?
Ответитьin jdam we just
ОтветитьHow about Musks new satalights with their quicker relay time, as well as more of them??
Ответитьليبارك الرب امريكا