Making uranium glass

Making uranium glass


4 года назад

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BluntSlapp - 07.10.2023 00:22

One day Nile is going to create a nuclear disaster, and we will all get it to 20 Million views.

thirdwheel1985au - 06.10.2023 11:56

When you mentioned a necklace I was reminded of those "5G repellent" necklaces that actually were radioactive.

Gerald Evans
Gerald Evans - 05.10.2023 05:36

you should have nileblue do this

Chris Willis
Chris Willis - 03.10.2023 08:12

Can also use sodium hydroxide aka "lye" to make soap.

Piko - 02.10.2023 17:53


ParedCheese - 02.10.2023 17:47

Perhaps uranium Prince Rupert's drops would be a thing to try?

Unilton Simões
Unilton Simões - 02.10.2023 17:13

Do an uranium glass ruperts drop

Baron Merchandise
Baron Merchandise - 02.10.2023 14:48

Almost exploded the lab?

Ellie Wood
Ellie Wood - 02.10.2023 01:23

looks likee something else too

PacificBall Mapping
PacificBall Mapping - 01.10.2023 03:39

hes literally using URANIUM to make cups. What is the Canadian Government doing

Dragon 1111
Dragon 1111 - 29.09.2023 08:32

I'm a Boro-silicate laboratory glass blower. I've worked with custom uranium glass before. The trick to keep your specimens from shattering is a technique known as annealing. To accomplish this, you would want 2 separate furnaces. One for melting and the other for annieline. Place your graphite block in the aneeling furnace at about eleven hundred degrees fahrenheit. Open the door once the block and the furnace is preheated. place your spasiman On your graph light block at eleven hundred degrees for at lea half an hour. then Slowly reduce the temperature of your aneeling furnace without opening the door. Over the course of twenty four hours And till your sample is near room temperature And you should not have any internal stress anymore This process aligns the internal crystalline structure of the silica Transforming it into a stress free homogeneous mass. You will want to reduce the temperature on an inverted J curve slowly at first. But once you get past about 400° fahrenheit leaving the door closed u till it has completely cooled you should be fine
- James

Rallyefan - 28.09.2023 17:29

I thought about an uranium glass prince rupert's drop

AxeHead 45
AxeHead 45 - 27.09.2023 08:45

"The government doesn't really like it when you show how to refine uranium on the internet."
This quote has no business being so funny. Like yeah I don't think they like the general public being taught how to make nukes.

E-316 - 26.09.2023 16:42

what if you mada a uranium glass ruperts drop :O

Beck Poltronetti
Beck Poltronetti - 25.09.2023 06:32

you should play mancala with the uranium beads

n8 nelson
n8 nelson - 25.09.2023 05:36

Fun fact some of the chemicals you used are in meth !!!!

#62 SHS
#62 SHS - 24.09.2023 21:11

That glass powder does not look like flour it looks like coke 😂😂😂

alberto - 24.09.2023 06:48

he’s just casually messing with uranium

Talkys Assis
Talkys Assis - 23.09.2023 17:56

I must add that you don't need to care about alpha in most situations. It can't even pass through a paper sheet

eden adam
eden adam - 21.09.2023 17:17

wahts the point of this uranium glass?? whats the benefits of it?

Kritikal - 18.09.2023 08:58

Dude, this video is making me more ans more concerned. You're getting dusty uranium byproduct all over the dang place.

Kritikal - 18.09.2023 08:49

Absolutely nope. I will not go near uranium. Cool stuff to watch from afar though!

the dark spark
the dark spark - 17.09.2023 05:10

Can u do something with plotounuim

Kaya - 15.09.2023 23:41

bro eventually got uranium ice cream

Pascal Lange
Pascal Lange - 15.09.2023 21:10

Mhmm yellow chemistry

Dutch Exploration
Dutch Exploration - 15.09.2023 19:17

can you use uranyl nitrate as a oxidizer for something like gunpowder?
idk i know litterally nothing about chemestry i only know what nitrate is

Garrett Young
Garrett Young - 15.09.2023 01:05

tell the guy that made your strainer that you use it for uranium and tell me what he says

genji - 14.09.2023 03:00

Nice, now can you do meth next

Liz - 11.09.2023 20:09

I first saw uranium glass when i was maybe 7 and it was in a place called museum village near where I grew up in monroe ny, which is a 17/1800's museum town with a lot of cool artifacts, including old uranium glass bowls, jars etc...

Colton Blumhagen
Colton Blumhagen - 11.09.2023 09:25

Should've made a uranium prince rupert drop.

K Grant
K Grant - 11.09.2023 09:12

3 years later - “ Nile u have been exposed to more radiation than a entire family’s bloodline in as little as one day. U have stage 6 cancer .

Chris Figuero
Chris Figuero - 11.09.2023 05:09

Nile Red: "the government doesnt like when u show how to enrich uranium"

Me: were u just going to show how to enrich uranium?🫨😬 my good sir i do not want knw how to do such things

RippedFishingTV - 10.09.2023 21:27

Please do a Prince Rupert’s drop out of uranium glass!

Chase Mallory
Chase Mallory - 09.09.2023 07:20

Very late to the party on this and hopefully not just repeating what someone else has already said. As best I can tell no one has though. I just wanted to chime in to mention the inaccuracy of the radiation reading at the end of the video with the higher end GM meter.
TLDR: The meter is only accurate for actual dose rates when measuring exactly 662 keV gamma.

While it does display units of radiation dose instead of just CPM, that is still a GM probe and is therefore incapable of discriminating energy and particle type. Specifically with the uSv/hr measurement, a true equivalent dose rate measurement like this requires both knowledge of the particle type for the "Q factor" and the energy of the particle interaction. The "pancake probe" as they are often called that you are using is almost certainly calibrated to Cs-137 (662 keV gamma emissions) and displays those units by assuming that any interaction is also a 662 keV gamma, so they are often up to 20 times off unless you can determine the average gamma energy and make a correction factor based on that (assuming there aren't any alphas or neutrons). All that to say, it is very hard to know the true dose rate using a detector like that and you would have to resort to something much more sophisticated such as a scintillation counter (still might have some troubles with the alphas on this), open air ionization chamber with an open window design (might have a harder time discriminating the alphas with a current detection schema instead of pulse detection), or something else. Likely to get an accurate reading you'd have to obtain a true exposure rate using an ion chamber, then get a proportion of alphas to betas using some techniques others in here have already mentioned, and then apply the ratios to estimate a Q-factor proportion for conversion into an equivalent dose rate. Not that you likely care about getting that accurate of a reading anyways, it just got me excited to think about a problem of measuring something like that and here we are after a long winded rant. Anyways, I appreciate the content! Keep it up!

☆Nile_Edit☆ - 08.09.2023 08:06

I was watching this at 6 am getting ready for school

Jetstream Sam
Jetstream Sam - 08.09.2023 06:16

is that piss

scott keeler
scott keeler - 07.09.2023 01:18

With the issue of the glass breaking. Well I got to thinking what if you made a few prince Rupert's drops from some uranium glass. Then film them with a high-speed camera while it is fluoresces and again under normal white light and see what if any thing shows up when under the black light that you normally might not notice.

Joseph Wisniewski
Joseph Wisniewski - 06.09.2023 16:55

I know three local blowers who have screwed around with uranium glass. Al Young in Detroit probably did the most. He melted a few pots of it, at a much higher concentration than you used, and drew out bars of the colored glass. John Fitzpatrick in Ferndale got his hands on a couple of those bars. You can break a chunk off a bar, pick it up on the end of your blowpipe, and blow through it. Windy Dankoff ran pots of it at a more normal concentration and gathered it for paperweights. I have some of his.

Joseph Wisniewski
Joseph Wisniewski - 06.09.2023 16:48

When you blasted the glass with your torch, you caused some "reduction", converting the uranium oxide back into metallic uranium which went into colloidal suspension. This can produce pretty metallic swirls and white opacity. Controlled reduction is used to do things like giving a glass dog white paws.

Joseph Wisniewski
Joseph Wisniewski - 06.09.2023 16:44

Oh, and if you're interested in who still makes it, "Fenton Art Glass" and "Boyd's Crystal", both from Ohio, are the two biggest producers in the US. I have several Fenton "hobnail" vases, a couple of their frogs, and a couple of Boyd frogs, because who doesn’t have a Boyd frog or two.
