The Definitive Beginner's Guide to Project Zomboid

The Definitive Beginner's Guide to Project Zomboid


2 года назад

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Mozku The Hermit
Mozku The Hermit - 11.09.2023 20:31

Im pretty much really new to the game and i really learned really quick that you WILL need some starting weapon
My first 5 attemps were just running around on circles like headless chicken and die because i didnt know what could serve as starting weapon from starting house
Foods and water are plentiful what i noticed right away and canned food can help later when you eventually come back to pick them up
Ripping rags were life saving tip for me when i learned that you can bloil them to make them sterile
Im still learning when ever i can so i can survive one more day till eventually months at time

the ladd
the ladd - 10.09.2023 17:23

I feel like you should have mentioned that conspicuous does in all effectiveness nothing

Jupiter Snoot
Jupiter Snoot - 23.08.2023 03:30

Today I learned I don't have to delete my save and start a new one every time I die...after about 13 deaths...all with good progress and base setups....

ATIKIN - 17.08.2023 11:55

Funny thing is, yesterday my friend and i encountered our first heli event and we were at the military base, we saw 0 zombies, during and after the event

Scott Cunningham
Scott Cunningham - 06.08.2023 17:57

not only am I new to the game, Im new to PC so learning basic controls are difficult. why da fuck do I need my pinky to run!? god help me

HOW TO DO EVERYTHING 101 - 29.07.2023 09:22

Don't use a guide it ruins the fun of dying and trying again

Lockx - 26.07.2023 00:45

this game is shit and i refunded, yeah spawn me in a house with 50 zombies in it and expect me to survive which is what alot of people say about this game and thats why i love it! it and actual challenge and i like it

Stefan Wilson
Stefan Wilson - 22.07.2023 09:58

fish is not a meat

pachi - 21.07.2023 18:47

lol first time playing just chose west point cuz i heard it was military school in america or smthng

alexemre - 07.07.2023 09:35

remember, everyone! Q to swallow the antidote!

Rainer - 06.07.2023 05:02

I spawn in West Point my first 10 characters, didn't know it was the hardest

Woodben18 - 23.06.2023 05:43

For more recent players, know that if in your base during the helicopter base, don’t leave. As long as the helicopter doesn’t spot you, it will leave after a couple hours. I have played countless runs, and I’ve only gotten spotted by the helicopter once and that was the first one I played.

Bobby Hill
Bobby Hill - 20.06.2023 07:28

I've been watching people play this game for the past few months and I've never been a fan of top down RPGs but this looked so cool and in depth that I figured I would give it a try unfortunately the controls are dog shit and that is a big thing for me I already hate playing on keyboard and mouse I hate having to look down to make sure I'm pressing the right key in the middle of gameplay so I returned it after like 30 minutes I really really wanted to like this game which I still do but from a distance

l1ght - 14.06.2023 10:35

The classed i like to call the best is police officer and bruglar for having the nimble level that will help al lot in endgame
Pick police if you want to go loud and shot everything or pick bruglar if you want to be sneaky
Also bruglar can hijack cars

Rylan Sabin
Rylan Sabin - 11.06.2023 19:09

Speed demon mod ngl, because you don’t want to go fast anyway

Adin Zahirović
Adin Zahirović - 08.06.2023 00:19

A game where you can't win.

Isopod_Gaming - 05.06.2023 09:31

This has helped me, this has helped my friends, and oddly enough this is now helping my dad learn how to play the game.

Jens Jens
Jens Jens - 24.05.2023 02:04

I kinda missed the "beginner" part of the vid =(

DeforestYou - 16.05.2023 19:53

"nothing is better than a spoon" can be taken in two very different ways

Mythel - 10.05.2023 23:50

Never take slow reader. You can fast forward time, however it doesn't change the fact that time still passes. That first month of the game is super important and reading slower really inhibits you during that month.

minecraft guy
minecraft guy - 10.05.2023 11:52

will keep in mind, "stealing your neighbors tv is only stealing if they're still alive" ty

Swjdna Nsjdjs
Swjdna Nsjdjs - 03.05.2023 10:26

Word of advice to anyone new, something that isn't talked about in this is corpse disposal. If you're fighting a lot of zombies near your base or a general area that you pass by a lot, make sure to clean up the bodies before they rot. I lost a 7 day character to getting instantly sick and zombified from the corpses near my base and having the negative trait that makes you more prone to illness doesn't help either.

CrossOverEpisode - 28.04.2023 04:24

This is the first time in a long time one of these "beginner pro tips" videos has applied to me lmao

VAST - 24.04.2023 16:38

Somehow it find it hard not to take burglerer in singleplayer (can hotwire cars from the start) with getting a car being one of the most important stages in the game.

Mike - 09.04.2023 07:12

thanks got the game today!

AtrociousAK47 - 30.03.2023 23:34

i wouldnt reccomend turning on targeting outlines for melee and just keep it for guns, especially if you play with multihit enabled, as due to a bug it may refuse to work at all, causing you to "miss" zombies that you clearly should've hit going by the models and get a nasty bite for your trouble. idk maybe it's just my experience from watching gameplay of the very old versions with npcs (shout out to maya) and playing B40 as well as bit of one of the pre-B38 builds (aka before cars were added), but i always found melee combat to be fairly intuiative, even with having to press LCTRL for combat stance, atleast with long blunt weapons and frying pans.

Adam Strick
Adam Strick - 30.03.2023 17:44

why is the meme build a meme build and not legit? I have never played this

hello - 18.03.2023 17:27

There’s never a working starter guide

Tanner O'Daniel
Tanner O'Daniel - 18.03.2023 02:52

What are some good ocupation+trait combinations I don’t want to pick too many bad and not enough good stuff

agidyne967 - 11.03.2023 14:01

Just bought this game cuz some guy named ambiguousamphibian played it. My first mistake was naming my first character after myself. Haha

Thanks for the tips! I’m looking for all the tips. Been through around 3 more characters until I managed to get things down. I’ve survived for a couple of days and now it’s midnight.

enisheon - 07.03.2023 21:45

I started a new game and immediately SPAWED in a house with zombies already around me and attacking me

wolf - 03.03.2023 17:58

Is getting an RV in this game is worthit ?

penguinplus123 - 01.03.2023 00:13

im a new player, but i like to have an unhealthy amount of fun using lethal doses of mods
i enjoy modding games and i think it might be a disorder

Slayrix - 27.02.2023 23:25

Me: Trying to watch tip videos to get better at the game
One video: Never crouch, it will get you killed
This video: loads in So first things first press crouch

MrHocotateFreight - 27.02.2023 03:04

Hey, serious tip. If you have a small street you've been clearing/checking in each day to keep safe, USE IT FOR THE HELICOPTER EVENT

The street outside my home was a regular visit for me, and I got the event In a house I finished looting, on a street I've kept clean for in-game-weeks, so 2 whole zombies tried to wipe their faces on a window. Easy peasy with a two-hander

Josshh - 24.02.2023 05:22

When you first spawn in press Q it makes your charater more inconspicuous and muffles your footsteps but youll walk 5% slower def the best tip out there!

Craig Gillet
Craig Gillet - 23.02.2023 17:44

just got this game last night my longest life so far is 4 hours so i have a long way to go

ThogusDonatus - 22.02.2023 23:06

Riverside is the best one to Spawn on The longest i stayed alived in westpoint is 22 days And make Sure to Horde them Red Books They are worth in the weight of gold in order to fight off boredoom

JoshuaNW - 22.02.2023 02:40

Can you run Project Zomboid on a basic laptop? Mine runs Vanilla Minecraft and Unturned good enough.

Onion Cutting Ninja
Onion Cutting Ninja - 18.02.2023 12:43


akusen - 14.02.2023 01:18

this is the only game where a butter knife can kill maybe 2 zombies, trust me bro ive done 4

Gede Bagus PP
Gede Bagus PP - 13.02.2023 20:00

I've spent 30hours in menu

Shortlivedglory - 10.02.2023 21:17

Can definitely confirm that dying happens the moment you feel safe. I just started playing. Finally got a character who lasted awhile. She took out more than two hundred undead and looted countless buildings. When she got tired of the piles of corpses in the yard, she found a fiery demise while trying to dispose of them.

Chitan - 07.02.2023 04:21

First time I played I died and turned into a zombie, then I went back to try to get my things but I got bit and killed by the zombie that was previously me.

xIronwafflex - 06.02.2023 02:06

Why is it that every person that says guns are bad, is moving while trying to shoot? Handguns are terrible before you have 3-4 skill in aiming, but even at 0, shotguns can be decent. Run ahead of the pack, stop and aim. Outline goes green, shot. Shotguns are the fastest way to level gun skill as you can hit more than one target at a time, potentially killing 2 or more zombies with a single shot. This said, BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN USING GUNS! Shotguns are especially dangerous as they can be heard by zombies at a range of 100 tiles. What is a tile? When you go to place or pickup an item, the green or red square you see is one tile in size. Keeping that in mind, if you go firing a shotgun in or near a city, make sure you have enough ammo to deal with the hordes of zombies soon to come.

Best advice for guns, only use them when you have enough ammo and have escape routes planned. If you HAVE to use them in a sticky situation, be ready to book it 'if' you escape that situation, because you probably have another horde heading your way.

Knave the Dave
Knave the Dave - 19.01.2023 02:09

If you are clever you can use a gun to lure zombies away from something if you cannot find a settable alarm.

Nick Marcinko
Nick Marcinko - 15.01.2023 06:57

i was gonna press on that eurogamer one, but this shit said definitive

DMazz - 10.01.2023 04:24

Just got this game today, I'm trying to make it to day 2 lol
