Highest Returns Super Funds in Australia in 2024

Highest Returns Super Funds in Australia in 2024

Brent Coleman

3 месяца назад

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@mikewilhelm213 - 14.06.2024 12:14

I’m a simple OZ bloke with no qualifications running a SMSF. This is fun. 26.4% average return last 4 years inclusive of accounting fee. All information from the internet and business section of daily papers. $50,000 should be enough to get started then follow Warren Buffett rules of investing to the letter. 80% into ASX 200 Aussie companies returning 5% to 7% dividends + 20% cash ready to pounce (currently earning 4.1%) Add: Franking credits from dividends post tax return, Employer super payments from any work, Interest from term deposits, Capital growth from the share portfolio, Special benefits from company takeovers. Nine solid Aussie companies I understand is about right. Buy more of these every couple of months via CMC for $11 per trade as cash rolls in. Immune to market swing stress as we are ready to buy more when a Covid like event market downturn. Purchasing June 2020 was a turbo boost. End of year accounting and audit fee under $3,000 is not indexed. Time erases any early error when the fund is small. Wisdom of world markets is a bonus. No leakage to managed funds with every dividend and bonus going directly into the SMSF account on company payment day. Compounding working at a very high level. We have an incredible super system in Australia that makes this possible. Hope someone reading this is motivated to make the change.

@nickpower-fj9bu - 11.06.2024 06:31

Happy with my REI Super…..

@gordondkrbavac6861 - 10.06.2024 23:16


@robnewin - 07.06.2024 10:23

My fund is spaceship super did over 20 percent

@funkyguy99 - 03.06.2024 03:20

Those gains may look good on paper but if market crashes then your screwed. If you don't hold it, you don't own it.

@MrJustinpb - 31.05.2024 22:07

Bush league numbers, truly sad this passes for top. My super portfolio generated 23.86%, with a fraction of the risk and it was a poorly performing year by historical standards.

Portfolio/fund managers would like everyone to believe that they are the smartest guys in the room, but they were just the B to C grade students at school. And don't even get me started on financial advisers.

I feel so sorry for the majority of Aussies that get defaulted into the balanced option from Day 1 in their 20s, have their retirements grifted away from them by undersized performance and oversized fees, every single actor in ecosystem failing them and they only discover the bad news 20-30 years down the track when it's too late.

All so some barely financially literate, intellectually underwhelming, double windsored, cufflinked, pinstriped, chat merchant with delusions of grandeur can play out their low production value Wolf of Wall Street cosplay fantasy.

If anyone had these battlers best interests at heart, the default option for the 'super disengaged' would be index funds that auto-allocate weights from aggressive to defensive based on age, with fees to match the very low complexity involved.

@siredith8846 - 31.05.2024 02:25

I wonder why GESB is not rated.

@effigy8620 - 23.05.2024 09:51

Thank you for this. Can anyone join Mine or only those in the industry?

@lesleychisholm9326 - 21.05.2024 19:36

Great content thank you! Have you looked at which Super funds are the best overall (taking into account fees, customer service, performance and included benefits?) I'm wondering if it's worth switching to a different provider but it's so hard to get a good comparison.

@desmondconnellan9697 - 14.05.2024 11:03

Return before or after administration costs etc?

@EweTubio - 04.05.2024 05:59

How can we tell if this isn’t a high jacked AI video?

@nathankerr9824 - 01.04.2024 07:37

KiwiSaver next please?

@divyv20 - 30.03.2024 12:03

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