Hamed Rajabi; mechanical intelligence, insect wings, metamaterial, crack deflection, Marwa ElDiwiny

Hamed Rajabi; mechanical intelligence, insect wings, metamaterial, crack deflection, Marwa ElDiwiny


3 месяца назад

292 Просмотров

Soft Robotics Podcast by Marwa ElDiwiny.

Link to the podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6GAtlsWjm0GOEFqH150SAY

Mechanical Intelligence by Dr. Hamed Rajabi: We study life from an engineering perspective to understand the design and technological complexities of living systems. We combine knowledge and expertise from different fields with the aim to develop life-inspired concepts and elaborate them into a technology readiness level.
Join us in our journey to unravel the complexities of biological systems and learn from them to make engineering structures with enhanced performance.


#biomimetics #insect_wings #bioinspiration #bioinspired_designs #biology-based_engineering #metamaterials #MI #crack_fracture_resistance
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