The Ancient Mysteries Of The Minoan People | The Minotaur's Island

The Ancient Mysteries Of The Minoan People | The Minotaur's Island

Absolute History

2 года назад

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@energyvive731 - 03.12.2023 17:25

Her voice sounds just like Ruth Goodman. ❤

@camgeurs7544 - 11.11.2023 01:21

Nice dresses. Nicer content.😅

@julianterris - 28.10.2023 21:07

Wonderful series, 3D recreations of ruins anybody?

@sunrisings292 - 26.10.2023 20:27

The hotness of Bettany is a nice complement to her good presentation and this nice documentary. I know I'm not the only one to notice.

@bgc7748 - 22.10.2023 04:06

Minoan civilization was wiped out by a giant tsunami

@bgc7748 - 22.10.2023 04:01

I love the scenes of nature painted on the Minoan walls and objects. The creatures are so lifelike, esp. love the dolphins

@josephbenson6301 - 03.10.2023 06:42

I'll be in Knossos later this week and I'm very excited about it. I've known of Crete since 3rd grade and Knossos, 5th. I've been waiting awhile for this! Fascinating stuff.

Btw... anybody else think the Votary was a nicer figurine than the priestess?

@EnricTeller - 12.09.2023 07:58

Wow! So well told.

@Earth-XXI - 10.09.2023 23:21

Minoan civilization is proto-Georgian (Colchis) civilization, We are here, we have not disappeared and we still have a state 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪The Minoan script can only be read in Georgian languages.

@matthewgabbard6415 - 29.08.2023 19:40

Something tells me the host of this program is a bad girl. She’s definitely spanked a few bottoms haha

@Anthony69420 - 22.06.2023 21:24

The woman presenter is very beautiful

@annalouux8553 - 22.06.2023 16:19

The past 5years the Greek governments want to eradicate the Greek race from the map altogether by bringing in tens of thousands of migrants mostly Muslims from Iraq Afghanistan Syria etc. Pretty soon we'll be a minority in our own country.😢😢. The New world order is here thriving in Greece 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢. We are not allowed to feel patriotic especially mentioning the word, we are not allowed to show our religion (ninety-seven percent of the Greeks or Greek orthodox Christians) like the crucifix which adorned the walls of our police stations and schools and public buildings, we are not allowed to hang the Greek flag outside our house so as to not upset immigrants migrants and refugees. Welcome to undemocratic Europe.

@ericneiman5556 - 20.05.2023 21:39

I'm going out on a limb and say that this was probably the capital of elitism

@GehanAdel - 15.05.2023 16:32

I was staggered when I watched this prolific documentary or way or another they built a huge civilization regardless the perilous circumstances around them.thanks a lot 🌹

@considerateanarchist347 - 07.04.2023 01:21

I feel like I'm listening to a donkey Kong Country soundtrack

@alyaowaidat4564 - 06.04.2023 18:13

The background music is so bad I couldn’t finish this documentary

@christineschulze1782 - 16.03.2023 06:04

I solo traveled the Mediterranean from Athens to Crete, Naples to Rome, to Le Sene Sur Mer France, to Barcelona...I walked from Heraklion to Knossos. I lived in my own head w a single earphone in to hear documentaries and mood music, I had time to ponder the ancients and their cultures. Best thing I ever did ❤️

@hyperbitcoinizationpod - 14.03.2023 21:43

The symbol of the snake is mistaken here. It represents rebirth and wisdom. This an archetypal image similar across world mythologies. It's agricultural Goddess.

@fb1179 - 06.03.2023 06:31

The glamorous 90s action explorer vibe she has going on is hilarious

@drTAMU-T - 24.02.2023 06:03

The Minoan civilization is unique in many respects compared to contemporary civilizations.

It appears just too contemporary. A lively society portrayed so vividly as if it happened in the Romantic era of the 19th century…

@2coryman - 22.02.2023 03:15

The Minoans had an aura and proud free demeanor about themselves that inspired admiration, a kind of “je ne sais quoi”

@simeonbanner6204 - 18.02.2023 00:54

It's ridiculous anybody would think the focus of the documentary was her having a jolly holiday. All the posing! Forgiven for thinking you are watching a travel commercial.

@christopherthrawn1333 - 06.02.2023 23:52

I grew up in Iraklion Air Force base.
Love the Island.

@travisramirez1387 - 06.02.2023 20:29

Such a wonderful documentary here, the host presented the information with strength and grace in a very sexy way. Two thumbs way up.

@theodorebekiarides5013 - 28.01.2023 19:01


@philopolymath - 18.01.2023 00:07

Wrong as usual....Incorrect by way of a negligence of investigation of THEE most important primary source which clearly identifies Minnos as the Frisian Sea King law giver founder of the initial colony which brought TEXT LAW and trade and tech to the region. See "Oera Linda Book"

@zeph6439 - 03.01.2023 21:02

Crete was actually first settled by the Trojans in around 6000BCE. This peaceful and equalitarian culture was, like so many others, eventually invaded and destroyed by warlike patriarchal peoples such as in this case the Achaeans, who also invaded Greece and later on, the Troas. The celebration and indeed veneration of life, as indicated by the fine artworks, were characteristic of a joyous people who seemed to be having a lot of fun. This was all replaced by the worship of the blade and an emphasis on death and the hero-warrior cultus.(like today)
The feared Minotaur tale has been heavily edited and rewritten. The bull is a symbol of the divine masculine as well as the Goddess, and the maze is actually a spiral labyrinth akin to the Troy Town "maze" or spiral found in many ancient sites around the world. This spiral is symbolic of the souls' journey towards the Divine center and was in no ways regarded as evil. I guess that myths/history are written by the conquerors? The Achaean/ Mycenean/Hellenic people changed Tree and Serpent Goddesses into monsters, or, as in the case of Athena, patronesses of warfare. Trade flourished between Troy and Crete from the earliest times. Indeed, the actual reason behind the Greek invasion of the Troas territory was a desire to control the trade route from the Black Sea, which the Trojans controlled.

@deutschlandfurimmer2554 - 31.12.2022 06:09

You assume so many things. Those figurines very well may NOT be goddesses. And the island very well may NOT have been the peaceful place you assume. I'm sure the army would muster very quickly if an attack was under way. The only reason the villas were not fortified was because there was no internal conflict. Unlike the city-states of the Peloponnese, Crete was one-land one-people. CLEARLY. So, not really a bit mystery. Large scale invasion was simply not something anyone could do in their age. That kind of warfare would come later, MUCH later.

@radykegeek1673 - 30.12.2022 05:38

Totally misoginist and unnecessary to call the snake Goddess "pin up", it was disgusting and upsetting because it cames from a woman. Totally dismiss the legacy of female spirituality, is about a time women where not following men's concept like this.

@factsofmatter6513 - 18.12.2022 07:14

This woman is just hot there’s no getting around it

@ecomani1 - 10.11.2022 13:36

Minoans and Mycenaeans were the original Anatolian West Asian race and DNA. No historian says ancient classical white Hellens were Minoans and Mycenaeans, a Bush race from Anatolia.
Modern Greeks are an Anatolian West Asian race from the 1923 Population not Europeans.
Minoans and Mycenaeans also came from Anatolia.
Spartans, Dorians aka classical white Hellens were one of the Pelasgian-Illyrian tribe 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱

@alexandros735 - 02.11.2022 12:20

We actually call our selves kretikos. From the islands name Krete.

@keyskey362 - 26.09.2022 18:06

Minoans real similar to Samoan culture 🤔

@jpmor7327 - 15.09.2022 00:51

Bettany = 🔥

@benrudolph5582 - 09.09.2022 15:57

Thank you, Doctor, for adding life, to the story of life.
I had no idea Egypt painted them and recorded their name, that the fires were started on purpose, that Kouros was broken apart and thrown, and that the cliff living refugees were there out of terror for about a hundred years. Thank you again, Doctor.

@hoboplay6703 - 07.09.2022 14:39

Modern Greece not related to Ancient Greeks.

@duckbizniz663 - 06.09.2022 12:35

It is difficult to know what happened with the ancient Minoan people. Bethany offer a possible explanation. What is clear is that civilization is a fragile thing. We have to nurture society/civilization. We have to work together to solve problems. We must also know what is the real cause of a failing civilization that benefit all of us. If there was a religious war then the ancient Minoans mistook a nature disaster for divine intervention, and the consequences of the nature disaster along with Minoan religious conflict destroyed their civilization. Much to the sufferings of a brilliant group of ancient people. We have to know what is the real cause of our problems and not falsely blame each other. When we cooperate and stick together we all benefit from the fruits of our labor and our civilization.

@dylanpilcheruniverse6515 - 02.09.2022 16:25

I want to work for someone making these type of documentaries .

@angelfoxbaby - 01.09.2022 19:29

So my ancestry says I'm 2 percent Minoan from aegene islands

@JohnTLyon - 28.08.2022 03:56

What happened in Crete? The people saw that they were being conned by their priesthood and simply finished what the volcano started.

@suhailbeg4956 - 27.08.2022 18:45

I wouldn't recommend the cheeky Bustier bit too...bold for a 🦊 this time?

@hudsonfrank1121 - 17.08.2022 21:31

Been enjoying these thank you.

@Atilla963 - 16.08.2022 19:07

Minoans look Proto Turkic. I see our Orhun alfabet M, the fish letter M. Also those Mycenaeans use this fish letter M.

It is not Greek, they look more like Turks, also in the drawings. When i look on the internet and pinterest, those liars erase the fish letters and upload the picture this way.

They are lying to much in the west, those civilizations are brought by Turks. And all the religions are also Turkic.

The jews were Proto Hittit Turks. Abraham and Sara. Not semites, judaism came to Turks, it is the Turkic Töre, not Semitic Thora. Liars.

They copied and stole knowledge and our history in Anatolia.

That's why Fatih Sultan Mehmet and Aratürk said we revenged Troy. Etruscans who brought the alfabet is almost exactly like our Orhun alfabet. The previous one. That fish letter came later, they don't have this here. And no one have a alfabet found here in the west of their own.

Also the Sumerians are Turks. We still use their words. No one else in the region.

Something happened 4000, 3500years ago, they also rewrite the bible, they say in one page 'the begotten son of God' and in the other Jesus born without s*x. What a stupidity.

It is still the continuation of the Tengri. All those prophets come from the bloodline of Noah > Yaphet(Yafes), all came from Asia. Not 1 from semites.

They lie.

Tengri is readed as Allah, christianity is even brought by Turks in Europe and Aramaic language says Allaha, hebrew language says Elloh, what do you mean God. They changed it to control this part of the world, actually all. Failed for them sadly.

Jesus never came along in Europe with his apostels.

They started to call theirself Aryan etc etc what a jokers claiming someone elses history. Because you don't know anything about yourself. Those were not jews, semites or others than Turks in the Himalaya regions who were with Indians there, we have still common words with India. Where is their language???

The name Adam is even Turkic. In the periods when no one had or can find their writings, we Turks still say Adam. Man, The first man does it means.

Those Egyptian pyramids are also written in Sumerian Turkic language. In China are the biggest ones. Turkic pyramids written in Turkic in Xiang, they hide these pyramids, the chinese can tell what knowledge and power the Turks had. The Turks mummified their, even better than Egypt and this regions, because it was earlier than these ones...

Gene D. Matlock - Must we rewrite ancient history
Jack Churchward - The Children of Mu

Still the Bull and Sun people of continent Mu.

@maxback4053 - 15.08.2022 08:19

The Minoan culture is a deep mystery! Very good doc!

@trains-in-europe - 14.08.2022 23:53

1 feet = 30 cm aprox. You are welcome.

@noelnewlon - 27.07.2022 05:42

I love history, but I have a lousy memory for it.

@chazzdordaniel7961 - 26.07.2022 05:33

i love this woman history aproach

@50nuccio - 25.07.2022 08:13

"The Minoans were islanders, but they weren't insular." With that level of cross-lingual wordplay, I'm in. Well done.

@Atilla963 - 03.07.2022 11:01

Minoan Disk is translated, it is Tatar Turkic.

They also found Mycenaean artificats. Look at their reliefs and artifacts. I found Turkic letters, these are those Sea People.

They call everything Greek, but is more Turkic than it can ever be Greek.

Their symbols are even Turkic, the alfabet letters are used in Asia by Turkic people.

These are all learned and copied and stolen from our Etruscan and Troyan Turkic ancestors.

Oğuz Turks use bull and sun symbols, not Greeks. Like Sumerian Turks do, lime the Egyptian language is written in the Sumerian Turk language.

The people you are denying from hiatory because you don't want them be Turkic, are Turks.

Your civilization bringers here.

@cantbanme792 - 26.05.2022 14:29

in 535 AD, krakatoa blocked the sun around the planet for 2 years, leaving only 4 hours of sunlight a day after that for some decades. every civilization that has written history still intact from that time, records a low rumble, and the following years if darkness where many assumed the sun would never come out again. I think that's the most devastating eruption in human history that we know of.
