9 Windows settings EVERY user should change NOW!

9 Windows settings EVERY user should change NOW!

Ask Your Computer Guy

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Vaneth101 - 18.09.2023 11:24

Everything else in this video was easy to follow, but I can't set up a local account on Windows 11 Home edition. I don't have the same settings. Am I missing something?

Also I don't understand why I need to see file extensions on my computer all the time. I have never mistaken a file for something else. I usually check the file extension if I'm unsure.

Meditation World Knowlege
Meditation World Knowlege - 18.09.2023 04:22

I don't see the option to sign into a local account anywhere

vvvci - 18.09.2023 03:50


David M
David M - 18.09.2023 02:44

Thank you

theRayzz - 18.09.2023 00:55

I always install Windows without internet. No Microsoft login, never. Once the OS is installed, then I switch the internet on and proceed with the last part. Easier this way.

APWEF - 17.09.2023 16:29

Please can you update this. I can not find the option for local account in windows 11

blue_jm - 17.09.2023 14:09

Well, I built my current rig back in 2013 so I've been running on MS account since that time. I am not sure what would happpen to my stuff if I switched over to local account at this stage. However I am building a new rig so maybe I'll try to start off with a local account on the new machine one I get it built.

Mequias - 17.09.2023 04:21

This is a wonderful video and a downright must know for the PC community. Thank you!!!!

LeftoverTech - 17.09.2023 02:36

I have probably been working on desktop computers even longer than you have, believe it or not.
I only mention that so that you will understand who is saying this:
This is an excellent list (with how-to's) for beginning PC users.
If even ancient folks like myself approve, you can be sure that you've done a good jopb. :-) Keep up the good work!

Mark Doubleday
Mark Doubleday - 16.09.2023 21:54

Great information! Thank you!

Bobby Meador
Bobby Meador - 16.09.2023 18:53

Sync across browsers, just don't do that on the work computer. Seen people get fired over questionable bookmarks and cookies on the home computer that synced to the work.😉

Louis Tournas
Louis Tournas - 16.09.2023 17:29

MS adds features that people don't want and so, they disable them.
Do they add useful features anymore?

Nikioko - 16.09.2023 16:30

Nothing new for me. Thanks for comfirmation.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence - 16.09.2023 11:53

Good Gen...Thanks

NightriderzFlash - 16.09.2023 10:27

This explains what happened to my dadd computer. I am so glad I found this.

bluefmi - 15.09.2023 23:12

syncronizing your browser that is made by google or mozilla or whatever... is a windows setting?
it might be useful for some people and therefore a decent advice, but it is NOT a windows setting like the title of the video says
i tried system restore once. now i disable it. that should tell you how well it went

K S - 15.09.2023 22:11

I don't understand, why do I want to see hidden files and folders? What do I need this for? And how to create restore point on Windows 10, cause this above advice is useless, as I don't have a setting called "restore point".

Davin Peterson
Davin Peterson - 15.09.2023 21:05

Edge also the feature to sign in with your Microsoft Account to sync

Daniel Marshall
Daniel Marshall - 15.09.2023 20:16

Glad to see I already had some of these set already but great to know about the others. Cheers

Ricardo Penders
Ricardo Penders - 15.09.2023 18:38

Thanks for sharing this video, I didn't even know about the power plan and what the power button does, I should have known but I guess because I haven't had any issues leaving it on... I did turn it off so from now on my computer will do a clean restart.

Personally I never used the system restore function because I already know that I don't want that to happen at all, if you use it you should be aware that everything that you've installed after the restore point and all the active things you've been working on will be gone after the restore point is set back and that will cause more problems than just fixing the issue, I rather fix the issue myself than letting windows go back to a restore point.

Dhin Cardoso
Dhin Cardoso - 15.09.2023 15:57

So glad I've found your channel recently, already saved my ass with that BitLocker thing (Backed up the key in time)

David Miller
David Miller - 15.09.2023 03:38

I thought I had a lot of storage with 14TB attached to my computer - but you've got me! It looks like you have about 22TB available! Awesome. Thanks for some good tips.

Kevin Gary
Kevin Gary - 15.09.2023 02:58

I go one step further - on every PC I own, I format my hard drive, and install Ubuntu. Ditch the witch, and life will be wonderful.

JacKBoT995 - 14.09.2023 22:11

Is there a way to move the Taskbar to another side of the desktop?

M K - 14.09.2023 21:48

Excellent video!

Augustine Mosey
Augustine Mosey - 14.09.2023 11:44

but your pc is on fast start up but you are advising us to turn it off

Robin Daniel
Robin Daniel - 14.09.2023 11:36

Who remembers DOS?

Alex Atkin
Alex Atkin - 14.09.2023 10:19

How did I not know you can revert back to a local account so easily? I had been signing in with my account because they make it so hard to bypass on a fresh installation now and I mostly use Linux so didn't worry about it too much. But had I known I could quickly revert back I would have done it years ago.

Another bonus to disabling quick startup is I actually find from an SSD it boots faster with it off anyway. It was a feature implemented to speed up booting from HDD, they should probably remove it completely now IMO, it has no benefit only downsides.

Blaze EST
Blaze EST - 14.09.2023 07:28

Thank you Mr White 🙂

Buddyroe Ginocchio
Buddyroe Ginocchio - 14.09.2023 04:22

Whoa! what settings am I to get into? Microsoft Edge, Google? Brave? or is it some "settings" on my local computer.

nathanixslade - 13.09.2023 18:36

If i do that i can't use windows remote control in this account?

Josef Mazzeo
Josef Mazzeo - 13.09.2023 01:33

Always keep the OS separate from your precious user data - documents, images, videos, projects, etc. Keep those on a separate secure disk such as a NAS or at least a separate drive (e.g., D: disk), in case the OS gets messed up, ransomware attack, rootkit, etc. BTW I found that when MS started to hide the extensions years ago that was very annoying and I always re-enabled that from day one. One reason being for filetypes that were not defined yet it would display as a generic file in Windows and I always find that uber annoying.

Rubber Soul
Rubber Soul - 12.09.2023 21:51

I have set the 'Do you really want to change to Linux' option to yes and rebooted! 😀

Arthur Zasadny
Arthur Zasadny - 12.09.2023 14:42

Excellent advice! Thanks!

Zonkland - 12.09.2023 05:54

I noticed that my PC still shows up in the device list of my Microsoft account even after changing it to a local account. There's an option there to remove/unlink my PC from my microsoft account. Should I do that as well or was just changing to a local account enough?

Michael Vilain
Michael Vilain - 12.09.2023 02:29

He started at #10 and went down to #8, and skipped #7 going from #8 to #6. Guess it ended up on the editing room floor.

Sniffer - 11.09.2023 18:04

I have a ? How do I get rid old restore points on a 27gb hp 14" stream laptop. #2? How can I get more storage on that " 14 " hp stream laptop.

Lyks Zyxer
Lyks Zyxer - 11.09.2023 16:02

Matching UAC to the "level of experience" is bad advice. You want to set that to "Always notify". Malware doesn't care how experienced you are, it's automated. (i.e. the computer can't differentiate well if the user ran something or if it ran automatically. It only knows which user account ran it.) And UAC will often help with that by preventing automated stuff from working. And the user account you use for daily work shouldn't even be able to do anything that requires admin. Make a separate admin account that can do UAC which you only use for admin stuff and a non-privileged account for daily work.

Kevin Dagostino
Kevin Dagostino - 11.09.2023 08:59

So I can use any email with a local account

Neil Roy
Neil Roy - 11.09.2023 06:05

I've always had file extensions turned on. I came from the DOS days, I want to see the extension. It's far too easy for someone to name something file.txt.exe then with no extensions, you would see file.txt and if you click it... you could be sorry. It's also just plain quicker to get a directory listing and see what exactly is in there at a glance.

I done the local login. A little annoyed that I couldn't use my full name as I am used to, but I'll give it a shot for now.

And I'm still on Windows 10. I'll hold out on "upgrading" for as long as possible.

Franz Buhlmann
Franz Buhlmann - 11.09.2023 00:45

I really like your tips here!

The thing that I am wondering about is how Microsoft nearly freezes my system every time I have an update available, even when I have paused updates!

I was in a Pause Update state and had about two or three days left when I had two available minor updates which do not require s system restart. My computer became as sluggish as always when I had pending updates. Only this time, I still had time left before my next time to do updates. Making this feature absolutely worthless and useless!

I just hate the way Microsoft hijacks my computer anytime that they want to.

I am using an unlicensed version of Windows 10 that is installed on my Macbook Pro 2012 Mid. I was basically force by Apple to make this switch because I was unable to use the software on the Mac that I owned free and clear with the newer versions of Apple OS. In addition, I was unable to use certain types of software because they weren't available on the Mac.

If I did own a licensed version of Windows, I would seriously consider filing a lawsuit against Microsoft for their interference with my use of my computer! I consider this act as a theft of my system because it makes my computer totally unusable for hours on end, sometimes what seems like a major portion of nearly half a day or so.

Anyways, is there anything that I can do to disable that from happening in the future?

István R.
István R. - 10.09.2023 23:22

My favorite is turning off web results in start menu.

Gergő Vitári
Gergő Vitári - 10.09.2023 18:49

Wow, great advices! I really liked the system restore tip. I had to re-install my system just 2 days ago. I wish I knew how to make a restore point when it was working correctly...

Madhu Sudan Modha
Madhu Sudan Modha - 10.09.2023 17:07

Scott, a wonderful video packed with truly important information to keep one safe and sound using their PC's!!!!!

Holo - 10.09.2023 15:40

#2 is a dangerous tip. You could end up with missing files when you accidentally delete the file extension when you rename a file. Best practice is to leave it at default so that when you see a file with file extension name like .exe you immediately know that it could be a masking file hiding in a fake exe file.

AntiGrieferGames - 10.09.2023 15:18

I would change that title, since that is windows 11 related and not windows 10.

EzaX - 10.09.2023 11:27

for tip #4 when i disable fast startup it always messes up with my pc's internet connectivity like my ethernet starts to randomly disconnect.

daddyattitude - 10.09.2023 10:29

Windows 11 does NOT give you the option of using a local account
