Mrs. Ann West vs Myra Hindley's supporters

Mrs. Ann West vs Myra Hindley's supporters

Moors Murders

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roxet - 02.10.2023 14:58


Simon Jones
Simon Jones - 02.09.2023 21:05

I always remember my father (who normally sat quiet watching TV, or sat quietly reading his paper or library book, but after seeing Longford on TV, the next day my father said "did you see that bloody silly old sod Longford on tv last night, trying to get her released", then he repeated his first words saying "that silly old sod".

Natasha Crawford
Natasha Crawford - 22.08.2023 20:55

Longford was a disgusting old b*****d! I was just little when this all happened but my mum said it was heartbreaking to hear Anne West's daughter begging and crying. They should have been buried within the prison walls!

Olivia Paul
Olivia Paul - 20.08.2023 22:10

They are revolting , the way they treated Ann west . How dare that reporter try and tell her what Hindley did . She listened to those tapes , hearing her daughter begging for her mummy. It’s disgusting they made her listen to those tapes . Longford is a sick twisted old man.
My son was murdered at 28 , 7 years ago . The pain you feel as a mother , is endless . God bless Ann

WALES1154 - 02.07.2023 01:04

All the Myra supporters should have got a life sentence with Myra. The way Ann West was treated was disgraceful.

Martin Lloyd88
Martin Lloyd88 - 20.06.2023 19:18

Myra's Sister Has The Right to Defend Her Like it or Not

BOO - 30.05.2023 19:37

God, the point is an UGLY disgusting woman helped a man sexually assualt and kill children. Hate how they blame the man and pretend the woman is innocent they are both horrible monsters.

Kerbaeus Pyrothynius
Kerbaeus Pyrothynius - 27.05.2023 23:41

Judge me all you like for what I'm about to say, quite honestly it doesn't make me want to not say it or take it back. Hindley should have been let out of jail, in an empty Street, with all the parents of those poor children and let the parents serve justice.

Ctrlsii - 01.05.2023 14:39

I feel so sorry for her mother, having to go through these offensive questions when she is grieving over her dead daughter.

Paul O'Brien
Paul O'Brien - 22.04.2023 06:02

It amazes me that stating facts is "treating Ann badly" per the comments.

Maureen was assaulted by Ann while 9 months pregnant. Even years later Ann acts proud that she did this... telling Maureen she should be dead. Naturally she isn't going to have empathy for a woman who tried to kill her own baby.

As for the journalist he was simply calling out Ann for her lies. Ann lied about the tape only having Myra on it. Ian was on the tape and she led people to believe he wasn't. When called out she then tries to backtrack and say the part she heard only had Myra's voice.

Ann also lied about other things. She crashed Maureen's funeral with another victim's relative and they assaulted an innocent woman because they thought she "looked" like Myra. Both were then assaulted by the family of the innocent woman and thrown out of the funeral. Ann lied to the papers and stated that she looked Myra in the eyes. The prison, home secretary and police all went on record to state Myra wasn't at the funeral. But Ann couldn't bare to admit she had lied.

She also slandered David Smith until the day she died. Had it not been for Smith and Maureen the murders would have continued and Ann would never have been able to bury her child.

Lytton333 - 23.12.2022 21:07

Liberals.. TV liberals, political liberals.

They are determined to make the wold a mess.

John Nowlan
John Nowlan - 13.12.2022 21:39

Do gooder scum🤮🤮😡

Mark Swindell
Mark Swindell - 07.12.2022 20:20

Maureen was bitter towards Ann, after Ann and 2 males attacked her and David Smith in their flat shortly after the trial. Maureen was duped and manipulated by Myra, same as her other supporters.

Candice - 07.12.2022 01:24

Jeez this made me angry the way theyre talking to that poor mother wth!

Shaz - 06.12.2022 07:56

This is disgusting. So upsetting Ann West had to go through this. She would have been a broken woman during this interview trying to get justice for her child. These people she’s communicating with are disgraceful in the way they are treating her and talking to her. They have no compassion or real understanding of her pain

Cheryl Stevens
Cheryl Stevens - 16.11.2022 16:42

Mr fowler and lord longford can both go to hell to see myra and ian.

Claudia Stead
Claudia Stead - 28.10.2022 19:05

Nice one Ann your with your little girl now your dreams came true you kept them monsters in May you rest in piece beautiful lady

Robert Graham
Robert Graham - 24.10.2022 14:03

What a prick, he is

Polina - 04.10.2022 04:14

I remember Longford he was a disgrace as were Hindley supporters. To champion a monster

Will Scarlett
Will Scarlett - 02.10.2022 17:00

What year was this?

Agnes - 02.10.2022 13:37

How fucking disgusting is this, that poor mother. Rude cunts

James Corcoran
James Corcoran - 13.09.2022 21:17

How dare they treat Ann West like she did something wrong she lost her beloved daughter to that evil monster Hindley Mrs West was left with her own life sentence when Lesley was abused by two sick scumbags before being brutally murdered those Hindley supporters should hang their heads in shame. Rest in peace to Mrs West 🙏

Hoc - 15.08.2022 11:40

Did that b**tard just say after that poor woman had to listen to her childs torture and murder, " You cant have been listening properly"...without even batting an eyelid ...let that sink in for a minute anybody who thinks im wrong for saying he deserved to be fired and punished for those disgusting remarks shameful disgrace of a father to come out with that.

Billy bobdog
Billy bobdog - 14.08.2022 08:47

Fascinates me how these do gooders can turn the victims into like it's them that have committed the crime bet you didn't know that Myra the monster was also taken out on leave twice by the governer of one of the prisons a outing to the park and the other to a museum

Random Guy
Random Guy - 15.07.2022 12:41

Ann was strong and determined no matter who she was up against. If I were a member of Lesley's family, or any of the other families, I would be clamoring and protesting just as much as Ann did to keep that scumbag cow in prison.

WessexFox519 - 13.07.2022 01:43

Wouldn’t surprise me if some of Hindley’s supporters were part of the numerous pedophile rings that still operate til this day.

Daniel Appel
Daniel Appel - 28.05.2022 09:26

The worst is that so-called journalist (moron), Ian Fowler. So condescending. No, sir, you're not objective. You're heartless and cold with no sense of empathy.

Lee Taylor
Lee Taylor - 23.04.2022 20:11

My heart goes out to Ann dare they speak and treat her this way...her daughter was murdered and tortured end of.
I hope you are reunited with your daughter Ann...and MH will burn in hell.

TheRainbowgirl1960 - 20.04.2022 05:19

Myra Hindley had supporters they must of been from hell

Ace the Drivers sister
Ace the Drivers sister - 30.03.2022 00:15

This was the BBC in the 70's. They covered up for Saville. Not a surprise they'd defend Hindley.

Mia Lia
Mia Lia - 19.03.2022 12:50

Maureen was always painted as the poor innocent sister but after hearing this, I think the woman is a vile piece of work. It’s one thing to believe a family member’s innocence, but the disrespect here for Anne West is absolutely disgusting. Shame on every person who ever tried to help her that c*** Hindley out of prison. And Ian Fowler, what an insensitive bastard! 🤮

red 76
red 76 - 03.03.2022 01:40

That reporter,and the way he spoke to Anne,is nothing but a c*nt

WestminsterWatcher - 25.02.2022 19:42

I'm shocked and thoroughly disgusted at Ann West's treatment. How dare they treat her with such callous disregard. She was standing up for her daughter. May she rest in peace!

Pete Cernan
Pete Cernan - 24.02.2022 17:01

It’s a pity that society doesn’t do everything to help the relatives and victims of crime instead of trying to justify the actions of trash like hindley

mel grant
mel grant - 09.01.2022 23:42

Well done Anne. xx you tell them

robby Brink
robby Brink - 01.01.2022 00:04

Gotta say I lost a lot of sympathy for Maureen here.

Will The Champion of magical buses 32
Will The Champion of magical buses 32 - 12.10.2021 14:41

So disgusting how they spoke to Mrs West.

Colin Gibson
Colin Gibson - 22.09.2021 13:48

Absolutely disgusting doing that to a grieving parent and there absolute scum for trying to get hindley out in the first place

Tanzila - 22.08.2021 20:29

My heart totally breaks for Mrs Ann West 💔

Jonathan in 2010 at the beach
Jonathan in 2010 at the beach - 16.08.2021 23:50

I bet the ones defending Hindley were all left.

Gcalt1789 - 16.08.2021 20:33

Oh my god!! How dare these people speak to Anne West like this. Defending the monsters that murdered her daughter. Unbelievable. 😡

Scott Mckellar
Scott Mckellar - 22.07.2021 13:26

How could anyone support Myra Hindley? Give me a break!

Maxine Muldoon
Maxine Muldoon - 27.05.2021 14:32

She never touched the child, what rot hindley was there and she was to blame as well as Brady!

B D - 18.05.2021 03:32

I hope all those disgusting people who were against Ann West in this are all dead and burning in hell alongside Hindley - they had total disregard and no interest in Leslie, Edward, Paulie, Keith or John.

looksliketouble - 01.05.2021 00:03

Sick freaks supporting hindley

Dwygipen18 - 17.04.2021 22:53

Disrespectful, ignorant person to say that to a grieving mother!!!!!

Kieran Burke
Kieran Burke - 27.03.2021 21:26

This poor woman, being treated like this by these despicable people. That coward trying to tell Mrs West what she heard, treating the victims mother with contempt. Absolute shit of a man.

beardedbaldie26 - 13.03.2021 16:07

I sometimes wonder if David and Maureen were involved all along. The couples were spending so much time together. She keeps defending Myra even after all the hate her and David got from their community.

john will
john will - 23.02.2021 02:38

Who are these fools who deny the fact that Brady and Hindley, abducted, tortured and murdered? There is no way B and H should ever have been considered for parole. They both died in prison, as was right. Mrs West, and all those close to the victims, have been tortured ever since the murders. RIP children and those close to them.
