The TikTokers Revealing What Life Is Like in Prison – From Their Own Experience | Inside Story

The TikTokers Revealing What Life Is Like in Prison – From Their Own Experience | Inside Story


1 год назад

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We see how glimpses of life behind bars are going viral on social media, talk to Piper Kerman about creating Orange is the New Black and meet a man on a mission to get books behind bars. We also learn about the underground economy of solitary confinement.

Inside Story is a first-of-its-kind new series created to engage with and bring information to one of America’s largest news deserts - its prisons and jails. A collaboration with The Marshall Project and developed by formerly incarcerated people, including host Lawrence Bartley, Inside Story brings critical accountability and investigative journalism on the criminal justice system to incarcerated people across the country.

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Renata Thes
Renata Thes - 20.09.2023 01:42

And why this "black population" doing more crime ?
In my Countrry there are also black population and I never heard one of them did any crime. Only white population.
How I see this problem in US..?
Because of this "gangsta", "tough" state of mind. And don't put all black or white in same basket.
Because all you talk is "black" and this is almost racism as far as you represent. Always "victims", but i know those who are black and would never agree with it.
Unjustice is very different from criminal.

Joe Cole
Joe Cole - 10.09.2023 04:03

I know from experience that there are 2 ways to go to court. Having paid beaucoup money on a lawyer and counting on probation or a dismissal; or being driven there very early in a crammed van, chained to the guy next to you and praying to God whether you believed or not.
Classic example of two Americas. Look at Trump... with only a few small loans from his dad and a network of lawyers was able to build a brand from the 50th floor up.
They call it the department of correction, so why does it often turn even the innocent into criminals (better criminals). It is an industry and a means of control. It is one part of the club they use to maintain the status quo.

JerryLives22 - 16.05.2023 14:55

Freedom Reads cat is the man. That's inspiring.

jennifer blake
jennifer blake - 28.04.2023 21:13

Wanted to give this video a chance because early Vice docs were quite informative but the first sign of White privilege mentioned and I’m out 😕

jennifer blake
jennifer blake - 28.04.2023 21:12

Rip Vice

annwe6 - 04.04.2023 06:53

Amazing the change a little compassion can create.

Zack Stapleton
Zack Stapleton - 28.03.2023 23:13

This is so laughable. Because of white privilege 😂😂😂. It's hilarious how this generation has had it so easy all they have to cry about is nonsensical crap😂 also seems like some of those so called women came from a men's prison

Peaceful Beast
Peaceful Beast - 28.03.2023 00:05

I write this from a close security prison. Normal guys come in here and then this place messes them up. The way prisons are run in America is not in line with American values. This is not the answer.

M - 24.03.2023 09:00

Aw I was hoping to see prisoners with phones posting tik toks. ( Yes it exists)

AndyGinterBlues - 23.03.2023 07:42

I was a re- entry worker in central New York, and hope to volunteer with the Institute for Justice. One of the criteria for the re- entry job is that you had to have been incarcerated. I caught a few misdemeanors, but, being a white guy, I never did more than a few months in several county jails. I did solitary in one jailhouse, for rec they had a large room inside the block that had no ceiling, it was open to the sky. Each inmate was allowed one hour of rec per day, where we would pace the floor of the rec in circles. One day while pacing, I spit on the rec floor. The lieutenant saw me do this on camera, and told me that he was confining me to my cell indefinitely. The lieutenant asked me: "How would you like it if I came to your house and spat on your floor"? I told him: "If you came to my house, I would lock you in the bathroom and only let you out for an hour a day". He didn't like my reply. So for the rest of my bid, I remained locked in my tiny single bed cell. The only human contact was when an orderly opened the little slot on the cell door at mealtimes, or whenever a C.O, would peek through the tinted window on the cell door while making their rounds. Being in solitary messes with the mind. Nothing in life on the outside can prepare you for it. All that I had for distraction was some jailhouse stationery, a pen, and some magazines. I would write clever messages to the C.O.'s, which I would stick to the cell window with toothpaste: "Inmate has escaped and has gone home, please clean out this cell". etc. One day I had a brainstorm: at the rear of the cells were some tiny corner shelves for inmates to place their toiletries on. I carefully tore out some ad photos of high- end wristwatches and other expensive bling, from magazine ads, and arranged the pictures on one of the tiny shelves at the back of the cell. The next C.O. who peeped through my cell window pulled out his keys and yelled: "Ginter, where the hell did you get that contraband"? He opened the cell door only to discover that I had punked him using some cut out magazine photos. He slammed the cell door on his way out, and I laughed my ass off. With no means to tell time, or even to know what day it is while in solitary, you lose track of time. I could have been confined to that cell for months, or it could have been years for all I know. The minute that my time in solitary was up. I RAN to one of the phones on the block concourse and called my assigned counsel. She said: "OH- Andy! Sorry, I forgot that you were still in jail". My best advice is to try to stay out of jail.

Theis Gejl Fischer
Theis Gejl Fischer - 22.03.2023 22:25

his thoughts about proximity are extremely profound

CJ - 22.03.2023 18:46

There should be a difference in prisons on how someone is treated based on what they did. Someone that commits murder and did several times before they were caught deserves NO human rights. You take someone's life, you lose the right to yours. However, people on drug charges deserve to be in rehab not jail. It's sick that poor people go to jail for lesser offenses when the rich and famous can get away with murder, drug charges, reckless driving which kills someone (Caitlyn Jenner several years ago) or spousal abuse.

Jay - 22.03.2023 06:55

You can't have it all period if you want to commit the crime then do the time

eSports Andy
eSports Andy - 21.03.2023 20:09

People got to realize that whatever crime the person has commited has already happened. We cant change that and usually nothing really effective can be done. So instead we focus on the punishment.

It never really works. Harsh punishment just breeds more crime. When we tell people they are worthless and deserve to be punished then they will never break the cycle of crime.

We have to care about criminals. Because they are still people even if they hurt other people. Its complicated but I know we can figure it out!

make Didi drive it
make Didi drive it - 21.03.2023 12:31

Leave it to America to victimize prisoners 🙄

Ian Peter
Ian Peter - 20.03.2023 23:34

What’s with the same advert on loop every 2 minutes? 🤷‍♂️

Acklins Pioneer
Acklins Pioneer - 20.03.2023 20:54

Free World Boss

Edward Highmann
Edward Highmann - 19.03.2023 02:03

As a ex convict it's hard to avoid floridas rigged 2 strike rule. Bring down the iron triangle

Vanessa - 18.03.2023 04:23

The gentleman who became a lawyer and bookcase creator for prison libraries is absolutely amazing. Just wow..

J. P.
J. P. - 17.03.2023 15:07

Tiktok needs too be shut down...

TheWeardale1 - 15.03.2023 16:37

who givezs a flying fck if they're tiktokers?

That_One_Doggo - 15.03.2023 08:17

“i was in prison from the time i was 16 to 24. And in that moment i decided to be a poet”

Sir, that is not a moment

pedro ortiz 7777
pedro ortiz 7777 - 15.03.2023 01:28

I was in a Federal Prison for 36 months and I was able to make a lot of money because I got a job as a Spanish translator in Michigan Correctional Facility plus I had a gig as a Lawyer. I made a week $450 USD

Beau Peterson
Beau Peterson - 14.03.2023 21:00

I have my doubts that Orange is the New Black is mainly a fashion cliche. It seems obvious to me that it’s implying prisoners are the new African American, the new stigmatized group. However, something tells me Piper wants to distance herself from that interpretation, as it seems more racially insensitive now, especially coming from a white woman; something tells me African Americans don’t want to be told their no longer the oppressed people, from a white woman, especially when they’ve been the one primarily wearing orange.

Limit down
Limit down - 14.03.2023 20:12

This got woke real quick.

SHVWN COOPER - 14.03.2023 18:07

what you're not understanding about prison, is its' here to punish people for being poor. the end. it's here to profitize slave labor. half the judges own shares of the commissary companies, jpay, they own the companies charging for $15 phone calls. it's a scam. recidivism is high bc it's profitable.

n64central - 14.03.2023 17:32

I can’t believe the women in her book, NEVER came to her about getting a check of that money.

She had a light sentence, and basically made millions off of others experiences 😂

VeChainStacks - 14.03.2023 17:14

Reminder that men are the most incarcerated people in the world. Staggeringly more.

J - 14.03.2023 16:56

I feel bad for all these poor white folks who ended up locked up in the system.. this breaks my heart.. Leave the prisons for the woke crowd

Cory Donovan
Cory Donovan - 14.03.2023 14:39

Racist garbage against white people. Show your TikTok statistics, racists! There’s no white privilege in the system!

N - 14.03.2023 09:55

Pfft who ever comes out with that comprehensive blood test dodges this crap these schools don’t f*cking listen they’re so disgusting

Ryan Hastie
Ryan Hastie - 14.03.2023 09:43

lets all cry for the poor criminals...lols

Civil Shepherd
Civil Shepherd - 14.03.2023 08:00

Social Media is for Idiots

Civil Shepherd
Civil Shepherd - 14.03.2023 07:45

WTF is "white privilege" The only privileged people in this wide world are the wealthy and they come in all skin colors.

T - 14.03.2023 03:51

Prison seems so cool.

Aishon Rothermel
Aishon Rothermel - 14.03.2023 00:47

Vice why is 1090 jake not in this🤷🏽‍♂️

t m
t m - 13.03.2023 20:46

Another waste of time video from vice. Everything have to be about crybaby liberals

Skye Richatds
Skye Richatds - 13.03.2023 18:41

Also the reason they destroy your life for any of the million + jailable offenses. One is money 💸 that's first, second they destroy your gun rights for life with a conviction, that supposed unalienable right lol. This industry makes billions and the prisons are FOR PROFIT, and the sentencing judge can own stock in that prison, there by ensuring his investment makes a return for him. It's criminal like every single industry in the US, medical, pharmacy, government, courts, cops, schools, universities, etc. All institutions have been infiltrated and destroyed by mostly jewish zionists and their cohorts.

Skye Richatds
Skye Richatds - 13.03.2023 18:34

Miss me with your BS White privilege agenda for ratings. I wonder? If you didn't push the BS narrative of "black and brown" people are persecuted would this even be a show on jtube ?

Sean - 13.03.2023 09:57

Thanks for reporting

Wayne Porter
Wayne Porter - 13.03.2023 09:34

Really don’t understand *

Wayne Porter
Wayne Porter - 13.03.2023 09:33

I really understand why you would have to mention the colour of there skin, there was one or two black guys there, like why is that even mentioned, they are just people regardless of skin colour or gender, as the presenter I think you where trying to put a race narrative on it, to say I only see white people here, would you ask that question if the room colour was the other way around, I think not.

Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson - 13.03.2023 04:30

Vice does a good job deleting all of the negative comments.

DANG DRIFTERS - 13.03.2023 04:15

Corny. everyone in this video lol.

Maryanne Childs
Maryanne Childs - 13.03.2023 02:14

Gv them a chance ? Make thm useful n pay them 😃.

Afro Daily
Afro Daily - 12.03.2023 19:59

None of these people would of had a phone in prison making tiktoks

GFDRGAMING Mon -fri 3:30- 5:30pm pdt
GFDRGAMING Mon -fri 3:30- 5:30pm pdt - 12.03.2023 17:01

Boring 🥱
