All about LENSES! Zoom, prime, fast, slow, aperture, focal length and more!

All about LENSES! Zoom, prime, fast, slow, aperture, focal length and more!

Simon d'Entremont

1 год назад

288,012 Просмотров

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@carmenbauer8822 - 19.02.2025 05:57

You are amazing! I am learning sooo much from your videos. Thank you very much!!!

@WouterB76 - 16.02.2025 00:57

Good and seriously presented very informative video teaching the lens basics just made me subscribe.

@_w4p1t1_ - 08.02.2025 16:55

Do you think prime telephoto lenses are good for capturing small birds? I mean, have you ever had issues with these lenses for photographing small birds because you in my opinion you might struggle to find them in your back lcd or “scope”. I’ve never had one so I’m asking

@poerava - 27.01.2025 15:38

Is there a lens that goes from 24-70mm or 24-100mm that shoots at 1.4 f stop? Whoever designs a lens like that is going to make a lot of money.

@babyitsAP - 23.01.2025 17:57

I would suggest time stamps if possible next time to make it easier for the audience to attain the most value from this informative video

@Class3203 - 22.01.2025 16:22

Thank you so much. Your lessons are very helpful and easy to understand for a novice, like myself 📷

@JUSKOOLKREATIONS1 - 17.01.2025 04:56

well done, well said, this was so informative and helpful, thanks for sharing, happy anniversary, blessings to you, your family and crew going into 2025 and beyond,

@AisleofHeaven - 15.01.2025 18:05

I discovered Simon about 3 weeks ago and since then, I watched at least 2 of his videos daily. So great! I have been noticing the number of his subscribers growing steadily by thousands and I am happy to be a part of a community of those that are seeking for such wisdom. Good guy.

@AisleofHeaven - 15.01.2025 18:05

I discovered Simon about 3 weeks ago and since then, I watched at least 2 of his videos daily. So great! I have been noticing the number of his subscribers growing steadily by thousands and I am happy to be a part of a community of those that are seeking for such wisdom. Good guy.

@127gentry - 31.12.2024 21:01

Another question I cannot find an answer is: Are there any visible differencies in image sharpness between $2700 and $200 Canon primes (50mm), given both are used with f/5.6 and narrower (for a bigger depth of field) and a studio strobe? In other words is it worth paying 10x the price if one has tons of light and no requirement for nice bokeh?

@127gentry - 31.12.2024 20:54

Love the channel. Would also be useful to learn about different types of focus motors and focusing in general. More specifically does Canon 50mm f/1.2 focus faster/better than 50mm f1/8 and why? Just because USM/STM or the largest physical opening helps too?

@stronginhim2008 - 25.12.2024 23:52

Thanks for the great info.

@mcroann - 12.12.2024 02:35

What's the best lens for dentistry?

@nbarshain - 25.11.2024 04:00

Excellent rundown. I'm a beginner and I've been watching dozens of lens videos over the past few weeks, and despite that I learned a lot from the clear information you laid out here.

@randomunderwebdweller - 09.11.2024 17:40

Very informative and helpful. Thanks!

@marietavasileva9422 - 05.11.2024 02:32

Thank you for all your advice! Please keep making videos. I am a new photographer and I am learning so much from you.

@blackbirdpie217 - 30.10.2024 08:11

The aperture is simply the iris diaphragm opening. The focal length is the distance the lens focuses clear and sharp at infinity. Any convex lens has a focal length, even a simple magnifying glass. But it's the ratio of the two that people often mistakenly call the aperture. Aperture is only half the equation. If a lens has a 3MM aperture and a 33 MM focal length, the f-stop will be f/11. The real answer to "what is your aperture?" would be 3 millimeters.

@SaraV-gx3oo - 29.10.2024 00:59

I still don't quite understand the aperture part when it's listed on a lens specifically. For instance, I'm looking into buying a Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS (which please tell me if I'm wrong, but from what I've read is a step above the kit lens that came with my reble t6). It lists it as a 2.8 so does that mean it can only go as wide as to 2.8? I want a new sharper lens thats versatile, more bang for my buck. Looking to shot landscape to indoor/outdoor portraits. I'm so overwhelmed that I can't understand this. Thank you in advance! * Also any suggestions on an upgraded lens for my Rebel t6 18-50mm-ish and $500 range would be appreciated!

@afferist - 25.10.2024 14:14

bravo! big thanks

@levyrivera8644 - 22.10.2024 03:11

Great Video exactly what a I needed to hear!!!
The way you broke it down truly helpful!!!

@FelixLiu-us2cb - 10.10.2024 17:16

Hi Simon, my name is Felix, I'm an oversea sales from China. I've been in photograghy industry for 3 year, mostly about lighting products. Recently I joined Smallrig and I found out that I barely know basic information about a camera, because lighting products are mostly about brightness and what atmosphare they can do with the light modifiers, but this company are doing accessories for cameras.
So I just thought I must learn more about cameras & lenses, so I just typed in "camera lens" and it recommended this video to me. I want to thank you sooo much as I have learned so much from this video, you made it quite clear and very easy to understand. Now I even know how to buy a lens if I need to.
Thank you again for your video and I wish you all the best.❤❤❤

@JonasJudah - 02.10.2024 06:13

What do you call a lens that has it's own aperture. I saw where you had a 50mm lens and you then twisted the ring and the aperture got smaller the more you twisted the ring

@JavaDev9661 - 11.09.2024 19:47

I love this channel🎉

@lukjad007 - 03.09.2024 06:39

This was extremely helpful, thank you very much!

@jonathanamsden7511 - 30.08.2024 05:40

Just now seeing this video. Have watched a few others of yours, all very educational. Happy (probably now 2nd year) anniversary. Love the videos and your pictures.

@shriranglalit3660 - 31.07.2024 18:06


@mbenkelley1 - 25.07.2024 15:19

New to the hobby, and new to your channel……. I love it. Thank you for all your wonderful content and masterful presentation!

@ericweiler6571 - 24.07.2024 08:32

This guy is BEYOND pro. Thank you so much for your knowledge my friend!!!

@mistergiovanni7183 - 19.07.2024 20:36

Hi Simon, You have not mentioned what for me is the worst sacrifice of zooms, especially those that go from wide angle to telephoto: distorsion. For example, the Nikkor 28-300 G VR If you use it in a city environment where there will be straight vertical and horizontal lines, there will be distortion that is impossible to solve. Landscapes are where these problems are least noticeable, it seems to me to be the most favorable environment for this type of zooms. Than you!

@tajanauvodic1111 - 14.07.2024 22:29

Hey Simon, love your work and admire souch a pictures you take. Can you please tell me is Sigma art 50mm f1.4 good lens, I am planing to buy one? Thank you so much on your answer!

@ElcoBro66 - 13.07.2024 19:13

Simon! Thank you for your video's, you have been a great help! I love to photograph cars. My camera is the Canon EOS Rebel SL1. Sounds like the 50mm "prime" lens would be the best choice as I am wanting a "true image without wide angle distortion". My question is... in your opinion, what lens would be best for me... 50mm f/1.4USM or a 50mm f/1.8 STM or something else? Thank You in advance!

@justsumguuyyyy - 04.07.2024 00:37

i thought buying a camera was going to be very difficult. You made it real easy man. Much appreciated.

@perry8143 - 02.07.2024 01:29

Thank u thank thank you. U just solved all my knowledge problems.

@firefeethok_tui2355 - 30.06.2024 08:05

what a great video and explantion of lenses and focal lenth. Thank you. I have a much better understanding (as a newbie)

@LaVieBoheme517 - 30.06.2024 03:31

I've been reading up endlessly trying to understand this with no luck. I watched your video and it just clicked. Thank you so much! Some people have huge expanses of knowledge but are not teachers. You my friend are both.

@artifintel - 27.06.2024 00:19

this video is the the only guide that a beginner should listen.. txn for the course!

@jackkimball1785 - 25.06.2024 22:43

halfax! gr8 vid

@Stilton_Steak - 23.06.2024 04:37

Thank you Simon. I am an amateur photographer. I have been happily shooting wildlife for a couple of years on a cheap bridge camera. So I decided to upgrade as I love it s much. I spent a lot of my savings on a Sony a7 iv. This camera very quickly left me out of my depth. Thankfully your videos have been a great help to me finding my way. I would have been lost without you. Thanks for all the work you put into this channel. I will be watching and re-watching your videos for a long while to come. You’ve done some strong work with this channel sir, and it much appreciated.

@paulhopkins1905 - 18.06.2024 07:23

You explain things in a way that is very easy to understand

@shobull8695 - 15.06.2024 16:09

Is it safe to assume a zoom lens with a smaller range will shoot sharper than a zoom with a broader range?

@mohdfarazkhan520 - 15.06.2024 06:30

Very very informative. Well done 👍

@romy4593 - 14.06.2024 04:23

This is what I needed to watch! Thanks you so much Simon!! I was so lucky, my daughter gave me 4 Sony lenses with art lenses, one zoom to 210mm and the only deal was I had to buy a new camera body. I chose the right bundle and then my twins camera she gave me being a DSLR, I have found very cheap lenses! So I have four for that one also. Now I want to get the 200m to 500mm used for the Nikon and then, the next lens will be the big zoom for the Sony the 200 to 600mm used also.

@fimihaniserratic - 13.06.2024 04:37

I wish you put time stamps so that I could skip the ones I'm familiar with

@SaraWC72 - 03.06.2024 11:17

Another great video Simon, thankyou....could I please ask if a 2x converter is a good idea? Instead of getting a tele lens? Would you lose quality in any way? Would love to know your thoughts?
