How to Solo Farm Last Wish Raid Weapon Patterns / Red Borders in Season of the Wish [Destiny 2]

How to Solo Farm Last Wish Raid Weapon Patterns / Red Borders in Season of the Wish [Destiny 2]


6 месяцев назад

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@necktorque1182 - 22.01.2024 18:00

I am so so so fucking bad at this lmao. Legit impossible for me to get her below 10% hp

@chrisb.9083 - 22.01.2024 11:32

You do know solar nades don't stack right? One nade does same damage at 10

@thearnoldarmy1899 - 22.01.2024 09:32

What are you?

@pecador_cont - 22.01.2024 09:20

thank you man, you were amazing in this video, even though I didn't solo kalli, I was able to get a fire team of three and now we aren't scared to run raids
again, thanks

@c31l - 22.01.2024 07:59

How would a hunter do this?

@spiderken3102 - 21.01.2024 23:39

So how many grenades we're firing at kali?
A thousand
M Y. P. c

@mattharker9600 - 21.01.2024 22:49

No way we play the same game

@mattharker9600 - 21.01.2024 22:49

I literally set up the exact way he did, now I have no doubt in my mind we play 2 different destiny games. I switch between setups like him and I lose all my abilities. She teleports

@xXbspencerXx - 21.01.2024 22:09

He does this solo at 1775 light level......I really gotta start playing Warlock.

@AMFX9 - 21.01.2024 21:45

Just find a competent lfg team and farm for a couple hours. The red border drop rate is pretty decent considering how fast you can melt the boss with a full group.

@noahbassirat5959 - 21.01.2024 19:47

can we pls get titan

@samakun3603 - 21.01.2024 17:31

No ads are spawning for me

@cyber_5la5her11 - 21.01.2024 15:24

You do you but I'm not a fan of hopping off my main for this, please have warlock only in your title if you don't have a method for each class please and thank you

@trugrill7710 - 21.01.2024 08:06

I tried doing this, but I'm wondering how he's able to swap loadouts while keeping his grenade. Every time I try it, I have to wait for my grenade to recharge.

@NongIng - 21.01.2024 05:08

I convinced myself never to be stupid and do things solo ever again because I don't have the skills to do these kinds of stuff

@Jedimastur01 - 21.01.2024 03:06

I don't understand how you're keeping her in place with witherhoard, I feel like I'm doing everything right in timing the shield and then running over and hitting the plate but she keeps teleporting

@kumikohirasawa8126 - 21.01.2024 01:50

For some reason I have been having a hard time keeping her in the same spot. I tag her with WH just as she fires her one shot from her starting point. I throw the grenade down so it’s there when she gets there and as I start going into my sunbracer rotation she still ends up teleporting. I even get all three granades on her and she still teleports. I’m at a loss for this one. I made it work once then after I can’t seem to keep her from getting away

@wowweetoki - 20.01.2024 23:49

Thrall won’t keep appearing?….

@dennismccree7695 - 20.01.2024 21:10

She keeps teleporting after the first grenade for me, so frustrating

@vanoeinmalik8510 - 20.01.2024 20:54

Why you need not reload dragans breath?

@Dominik3016 - 20.01.2024 18:36

Had a while Off of destiny so maybe this is a stupid question? But is Last Wish now farmable every week or is it still in some sort of rotation?

@kieswildrift - 20.01.2024 18:30

can you do this with two+ people and the other person/people shooting her? or will it fk it up?

@FlippyMcGiantDad - 20.01.2024 15:01

As someone with Taken Armaments but no Blessings or gear with Riven's Curse, I find it's important to keep Dragon's Breath uptime if you're having trouble replicating the strat. You get to fire 2 rockets per grenade cycle, once I focused on that and grenade spamming she was consistently around 10% maybe before she jumps for final stand. Pick up the orbs from the melee kills and DPS her down at this point. If I could get an orb during the grenade phase it was nice but running around for one before starting grenades seemed dicey.

@K-nut - 20.01.2024 14:59

Very nice idea!

@paladin5133 - 20.01.2024 07:03

Can this be done with an additional person?

@brandonthomas39 - 20.01.2024 02:14

Well I’m clearly retarded because the bih teleports every time.

@TehMonkeh6942 - 19.01.2024 22:58

any reason not to keep hitting her with wither hoard the entire time? wither hoard + a shot in energy slot and use them both ?

@axatix - 19.01.2024 21:20

heeelp I'm not able to catch her, she always run away, I hit her with gun, then whiteboard, run to the plate, use grenade and then ability and she run away

@radstachegaming3075 - 19.01.2024 20:03

This is straight nutty. About to go delete my other hunter for this 😂

@kbkb9175 - 19.01.2024 20:00

When I get kali to about qaurter she moves do you know why?

@oldmancoys2407 - 19.01.2024 17:46

When eso wakes up in morning & eats his I don't need a raid team wheaties 😈😈

@mesutdany - 19.01.2024 16:43

I can't seem to do this consistently and when I do end up doing it I somehow fail mid-way (don't play warlock much)

@ArtIsLifeninty - 19.01.2024 16:07

You are a gentlehuman and a scholar

@tiemanowo - 19.01.2024 11:21

I don't get it. Why Kali didn't switch to second phase and just stayed in one place?

@cosmos_lite3133 - 19.01.2024 08:24

I cant stop her from just teleporting away...

@billdover3165 - 19.01.2024 06:44

Yeah.....bullshit lmao.

@dudeathischair22 - 19.01.2024 05:25

Im doing everything youre doing but she just keeps teleporting away, apparently she moves if shes not being damaged.. im doing 100k of damage with constant solar grenades on her and she teleports away. I just dont get it, shes being literally melted by like 5 solar grenades and boom shes outta there.

@asta9730 - 19.01.2024 04:35

Изотэрик, как всегда показывает Банджи большой и толстый палец.😂😂

@zerogravity6911 - 19.01.2024 02:02

Great, worked with only 2 Trascencend blessings

@charadez - 19.01.2024 01:32

If you go with 2 people can the 2nd person use the solar grenade to keep her in place while I switch my load out?

@billiegoatface4708 - 18.01.2024 22:48

Thanx for this 🎉

@SonofKrytic - 18.01.2024 22:32

I did this on my first try and got her health down pretty far but failed. Now any other attempt she immediately teleports off the first plate no matter if I’m following the strat perfectly. I’m doing exactly what’s in the video and Kalli doesn’t stay put even though I’m putting witherhoard on her, dumping grenades on her and dropping dragons breath and repeat :|

@edson6401 - 18.01.2024 20:06

Please, link DIM BUILD

@G0DModeEngage - 18.01.2024 18:00

I keep getting wiped by a "Taken Purge". I have no idea what is causing it.

@pduvall55 - 18.01.2024 17:09

Eso out here giving bde.

@thataccount1 - 18.01.2024 16:17

This is good to do a couple runs but if you wana farm just lfg its so much quicker

@YoHester - 18.01.2024 16:14

Is there a hunter version of this ? Thanks

@fraleb527 - 18.01.2024 15:32

Last season i had a like 6 hours grind to get almost all red borders done from each weapon. Only 2 red borders were missed back then. You should get at least Apex, Supremacy and Chattering Bone.

@boudihamzeh943 - 18.01.2024 14:12

I'm pretty sure im timing my witherhoard shot correctly but instead of going to the plate kalli just disappears. Anyone got any idea?
