Apollo 10 Full Mission - Historical Narration and Footage, 1969, NASA, Moon, Lunar, HD, AI upscale

Apollo 10 Full Mission - Historical Narration and Footage, 1969, NASA, Moon, Lunar, HD, AI upscale

Retro Space HD

2 года назад

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@navigatorstrato7232 - 10.08.2023 15:15


@Cosmic_Solace - 25.08.2023 14:23

Apollo 11 and 13 get so much attention, but to me, Apollo 10 and 16 were the best missions, and all of the crewed Apollo missions were equally amazing! They should get more recognition.

@abhinavt789 - 29.08.2023 11:16

It's mindboggling to think that NASA achieved so much in less than a decade.

@hanssolos3699 - 31.08.2023 02:03

hollywood stage😂😂😂

@kyle381000 - 02.09.2023 04:32

I never realized that two of the three men to ever make two trips to the Moon were both on this mission. I always knew about Cernan, but never made the connection with Young.

@mrsubase - 04.09.2023 06:52

Unsung heros

@SuperMagnetizer - 05.09.2023 10:53

Superb in every way, thank you!

@มดดํา-ภ5ต - 08.09.2023 00:35


@conradsieber7883 - 08.09.2023 07:28

Have to give Von Braun credit for the performance of the Saturn V. Honestly not sure the missions to the moon would have been successful without him.

@calebshuler1789 - 11.09.2023 23:39

Its not right, most folks dont even know these guys names like they do 11, 13 and 8 and the Mercury guys

@thedarkmoon2341 - 17.09.2023 08:24

Amazing to me that the crew took absolutely no interest while in cislunar space in looking for stars, other planets, or the Sun.

@rachelblack3816 - 17.09.2023 09:56

It seems to me that if you have decent footage or video, then AI does a good job of making it look ever better; but it the film or video is poor quality, AI processing only makes it worse.

@bigdrew565 - 18.09.2023 17:57

The only thing that pisses me off about the From the Earth to the Moon miniseries is that they gave 10 no attention.

@foxmccloud7055 - 06.11.2023 10:47

One thing about Apollo 10 is that this is the most profanity laced mission in the history of spaceflight as Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan, and John Young used those infamous four letter words a total of 230 times. It was so bad that Larry Poland, a faith leader in Florida, wrote to Richard Nixon to demand that NASA curb the inappropriate language because he was concerned about the fact that children were watching this.
He said this about the inappropriate language said on Apollo 10.
'I’ve gotten calls from many people who were astounded that they were broadcasting things like that 240,000 miles from the moon when it’s the kind of language you would expect to see on the restroom wall,' 'It was in serious bad taste and indiscreet, I felt.'
Poland said in a story published in the Orlando Sentinel on May 28, 1969.

@johnmellor932 - 17.11.2023 22:09

Was at the science museum in London yesterday where Charlie Brown is on display. I spent ages staring at it. Also a full size mock up of the Apollo 11 Lunar lander, its enormous!

@murkotron - 07.12.2023 04:48

Those guys are true heroes. All of 450,000 of them.

@suserman7775 - 04.01.2024 06:52

I'm somewhat familiar with the basics of orbital mechanics, but can someone explain or reference how the "correction burns" work? I'm wondering "in what direction" the delta V is needed.

@maxdronov - 14.01.2024 15:09

The biggest FAKE of 20th century

@3321far - 02.02.2024 20:17

They launched 5 manned missions in 7 months with the Apollo program with 1960's technology to land on the moon. What is taking so long now? Slide rules, transistors, analog gauges, 64 bit memory in the computer. Now we have unlimited memory storage, CAD, super computers, robotics, carbon fiber, on and on. You can safety check the systems a million times on CAD in a few hours versus months of manual calculations. I just don't get it.

@leelunk8235 - 15.03.2024 05:38


@tonyrestaino7593 - 19.03.2024 00:57

R.I.P. General. Another hero has flown West.

@leobakkerflightandspace6655 - 23.03.2024 20:05

Thank you very much for putting this together. Using original narration from various sources but with enhanced picture quality works wonders! Just what I needed at this moment as we remember with gratitude the contributions to the space program made by Tom Stafford.

@Important-Translations - 07.04.2024 23:29


@corymiller3736 - 03.05.2024 08:53

My grandfather was one of the chief engineers, he worked for Grumman Aerospace, I believe... He worked on the L.E.M for apollo 10.. Astronauts even stayed at my dad's house... As back then, people didn't use hotels as often as they do now... ❤️

@paulnelson5314 - 03.05.2024 19:37

John Young, the first human to orbit the moon solo, and one of three astronauts to go to the moon twice. Truly a special astronaut🎉. Gene Cernan and Jim Lovell are the other two

@hinzuzufugen7358 - 10.06.2024 10:16

An underrated mission, indeed. They either missed the orbiter or crashed into the Moon by a hair's breadth, according to Wikipedia. For moments, they lost control of the Lunar Module. Okay, the glitch has not been cleansed from this fascinating video document completely. The "So of the birch remark" has been though, as the violent "pogo"-vibrations of two Saturn V stages. That was the spirit of 1969.
Great. Until i looked it up, i did not know that there was such a dress-rehearsal-mission, an aborted lunar landing as planned.
Life is magnificent: After reading the account on Apollo 10 again last night, the glistening Moon sickle dutifully appeared over the neighbors' roof.

@tonemarieantonsen1597 - 18.09.2024 16:32

Sadly a overseen misson🥺 Apollo 10 was equal important as Apollo 11 .They helped mapped out the moon for Apollo 11 .Pave way for others is important to .👍

@cyc4usa706 - 28.10.2024 20:19

This was better than most videos that have been put together by teams of professionals, like History and Discovery.... excellent job. Hope it gains the views it deserves.

@DaraPatrickQuinn - 15.11.2024 06:24

Apollo missions were accompanied to and from the moon by UFOs. There is ALan Bean audio on YT. There is film footage of a saucer ont he moon observing Aastronauts. It is on the Of SOund Mind and Body channel. Chris KRaft and Scott Carpenter also said they were being watched by aliens at all times in their books.

@FourthWayRanch - 29.11.2024 00:01

It was after making orbit with previous missions they realized it was impossible to go to the moon

@FourthWayRanch - 29.11.2024 00:15

Why do they say "the moon" but only say "earth" without the??

@TheMariepi3 - 28.12.2024 07:28

thank you

@ЮрийЛогинов-в9х - 18.01.2025 23:31

Астронавты совершили невозможное, и даже спустя 50лет, этого ни кто ни повторил.

@Soffity - 27.01.2025 14:58

It’s amazing they did all this with the computer power they had back then. All those banks of computers in the control room would equal less than one mobile phone these days. What an achievement. Wow. I knew all about Apollo 8,11, and 13 but not 10. This was so interesting, Snoopy and Charlie Brown 🐶🚀🛶

@dodoub1861 - 30.01.2025 01:30

The 3 astronauts are heros standing in the same row than every astronaut in the Apollo program

@fasst5511 - 03.02.2025 04:11

You have a better camera on your phone today than the one they took to the moon. I was 14 years old in 1969 and remember this, and all the space flight missions well. All accomplished with slide rules and primitive computers. It's amazing what humans can figure out.

@Ravenlord79 - 09.03.2025 15:08

Quality content
