Mistakes Bad Players Make in World of Tanks!

Mistakes Bad Players Make in World of Tanks!


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TLT - 16.09.2023 23:28

Installing the game, big mistake 😂

Fred23 - 30.08.2023 05:55

The game has only gotten worse.

Juliocarlos - 17.08.2023 12:47

do more of this kind of videos

George Tudor
George Tudor - 05.08.2023 17:10

you are advertising the game from the beginning. It is clear that you have advantages in the game, the mechanics of the game are on your side.let's not talk about skill4ltu and others who still have an advantage in the game mechanics..you drive through the middle of the field and you are not spotted??

A random Dude
A random Dude - 25.07.2023 19:55

Biggest mistake os hitting install

isszeGG - 16.07.2023 23:06

When my team loses 3-15 the 13 games in a row i just cant take it anymore

Snakebloke - 11.07.2023 17:32

'How to Get Better'
QB: 'Make better decisions...'

Wow! Insightful! :o

Pfsense+_ - 08.07.2023 15:38

Thanks for the helpful advice

eeiko321 - 02.07.2023 10:23

Man, I play on the Asia server.
They seriously don’t play like this. They don’t play aggressive this way, it’s all about camping, there’s times where you have to wait 5 minutes or more and no shots are fired… because everyone is hiding behind a bush and a dwelling/rock. And they don’t really respond with the Help and comms

An Absolute Unit
An Absolute Unit - 22.06.2023 23:17

Move forward.

man like h
man like h - 20.06.2023 02:27

My mistake was dedicating 10 years of my life to this game

YoloEsad - 14.06.2023 21:49

money was the worse thing to be implemented into a game like this

S H - 11.04.2023 15:36

Everyone was a bad player even you, but it's not real life so you can do anything you want in the world of tanks I like making Big Mistakes just to p_ss other players off. They swear at me tell me unistall and I just block them if there so good at wot go to sign a contract in Ukraine and do it for Real since they've got A God Complex in The World of Tanks!

Natural Druid
Natural Druid - 08.04.2023 11:37

Good advice, but people play for themselves only, not the team and most of us have issues with premium tanks using premium ammo, not with other avg tanks. So the main mistakes people make.. No 1 is playing World of Tanks and expecting a fair game. This latest patch is my excuse to simply correct my No1 mistake.. I've quit World of Tanks.. again, at Teir 8. Like last time, because again it is obvious, WG prefer to supply funds to Putin, rather than make the game fair and fun for all, not just for the weak minded cowardly whales. And since I won't be playing wot, no point being subscribed to you, who clearly are a whale as well and support this whaling game.

spaljeni backup
spaljeni backup - 26.01.2023 07:45

"...and wonder why they average 49% win ratio"
You guys have 49% win ratios ? <that confused meme guy>

Mark - 29.12.2022 08:11

Wow I would lose a nut to get to 49%

Fleezy - 08.12.2022 07:06

I had some of my best games in an is-8 back in the day aka the T-10.

Václav Šefčík
Václav Šefčík - 01.12.2022 17:42

I play for 6 years and I have only 8 ace tankers

Adrian Rosenlund-Hudson
Adrian Rosenlund-Hudson - 28.11.2022 13:18

Biggest mistake anyone can make is to start playing this at all, at least on console. I hope that part of the company goes bust. Full of bots. It's like having 15 players a hundred times more skilled than QB here. I've been one shotted by a bot TD without even being in line of sight

Matrix Decoded
Matrix Decoded - 19.11.2022 00:54

This is not a video explaining mistakes bad players make.

Red Feather
Red Feather - 20.10.2022 07:13

Great video! Appreciate your examples and explanations. Further, thank you for just coming out and saying it takes time in the game and critical thinking to gain experience, and experience makes you better.

Toomss - 14.10.2022 08:54

shit game

amora divinatora
amora divinatora - 12.10.2022 14:07

hi thx for your vidéos and advices, really helpfull when you start wot, just one question its possible to know what reticul visor do you use to know where shot correctly do you use server reticul or not thx so much gl hf bro

Gorgon Bazil
Gorgon Bazil - 10.10.2022 21:46

The biggest mistake was playing that POS game to begin with! Imagine, an open field in front of you, wind whispering through the grass, not a tree or building in sight then BAM!! you get killed by that tank that is out in the open 30 feet in front of you that you could not see (spot)

shea oneill
shea oneill - 07.10.2022 10:02

Is world of tanks still worth getting in October 2022 or is it to old

Russ Green
Russ Green - 23.09.2022 05:46

None of that matters as I get shot through solid indestructible objects

Viking Patriot
Viking Patriot - 15.09.2022 11:30

WOT is rigged. If you don't have premium. MM will put you in shit matches. Its pay to win. Fuck WOT.

Damdinsuren Ganbaatar
Damdinsuren Ganbaatar - 22.08.2022 21:44

My biggest mistake was clicking download game

WarkiTV - 14.08.2022 05:40

first mistake, going on village by driving on the exterior, easy shots for players on D4 and the sniping on the hill near base

Darryl D. Ruggs
Darryl D. Ruggs - 07.08.2022 01:20

Y does this game look unlike the SAME game I’m playing on my phone. Assuming this is on pc???

Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts - 25.07.2022 09:10

I need this👍😊
Is there "mistakes worst player make"? This maybe more appropriate to me.

Art M
Art M - 21.07.2022 02:32

Play for free account but runs a premium account on it lol

AdammmTee - 03.07.2022 01:56

I need a video on what good spots to go to on each map. Cause i've been playing for like 2 months and still don't know

WiFuzzy - 21.06.2022 21:36

Actually. What separates the good players from the so so players is much more simple. All I watches in that battel was your reticle. And there was numerous times you hit the right place and aimed at the wrong place. I aim at the right place as much as I can and with a 7 skill crew..mostly hit the wrong place. I'm the king of gun mantlets and tracks. I have the ability to hit 10% of the tank 50% of the time. And the odd time the game lets me play. I do very well.

Johannes P van Vuuren
Johannes P van Vuuren - 31.05.2022 15:52

WOT is designed with aid of top psychologists and the only goal the developers have is to anger or entice you to spend your money. ITS ALL ABOUT PROFIT!! As soon as you think you achieved a milestone they bring out updates to change the complete game and "set you back" Luckily for them most players walk into this trap and 90% of players are milked like cash cows. I was a games developer for many years and this is the go dudes!!! Game players are suckers!!! You are given just enough (which is nothing) to keep you interested.... LOL

Bulkhead - 21.05.2022 14:29

This is a good and very helpful video but I think it could’ve helped to use maybe a lower tier tank to relate more with the players that make those mistakes. Still a good video but just a nitpick.

clarence kavanaugh
clarence kavanaugh - 09.05.2022 18:04

And when you shoot someone in the side with a gun 3 tiers higher at under 100m and it still not pen. Or how about just as you fire your gun jumps! And my favorite, when you shoot someone in the side, lower plate or the commander's copula, see the hole were the round hit and still do no damage... The game is rigged, be honest. When you ridicule Wargamming you seen a dip in your game play, I remember you stating such when you gave WG a bad review on one of their changes. So just admit that the game is rigged to maximize it protentional monetization.

clayton kelley
clayton kelley - 13.04.2022 23:55

I call this B.S!. Reason a lot of Players can't reach their Goals is....Players have gotten selfish in their playing. Refusal to support their teammates. So not to get a scratch on their own Tank. The Game were once a (TEAM) Game. That no longer applies.

Doschy - 10.04.2022 12:24

hi there QB! Bad player here! And NO, im not doing anything wrong, its just my team being bad 😤😤😤

Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran - 06.04.2022 12:59


BMW 3 - 04.04.2022 20:53

WOT- Ordinary promotion !! (Haha 6-8-12000 Damage),you won't record 1/4 a quarter of what you see here in the game! Don't buy premium or premium tanks !!! it's even so unnecessarily the server determines the damage..determines by the victory and Defeat..min Damage opponent auto Victory/Big Damage opponent auto Defeat..You have a tank of 8 levels and are in a team approximately down and thus assembled from level 10 = Automatically win because you don't have a chance to shoot down Tier 10 = min Damage = victory..If you are on top partitions,Tier 8 Team assembled Tier min 6 = Automatic = Large Damage opponent = Defeat!! Block server..visibility,detection,damage,opponent damage, you can just do what you want: D !! it's wasted money !! In the game you really have more losses than winnings !!ask a question every day these liars give videos here with such success ask yourself what you play and have you ever recorded what you see here? probably not, so it's easy to play when the admin adjusts his game mode on the server and they deceive you here. Also note that they only offer you premium or 10 level tanks, where you have huge losses in the game even during the premium, especially if you use gold-i (premium ammo) !!! , for 1 battle minus up to 8-20,000 caches ... if not more ... hm. In addition, this company violates EU law in the freedom of speech and opinion of others in another language !! Thank you - Niltark and Kronk_24 :D

JoeEspo17 - 30.03.2022 06:06

This boils down to "if you want to be a good player, play better".

bryan austin
bryan austin - 29.03.2022 07:02

If the team is all Muppets most of the time it's hard to get win rate up

peteycrack - 26.03.2022 09:39

The biggest mistake all players make is logging in. Wg refuses to fix mm and all the maps are total bullshit. It could have been a cool game but they have the wrong leadership. Wg as a company sucks and the community of shitters totally ruins any chance of fun.

Arthur Simo
Arthur Simo - 25.03.2022 11:38

If in a real war 2 tanks come face to face can one destroy the other one with just one shot from its main Gun like in the game of world of tanks?

sir toast
sir toast - 19.03.2022 10:49

laughs in war thunder

Broda - 16.03.2022 10:57

I've got 55% but the problem is not always our decision to win because I get lots of noobs that just go to the middle of map with med tanks and trying to fight 2 heavy tanks... And sad part is that, they have over 10k battles, but they play like new players.

Ismo Rapp
Ismo Rapp - 15.03.2022 12:47

I stop playing becos Ukraina war. I pleyid from 2010. Belarus is not god.

Jack Winter
Jack Winter - 15.03.2022 09:10

Biggest mistake of bad players is watching qb for advice
