054 | Islam's Manifest Destiny: How It Went Wrong | Abdul Karim

054 | Islam's Manifest Destiny: How It Went Wrong | Abdul Karim

Dr. Omar Zaid

1 год назад

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@jamestinsley9460 - 08.02.2023 02:40


@ahmacnoorinoori4250 - 08.02.2023 06:14

Aslam aliacom dear brother and teachers they make it famous under us first than they makes him to say what has been negotiated with them to add or to- that's their tricks

@azmans65 - 08.02.2023 08:09

Thank you Dr Omar Zaid and Dr Abdul Karim.

@allycat5892 - 08.02.2023 09:55

Excellent video with great information. I enjoyed the exposure of Scottish Freemason. The Prophet (saw) taught the Quran, and people learn from his character, his behavior, the way he dressed etc...such details are not in the Quran, and this is why Sunnah and Hadiths (other information on history) are important. Yes, there are many false hadith, but with some knowledge and reflection, I believe you will find the right Sunnah and Hadiths that represents the Quran. Scheduled prayers are important for many reasons - one reason is the 5 daily prayers takes you mind away from the worldly affairs and you rejuvenate which is healthy for your being (same as meditating). Many people also add the Tahhajud prayer and other prayers, because you reflect and makes you healthier (rejuvenate with each prayer) - each prayer quiets the mind etc...How do you know you have the correct meaning for each letter - who is giving you this lexicon? It doesn't mean that because rulers (some or many rulers in the world today and in the past) uses religions to benefit themselves and to gain power that the religion is being practiced wrong by all Muslims. Many people around the world do not like their politicians and rulers. So it doesn't mean that because the rulers maybe using the religion (the way of life) IN a wrong way to benefit themselves, that all Muslims agree with them. Those rulers have their own writers. It doesn't mean that all Muslims agree with what they are writing. Many Muslims reflects and gain lots from this current practice today, and many Muslims also do not gain much. The Muslims that wants to learn and grow will excel in his/her practice, therefore you cannot say that Islam today is wrong because some or even many are not practicing Islam IN a good way. You have a choice. YOU NEED TO SEPARATE POLITICS FROM RELIGION ( THE WAY OF LIFE OF A GOOD PRACTICING MUSLIM). It's up to you to seek knowledge and gain the best from your practice. I believe the Quranist (note another 'ist' like athiest, communist etc...) will do more harm to Islam than good. It's better to have scheduled prayers where the practitioners can come together and pray and to have discussions and share their experiences. It seems to me like the Quranists wants to remove Prophet Muhammad (saw) from their everyday practice, and they also don't want to spend quality time in reflections and remembrance (to rejuvenate). Excellent discussion! Keep it up and expose the freemasons more and all the cults!

@mohammadbenattia9102 - 08.02.2023 13:51

Alhamdulilah, Thank you both brothers

@RS_Holdings - 09.02.2023 18:36

Some of us are suffering on a physiological level from the theological education that we were indoctrinated with , from childhood , and are regarded as insane amongst peers and community alike, as none would admit the clear brainwashing and indoctrination, and thus the labelling itself impacts on our entire outlook and lifestyle in order to progress in general day to day life...
In certain Instances, this leads to regression of an individual...

@lucaomar3428 - 14.02.2023 09:41

How do you call the massacre of 5000 philosophers?

@usamuslimvt - 14.03.2023 19:09

Assalamu alaykum teachers another amazing khutbah! I have personally come across many hadiths that have directly contradicted the Qu'ran so I KNEW they had to be human innovations and NOT from our Prophet. Not to mention, the hadith isn't even the direct words of our Prophet, but rather a recording from someone that someone else said that our Prophet said or did "X". Well history shows again and again what happens every time a quote passes from one person to the next. A person says choose a red apple. The next person interprets it to be a maroon apple. Then the next person thinks the previous person meant a brown apple. So now you've gone from a ripe apple to a rotten apple. But I admit when a man as knowledgeable as Sheikh Hamza Yusuf said roughly only 500 of the half a million hadiths (a tenth of one percent???) were actually authentic my jaw hit the floor. SO much misguidance for SO long! I trust the Qu'ran first...and then the fitra Allah SWT instilled in my heart when I prayed to him for guidance when I first reverted second...and my own cognition third as I navigate my way through the hadith. I mean...the notion that extra prayers/dhikr/duas will add to your bounty in Jannah makes total sense...but when man is making haram what Allah SWT made halal or vice versa...no can do yanni. Listen to your heart. Allah SWT blessed us with thinking brains to think with...the ability to have our own perspective is one of the founding principles of our very creation in the first place. May Allah SWT bless our teachers at Al-Ginkgo with health and wellness and inspire them to continue to help us all shine brighter, and jazakAllah khayran to all who strive for the sake of true Islam!

@malikabdu351 - 09.05.2023 07:06

Just to convince people nothing alse what you are talking it does not make sense

@tirandaz7612 - 01.02.2024 15:40

Go back to the split. The place where the succession took place. Study the process. Carefully/
