60 MIN POWER HOUR! Low Impact Circuit Training Workout // With Dumbbells

60 MIN POWER HOUR! Low Impact Circuit Training Workout // With Dumbbells

470 Просмотров

This 60 MIN POWER HOUR WORKOUT is aimed at building lean muscle and burning calories for fat loss! Starting with a quick warm-up to get the blood flowing and muscles loosened up for this POWERFUL circuit training with dumbbells workout! Each exercise is crafted into a compound move working both the upper and lower body together. This kind of training gets the heart rate up so you are burning calories for fat loss and building lean muscle all at the same time! Each circuit is repeated twice through before moving onto the next one!

This workout will get your heart pumping, muscles burning, sweat dripping and help you reach your goals to building strength, losing weight, and improving endurance!😅 Grab your weights and let's get started!

I invite you to Subscribe to my channel so I can continue to help you along your fitness journey and smash the like button to this workout when you've completed it! 👍🏻

Thank you! 💙🫶🏻

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