Dragon's Lair Full Playthrough

Dragon's Lair Full Playthrough

DJ Tommy

10 лет назад

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laughmed864 - 20.09.2023 04:52

I was the first to beat this game at my local arcade

David Cooper
David Cooper - 08.09.2023 10:39

Very first tell tale game haha

2bleubird - 08.09.2023 05:14

I was too young to play this game in the arcaded but I played it as a teenager on CD-ROM. I remember getting to the Dragon and was nervous my mom would walk in for the princess scenes.

KAR 🎥Videos & 🎨Art
KAR 🎥Videos & 🎨Art - 03.09.2023 16:50


Anywho, I love it!!!!

Ryan Swanson
Ryan Swanson - 02.09.2023 09:50

Dragon's Lair aka "eater of quarters". Seriously, the only other arcade I remember chowing on my allowance more was Metal Slug.

michael naretto
michael naretto - 02.09.2023 04:41

After all of that he better have gotten laid...

andyt1313 - 01.09.2023 08:35

I remember that I really sucked at it and that it cost a whopping TWO quarters to play.

Christopher Taylor
Christopher Taylor - 01.09.2023 07:00

I never got far into that game, I didn't realize it was that long. More than a few repeated sequences, which surprises me. Was a great game, and fun to just watch

Kevin Corso
Kevin Corso - 01.09.2023 02:45

I enjoyed watching people get through the first part just to die 2 seconds while celebrating.

A D - 31.08.2023 23:43

In the end was it worth it to save an unspoiled maiden?!

No, GOT has taught me whoring with broads was the best!!!

Walter Koziol
Walter Koziol - 31.08.2023 18:56

This is the first game that was done on a laser disc. If you had a laser disc player, you could've watched it but not played it. When the game was no longer popular, the manager of my local arcade gave me the disc since i had a player. Some of the perks of working there.

Was on vacation with family at Hampton Beach New Hampshire. There was this arcade that had the game right in the middle and a 12-inch color TV on top of the cabinet. About a dozen played and failed. I decided to play it and got all the way to saving the princess. On the very last move I purposely wipeout twice to build even more of a suspense. Man were the people pushing to see if i could chi it. Of course i did. When i got to the last animation, I turned around and i was stunned at how crowded it had become. I literally had to push my way out of the crowd. I turned around and watched the rest of the animation and the people's expressions.

Miami Jim
Miami Jim - 31.08.2023 17:59

The power of laserdiscs... still got mine.

selbalamir - 31.08.2023 16:31

This game and Star Wars sit in was the pinnacle

Michael Lee
Michael Lee - 31.08.2023 07:16

This guy better get laid at the end… does the princess have ANY idea how hard to was to get to her!?

Michael Lee
Michael Lee - 31.08.2023 07:15

This guy is the CrossFit parkour Olympic world champion

wayne coleman
wayne coleman - 31.08.2023 06:29

This was one of the first games to have an end goal. Most games at the time would keep going until you failed.

Anuj Sinha
Anuj Sinha - 30.08.2023 20:00

This should be titled “How to spend $100,000 in quarters”

Sasquatch Hadarock
Sasquatch Hadarock - 30.08.2023 08:58

And then the second one he's running from his mother in law

Sasquatch Hadarock
Sasquatch Hadarock - 30.08.2023 08:53

One helluva medieval acid trip

Shawn Baker
Shawn Baker - 30.08.2023 06:24

I loved watching people play this but knew to stay away from it with my tokens. This game would suck your five dollars of allowance up in ten minutes.

Kathy Weekes
Kathy Weekes - 30.08.2023 06:18

I never got far in that game

Retro917 - 30.08.2023 05:59

This was the hardest game ever I couldn't get past 3 minutes in ... ugh

Bud B.
Bud B. - 29.08.2023 23:51

As I remember, this was one of the most aggravating arcade games ever!

AWARHERO - 29.08.2023 23:20

Oh i remember playing this in the arcade... Best game ever!

Enzo - 29.08.2023 22:43

Loved this game...I beat it once...after a lot of practice😊

Kaeben - 29.08.2023 20:33

I remember none of us could figure out how to play this game. We told the store owner and it just disappeared. There were no clear instructions.

Steve Smith
Steve Smith - 29.08.2023 20:09

This game was the first to employ a laserdisc player inside. It cost a dollar to play in 1984 and every death at a pitfall would end the game. I think there were 23 total encounters that you had to master a certain set of moves in order to survive. You got nothing but bragging rights if you won. Oh, and any jerk could TILT the game if you were about to beat their high score, so you had to play when the arcade was empty.

fred kelly
fred kelly - 29.08.2023 15:44

When this came out it was revolutionary, a precursor of things to come but I never thought much of it. As a game it was just a collection of gimmicks with no story and no personality. It never gained a following as far as I saw and faded into obscurity pretty quickly. Just shows it takes more than tech to make a good game.

timber72 - 29.08.2023 14:38

How depressing. I never, ever managed to get even 30 seconds into the game.

rmerrida - 29.08.2023 11:04

I'd wait for the guy before me die, get fed up, and quit. I'd take my $.25 cent coins ($.50 cents to play, twice as a normal game then. Yikes!) off the edge of the console indicating my place in line to play next. Then start the game with nobody around me. But then, as people could see by looking at the second console monitor up top that allowed everyone to see the game being played, I wasn't dying and I was moving past each challenge and on to the next. Around half way to the end I'd have half the arcade watching my game on the top monitor, as I got up to and passed parts people ether never seen before or just kept dying on. Always knew I had a crowd, but had to stay focus to the end. And then finally...the Dragon's Lair. Almost nobody has seen it, so now I hear guys calling their friends over to see it. Get the magic sword, slay the dragon, get the key, then free hot af Princess Daphne. I won so many times that after the last swing I used to just turn, move through to the back of large crowd gathered around me, and watch them watching my end scene with hot af Daphne jumping into Derk's arms. Man, so much fun. The good old days. Thanks for the memories. 😉

James Stewart
James Stewart - 29.08.2023 09:41

He went through all that and found out she was Trans...

Jeff Flowers
Jeff Flowers - 29.08.2023 09:28

The number of quarters this represents in mind blowing....

Noah Suess
Noah Suess - 29.08.2023 07:45

I’m just envisioning how utterly impossible this game must have been. What were the input choices? Joystick directions? Action buttons? Combination of both?

Carl O'Neil
Carl O'Neil - 29.08.2023 06:52

I didn't remember him sounding like Homer Simpson.😂

John Wick
John Wick - 29.08.2023 06:47

I beat this game only once

David Tatro
David Tatro - 28.08.2023 21:33

I never played this game at the arcade because it cost 2 or 3 times as much as a regular game. This is the first time I've seen it beaten.

Wade Medlin
Wade Medlin - 28.08.2023 17:55

I threw away so many quarters into this frustration machine back then. 😂

K Smith
K Smith - 28.08.2023 11:01

I sucked at this

buckster2575 - 28.08.2023 07:43

This game was WAY ahead of it's time.

Geoff Backa
Geoff Backa - 28.08.2023 07:42

The number of quarters my friends and I dropped into this game. Finally made it through to the end after hours of playing and watching others.

Eric Ridge
Eric Ridge - 28.08.2023 07:08

The memories lol I forgot about this game and how far I got

william schultz
william schultz - 28.08.2023 05:06

What was the other game like this with a spy dude... short black hair and a suit... he drives in a little yellow car at some point i think.

Chimmichurri - 28.08.2023 02:53

I always have felt sorry for this poor knight. If he wanted a lady so bad he shoulda noped out of there and went to the tavern lol

glad lawson
glad lawson - 28.08.2023 02:01

This game was a scam. ❤

Dominic White
Dominic White - 27.08.2023 21:34

This game is nightmare fuel.

Brando Odoyle
Brando Odoyle - 27.08.2023 10:21

40 years later and I finally see the ending

Eric Van Horn
Eric Van Horn - 27.08.2023 09:40

This game was many more quarters than the other arcade games, hard and confusing.
