The Rise and Fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

The Rise and Fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

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2 года назад

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@jorinton - 25.10.2021 02:32

Welp you're not wrong, but also you're not really right.

Firstly the Entente wasn't interested in breaking A-H up until 1916 and even then there wasn't supposed to be so many countries.

And mainly, you claim that so much power was given to the local governments, but you don't mentioned Hungarization or Germanization at all. Despite A-H giving certain competencies to local governments, the fact was that it wasn't at all somehow federalizing or even giving out autonomy. The central government didn't become unimportant all of a sudden. It was the push of the local governments wanting more power over their matters from the central government that fueled the independence lust. The local governments within the Austrian part had little actual power, to the point they had to fight tooth and nail to even get a national theatre or something of that matter and the important legislation being discussed in the Austrian parliament, not the local ones.

And that's not even mentioning Hungary, where most people lived a life similar to a serf up until the 1940s. Hungary actively denied autonomy to it's "subjects", especially to Romanians and Slovaks. While yes, Austria did allow language to be used in administration and school, Hungary didn't. Even at the turning point of the century Hungary actively censored local languages and hunted schools teaching in local languages. As far as the Hungarian aristocracy was conserned all in their domein were Hungarian and there was no other nationality in their realm. This is truly what pushed the Empire over the edge, including what you mention in the video.

@thedukeofswellington1827 - 21.01.2024 07:47

How many wars has the US lost? Weve never even been threatened with invasion in over 200 years

@aresee8208 - 12.01.2024 01:27

In terms of the US, it may be multi-ethnic, but the ethnicities are all mixed together, and there are no significant geographic regions with high single ethnic identifications. Plus, there is a single unifying language and culture.

@jamesg1974a - 11.01.2024 16:16

It always perplexes me when I’m listening to videos like this, and the narrator repeats themselves in four different ways to say the same thing. Good information though.

@haroldbridges515 - 02.01.2024 03:36

Good video, but next drop the music that distracts from your narration.

@bryankelly3647 - 30.12.2023 02:41

Have to question someone’s sources who has United States as his example of a country that “is famous for losing a lot of wars” - and while showing image of Vietnam; formerly French Indochina - OH SNAP! There’s your famous country that’s lost a lot of wars low hanging fruit and you missed it. France! But I don’t blame you for poking at USA, more comments for you

@Cajun_Gaming11 - 27.12.2023 02:21

Gott erhalte franz den kaiser

@johnnicholas1657 - 21.12.2023 18:54

Lol growth of 2% a year is prettu good these days

@ImperialMJG - 17.12.2023 19:14

You explain this sometimes good, and sometimes really bad. It goes back and forth and sounds like you have a discussion with yourself in the head. Not talking to someone. "There were no oppressed......but the oppressed.....etc"

@Moshie71 - 16.12.2023 15:11

Love this, thank you… so many previous histories focus on military aspects. One thing that does confuse me is you make several references to ethnicity… and its role in the down fall of the empire. How are you defining ethnicity e.g. other than language what’s the difference between an Austrian and a Croat? And is there such a thing as an American ethnicity; or a Texan vs a South Dakotan?

@fergimasta - 15.12.2023 20:39

There’s some faulty logic in the beginning. Is it really beyond the realm of possibility that multi ethnic, multi cultural societies add an element of instability?

The United States was 80-90% white up until very recently around the same time the USA has become pretty weak.

This idea of a multi ethnic/ multi cultural society is a religion at this point most westerners hold it as absolute truth with no thought behind it.

If The USA poopoos the bed and has a major loss on the world stage I could easily see it falling to internal conflict.

@mwong987 - 15.12.2023 11:57

Just fascinating. The Austrian-Hungarian empire has always fascinated me but now I know much more.

@OmegaTrooper - 06.12.2023 15:29

Pain…the USD would’ve been a fascinating country. And had it lasted it would’ve made Eastern Europe / the Balkans a much more colorful and lucrative place than the dreary backwater it is today.

@tatsatagarwal9518 - 02.12.2023 12:27

Bro said USA lost a lot of wars 💀

@Ivan-db8xt - 02.12.2023 01:54

Good video but giving Croatia too much of an importance. We’re the Croats really that much significant and important?

@SiskoSvK - 30.11.2023 03:15

Unfortunately, alot of radical Hungarians misrepresenting the facts in the comments section. Every Czech, Slovak, Pole, Romanian and Austrian know the real history, not the Pro Hungary propaganda. I mean, imagine the Nazis would be here defending the Holocaust.

@professor-psicodelico - 29.11.2023 05:22

I came to a revealing different conclusion as to why this empire died: it was because the emperor's hats were one of the worst of that time.

The emperor provoked the empires demise. The citizens of the other regions didn't want to fight in order to support such a weird hat. 😅

In Austria, there were revolts in the order for the emperor to change the hat. 😅

All soldiers protested and decided to stop fighting.

So the real reason for the enmpire demise was fashion. 😂

@BohemianCrown - 28.11.2023 01:05

I just think it was a mistake, all of it, the last 100 years, it is all wrong.

@kenwatanabe7448 - 27.11.2023 14:48

You should call it Austrian Empire.. we Hungarians have not got much rights during it.. even they pulled us to the ww I. And get lands from us.. which was the most unfair peace ever taken in the humans's history! 😣🤮

@Clevaryo - 21.11.2023 21:01

Can we agree that austir hungary have the best border, the only one who is vlose is french second emire or classic france

But in term of germans its, modern german, first reich prussia, second reich, and third reich.

@user-xe4me8pv3b - 21.11.2023 04:19

God Bless Belgium, Spain & the United States.

@cosminmatic5987 - 15.11.2023 17:28

One more reason: at the end of the war the ethnic groups like Romanians, Serbs, Croats etc simply didn't want to stay within the empire. This video could have been better if it would have been documented on Romanians fate (both from Transylvania and Bucovina). Austro-Hungarian period of the Austrian Empire was a very difficult period for Romanians. More rights for Hungarian nobles meant less rights for Romanians. From the begining, Transylvania was a distinct part of the Habsburg Empire, this reflecting the reality prior the Austrian occupation. Transylvania used to have its own ruler, own laws and own traditions different that Hungary's. But after 1867 it actually disappeared from the map - an agressive process of magyarisation started for the Romanians, actually the oldest and major people (2/3 of population at that moment) from Transylvania. It's clear that at the end of the war they wanted to unite with Kingdom of Romania

@foldvary56 - 14.11.2023 10:20

OMG, this has got to be most amateurish, sub-sophomoric, ahistoric take on what in fact was the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy. That is one can rightly talk about the Austrian habsburg Empire and the over 1000 year old Kingdom of Hungary, and soon after the Hungarian defeat st Mohács in 1526, Habsburg emperors came to rule the Hungarian kingdom , 2/3 of which came under the Ottoman Muslim for 150 years. The rest of the Hungarian Kingdom, i.e., Upper and Western Hungary was ruled by Habsburg Emperors and had to come to be crowned in what remained "free" Hungary. The magyar population in Turkish-tuled Hungary was devastated and decimated. The Eastern part of Hungary, including Transylvania was semi-undelendt from Vienna and the Turkish sultan. Once the Ottoman Turks were chased out of the now reunited Hungary, the devastated country's pulation was changed drastically by German, Slav and Rumanian settlers. This is an indispensable part of the history of Habsburg Empire and the "liberated" Hungarian kingdom, in which Croatia always had a separate status with its own Upschina (parliament). Meanwhile, under Habsburg imperial rule, the reunited Hungarian kingdom came under heavy-handed germanization by settlers from Germany and by surrounding slav peoples, including Bohemia (Czechia) and Serbia, still under Ottoman Turkish rule. Heavy Habsburg rule sparked an ultimately unsuccessful revolution and liberation in 1848-49. With the help of 200,000 Russians, the young Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph regained the kingdom of Hungary but harsh oppression ensued.
Many Hungarians fled the country (including Governor Kossuth, leader of the revolution). It wasn't until 1867 that Emperor Franz Joseph and Hungarian statesman Ferenc Deak burried the hatchet, Emperor Franz Joseph was crowned as King of Hungary in Budapest and thus the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy was born.
Contrary to erroneous allegation, Hungary experienced phenomenal all-around industrial, commercial development, nearly catching up with the more tranquil Austria and Bohemian (Czech) parts.
Also contrary to pedestrian biased allegations about Hungarian oppression of ethnic minorities, they in fact enjoyed virtual self rule in a very liberal Hungary even by west European standards in terms of freedom of religion, speech, education etc. The only thing non-Magyar Hungarian citizens were expected to do is to learn also Hingarian as a SECOND language.
Yes, Hungary under the dual monarchy, never an empire, non-Magyar members of the Hungarian parliament could snd did deliver speeches in their native tongues. Also, politically active Hungarians during the 1848-49 Revolution were oppressed and persecuted by the Vienna while the ethnic minorities enjoyed privileged status in Hungary till 1867.
As for the purported topic, the dissolution of the "Austro-Hungarian Empire," the start and course of World War I, its end, the most punitive measure on the junior Hungarian half, the infamous Trianon Diktat of 2920, the bloody but thankfully short-lived Bolshevik Communist rule in 1929, the barbaric pillage of Budapest and the country by the tretearous rumaniann troops, that it got more of historical Hungarian kingdom than was left for the present Trianon Hungary -- all that and much more by the voracious Slovaks of Upper Hungary, the Serbs of Lower Hungary, and EVEN Austria got a slice of Western Hungary, none of rated even a benighted mention.
All that, against a 1000-year-old Kingdom, whose prime minister as junior partner at the imperial Court of Vienna opposed the ultimatum to Serbia, but could not prevail.
A's for the Versailles peace negotiations in 1919, the Hungarians were not even invited. And yet, when Armistice ending hostilities was signed in the fall of 1918, no enemy troops were in the Hungarian half of Dual Monarchy.

@robinsparks3914 - 13.11.2023 01:37

Rip Austria-Hungary 1867 - 1918

@StevenMagallanes - 09.11.2023 18:54

The Collapse of the Dual Monarchy

The Austro-Hungarian Empire, or the Dual Monarchy, was a constitutional union of two sovereign states: Austria and Hungary, under one monarch who ruled both as Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. It emerged in 1867, after Austria’s defeat in the Austro-Prussian War, as a compromise between the Austrian and Hungarian elites who sought to preserve their influence and autonomy in a changing Europe. The empire was a multi-national and multi-ethnic entity, comprising various nationalities, languages, religions, and cultures.

The empire faced many challenges and crises throughout its existence, such as the rise of nationalism, the emergence of new rival powers, the conflicts in the Balkans, the demands for social and political reforms, and the outbreak of World War I. The empire’s involvement in the war proved to be disastrous, as it suffered heavy casualties, economic hardship, food shortages, social unrest, and military defeats. The war also exposed the deep divisions and tensions within the empire, as different national groups sought to assert their rights and aspirations, often with the support of the Allied powers, especially the United States and its president, Woodrow Wilson, who advocated for the principle of self-determination.

The empire collapsed in 1918, after the defeat of the Central Powers, of which it was a part, along with Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. The collapse was triggered by a series of events, such as the mutiny of the navy, the declaration of independence of Czechoslovakia and the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, the abdication of Emperor Charles I, and the proclamation of the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Hungary. The dissolution of the empire was formalized by the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye with Austria and the Treaty of Trianon with Hungary, signed in 1919 and 1920 respectively, as part of the peace settlement after the war. The treaties resulted in the loss of most of the empire’s territory and population, as well as the creation or enlargement of several new states.

The end of the Dual Monarchy marked the end of an era in European history, as well as the beginning of a new one, characterized by the rise of new ideologies, conflicts, and challenges. The legacy of the empire is still evident in the cultural, linguistic, and historical ties that exist among the peoples and countries that once belonged to it.

@tonylove4800 - 06.11.2023 17:07

What war has the US lost? Surely 1812 was a draw. Vietnam was in another continent and a part-time war at best so the US wasn't threatened in the slightest. Nobody knows anything - and cares even less -- about Belgium - and Spain has gone from being a mighty empire to a holiday resort. Britain was beaten in the American Revolution, or whatever the Americans call it, and went from strength to strength.

@iiitiberiusiii3441 - 01.11.2023 12:03

So many mistakes in this video, especially in the "peaceful dissolution" of the empire...

@nikolaiwhite4255 - 01.11.2023 02:48

....i dont mean to be this guy exactly. But i would encourage you to improve your english speech ability. When I learn my First foreign language my teachers were very harsh and I understand why.

@Rath-ss9ko - 29.10.2023 11:36


@ridefeltbergea3754 - 28.10.2023 11:46

I love the Hungarian background music

@deadlyknights1119 - 26.10.2023 21:36

Hungary: we want more power to govern ourselves
Austria: *loses yet another war*
“Fine we will separate our kingdoms and create a joint empire”
Hungary: *changes nothing about how it governed*
Austria: *Makes swift innovations and gives labor rights to its citizens*

@kylewatson4821 - 26.10.2023 08:35

You forgot to mention that Karl did attempt a coup in Hungary supported by loyalists to try and restore him as king of Hungary which was unsuccessful and he was exiled again (Switzerland banned him from returning as well) from the country. Austria and Hungary also had a border dispute after the war was well. I understand why you didn't include it though, because that's a whole big topic to cover.

@F40PH-2CAT - 17.10.2023 19:29

USA has never lost a war.

@ondrejlukas4727 - 17.10.2023 10:15

well, peacefull. what about czechoslovak-hungarian war aka war over slovakia and czechoslovak-polish aka silesian war in the early years after 1918?

@tomdan5926 - 16.10.2023 08:29

And that is good so!

@attilav2316 - 13.10.2023 09:26

There were no ukrainians in the Monarch. There were rusyns.

@vladimirstrunga37 - 13.10.2023 04:57

Czechoslovakia not in 1928 but in 1918...

@benkenobi292 - 12.10.2023 19:25

Slavery with extra steps? Ooh la la, someone’s gonna get laid in college.

@Shineon83 - 06.10.2023 19:49

“IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE” might SOUND ducky, BUT….IF your “language” is spoken by a minority—and by a backward ppl (compared to wealthier regions)—you’re doing the ppl (esp. the children) no great favors….They will have far fewer opportunities ….

@willhovell9019 - 06.10.2023 09:43

The Hapsburgs, a cancer at the heart of Europe, and facilitator of the Great War

@sickpuppyz - 04.10.2023 15:55

Kingdon sllerbs, slovaks, and slovenes? 2hat non s3nse is this?

@sickpuppyz - 04.10.2023 15:54

"These territories join romania? What kind of bs ignorance is this? And calling transilvania istria? Besides these gross mistakes, this documentary is an attempt to tecycle true history.

@andrefasching1332 - 02.10.2023 21:50

wrong flag you buffoon

@Emilia-wy8zh - 02.10.2023 14:34

Hungarians are even today very agressive and demanding..see Ukraine,where they refuse to do millitary service and demand secession iN favor of Hungry

@Emilia-wy8zh - 02.10.2023 14:23

Usa did not lose any war..Vietnam and Afghanistan do not count,There were not in war with America..more like special war operațions..

@perun814 - 01.10.2023 22:46

this was the most hated empire in europa.
hungarians hated it
