BEST JPEG and Camera Settings For Panasonic Lumix G9 - Shoot & Share!!!

BEST JPEG and Camera Settings For Panasonic Lumix G9 - Shoot & Share!!!

Grant Robert Davies

1 год назад

22,800 Просмотров

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Hamilton S. Rink
Hamilton S. Rink - 11.12.2022 05:56

Question: Once I set the jpg settings to get them to my taste, I often notice that in harsh sun with hard shade photos the highlights look blown and the shadows quite black. So I turned on High Dynamic in filter settings, which is just below the photo styles in the menu. When I turn on High Dynamic, photo styles grays out. Does this mean that the camera now disregards my previous photo settings, and I lose control over sharpening ect...?
Also that loose rubber trim on the SD card door. I was able to mend mine with superglue after removing the failed glue, cleaning the surfaces with isopropyl alcohol, drying thoroughly, and using superglue. Use SG sparingly because any excess will squeeze out and stain the exterior surfaces.

DavePianist - 20.09.2023 21:13

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience. It'd be nice to see picture samples from those setting.

The Krazy Wabbit
The Krazy Wabbit - 16.09.2023 16:23

stop listening to the noise and people telling you how to do things.


Make your own noise. There are 8 billion heads of lettuce on the planet. Someone will vibe.

Markie Linhart
Markie Linhart - 23.08.2023 15:29

Thanks for this video Grant.
Exciting! My G9 came in the mail today.
Big step up from the GH3 and yet…
Lots to get my head around✌️

ʂɬơཞღ - 08.05.2023 10:53

Great video. I started shooting JPEG recently and pretty happy with the results. It’s convenient just being able to process them in camera and share them so quick.

Imaduddin Alfajri
Imaduddin Alfajri - 05.04.2023 16:50

Why do you care about the camera metering mode if you set it to manual exposure mode?

S Wheeler
S Wheeler - 26.03.2023 23:30

Former Oly fan boy. Love the green filter setting, I bump that up by 1 on all stills. Indistinguishable output from the vaulted Oly product.

Greg Brammah
Greg Brammah - 19.02.2023 02:18

I notice in your settings Adobe rgb was set rather than srgb. Isn't that an issue for sharing directly to Web. I thought most everything web based is either srgb or unmanaged and assuming srgb. If so, wouldn't people viewing those photos see them less saturated than you intended?

Great video by the way. I love my g9 but not sure I'll ever break my raw habit, lol.

Jeff Slade
Jeff Slade - 09.02.2023 19:53

I'm of the same mind and probably preaching to the choir. But with the proviso that the G9 is a professional camera not a mobile phone, it is not set and forget, you keep changing the settings. It's about light and the look.
Yeah, let the G9 do the heavy lifting. Even if you shoot raw, if you get the jpeg right the raw will be good. If the jpeg is good, you don't need the raw. The camera can usually convert raw better than software can. If I do not use the raw, I will eventually throw them away because they take up too much storage. Practically every adjustment you put into the jpeg alters the gain, and that alters the raw exposure. The camera has to make a raw output from the sensor whether it saves it or not, it is that it converts to jpeg. Having the raw is the safety net, not the jpeg.
There's three buttons on the top - WB, ISO and Compensation - use them, they're there for a reason. I have compensation on the back wheel.
I swap metering modes on the fly, that's on a Fn button for me. The meter is accurate but you have to understand what it is metering, it wants "18% grey", if you haven't got that you have to cheat it.
The NR is OTT, I turn it down a notch, and the Sharpening for the same reason. I customise the PhotoStyles, but not all the same way.
The Standard PhotoStyle is usually overlooked because it can be boring but it is probably the most authentic (true to life) colour rendition on the planet, ideal for technical/scientific pro work. However you customise the PhotoStyle, they do not overlap. I've tried to get them to cross over but there are subtle differences in gain and colour. Vivid is a bit meh. The Cinelike are for movie, rather different graduation, if you like it use it. I'm normally in Scenery or Natural, it's a moveable feast.
WB, don't forget Shade. They're all variations in Kelvin, and you can save any WB to Custom.
I save movie settings into a Custom slot, because there are so many settings to be changed to shoot movie, and changed back for stills. It's not just the mic level.
Do not forget the gain curves which they confusingly call highlight-shadow (because there is another highlight-shadow for anti-vignetting (Off)), That can drop blowout and lift shadow detail, and mid-contrast.
The max ISO can be set (ISO 3200 should be clean) as well as minimum shutter speed (handy for wildlife) when using Auto-ISO. You don't always have to shoot in M-Manual, let the camera do its job. It can be completely controlled in A & S too.

I've been using MFT in both flavours a long time now (E-PL1?) and came to the conclusion some years back that jpeg is where it's at. Don't get snarled up with raw, that's doing the same job twice.
The PEN-F is a jpeg and mono monster. You can learn from it. The G9 can emulate it.

Andrei Andrei
Andrei Andrei - 14.01.2023 22:13

if you have a G9, why the hell would you want to get JPEG files?

Sistema Solare
Sistema Solare - 01.01.2023 12:18


Slow Lee
Slow Lee - 13.12.2022 04:18

I noticed your memcard door has some rubber pealing. How'd you deal with it? Mine is starting.

spudwas - 09.12.2022 00:58

Would this also apply to the Panasonic G85? Also, does this apply for video? Thanks in advance.

Tearitloose Tearitloose
Tearitloose Tearitloose - 07.12.2022 13:09

Good job man.. you're taking the "snobbery" out of photography with this video..

HeyYall - 29.11.2022 02:47

Does this work on the g95

Mike B
Mike B - 21.11.2022 17:06

Thanks Grant. Reminded me to go and set the photo style up. Cheers.

Eric Jennings
Eric Jennings - 13.11.2022 12:08

Keep the G9 content coming. I’m picking one up cheap for vlog

Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 29.10.2022 20:00

Thanks for the heavy lifting, Heading out to a event shoot with a fast upload to social. I don't shoot JEPG much.

Laurent Yarp
Laurent Yarp - 21.10.2022 22:10

Interesting. I never gave Cinelike V a chance. Don't think I ever used it for photography. Will give it a try thanks.
Wanted to say you didn't mention it but you may tweak the colors of the WB in the WB setting. I have set mine to be a little bit more yellowish-reddish by one step. And the colors are perfect for me.
Totally agree with you the Panasonic cameras are a bit overlooked in term of photography. I've got an Olympus camera too, which is good I like it. And so is the G9: it is good I like it.

thegirlwholeftthefridgeopen - 21.10.2022 18:03

The monochrome jpeg, particularly the L Monochrome D dude... it almost feels like cheating but the mono jpegs are too crispy for my eyes to handle.

MaxMohawke - 21.10.2022 16:54

I got my G9 just a week ago and i'm really happy so far. It was an upgrade from my Canon 600d.
I shoot jpegs for the most part so your video comes right on time.
I'm also happy to see that the G9 still gets some love and seems pretty viable.
Greetings from Germany.

Keith Nisbet
Keith Nisbet - 21.10.2022 15:48

Great tips. I have 2 G9's and it's still an incredibly well built and versatile tool. As you say, vastly underrated and I don't know why. Why two? It's such a bargain and in good light takes stunning photos. I just don't see paying $1-2K more for what's being offered today. So I'm good in case anything happens to my main camera. I recently canceled an emotional order for Fuji XH2. With lens and taxes over $4K CDN. I gave myself a slap and asked, will I really do that much better work with the new one? Nope. Let's hope Panasonic stays in the camera business.
