Taking a peek inside Hiroshima Castle.  What kinds of cool artifacts can you find inside?

Taking a peek inside Hiroshima Castle. What kinds of cool artifacts can you find inside?

My Radical Kanji World

3 года назад

629 Просмотров

This video is from the summer of 2020. I am in Hiroshima and I decide to make a stop over at Hiroshima Castle. Before entering I enjoyed the lovely colors of the koi fish swimming the castle moat and beyond the moat I enjoyed a nice walk around a sprawling park.

Inside, the castle has 5 floors, many with artifacts. On a floor where you are not allowed to take pictures, there is a real, samurai sword you can hold in your hands. It is tied down and under glass, but you can grab its hilt and get a feel for its weight. It was a truly cool experience. Please watch this video and get an idea of what there is to see in this castle!!!

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