Winter Short game FIX with Dan Grieve!

Winter Short game FIX with Dan Grieve!

On the Road with Iona

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@TheGeordieGolfer - 04.03.2025 00:30

Another great video Iona ❤

@TheGeordieGolfer - 04.03.2025 00:30

Dan is a wizard 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻❤

@wntfan656 - 03.03.2025 22:59

Ah, winter golf...not possible where I live! Winter golf is putting on my carpet in the house while there is snow on the ground and it is below freezing, or worse!

@shakeyfly - 27.02.2025 20:47

There’s that instagram golfer guy mayo something screaming at his screen right now

@dalerichards1142 - 25.02.2025 15:02


@jamesdrakett1775 - 24.02.2025 22:04

Great winter short game tops. 👌
This will definitely help avoiding the dreaded 'splatter duff'

@rickysamson8093 - 24.02.2025 06:28

Superb thanks

@johnhenderson9598 - 24.02.2025 01:06

Supreme both.. no more to be said...

@simonhobbs9097 - 23.02.2025 21:49

Does Isla favouring the hybrid, mean she should buy a chipper 😂

@andrewrhodes4102 - 23.02.2025 12:50

Absolutely superb. Used these tips these weekend 8 and 9 irons instead of 54 degree saved at least 4 shots and confidence just grew throughout the round. Thank you

@Golfing-AddiCt - 22.02.2025 12:06

Unfortunately so many ams just don't have time to practice the short game or any part of the game, so they don't learn how to hit these shots well, if they did have a spare few hours the first port of call is the range then the clubhouse bar.

@sherrymanners1718 - 22.02.2025 10:25

Excellent video. Will be taking these tips out today to play medal at my home course, we’ve had 120mm of rain in 4 days. Grass is kikuyu which makes it harder. Wish me luck 😅😂

@DuesGibGolfandLife - 22.02.2025 10:03

Always watch a video when Iona and Dan showing their skills together.

@Redsox247 - 22.02.2025 07:52

I'm in Southern California it doesn't get that cold but the tips really help out my short game

@richb326 - 21.02.2025 17:09

A wonderful insight into the short game

@davidarthur6200 - 21.02.2025 15:32

In winter I leave my 58 deg at home - it just gets me into too much trouble when I’m manufacturing short game shots, on wet, muddy parkland courses.

@neilross6227 - 20.02.2025 22:00

brilliant advice and tips there.... majors have been won using a hybrid from short range

@emptysea1137 - 20.02.2025 21:25

annoying background music …. good info was enough

@darrennewton7319 - 20.02.2025 20:20

Simply saying Thank You Iona 🏌🏾‍♂️

@rodgerwardle8037 - 20.02.2025 14:56

Brilliant video from two of my favourite people in Golf. A shot of adrenaline for the golfing IQ. Thank you both

@timshears2099 - 20.02.2025 13:25

Top tip for winter golf Iona - wear socks.

@Franksbuster - 20.02.2025 12:53

I wished you'd released this in October, I've just spent the last 4 months hacking away with no understanding 😂. Great video❤

@glennbarry6327 - 20.02.2025 04:57

This is a great golf program with two wonderfully engaging people. This felt like I was sitting in on a world class teaching session.

@ZacharyGeear1991 - 20.02.2025 04:49

Big Randy loved that second shot

@alexlewis8468 - 20.02.2025 03:20

That short game area is the stuff of dreams, my local course has a postage stamp sized chipping green in awful condition, with very little opportunity for a variety of shot practice and no bunker 😔. what I love about videos with Dan (especially those around shot choice and IQ), is that they give me enough confidence to try it on a round, even if I can't easily practice it beforehand. Love this video! thank you!

@bandaidmedic6 - 20.02.2025 00:28

Thank you both for sharing this! I golf in the Seattle area and it’s wet/muddy 33% of the year, can’t wait to try chipping with the hybrid. My 56 deg dug in the mud yesterday and splashed mud in my face…

@DriveFarGolf - 19.02.2025 23:58

You don’t need the tacky background music, the content speaks for itself. It’s a distraction that isn’t needed.

@geoffredrup9616 - 19.02.2025 23:10

I don't care who you follow on Yt for golf tips. There is NO better short game coach than Dan. Never gets caught out by any question and has every shot in the book. Pure gold. Thanks, Dan.

@daledaniel4166 - 19.02.2025 22:13

Great content but please cut out the music.

@AmericasGolfMats - 19.02.2025 22:12

Say, if you or your friends ever need a Golf Mat. Google AMERICAS GOLF MATS. Factory Direct Pricing! Save up to 50% on your Golf Mats!

@vicpnut1 - 19.02.2025 20:06

Having the thought of keeping The body moving, no matter the shot , tip 👍🏼👍🏼..especially for hackers like myself who can get too armsy/wristy when i shouldnt

@tigertim9232 - 19.02.2025 19:20

Could watch a ten video series with Dan and Iona (each video an hour)😅

@tigertim9232 - 19.02.2025 18:34

Not a criticism but something I have noticed with myself and others around me is the severity of language we use when playing golf and in life in general. Words like scared, fearful, disaster, it's dead there etc it's worth just monitoring and when you hear your brain come up with something like that, pause and just correct it to something less aggressive/life/death/softer like "concerned"...I was concerned I could catch this one heavy given how it was lying. I thought there was a high probability that the ground could give way here, the best way to mitigate against that happening is to...
Save words like scared etc which create a fight or flight reaction in our body for actual scary situations. Being chased by a lion, a car coming towards you that has brakes that have failed etc.
Feedback I would love to give to the whole sky commentary team tbh. They love trying to fabricate a narrative that is much more extreme (look out for it when listening to golf). Not the Peter Allis approach.
Worth just monitoring your internal dialogue for a week or two and seeing how emotive your language is and if for each scenario whether or not you were being too extreme or if it was justified and would help you perform better in whatever you were doing.
All about perspective.

@TitleWaive1 - 19.02.2025 18:25

Always great to hear Dan explain shots. In the U.S., on a public course, seeing a raked bunker can be a rarity. Would love Dan to explain an unraked bunker with a pool of water in it. 😂

@kurtismuller4273 - 19.02.2025 18:17

The dynamic between you two is so great! Relaxed, informative, conversational. Thank you both!

@thomashiorns1574 - 19.02.2025 18:10

Always a real pleasure watching you Iona

@alanh3081 - 19.02.2025 18:00

AG1 another processed drink I don’t need. Balanced diet, exercise, sleep.

@Zoomo2697 - 19.02.2025 16:02

As a Caddie at St. Andrew's I've saved shots for players just by suggesting a 9 iron instead of a 52 or 58, mind you these are players who would happily take advice and are below a certain handicap to play the shot well. Dan brilliant tip here...

@OllieW501 - 19.02.2025 15:39

I use the hybrid putt style all the time - had loads of grief about it, and yet, it's very consistent and easy. It's almost cheating.

@kevinruddell1746 - 19.02.2025 15:11

Absolutely brilliant. This is exactly the kind of content that I need to help me improve my winter game. Thank you Iona and Dan. ⛳️

@fraserweir538 - 19.02.2025 13:32

In my head I imagine underarm throw with your right hand. It should feel natural if you don’t force it!

@annefilippobertozzi7601 - 19.02.2025 12:52

Great video as usual, but way too many ads… quite annoying.

@robpannell390 - 19.02.2025 11:45

Well this is an unexpected and lovely surprise today. Just what the Dr ordered.

@chriskoldroyd - 19.02.2025 10:29

I’d love to hear a conversation between Dan and Joe Mayo. I’m sure it’s the same thing they’re trying to achieve but explanations quite different.

Or better yet, get Dan on the Trackman. What’s his AOA and spin loft?

@MiketheSaddler - 19.02.2025 09:28

I am just starting on my golfing journey and found this video really informative. Keep up the great work, Iona.

@johnmacdonald7489 - 19.02.2025 08:26

for the hybrid putt out of muddy lies, is there an alternative club choice if i dont have a hybrid or a fairway wood? I play 2i-58degree plus driver

@suanndoan1698 - 19.02.2025 04:44

Love the video. This may be off subject, but what brand golf pants do you wear in your videos? They look like they would be very comfortable.
