Alpha 21 - How To Get Started The Right Way - 7 Days To Die Survival Guide #1

Alpha 21 - How To Get Started The Right Way - 7 Days To Die Survival Guide #1


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I Forgot My Real Name
I Forgot My Real Name - 17.09.2023 21:04

Honey is a natural antibiotic, it works wonders in the real world as well. Except in the real world we haven't experienced any zombie outbreaks so it isnt known to be effective for that specific thing 😂

Cragun - 15.09.2023 19:29

Good stuff ... also, you could have taken the bugged amount of wood/cobblestone and just thrown away the extra :)

videon Mode
videon Mode - 23.08.2023 19:18

Good series, but I'm always surprised how fast you get these jobs done. First day I can barely manage 2 jobs because the distance is so far, ever for the nearest POI.

Gut's Hub
Gut's Hub - 22.08.2023 20:39

I usually just play on default difficulty because I'm a noob, but was wondering if it's faster just to trigger and go thru a mission, or go thru loot then trigger the mission for the reset. Has someone figured out which way is better?

DeputyFishGills - 20.08.2023 21:27

thanks for this man. i was completely lost i came from the console version so im lost as hell

like me watching you walk by and not looting toilets (console version like a 90% chance theres gonna be a pistol in there) hurts me lol

Gilmore - 20.08.2023 21:27

I'm on night 3 and way behind you and can't find a cooking pot anywhere 😂

TSG - 16.08.2023 04:46

I can’t stand spears
I personally prefer
Knife builds 😂

Sebashtian Bissett
Sebashtian Bissett - 13.08.2023 18:45

i actully leave the po off the begging of potato and just say tater witch i gush i change the end to

Grant Hillman
Grant Hillman - 02.08.2023 20:33

Great content man, btw my seed for the mmap ive double checked it and still its so different from yours, do you know if they have changed the seeds ?

Ke Lw
Ke Lw - 01.08.2023 21:44

honey has antibacterial properties, however its quite a stretch that itwill cure you from infection when ingested as it gets broken down by the body and lose its properties as a substance.
the most it can do is help you with an upset stomach or clean a wound slightly if you apply it directly to a wound.
but there's a reason we don't do the latter, there's just way better alternatives

Tommy Igoe
Tommy Igoe - 27.07.2023 19:53

Thanks for sharing this extremely helpful tutorial for us newbs. I can't wait to jump in !

Sliverhides - 26.07.2023 21:18

How long is your day? It is crazy how much you can do in one day. I barely get one POI done a day, but i'm set at 60 minute days.

ninjarnb - 22.07.2023 17:18

It's kind of difficult to track but have you put all your skill points in combat perks for the starting 3 days?
Or is there some point in "Daring Adventurer" for the crafting skillbook bundles?
I kind of always be thrown at trader Jen and doesn't seems to have that kind of rolls in term of quest reward...
AskPrebuilt: Is it worth "Daring Adventurer" and\or "Lucky Looter" ?

Sliverhides - 22.07.2023 00:41

I think they changed something. I never get offered books when I turn in quests.

FjordDenierBear - 21.07.2023 23:41

"Honey exhibits a broad-spectrum of antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant (MRSA) ones."
Can't help myself - Google it for the study.

Most doctors will not mention honey, because although it may be relevant, honey cannot easily be monetized. Honey has been used for millennia, perhaps millions of years for a variety of purposes, including healing tooth ailments.

Make sure to get raw honey, which means it has not been pasteurized (not been heated over 45 'C). Some people believe "sugar is sugar". NO. That's dangerous reductionistic thinking. Turns out that sugar in a natural matrix is not necessarily toxic the way refined sugar is. And it's not just due to the fiber! In short, we are evolutionarily accustomed to honey, whereas we are NOT accustomed to refined sugar, so our body doesn't know how to process it properly and safely.

Likewise, oil is not oil: Canola is for machines, butter is for humans. That's a separate rabbit hole, so not delving into that here.

AbeXx56 - 19.07.2023 01:21

Hello! I was wondering how do you get mechanical parts with out a wrench. I’m new to this game and that the one barrier I have.

Süha Derviş Taşcıoğlu
Süha Derviş Taşcıoğlu - 17.07.2023 11:27

Use this as a POTAATO button. We will be heard

Sledge Hammer Mind Opener
Sledge Hammer Mind Opener - 16.07.2023 14:58

honey is a natural anti-bacterial but it must depend on the kind of flower the bees harvest on.

Necrodius - 14.07.2023 06:25


iOS Motions
iOS Motions - 13.07.2023 09:47

U know instead of not taking the cobblestone you couldve dropped 500 out of the 1000 it gave u if u really wanted to be fair to urself.

Sitiamas - 13.07.2023 03:49

Yeah this is a great Guide for new players, well done man, id never be able to make a such a guide because i focus on the broken ends of the game like Luck and double raids and floating bases that mess with AI

enne - 13.07.2023 00:18

howw did your spear magically go from a 3 to a 5 over the night to day 2? :D

Invaderz0387 - 12.07.2023 20:42

Does anyone know what the seed of this world is?

Michael Gruber
Michael Gruber - 11.07.2023 05:52

I know I am a bit behind here but yes honey can help cure and prevent infections but not by eating it by using it directly on the wound

RDA Santana
RDA Santana - 10.07.2023 06:33

I need my jars back.😭

Jereron - 09.07.2023 11:11

im gonna play today this game for first time since like 2017 or 18 the game looks way better now

onmyojifan - 09.07.2023 06:42

can you show us your kill count randomly sometime in the video?

Sarah Wilton
Sarah Wilton - 07.07.2023 21:23

It may sound odd but what did you name your world?
I was having issues with the same initial spawn everytime. I read that the name you choose your world affects the spawn points. And every time ive spawned ive ended up at a trader slap bang in the center of a hige higher tier P.O.I city and i kinda dont want to be there 😂

jabes - 07.07.2023 04:52

Finally bought 7 Days to Die on the Steam summer sale after only ever playing the abysmal Xbox One version and I must say I'm really enjoying it. This was a fantastic guide, cheers.

Karma - 06.07.2023 07:19

Things have changed in the last 3 weeks. Now you only get 6 books from trader as a quest reward, have never been offered water, and a water filter costs 2250.

Spear is very good, they've boosted the baton which used to be shite but is now better than a club, and I love the fact that you can hit zombies through broken doors!

{ MisterDjpookie }
{ MisterDjpookie } - 06.07.2023 07:14

damn, you got more things done in 2 days than me in 6, i got the bicycle on morning of 6th day, took me the whole 6th to 7th night to build my base T.T

Dale Lingard
Dale Lingard - 05.07.2023 16:46

Loving this series, great job, also a quick FYI Honey is a natural antibiotic xD

Billiam Nasta
Billiam Nasta - 04.07.2023 02:29

brother what is ur game Setting, mine is like a whole day to clear just 1 Quest

blxckdreadful - 03.07.2023 04:53

Bruh. The luck in this run. Military Helmet as a first loot. Seriouuuuusly

Gian Bonos
Gian Bonos - 03.07.2023 03:07

Bro, How many minutes is your day cycle?

SidRandom - 03.07.2023 00:11

How the F do you cook!?! Thats all I want to know. I have a campfire. I use campfire. I have the materials and it says you dont have the materials.

mcloosygoosy - 02.07.2023 23:42

Where can I find a battery for the minibike??

zang - 01.07.2023 00:11

Just found your series! Glad to see there are many episodes to binge 👍

Estevão BK
Estevão BK - 30.06.2023 22:52

Could have picked up the wood/cobblestone rewards and thrown half in the trash 😅

Krm - 30.06.2023 16:18

Editing is great. Makes it really easy to watch.

Vedurin - 29.06.2023 18:15

Honey irl has anti bacterial properties. Not 100% a fit to cure zombie infections, but i gues that's the bridge to it's effect in 7dtd.

Norm MacLeod
Norm MacLeod - 29.06.2023 10:18

What do you mean potatoes?
I call 'em tatties.

2smokey4you - 28.06.2023 23:41

nerd alert on the honey comment Honey is one the oldest known antibiotics, tracing back to ancient times. Egyptians frequently us…
Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which may account for some of its antibacterial properties. It also has a high sugar content, which can help stop the growth of certain bacteria

screaminsilence81 - 27.06.2023 21:08

When i make this seed i get 1,6km from the trader, and i tried like 3x in a row, kept spawning same spot...

Gavin - 25.06.2023 20:42

A little bit late, but I'm fairly sure that early game screamers don't actually scream, so they can't spawn zombies.

Unfortunately don't have a source for it cause it's word of mouth, but from my experience at least they haven't screamed until I was relatively higher level and loot stage to the point where they would typically spawn before A21.

Jean-Luc Schlieper
Jean-Luc Schlieper - 25.06.2023 18:13

As an nurse i can say honey has sone natural antibiotics, but dont realy on them. Thats the reason honey is used in some older homemade medicin.

Goolgypants Bobquins
Goolgypants Bobquins - 23.06.2023 22:36

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