Top 12 Signs You Are An INFJ

Top 12 Signs You Are An INFJ

Psychology Refresh

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@mansuetodelossantos7202 - 15.10.2023 15:47

My god im true infj

@bethiciaprasek9415 - 22.11.2022 09:28

If someone wanted to discuss the weather regarding which current (and future) technologies could provide more control over the weather plus the technical and ethical impacts of each then a conversation about the weather could be quite interesting.

@anttrails9554 - 01.09.2022 13:47

When I took the test I Had no idea about these types of people. I thought I was alone lol

@iloveyourway - 28.08.2022 17:45

In the test I got INFP, but I'm more like an INFJ

@TwerkingJelly - 23.08.2022 14:48

Well for number 4 it depends, not every infj seems to be an extrovert. I think that's a general misconception, this might be true for many infj but it's not true for many others and nothing you should view as a sign of an infj in the first place

@Paragon_CS - 16.08.2022 01:12

The INFJ truly is the cursed personality type. The high school social stuff was really tough for me but I thought it was just a phase and that it will be better now. Then I found out about the MBTI test and now my world falls apart again :/

@sethvandycke904 - 14.08.2022 01:26

For me small talk is like in the spy movies where someone says a key phrase to make sure they aren’t compromised, and the other person says a certain phrase back to confirm. I will always lead with Hi How’re you? I usually get one of three responses. 1: hi I’m doing good-I find that this means that the person doesn’t want to talk to me or isn’t up for an actual discussion. So I will either leave it there or just keep with the dreaded small talk. 2: Hi I’m good, how’re you?- the fact they’re Intrested in me shows that we can move beyond small talk and have a smaller discussion in general, or talk about their lives. 3: I’m tired because I stayed up last night you (they described how they honestly felt in more than than two words and asked me how I was- This shows me that I can actually have a good conversation, and that they are willing and emotionally ready to have a talk. I will usually only ever open up when someone replies with this as this is what my more trustworthy friends reply with

@markoflb - 10.08.2022 08:05

Absolutely spot on!

@fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied - 25.07.2022 03:31

Empathy isn’t the same as sympathy. Empathy is the capacity to feel another person’s feelings. I can pick up on a psychopath as easily as I can anyone else. I certainly don’t sympathize with people. They would have to justify a reason to feel sympathy, for me to feel it. I don’t give money to homeless people who ask for money, because I work hard for my money, and for them to assume any right to this, is the height of arrogance, and offends me. See how sympathetic I am? I couldn’t give a crap. It is a principle, and I apply it to everyone, myself, first and foremost, equally.
