The Real Stars and Scale of Sci-fi

The Real Stars and Scale of Sci-fi

Jackson Veigel

5 месяцев назад

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@isaacarthurSFIA - 23.01.2024 20:44

Great video! As best as I can tell it's pronounced 'eck-you-men-op-oh-lis' though I used to pronounce it 'you-kuh-men-op-oh-lis' a lot.

@bejoscha - 02.02.2024 19:45

A really enlightening overview, thank you very much. It also drive home the mindboggling size of the universe. If anything, I would have loved a final "zoom out" scene in the video that puts the various scales into perspective for one final time. Making Star Track and most other SciFi "regions" the little dots they really are.

@miller2675 - 02.02.2024 19:23

Wolf 359 was an inside job.

@johnroberts5540 - 02.02.2024 19:13

You may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.

Now come on. I don't even understand why people want to front like they cant pronounce phonetic syllables. I assume you can say these sounds:


With a near perfect degree of accuracy? Do that, with no pauses.

@miller2675 - 02.02.2024 19:09

What is great is that the Large Magellanic Cloud had recently been shown to be TWO galaxies itself!

@Vastin - 02.02.2024 19:02

A quick notable mention: The Large Megellanic Cloud is the destination of the Yamato from Space Battleship Yamato, the home of the Gamilon Empire, and of course the planet Iscandar.

@taimao2 - 02.02.2024 18:03

Lol can he can say tetrahedron but not ecumonopolis

@thedudeabides3138 - 02.02.2024 17:16

I’m holding you fully responsible for blowing my mind.

Truly awesome essay, really well presented and researched, thank you very much.

@tiagolousada2959 - 02.02.2024 16:50

Look at "Elite Dangerous" map, it might be 100% or approximately actual scale.

@geon1naz - 02.02.2024 16:47

Great Info But... How about Farscape, where did John Criton travel to?

@mrock828 - 02.02.2024 16:44

Thanks for this, was incredibly cool and just makes me sad that none of these sci-fi shows were real 😞

@RoadHead62 - 02.02.2024 15:55

If our Sol system Oort cloud extends 3 light years in all directions, then that would mean the Alpha Centauri Oort cloud probably overlaps/intermingles with ours, by as much as 1 light year.

@gofynono7732 - 02.02.2024 15:53

what about the netflix series "Lost in Space"?

@bencurran3204 - 02.02.2024 15:35

shame space battleship yamato didnt have any references to the greater magellenic cloud in this

@lynbattersby - 02.02.2024 15:19

All that discussion about Star Trek, but no mention of the battle at Wolf 359, the place where Ben Sisko lost his beloved wife, Jennifer, in the war against the Borg? Like, for realsies?

@magicmulder - 02.02.2024 15:14

Starship Troopers may also have been intentionally hinting at official propaganda being nothing but lies, and claiming the enemy is from 100,000 light years away is so egregious a lie that it shows how much people are willing to eat up (sadly these days it has become a reality).
The Bug War (unlike in the books) was basically a big double decoy operation - first it galvanized people and made them forget about asking questions about the fascist regime they were living in, and it provided an opportunity for the state to get rid of all people in fighting age and condition (why would you send thousands to die on the ground when you have air superiority and can bomb the bugs back to the stone age before sending ground troops?).

@gstarscream - 02.02.2024 14:57

place of the Yautja (Predators) and the a-holes of Independence Day? 🤔

@amossingh6315 - 02.02.2024 14:09

I can appreciate Star Wars being a galaxy far far away in your thumbnail 😂

@laughingjackaso8163 - 02.02.2024 12:32

Bobiverse would be fantastic :)

@crazikyle - 02.02.2024 12:23

The Honorverse by David Weber takes place across many Star Systems. In the main books, Epsilon Eridani is only mentioned as the site of humanity's worst massacre, in which 7 billion were killed. The Solarian League (centered on Earth) created the Eridani Edict against orbital bombardment of planets. The main story never goes to Epsilon Eridani.

@Roxx______________ - 02.02.2024 10:29

Somewhere on that Diagram might be the Lost In Space people, Other Space and.....
....Captain Janeway. All She had to do was look at the Map. Or just ask directions, But No.

@N-Lee - 02.02.2024 09:47

Since the Universe is constantly expanding, it would be "A Galaxy Further and Further away." If you were to travel there, by the time you got there it would already be moved and no longer in the location you expected. 🤔🕳📡

@Prisoner_849 - 02.02.2024 09:06

Glad you added Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda. Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda is a great series sadly Season 5 was rushed due to cancellation which is why Season 5 of Andromeda felt bad or rushed.

@jamescrouchet1283 - 02.02.2024 09:03

I have to scoff a bit at the idea of "hard sciFi" because once we're talking about traveling to other stars, it's not any science we know of. One can suggest things like warp fields and wormholes but those are mathematical constructs, not observed phenomena. And even if they did exist, we know of no way to survive going through one. Rather, science tells us we would be torn into itty bitty bits and squished into something not resembling a life form. So we make up things like inertial dampeners which are no more real than The Force or infinity stones. **None of which should spoil a good story***. I love sciFi and enjoy a good space opera. I'm just saying let's not get too snobby about the idea of "hard sciFi".

@gmt1 - 02.02.2024 08:30

I think the AI art kinda detracts from the video but whatever.

@nicflatterie7772 - 02.02.2024 07:54


@grantgreyguda - 02.02.2024 06:57

👍 👍

@Titanic-wo6bq - 02.02.2024 06:36

you forgot to mention Mesklin when you covered 61 Cygni

@htspencer9084 - 02.02.2024 05:40

Have I been pronouncing Ursula Le Guin's name wrong all these years?!

@r.babylon2885 - 02.02.2024 04:30

I hope War hammer is in here.

@sadchihuahua6271 - 02.02.2024 03:34

This video is like eating your favorite food and wishing for it not to end 😢

@gbalfour9618 - 02.02.2024 03:21

Love to hear more with Dune or really any of these. These are great and I love watching this.

@gbalfour9618 - 02.02.2024 02:57

Side note… the Sirius Cybernetics group were the first up against the wall when the revolution came.

@user-tu1fq3ei6b - 02.02.2024 02:52

The ammount of puns in this video is... astronomical!

@zaphodsminecraftcontraptio7715 - 02.02.2024 02:09

Is that Peter Davison saying Barnard's Star?

@joaojotta64 - 02.02.2024 02:07

Hi! How did you voice the British guy? Sounds a lot like Mycroft (the voice assistant). Is it?

@IffyJottere - 02.02.2024 01:59

I'd like to add that Tau Ceti is the first star visited by a human in the BattleTech / MechWarrior setting.
It was the successful target of the first FTL jump in February 2108 by Raymond Bache, and was the beginning of the colonization of the zone approximately 550 Light-years from Earth, eventually known as the Inner Sphere.

@reignofthedragon - 02.02.2024 01:33

Too many advert, thumbs down!

@KillerOrca - 02.02.2024 01:31

Hold the fuck up.
Arrakis is in the CANOPUS system.
As in...the Magistracy of Canopus? From Battletech?

@Jenna.A. - 02.02.2024 01:25

I absolutely loved that you included the Bobiverse series!!
And YES, I would love to watch more in depth videos on the Bobiverse, Dune, Known Space, Farscape, Firefly & whatever else you'd like to focus in on with more depth!!
I do have a question...Why did you not include the 4th book in the Bobiverse series, Heaven's River in your hypothesis on space travel/location? I'd really love to have seen a representation of the Dyson Sphere used in the book! I know you showed the Ring World version but I imagine Heaven's River looking massively different for some reason.
Nerds rule!!!

@Italianjedi7 - 02.02.2024 01:14

This was cool. Next you should do a video speculating which galaxies in the universe are from fiction

@WaterKirby1994 - 02.02.2024 01:08

Meow from Space Dandy is also from Betelgeuse.

@CaptainPilipinas - 02.02.2024 00:56

— meanwhile that of (the help from the [Sky]'s) GA Humanity's.

(even though starting this one version's off with back in the certain home System already—at the start of that one vast franchise's from where this referenced version of Mankind that I know comes from—anyways. so.

not too much reasons from this one example that I know then, other than their 128b/etc, to their likely future planned M31 trips, etc colonial reaches outside of Sol, Hrm.

I....guess going as far as to who-knows-where/(when) Volantis 2082 (for one example for GA Humanity) is, by a couple of GA Humanity member scientist/etc teams, is some outside-of-Sol-System kind of feat and measurement for here in this subject's own still limited take counts for them then too perhaps, yes?

do not even get me started with their more....kind of 'powerful' variant of this said-version of Humanity's, back on the Distributary Space that half of them are now on (after the whole thing with the Collapse event. of GA Humanity's own GA era and its end). as even more farther than probably their more earlier thought-up planned expansion trips (the intergalactic ones), like the one with M31 or with Messier 33, back in Real Space Sol, than they could have ever thought of then during that time).

— anyways, or: UCN/ISA/ICSA vs Higs 'empire' era Humankind's.

(some basicality: just some playstation side version of that one certain overrated version of Humankind back in the halo universe's and galaxy's/franchise's (kind of still), though....just with 'lesser' territorial number count compared to the former's (pre-Human-covenant empire war era) '800'+ back in halo universe/franchise Lore).

— or even a Bit of Old One era/Sirius era Humankind's Sirius X/Sirius System colony (mostly prominently. old one era people and once with Sirius era colonists used to have some sort of having Lunar colonial activities back in their own reality's version but maybe it is way too Close to Earth for here in this video's, yes?). from the horizon universe and galaxy/franchise.

— (is IMC/frontier militia era Humankind here too on this video of yours, or....?).

— (some others more, unlike Most Examples in here, though I could not easily share others more (like some of those, somewhat(?), Mankind members from the culture races, or those of pre-Human-qax conflicts era Human beings from the xeelee multiverses(?)/books, etc few others more) in such a place like this at the Moment, though these mentioned What-would-have-been suggestions are enough for now then....).

@niallblack2794 - 02.02.2024 00:48

This is fantastic. I've wanted to see something like this for years and just thought no one would ever bother because it was too much work. I didn't realise how many series I enjoy are actually set in real parts of space. So that was really enjoyable too. This is so well made and well researched. A beautiful representation. Thank you. And the comments about star people at the end was lovely

@99malc1 - 01.02.2024 23:55

Bravo! We have populated the stars in our imagination, and I too yearn for the day we populate them in reality. Thank you for this walk through the territory mapped by astronomers, on a grid that helps this sadly 2D mind to see 3D.
